94-1515 Return copy to 0 R I G i N L Council File #.����5 Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Green Sheet # R SOLUTION CITY OF SA� T PAUL, MINNESOTA ,� $ i ; Presented Sy �-•- Referred To Committee: Date p. i o� Z � � 2 3 1 i��tSAS, the Council oflthe City of Saint Paul, in accordance wit.h 2 Chapter 66 of t.he St. Paul Admi�istrative Code, and following the public 3 hearing held on July 27, 1994 did'ladopt a resolution, Council File 94-1068, 4 establishing the level of operati and maintenance and the amount of service 5 charges to be levied against the benefitted properties for the Town Square 6"Public Spaces" located within th following st.reets: Cedar Street, Seventh 7 Street, Minnesota Street, Sixt.h treet, for the period of July 1, 1994 to 8 June 30, 1995, and 9 10 YBBZSAS, the Department of Parks and Recreation has submiCted to 11 the Department of Finance and Man gement Services a report. showing the total 12 cost. of operation and maintenanc to be $1,198,022.00 ($1,198,246.00 actual 13 ratification amount due to roundi g and minimum charge of $1.00) and that a 14 public hearing was held in the Co ncil Chambers on October 12, 1994, for the 15 purpose of adopt.ing these charges against the benefitted properties; and 16 I 17 iiHSYBAS, t.he Council f t.he City of Saint Paul held a public 18 hearing on October 12, 1994 for t is purpose, and having heard all interested 19 parties, does hereby adopt the f llowing service charges in accordance with 20 -Chapt.er 66 of the St. Paul Admin strative Code; now, therefore be it 21 22 BSSOLYBD, that the Cou Icil of the City of Saint Paul does hereby 23 adopt and levy the following ser ice charges against benefitt.ed properties 24 25 Zone 0$5. 280024 per square foot 26 Zone 1$. 064140 per square foo� 27 Zone 2$. 759037 per square foot 28 Zone 3$. 494793 per square foot. 29 Zone 4$.�051363 per square foot l_1, — �� `/ p. 20�2 1 FIBALLY gESOLVED, that pon ratification of these service charges, 2 the City Clerk is hereby direc�ed to transmit a certified copy of this 3 resolution to the Ramsey County uditor so that all unpaid service charges 4 levied herein shall be extended n Ghe property tax lists of the County and 5 collected in 1995 along with cur ent taxes. . Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of: Blake r� Finance & Mana ement Services uerin . arris e ar I Re tman I By: une Dire t ` � � Form Approved by City Attorne �� 7� y j0 Adopted by Council: Date � y Adopti n Certified by Council Secretary'I By° s �+� �✓ G �� � T � By � X Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Ma o: te U � � %� � '�� � B gy; ','" ��i�e' l ,,./�; '�,s-L,� , f y: ... � � Public Hearin Date - October 12, 1994 RE 10-07-94 ��i� �� 5 l � � i _ �, IL DA �N �o �REEN SHEE N° 3 4 318;,. ' ;� Finance De artmen /Real Estate 10 07-94 iN �� - � iNmwo�r� ' d PH E � DEPARTMENT DIRE � CRY COUNCII � Roxanna Flink 266-8859 �"� �[I�' cmnrron►�v � c�rc�RK , MU 8 UNCiI A ( 1 1 � ppUTl � BUDOET DIREpTOR � FlN. d MOT. SERVICEB DIR. Mus� be in Council �ese�arcl�� ��i� OIIDEp �MAYOR(ORA8818TMIT) � � no ater than noon on a u- i � TOTAL #E OF SK3NATURE PA�iE8 1 (CLIP LOCATIONS FOR 810NATURE) ' � � I Co il solu on 9 122 hat s ina erten ad ted on gus 24 19 rati yi Town are Serv Charges. � f RECOMIMENDATIONB: Appr�ov� (A) a R�ot (N) PER NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST AN=WER TME FOLLOWINO QtiESTIONB: I _ PLANNINO COAMd18810N _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMt8810N 1. H this pereon/Hrm evsr worlted under a corMract for tlds depardn�nt? - ' _ � �� _ YES NO ; 2. this personlikm e�ror been a ofly employss? � �� — YES NO _ o�icr d�r CounciL � � s. s a,�• psrsonrnrm posesss a sk�u not �orma��y pos�s.d br anr «�rroM dtr smp�o�ros? suaaoars wH� cour�i� oer�cnvez Ward 2 ves wo � Ezpl n sii y�s answ�n on t�p��N sM�t �nd �thoh to pn�n �hNt i INITIATIMG . ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (NINO. Whtl, WlNn� Whsro. i i i " SEE ORIGINAL GREEN SHEET NLTMBER 3 02" i ; � : ApVANTAOE8IF APPR011ED: I I i i i I i � � i DISADIIANTA(iE8 IF APPROYED: i . { I i i I { ! DISADNANTAQEB IF PIOT APPROYED: I i r f i I � I i i TOTAL AMOUNT tiF TRANiACTION = COST/REYENUE BUD4ETE� (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHd sOURCE ACTIViTY NUMBER � FI�IAt�IAL tNFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � i . I � NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE iNCLUDED' IN THE OREEN SHEE'r lA8TRllCT10NAL MANUAL AVA1LABlE IN THE PURCHASMICi OFFICE (PHONE NCi. �}., •' -.: {? ROUTING ORDER: Below aro �nect rouUnga tor the five most trequent typas ot documents: �: CON7RACT3 (aeaumss suthorfzed budgst exiats) ¢OUNCIL RE80LUTION (ArrNrM BudpsW/kx�SG tiraM�). , _ _ t : 1: Oi�tside AgencY ` . 1: Dep�rbnent Directa _ ,� 2. Department Director 2. Budpet D�ector 3. Cily Attomey 3. City At�omey : i 4. Mayor (for conaacta over 515,000) • 4. AAa�roNAssisfant i 5. Human Rights (for c�r►tracts over 550,000) 5, Ci�y CouncB k : 8. Financs and Manegement Servicea Diroctor 6. Chief Aocountant, Fha�oe �d Manapement Sen�3ces 7. Financs Accountin� : � ADMINISTRATIVE OR�ER3 (Budgst Revisbn) COUNCII RE30LUTION (aN othets, �nd Ordk�encss) � i 1. Activiy Maneger 1. Depertment Diroctor ' 2. �epertment Accountant 2. City Attorney � 3. Depariment Director 3. Meyor Assistant 4. Budget Dlrecto� ' 4. Cily Council � 5. City Clerk t 6. Chki Acoountant, Finance and Managemsnt Services , t AQMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (aN others) � 1. Departmeht Director ' 2. Cily Attomey 3. Finance and Menagement Servlces Directa 4. City Clerk 4 TOTAL NUMBER OF SIC3NATURE PAGES i: Indicate the �oi pagea on whfch signatures are required and papsrclip or flap �ach ot tMs� pa�s. t ACTION RECIUESTED Describe what the project/request seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- � cel order or order of importarx:e, whichsvsr is most appropriate for tfie issue. Do not write complete aeMences. Bogin each item in your list with a verb. �" t,, r RECOMMENDATIONS Complete fi the fasus fn queation has bsen {xesented before amr body, puW� or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVEI a Indicate which Coundl objecdve(s) yau proJecthequeat aupports by Nating { the key woM(s) (HOUSIN(3, RECAFATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, � BUDOET, SEWER.SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLE7E LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) • PERSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS: Thfa informallon will be uaed W determine ths dtyg IiabiNry for workero compenaatbn claims, tames and propsr civtl aervk� hMnp rules. INITiATIN(3 PR08LEM, ISSUE, OPPOATUNITY ,, Explafn the aituaUon or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ,' ADVANTA(3ES IF APPROVED Indicate whether thfa is slmply an annual b�iget procedure requfred by law/ ` charter or whether there are speciNc waya in which tl� Gty of Saint Paul � a�d its citizens wilt beneNt irom this projed/acfion. � DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED What negative ef(scta or major chan�es to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce M k is pesaed (e.g., traBic delays, noise, � tax incroases ot assassments)4 To Whom? When4 For how long� ;' DISADVANTA(3ES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative conaequerwbs If the promised action is not approved? Inability to deNver service? ConUnued high traffic, noise, ecddem rata? Loss oi reve�ue? E , ;f FINANCIAL IMPACT � Afthough you must taibr ths intormation you provide here to ihe issus you � are,addressing, in generN you muM a�awer two questions: How na�h is it - E going to cost4 Who is gdng to pey? :� � Public Hearing Date - Octoher 12,'1994 RE 8-5-94 A� - DEPARTMENIiOFFiCE/COUNCIL DATE INIT TED O Finance Department/Real Estate 8-4 94 GREEN SHEET N_ 3 210 2� ��5 CONTACT PEHSON 3 PHONE � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOH NITIAUDATE a CITY COUNCIL INITIAUDATE _ Roxanna Flink 266-8859 ASStGN QCITYATTORNEY � L�CITYCIERK NUMBER R MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (OATE) - - ROUTING � BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. 6 M(3T. SERVICES DIR. MllS� b2 in Council Researc ORDER aMAYOR(ORASSISTANT) �Council R no ater than noon Monda � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP AL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: Ratification of Town Square Service Char es for July 1, 1994 thru June 30, 1995. File No. 18113-94 Assessment No. 050 � RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or PeJect (R) pERS NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNINQ COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• Ha th(s person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Ha this person/t(rm ever been a city employee4 � STAFF — YES NO _ DISTRICT OY'��T' COl1I1C� I. 7 3. Do s this person/firm possess a skill not norrtially possessed by any current city employee? SUPPOHTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVET Ward 2 i YES NO Ezplei ell yes answers on separate sheet end ettech to green sheet INITIATINO PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Since 1982, surrounding property owners ve shared the operating expenses of the loft area in Town Square Park. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVEO: Various events and entertainment are sche uled throughout the year in the Town Square Garden level which attracts visitors and t Paulites alike. The increase traffic flow is a benefit to the property owners surro nding the area who help pay for its maintenance. DISADVANTA(3ES IF APPROVED: Some owners of properties in the area fee there is no benefit to them. �:0€� ��f�f C�' ���C�C�v�r: �'�U�, � 5 1994 ' AUG 11 1994 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: . � �' . r , , e . `` _. ___>.._.�' The City of Saint Paul would bear the add d expense the loft area of Town Square thru the General Fund. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 1� 19H � OZZ . OO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE TOWIl S uare ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPUIN) v Service Charges collected wit property taxes in 1995.