94-1506 � �., ° y t � � y � I �. .. ORIGINAL � � CIIT �! S!. ?��L y 'C�OIICIL FILE- ■0. q�'�'—��(D� �� �' .; a----�--�� A� � , F I'Li. BtiSi f T ` I�IL= �O 1 8 ' PO?Ilf YA1H ,;' 1 TT - Is tge 1[a��er of for the opera�i n of the Above Sxandard S�reet Lighting S�sten for Izhe Selby Ave. Revita ization Pro3ect No. 2 for the months of January thru December 1995. under Preliffiinary Order — approved � � The Counc�l of xhe City of Saint Paul has conducted a publa.c hearing upoa �he above improvement, ue notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; nd WHEREAS, The Couacil h s heard all persons, ob�ections and recommendat�ions pertaining to said proposed improvemen� and has fully consi.dered ahe same; now, �heref re, be it RESOLVED, That �he Couneil of the Citsy of Saint Paul does h�reby order Gha� the above—described improv ment be made, and the propet City offieers are hereby directed and suGhoriz d to proceed with the improv�men�; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That up n the completion of said inprovement, the proper Ci�y officers shall calcu aGe all egpenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Cou cil in accordance wi�h Chapter 429 of MinnesoGa State Statue. COUNCILPERSONS Adop�ed by Council: DaGe .la 19q � Yeas /' Nays 1/B�akey Certif ied Passed by Council Secretary �i mm uerin � �/i� ris �In avor By I ard et�man �Aga nst �hune Mayor Fublic Hearing Date - October 12, 1994 • RE 8-16-94 a ,,. Z � �REEN SHEET N_ 3 21� 8 � . , . ° Finance De artmen Real Estate 8 16-94 --- -- o �� ��� o ��� : Roxanna Flink 266-8859 � cm��v � cmrc�nK tDA � 8-31- 4 � � BUDQET DIpECTOR � FMI. d MBT. SERVICES DIR. Mus be in Council Res arc f e � Mara� con �sr�m TOTAL #F OF BKiNATUqE PJ1GE8 I (CUP � LOCATIONS FOR SIONA'TUR� ' � �: � � � � � Setting date of public hearing � � Approve estimated operating costs for,� e Selby Avenue Revitalization Pro3ect No. 2 Area � j Above Standard Street Lighting Pro3e for 1995. File No. 18588 ' ! REt�MM�AT101re: Mv►ov+ lA) a FNl�ct (F'� PE ONAL sERY10E CONTRACTS MI�T ANSMIER TME FOLLOMIINQ tiUE8T10NS; ' _ PIANNNiO COIYN�A18810M �_ CIVIL �ERVIGE COMMI8810N 1. as thb pa►aofUlkm sver w0�`ked urfdsr d CO�kat7t to� thls d�p�rbn�nt? _ GB COMMITiLE _ YE3 NO � ._A_ srn� 17-8-15-16-1.Lw 1�-�-� , z. thls p�rsa+mrm ever ba«, a cny.mp�oy�s� YES NO i _ oren+�r o�f Co�nc ils s. a,is personm►m poswa s san na norm.ay voa.a.d ey anr p+rro�a d�r.n�oyes? ! suPPORTS wMK�1 COUNCIL OB,�CTIVE9 YES NO i Ward 1 E In aU ya anaw�n on ��M�t �nd atboh to on�n �hNt � 5afer and Better Neighborhoods � n�►rrNrn+c� Paoe�.�. Nsu�, o�oaruNmr Iwiw, w++.c. va�.n. wn.n. wnr>: A public hearing was held for each of e above-standard lighting systems. In each case � after hearing from various neighborhoo district councils, business associations, property i owners and staff, the Council approved oth the construction of these systems and their operation by the City on an assessment asis. It is required that a publfc hearing be hel each year for both the estimated opera ng eosts and then the actual operating costs. The first above-standard lighting system b aa with the Lowertown system in 1983. These syste have increased at a rate of about 2 sys ems per year since then. " �es � �ov�o: This has become an annual budget proce re. The assessment policy originated to allow the direct benefitting parties to pay for t e additional ogerating costs and provide for unifor� maintenance of the sqstem. R ; E�E/�F ; qv� � � �. s � a�' '� � D18ADVANTAQE8 IF APPROVED: /�� n ' None . �� � � � 1 AUG 16 -1994 � �����: The City as a whole, would bear the add d expense to operate these systems instead of the 1 direct benefitting parties that request d them. � , F � � I , � . i - � �� �� ������ = 4, 664 . �� COST/IiEVENUB BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONH) YES NO k , � . ; FUNDINO 801l1tCE ACTIVITY NUMBER _ � FINAWCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPlA1N) � 97 property owners will rece e notice of the public hearing and char es. � r, . , , , `� . � . � � � . � � � . . . . � . , . . . NOTE: COMPCETE DIRECT�ONS ARE INCL-UDED MI THE afiEE`N SHEET �S�RUCTiONAI 1{AMiUAL AVAllABLE IN TWE PUR�HASIN(i iDFFICE �PHONE NO. ' ` , � �` . ROUTIN(3 �RDER: ' - ' • . . Bslow erA oorrsat routtnps for the five most freque�t ty�s of doc�msnts: ,, , CONTRACTS (assumes autfwrized budget sxiats) COUNCII RESOt,UT10N (Am�nd BudpsWAt�oiP� O�ts) , .. . . , „..: 1. Outaide Age�cy 1. Departrnent Direcc�or 2. Depertment Di�tor 2. BudBet Director 3. City AKornery 3. City Attomey . 4. Mayor (tor oontracts over =15.000) 4. Mayor/Aseistant '. 5. Humar► Riphta (for coni►ects oysr s50,000) 5. City Counal e. Finance and Manegement Ssrvices Diredor. 6. ChietAa:aAiatant, F�noe and Menapement Sarvioss .._ .. ..; 7. Flnanos AocounUnp � ADMINISTRATIVE OI�OERS (Budget Rsvisfon) COIJNCtL RESOl.UT10N {1iN op�s, a�d Obin�) - ; 1. Activiry Mana�er L Deperbnsnt Olrector 2. Depertment Accounient 2. CHy Attorney � 3. Deparlment Di�ector 3. Mayor Assistant ' 4. Budget Director 4. City Cou�il � 5. City Cierk . ;i' 6. Chie( Accountant, Ftnence and Menagert�snt Servkes ADMINISTRATIVE ORCIERS (all others) ; t. Uepartment Director 2. City Attwney � 3. Finance and Manegement Servkes Oirsctar , ; : , � .. . • - - - - - i . . . y 4. Ciry Clerk _ k TOTAL NUMBER OF SK3NATURE PACiE3 - "' ' � • • � Indicate the �oi p�gss on which signstures are required and pepaelip or flp . ; � �ach of th�sa papq. . . . . . .. . , , . . ' � :, • : . . �, • ; � . .. . ; � . . . � { ACTtON REOUESTED M Describe what the projecUrequest seeks W accompNsh in either chronuloQi- � cal order or order of imponance, whichever is nrost appropriate for the � fssue. Do not w►ite �mplete sente�es. BegM each itsm in your Hst with � � a verb. � RECOMMENOATIONS �} Complete i( the issue in question has bepn prsssnterd belore anY body. public . :' or privaro. � + .� . 4 SUPPORTS WHICH COUNC{L OB.IECTIi/L�? ` Indicete which Cou�cH ohjecthro(s) your projecth�equeat aupports by listing � the ksy word(s) (HOUSIN�3, REGREATION;±NHIGHBORHQODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATKIN�.-(S�� COMPLETE UST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAG) j ._ � PERSONAL SERVICE CO�RACTS: Thls inMrmatbn will be used to det+ennine !he city's NabNity tor vra�k�rs compensation dalms, texsa snd pr�opsr civM arvbs hUMq nd�s. INITIATINCi PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY � Explain the situatfon or conditbna that croatsd a need for your project s�- or requesL •� ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED IrMicate whethe� this is simply an annual budpet procedure requirod by taw/ �`: charter or whethsr thero are specl8c weys in which the Gity of Saint Paul ' and ita citi=ens wid bensNt (rom this p►ojecUacNon. � j � �ISADVANTA(3E$.IFAPPROVED • -. • • � ,� What negative effeds or major changes to ezisNng or past pracesses might this project/request produce if it is paased (e.g., t�atfic dsleys, nofse, tax incroasss cx assessments)?.7o Whom4 When4 For ha�r bng4 DISADVANTA(�ES IF NOT APPROVED ;� What will be the negative conasquences if the promised action is not '� approved? Mability to delhrer senrice4 Continued high traHic, noise, accident rateT Lo� of revenue? : A'N�9 IA� �p aC taibr the infomnation you provide, here to the issue you � ere,addreasing� in general you must ansWer two qusationa: How`much is it _. i. going to cost? Who is going to pay? � - � _ � , k : . s f �.. ' -� �., � _ q`� �� `�'�� ORfGIl�AL CITY OF ST. PAIIL CODNCIL FILE NO. ��� PgBLI�INABY OBDEB BY FI HO. 88 V TING W D In �he Matter of for the opera� on of the Above Standard Stree� Lighting System for the Selby Ave. Revita �.zation Pro�ect No. 2 for the mon�hs of January �hru December 1995. . - The Council of the City of S int Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvemen�' and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. Tha� the said report land the same is hereby approved with no alterna�ives, and tha� the estima�ed cost �hereof is $4,664 financed by assessment only. 2. That a public hear�ng e had on said improvement on the 12th day of Oc�ober, 1994 , at 3:30 o'clock P.M., in the Counc�.l Chambers of the City A 11 and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. , 3. That notice of said pu lic hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by'the Charter, sta�ing the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and Ghe total cost�thereof as estima�ed. COUNCILPERSONS ; Adop�ed by Council: DaLe� � Yeas � Nays ��ps� r� I/�lakey Certified Passed by Council Secre�ary Grimm � ` Guerin � (� I��-I rris S In F vor By a-• t—} ��gard ✓Fte�tman QAgai st �une - Mayor � � n�