94-1504 . -� � . �, �; �„ ;k Y �� � � ��� � �` ���� � � � I G I L �� � ��� � � �� � � � � � OR N . � 1 S �??�t,�.t � lT ix * � CITT OZ 3Z: `�k�. C0�'Ii�IL FILZ . A � �'� ,� , � TIi�L OL�s sT ' r . ZII.s 10. 18 2 5 , YOSIwG �1H I� tti� Matttr sf for the opera ion of the Above S�andard S�ree� Ligh�ing System fox �he Selby Ave. Revi aliza�ion Project No. I for the ffion�hs of January t�hru Dece�ber 1995. under Preli�inary Order �-�. 1�� approved '�vv.,� , 3�_ 1���"� The Council of the Cit�y f Sainx Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above isproveaent, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter and +� WHExEAS, The Council as heard all persons, ob�ec�ions and recommendattions pertaining �o said proposed iaprovemen� and has fully considered the sane; now, ther fore, be it RESOLVED, Tha� the Counci of �he City of Sain� Paul does hereby ord�r �hat �he above-described i�npro emen� be made, and the proper City offieers are hereby directed and authori ed �o proceed wi�h Ghe improvement; and be it FU&THEB RESOLVED, That u on �he coapletion of said i�provement, the proper City officers sh�ll calc late all egpenses incurred t�herein and shall repo�t the sa�e to the City Co ncil in accordance with Chapter 429 of Minneso�s State Statue. COUNCILPERSUNS Adopted by Council : Date Q�.�� _ �qq y Yeas �/ Nays T" b ✓B�key Cer�ified P�ssed by Council Secretary 1/��r,3. mm "'"' //G� r i n • �ris � In F�vor By �ard ��man O Ag nst �/'�h�un� Mayor i Public Hearing Date - October 12, 199 RE 8-16-94 " Finance Department/Real Estate 6A 94 �.7 SMEET N ° 3 2 � � 5 p oew►�rMENr anE 1T1A1DA p cnr c�i� ' Roxanna Flink 266-8859 � cm,�rron�ev � cm c�K � _ tn �a+ � euooEr ox�ro ��. a� sfaw�s aa. Mus be in Councol Mes arc _g f�r� ��v��on�ss�sraw�l �} TOTAL #E OF BKiNATt1RE PAGE8 1 (CLI ALL LOCATION8 FOR 8!t'iNATtJRE) --' � � AC7fON 11ECUE8TE�: Setting date of public hearing � Approve estimated operating costs for he Selby Avenue Revitalization Pro�ect No. I Area Above Standard Street Lighting Pro� t for 1995. File No. 18525 � RECG�IME�fATION8: Approw (A) a Fiy�ot (R) RSONAL sEilVICE CONTRACT� MUST ANfMIER TME ROLLOYIIINO aU��T10N8: � _ PuNNxro COMMasa101�+ � avlL seav�ce coM�loN 1 Has thb P�soNikm evx worke�f under e oorana ror Mda dapsrhnsnt? - I _ � �� _ YES "NO � sT�� 17-8-15-16-� 4-3-7 2 Has tl�is p�►eon/ff►m swr Dsa► a dty smployss4 , ' _ aernicrd� Councils veS No i 3 Does this p�rsoNfirtn possess s eklll not nonnelly poeaee�d by aryr cwrrsnt dty �mployes? i BuPPORTB wM�H (�NC� OBJECrnE? WSIC� � YES N+D aln all y N MSMIN� OII N� SM�R iifd ilrtCh t0 �fND �hNt ; Safer and Better Neighborhoods n�rtu►rx�c� �. issue. o�ortruNm �wiw. v�. v�. wn«., wnr) , A public hearing was held for each of he above-st�ndard lightin� systems. In each case � . after hearing from various neighborhoo district councils, business associ�tions, propertyi owners and staff, the Council approved both the construction of these systems and their i operation by the City on an assessment basis. It is required that a public hearing be hel�l each ye�r for both the estima.ted opera ing costs and then the actual operating coats. Thel � first above-standard lighting system b gan with the Lowertown system in 1983. These syste�s have increased at a rate of about 2 sy tems per year since then. ! � AD1/ANTAQES iF APPROVED: i This has become an annual budget proce ure. The asseasment policy originated to allow the direct benefitting parties to pay for he additional operating costs and avide for unifo� maintenance of the system. ��CE�� i AU� � 6 �'b ! � lERR �` ' � Y ` ; DISADVi1NTAGE8IF APPROVED: a None . � � � ; : � i AUG 16 1994 I f � as�ov�►o�s � Nor�v�u: � The City as�a whole, would bear the ad ed expense to operate these systems instead of the � direct benefitting parties that reques ed them. � i � � � ; � . } , TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = 5 130 . OO COaT/REVENUE 9UDGETEO (CIRCLE ON� � YE8 N6 .,� FUNOIi�fi80URCE �8essments onl ACTIVITYNUMdER � � FMIAI�IAL INFORMATION: (EXPWN) y . 107 property owners will rec ve notice of the public hearing and chsrges. � i r� _ , , NOTE: � COMPLET'E DIRECTIONS ARE iN(�.UD� IN 1'HE t�RRE�M• $HEET I�TRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAtLABLE IN THE PURCHASIN(i OFFICE (PHONE NO. • �:<: ROUTIN(i ORDER: , Bslow are care�t routi� for ths fi�e most trsquent types ot:documsnts: 4 ' . , , .. . _ . . • . . ,.. _,• CONTRACTS (essumes authorized budget exfsts) C,OUNCII AESOLUTION (Am�nd:8udq�WAcopt. O�anbj • _, ..... „_ 1: Outside Agency i. Departrnent Direc�or 2. Department Directar 2. Budpet Oirector • • 3. City Attornsy 3. City Auomey 4. Mayor (for corttracta over s15,000) 4. MayortAssistant 5. Human Righta (for contracts � t50.000) 5, . Citi Coun� '. 8. Finence and Manaysment Servfcss Dfroctor . , 6. Chlei Accountant, Finm�oe �nd �Aer�wpemeM Servioes., .,. ..; . 7. Finance Accounting , ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (Budpst Revtabn) COUNCIL fl�30LUTiON (�II�cIMrs, end O�nas) • 1. Activity Menager 1. Department Director 2. Oepertment Accountant ' 2. Cily Atton►ey 3. Department Dicector 3. Mayor Assistant . 4. Budget Director 4. Gty Council 5. City Clerk _ .. 6. Chief Accountant, Financ� and ManagemeM Services ' ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (ali others) 1. Dspartment Directo� 2. City Attomey 3. Finance and AAanagemsnt Servk;ea Diractor . - 4. City Clerk • TOTAL NUM9ER OF SIGNA'FURE PAGES Indicate the #of pages on wbich stgnatnros are roqufred and pap�rclip or fly , aoh of tMw papa. ACTION RE�UESTED Describs what the projecthequest_aeeks to accomplish in either chronotogi- cal order or order of fmportance, wh�hever ia most appnop►iate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. 8egtn each Item in your list with a verb. . RECOMMENDATIONS : , ' � . • Complete it theJBSUe fn qubstion has been presented be(ore any body, puWic or private. .° � SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVET Indicate which Cou�cil object�(s): Y�� P��4uest supports by listlng . � Me key worcl(a)�(H�OU$ING, R�CRLJCTION, NEl(iH80RHO00S, ECONOMIC DEVEIOPMENT. � BUD(3ET, SEMVEA'SEEdAHA�f?M). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN {NSTRUCTIONAL MANUAI.) � , ; PERSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS: • This infonnation wiN bs used to dstertnine the cityla IiabNiry for vrorkers compensatbn clalms, taxes and propst dvil s�vla hkinp ndas. ,, INITIATIN(3 PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Expldn the situation or conditbns that crsated a need for your project or request. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ chartsr or whether there are spscitfc ways in which the C1y of Saint Paui and its citizena will benetit from this p�ject/actbn. OISADVANTAOES IF APPR4VED ' Whst negative et(ects a major chanqes W existing or past processes might thia projecV►equest produce if ft is passed (e.g., traiflc dstays, noise, tax increases or essessmenta)� To Whom7 Whsn? For honr long? DISADVANTA(iES IF NOT APPROVED Whst will be the negative �naequences it the promised actlon is not approvedl Inabitity to delivar service� ConNnued high traHlc, rwiae, accident rate? Loss oi revernre? FINANCIAL IMPACT Alttwugh you must teilo� the fOfom�atio� you provide here to the iasue you are,addressi�� M gertsral you rMUSt emswsr two questbn3: How m�r ls k '� ��'� �. . goMg to cost? Who is going to pay? `�, 9�-� _�.�� I ' l�O OR���IVAL ,��" CITY OF ST. PADL I � COIINC FILB N. �`� .YSSLIMIHAgY OtDSi i gy FIL s0. 1 5 VOT L�G WAB 1 + -- In the MaBter of for the opera ion of Ghe Above SGandard Stree� Ligh�ing System for �he Selby Ave. Revit lization Pro�ect No. I for the mon�hs of January thru December 1995. � . The Council of the City of ain� Paul having received the report� of the Mayor upon the above improvement and having considered sa�d report, hereby resolves: � 1. That Ghe said report 'and the same is herebq approved with no al�erna�ives, and tha Ghe es�ima�ed cost thereof is $5,130 financed by assessmenG only. 2. Tha� a public hearing e had on said improvement on the 12th day of _October, 1994 , at 3:30 o'clock P.M., in Ghe Council Chambers of the City H 11 and Court House Build�.ng in the C�ty of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said pub ic hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by he Charter, sta�ing �he �ime and place of hearing, the nature of •he improvement and the to�.a1 cosG thereof as esCimated. COUNCILPERSONS i Adopted by Council Date. 9� ' Yeas/ Nays �� ��-. �- ✓Blakey - ' I I Certified Passed by Council Secretary Grimm ►�f i � uer�.n �� � rris � In Fa l or By ✓M gard � �Gtman Q Aga�.n t � une I Mayor a� � hS I � n-}--