94-1516 f ��. � � City of St. Paul COUNCIL FILE NO.� � � RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSES MENT By ��� � File No. as listed Voting Assessment Na es li�t�d __. Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefit cost and expenses for 1,�,3�,6,7 ►_ Preliminary Order approve�' �a 21�ttod - FinalOrder � approve� IIs listed A public hearing having been had upon e assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and havi been considered finally satisfactory, therefore, by it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be d the same is hereby in all respecte rati[ied. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said asses ent be and it is hereby determined to be payable in one (1) equal installments. COUNCILPERSON Adopted by the Council: Date ��`—��9,� � Yeas Nays � �U Sc,��' ��.�,� j . � Certi�ed Passed by Council Secretary �� ri� �L In Fa or By �z'is � ����� � Again t �� ��µ� ' � s �-'1'�� Mayor s �� The operaCing custs for Che Ab ve Slandnrd StreeC L1ghCing Ptojecte �(,,,� _I �'� . for Che monthe oE January tl ru Decembet 1994 foc the Eollowing � proJecCa: I 18190 Ford-Clevela�d Area A ove Standard Street Llghl'Ing Syatem . 0072 " Preliminary Ordcr No 97-12G4 Approved AugusC 31,�199J Finai Order No. 9J-1477 App[oved October 7, 1997 _ 18376 Selby-WesCern Acea Ab ve Sl'andard Street LighCing Sysl'em 0071 Preliminary Order No 97-1258 Appcoved AuguaC 7l, 1997 Finat Order No. I 91-1476 Approved October 7, 1997 18�21 LowerCOwn Area Above tandard Slreet L1ghCing SysCem . . 0070 Prellmi.nary Ordcr No. 9J-1J09 Approved Septembcr 7, t97J . Pinal Order No. 73-1475 Approved Octo�er 7, 199J • 18J92 Grund-CasC 1 Acea Abo e Slandard StceeC L1ghCing SyaCem 0077 Prelimluacy Order No� 47-125Y AppcoveJ AugusC 71, 199J Pinat Order No. 97-1478 Approved October 7, 199J 18430 N. Wabasha Area Above�Standacd Street Lighl'ing SysCem 0076 Prel2minary Order No. 9)-IJlO Approved September 7, 199J Flnal Order No. I 97-1481 Approved Octobec 7, 1993 18623 Grand-WesC Area Above'Standacd SLreeC L1ghCing SysLem 0074 Pceliminary OeJer No'� 93-12G6 Approved Auguet 71, 1997 � Final Order No. I, 97-1479 Approved Ocl•ober 7, 199J 18425 Crand-CasC II Area Ab vc SCandard SCreet LighCing SysCem 0075 Prellminary Ordcr No 9J-12G0 Appcoved AuguaC 7l, 199J Final Order No. I 9J-1480 Approved OeCOber 7, 199J -, 18474 Smith Avenue Area Abo e Standard Street LighLing SysCem • 0077 Prellmi.nary Ordet No.i97-1311 Approved September 7, 1997 . Final Order No. �. 9J-1482 Approved October 7, t991 18510 Wabasha-FtfCh-StxCh A ea Above SCandatd SCreel Lighling 0078 Syslem Preliminary Order No. Approved Septembec 7, 1993 � Flnal Otder No. 9J-148J Appcoved October 7, 1993 18525 Sclby Avenun Revllull No. ( A6ovc SCandqrd StrocC Illltg 6lyhling �y�L�w Prellminary Order Noi 9J-1261 Appcoved AugusC J1, 1993 Flnal OrJer No. i 77-1484 Approved Octobet 7, t99J . 18550 Concord Pliase 1 Area A ove SCandard SCreet L1ghCing SyeCem O100 Pretiminory Ocder No.�..93-1J17 Approved SepCember 7, 1997 Flnel Order No. I 9J-1486 Approved October 7, 1993 18607 UeparCmenC of Reveuue IArea Above SCandard Street LighCing 0101 SyeCem PreLlmLnary Order No.193-1315 Approved September 7, 199J . Final Order No. � 9J-1488 Approved October 7, 199J I8590 St. Pecer SCree� Area A ove Standard Street LighCing SysCem 0104 Pre.12minary Otder No.193-1Jt4 Approved September 7, 1993 Final Order No. '9J-1487 Approved October 7� 199J � 18588 Selby Avenue ReviCalt CLon Area No. 2 Above Standard OIOJ Stteet Llghling SysCe I � Prellmtnary Order No.�'�91-1262 Approved August 7l, 199J Final Ordec No. 9J-1485 Approved OcCOber 7� 199J I86L2 UniversiCy-WCSCCrn-Nac ubin Aren Abovc SCandnrd SCreeC ��05 Lightin� ti)•RLCN Pretlminary OcJer No. 97-1267 Approved AuguaC 71, IY9l Ftnal Order No. 9J-1489 Approved OcCobec 7, 1993 � 18626 Snellins-Randolph Ate Above Standard Street L1ghCing 0106 SysCem PrelLminary Order No. 97-1265 Approved AuguaC J1, 1993 FLnal Order No. 73-1490 Apptoved October 7, 199J 18674 EasC SevenCh/Arcade Ar a Above Slandard Stceel LIghCing . 0107 Syslem . Prellminary Order No. 9J-1267 Approved AugusC J1, I99J Final Order No. 77-1491 Approved Oclober 7, 1997 18709 City Ilall/Court llouse A ove Standard StreeC Llghling Syelem 0108 from December 1, 1997 o Decembet )1, 1994. Prellminary Otder No. 9J-1118 Approved Au�ueC 3, 1993 Final Ocder No. 7-1�26 Approved September 7, 1997 � ��l��S�� City of St. Paul COLJNCIL FILE NO. Office of The Director of Fina e � BY REPORT OF COMPLETION OF A SESSMENT File No. �� ��.�t+rd Voting Assessment No. �• Z��tE� Ward j the matter of the assessment of benefit cost and expenses for I �3 Preliminary Order approve�l s� 2iatC�d FinalOrder � �3s��� approve� na I.ist�d To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Director of Finance hereby reports to e Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making the above improvement, viz: Total construction costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 90, 691. 00 Engineering and Inspection ............. ................................ $ Valuation and Assessment Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5, 481. 00 ProcessServing Charge .................. ................................ $ Abatement Service Charge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 96,172. 00 Charge ........................... ............................... $ .................................... ............................... $ •• ... .............................. ............................... $ .................................... ............................... $ ............... ................... ............................... $ Net Assessment ....................................................... $ 96,172.00 Said Director further reports that he has ass ssed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, tawit: the sum of $ upon each and e ery lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improve- ment, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel f land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto att ched, identified by the signature of the said Director, and made a part hereof, is the said assessrnent as completed by h, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Dated Director of Finance Public Hearing Date - O�tober 12, 199 RE 8-5-94 Q4-�Fj' Finance Depart e/Real Estate D ]i 8-94 �REEN .SHEE N _3.2101 � �` '� DEPIIRTMENT dREC1i0R � o ��,���� � Roxanna Flink ' 266-8859 � CITYATTORNEY a CITYCLERK b- ( - - � f � � BUDOET DIRECPOR � flN. 8 MOT. SERVICES pIR. M st be in Counci1 R sea ch 0ffi �,� ��,��,� no �ater than noon Mon�da �-15-94 ❑ m GoLnc{1 TOTAL #t OF SIONATURE PAOE8 1 (CLIP LOCATIONS FOR SKiNATUR� "�ON �E��: Setting date of public hear ng Approving the operating costs for the 1 above standard street lighting systems for various� areas for the months of January thru De ember, 1994. Files 18321, 18336, 18390, 18392, { 18425, 18423 18430, 18434, 1851:0, 1852 , 18607 18550, 1858.8, 18590 18612, 18fa26, 18634.a'd File No. 187� f in e m n s o D er 1 D pECOM1�NDATION$' App�°w (A� °r A�sc1(i� PER ONAL sERVICE CONTRACTS YUST ANSWER TME FOLLOWINti WlESTiOq=: _ PuwN1NO ooAM�eis8lol+ _ clvw sERVICE ooMMlssroN ,�. tr,is psnonmrm �x worksd under a conVaa for N,is dsp�rtmsM4 � _ C� COMAAITTEE _ YES NO 2. this ps►soMfrm ever bsen a dry employeeT � A sr� 17-8-15-1ELL4 tr�s No ` —��T� — 3. this pereoNfirm poetsss a skNl not no►maNY P� bY a�►Y �� �Y �? ; �JPPORT8 WMICM COUNqL OB,IEC'rnlE� YES NO Wards 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 Ex n all y�s answen on � tf�t a�d �ch M aran abNt Safer and Better Neighborhoods a�nru►rxac� Pno�. �. o�oan�nrr �wno. wnn, wn«,, wns�.. Hn+ A public hearing was held for each of t e abone-standard lighting systems. In each case, � after hearing from the various neighbor ood district councils, business associations � property owners and staff, the Council pproved both the construction of these systems and � their operation by the City on an asses ment basis. It is required that a public hearing b� held each year for both the estimated o erating costs and then the actual operating costs. } The first above-standard lighting syste began with the Lowertown system in 1983. These + systems have increased at a rate of abo t 2 systems per year since then. � ADVANTAGEB IF APPAONED: I This has become an annual budget proced re. The assessment policy originated to allow the direct benefitting parties to pay for t e additional operating c� and provide for uniforr� maintenance of the system. �Cfi�v � AU � �� ; Gg•� ; �ERR B ' o����o: None � i � R��ea�tt E�enter ! � � AUG 0 5 1994 � � DIBADYANTA�OE8IFNOTAPPROVED: _ _� I The City as a whole, would bear the add d expense to operate these systems inatead of the j direct benefitting parties that request d them. i f { i , ; ; ; ���������� = 96, 1�2.0� COST/REVENUEBUD�iETED.(qf1CLEONE) YES NO t FUNDIN�i SOIIRCE Assessments OII�. ACTIVITY NUMBER I fINANCIAI INFOF�A7'ION: (EXPLAN�I) + 1496 property owners will be noti ied of the public hearin and char es. � .. � . . .._ � , -# � 1 . f . I' . . . . � � � � NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE 1NCLUDEO IN � t�1REEN 3HEET ildSTRUGTIONAL � § MANUAL AVAILABIE IN THE PI�RCHASINt3 0Ff1S'•E (PHONE NO• 248'•�.; ,� r � ROUTIN(3 ORDER: � s , . .. , . , . . . q : `. �OIV�I � {M,RI{ �WYII�'M � I�o � I�M �� 0� �„W�� �,'� : � � , . .., , ��. . . . , Y CONTRACTS (assurrws authorized MMpst sxista) ,t' RE90�UTlON (Anwnd Budp�ts/Aco�t., On�W� .. , t , . , t, 1. Outsid"e Agsncy . , 1. Departrnent Direcbr . .. . , � 2. Dspertment Director , 2. Budpet Direclor 3. City AKornsy 3. City Atoomey = ' 4. Meyc�r (fo► contracts over i15,000) 4. Mayor/Assistant � . 5. Human Rlphts (for contracts ovsr s50�000) 5. City Cour� 8. Finence and Managsment Sarvkes Diroctor 6. . Chiet Aocou�tent,.FN�s�oe and Ma�aperneM Sendoas . ,.:. .... ; 7. Finence /►ccoiintinp ' . . . . . . � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (Bttdpst Fievision) COUNCtL RE30LUTION (!iN MMra, uf�l O�sa) " 1. Acdvity Manager , 1. Department Olrector • � 2. DepanmeM Accountant 2. Ciy Attomsy 3. Departmer�t Dl[ector 3. Mayor AsaistaM J' 4. 8udget Di►ector 4. City Cou�il 5. City Clerk , * 6. Chie( Ac�ountant, Finence and Management Services ADMINISTHATiVE ORDERS (all othsrs) , 1. Department Director � 2. City Attorney 3. Financs and Management Servk�s Di�ector 4. City Clerk z TOTAL NUMBER OF SI(iNATURE PA(iES �ndicete n,e #a pages «, wr,ich sipnan,res are roqurrod end p�pKe��p or fl�p �aCh of tlNS� p�s. ' r ACTION REOUESTED DeecNbs what the project/roqueat seeka to accomplish in sither chrorwlopi- csi order or oMsr oi importence, whichever la most approp►iate for the ' isaue. Do not write compbts seMe�ea. Begin each item In your liat with ` � a ��. . � . . . �4 F • F RECOMMENDATIONS � � Complete if the issus in qNSSiton ha� been pressnted before arry body, publfc � or private. � SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL��.08JECTIVE? � Indicate which CouncN obj�ctive(s) your p�}j9citigquest supports by listing the key word(s) (HOUSINC3,..AE TIGN, N�iCiHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUD(3ET, SEWER SEPARlCf�Ci�.-(3�E COMPLETE LIST !N INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) �' �.. b PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: '' Thfa intormatfon wiN be used to determine the city's liabiltty for +worke►s �mpsnsation daims, tax�s and propar dv� satvk� hkbp n�. INITIATIN(i PHOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y ` Explein ths situation or oonditions that croated e need for your project � w requsst. '; ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED � Indicate whsthsr thia is simply an annual budgst procedure roquired by law/ � chartsr or whethar there are speciffc ways in which the CNy oi Saint Paul and its citizens� will beneNt irom this projsctfactbn. • DISADVANTAQES IF APPROVED � � What negative eHects or major changes to existing or past procesaes mipht E thia pro�scf/nquest produce N ft is pessed (e.g., tra(Iic delays, noise, � tax I�easss or asssssmsnts)? To wtwm4 wNsn4 r-or ►ww bng? f � DISADVANTA(iES IF NdT APPROVED � What will be the negativve conaequer�ces if the promised action is not ; epproved� Inability to dsliver servk:e? Contlrwed high treffic, noise, ' erxident rate? Losa of revenue? � . . . .. , . . . - .z FINANCIAI IMPACT Although you must taNa the infom�ation you provide here to ths issue you � are, addrossing. in general you must ans�reP !wa quesHoi9s: Hovr much is it . � • , going to c�st? Who is gang to pay? { � .. . { . � � ��r_t q�l-f5i� �3 O ��� City of St. Paul E N . — RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSE SMENT AND B ,. . FIXING TIME OF HEARING T EREON Fle No. as listed Voting Assessment No. as listed Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits cost and expenses for 1,2,3,4,7 as listed as listed Preli ina Order rove m ry app � FinalOrder as listed approve� as listed The assessment of benefits, cost and expe ses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having nsidered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be nd the same is hereby in all respects approved. RFSOLVED FURTHER, That a public hear g be had on said assessment on the 12th day of October, 1994, at 3:30 P.M. , in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Director of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice e time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the p ticular owner to whom the notice is directed. COUNCILPERSON Adopted by the Council: Date "—t q q� Yeas Nays ��j s c v� �— � lakey Certified Passed by Council Secretary �G imm t/G erin � In F or By rris gard � Agai st ettman � � �� Mayor j/�hune