94-1500 � • _ . � " ��� .� � . ' _ j . pf . Y/� ciii o� ss. t�►ti. � R � G� t V �, co��ciL �o. � FI �a�. �t�u ax . ii�s no. � 8 z - YO?I�� Y� D 2 Is tte �atte� of �he Seven�h Pla c Kall Opera�ion and Haineenaace Cos�s for 1994. � � nder Preli�inary O�ddr — approved� � �� The Couacil of �he City of Saint Paul has coadu�ted a` public hearing upon �he above isprovesen�, d e notice �hereo€ baving been given as prescribed by �he Citsy Char�er; d WHEBEAS, The Council ha heard all persons, ob�eetions and recoamendat�ioas per�aining �o aid proposed iaprove�en� and has fully considered �he same; now, �heref e, be i� xESOLVED, Thai� �he Council �he Ci�y of Saint Paal doea hereby order �ha� tzhe above—de�cribed i�prove en� be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and au�horize �o proceed Ni�h �he i�provement; and be it FUBTHEH BESOLVBD; Tha� upoa tche comple�ion of said improvement, the proper City officera shall calcul �e all eapenses incurred therein and shall report �he same to the Cit�y Counci in accordance wi�h Chapter 14 of �he City Char�er. COUNCILPEBSONS Adopted by Couneil: Date 99 y Yeae / Nays . 1/B� key Certified Passed byCouncil Secretary vG mm � I�Gu rin �ris �In Fa or By �-, � vi�e a r d tman � Again t hune Mayor � _ Public Hearing Date - October 12, 1994 RE 9-2-94 �S� ., ' DA IN ATED � RE�N SMEE _ N � _� �i � O � / Finance Department/Real Estate 9- 94 . �' v � DEW1FtTMENT DIRE ITtAUOATE � cm couNCa '"mwo+►re " Roxanna Flink^� 266-8859 � o CITVATTORNEY � CITYCLERK � � _ NY FOW ❑ BUDCiET DIRECTOR � FIN. 6 MOT. SERVICEB DIR. i Mus� be in Council Res�arc _��f�r�e o� ��„u����i�� (I°] Council R h no ater than noon Mon a T'OTAL #F OF SKiNATURE PAQ�S 1 (CUP LOCATIONS FOR SIONATUREj �crwN �cu�o: : Setting date for public hearing � Approving the estima.ted costs for the eration and maintenance of Seventh Place Mall j for the year 1994. File 428-1994 ' : Approw (q or R�t (R) PER L 8ERVIC@ CONTRACTS MU8T ANSWER THH FOLLOWING QUEST10NS: _ PLANNMIO COA�IISSION _ CML 8ERVICE OO�AIAIQSION 1. tMs psnonitlrm evsr worksd W1dor a�!or 111� dsp�rbnent? - I _ q8 COAiMAITTEE _ YES 'NO � BTAFF _ 2. thi6 pereonllirtn ever bsen a Gt�r employeel YES NO I _ o��r alb� Council �� 3. thie psrooMirtn Possese a ski na nc►m.xy v� M a�r �+� �r «�v�e� ! survoprs wF+u� c�ci� os,�crivE� Ward 2 ves No � Lease Agreement Ex u+'u y" "n'w"' °" "p'nt"h..t ana da�eh t° O'.�" �nNt ; � } MIITIATMU3 PROBLEM� tSBUE. OPPOR'ttlNmr (YWw. w1rt. vlp�n. VYI»a. Why): ! The Seventh Place Mall operating and ntenance costs are assessed against properti�s in ' � proportion to the frant 'footage under agreement with the Housing and Redevelopment j Authoritp and City of Saint Paul � . i � � ADVMITAQES IF APPROVEO: � i This is an annual procedure. The asse sment policy originated to allow the direct benefitting parties to pay for the mai tenance costs and provide uniform maintenance of th� syatem. j � � t � DISADNANTACiEB tF APPROYEb: � ! � { None �o� . SEP 6 1994 ; � , ___. ; ___ � � , , o��►,�,�8 � ��o: i If the Resolution is not approved, the City will not provide the funds to maintain this � sqstem. � � � � � f , � �� i i TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN=ACTION i �+2 � 4��. Q� (esti ted) COST/REVHNUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YE8 NO � � �uppi�o spuncE Char ee collected thru Re stered p� NUMBHR � FINANCUIL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 3 property owners will receive notice f the public hearin s and char es. � ' � . - t t NOTE: COMPIETE QIRECTIONS ARE 'INd.UDEfi IN TFIE dREEN•SHEET �`I�tlETK)N/ML MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURGHASINCi OFF�E (PHONE hi0. " ���� =� F . . .. . . 4 .. . ! . ROUTIN�i ORDER: • . s �ebw aro oorroct routlnps to► ths five moat iroquent typea M documents: . ., . ,: ., ,.,.... , : ' COMTHAG"1'S (assumea autlwrized budpst exiMs) : COUNCII FiE&OLUTION (An�md Budpsta/Acwpt. (iraMs) :, , � 1. OutsitJs��►BericY .. . . . _ 1. Department Direcfor . � _, . „ . . _ . , . i 2. Oepartment Diroctor 2. Budpet Director 3. City Attomey 3. Ciry Attomey µ a. Mey�u (tor conKacfa over sts.000) a. Mayonnssistane ; 5. Human Rights (tor oont�acts over �50.000) 5. �y �� 8. Financo and Managsmsnt 3ervicss Diroctor _ 6, Qhiet AcCOUnt�� Fir►anca.and Msn�pernent Servloes ., .. f 7. Finenc� Accounttnp' , r ADMINI3TRATIVE ORDERS (Bodget Rerrlsion) ` COUNCIL RESOL.UTION (�N oU�srs. �nd Ord�s) 1. Activiry Maneger 1. Depenmsnt Director � 2. Depertment Accountant 2. Ciy Attorney 3. Department Diroctor 3. Mayor Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Coundl 5. City Clsrk ' 6. Chief Accountant, Fina�s and Management Services �. z ADMINISTFUTIVE ORDERS (all othere) , ; 1. Dspertment Director �, 2. Cfry Attwney ' � 3. Financs and Mana�emant Servk:es Director 4. City Clerlc � i: TOTAL NUMBER OF SIdNATURE PAGES t Indicate the +�ot peges on whfch signatures aro required and pap�►clip or fl�g � ' �ach of thss� pa�s. � K I ACTION REOUESTED j Describe what ths projsd/requeat aeeks to accompli6h in either chronolopi- f cel adsr or ordsr o( importance, whichevsr is moat appropriate for the . � � issue. Do not write compiste sentences. Begin each item in you� list with � a verb. � � RECOMMENQA710NS � � Complete if the iseus f� qu6sHon hes besn preaented beforo amr body, public ` � or p�ivats. � SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVET Indicate which Council objsctive(s) your projecthequeat suppons by listing ths key word(s) (HQUSINt3, RECREATION, NEIGHBQRHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMfNT, BUDCiET, SEWER SEPAflATtON). (SEE COMPLETE UST IN INSTRUCTIONAI MAWUAL.) PERSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS: � Thia intametion wai � used to dstsrmine ths dy�s IiaWlfy tor workers compsnsation ctaima, taxea �nd pnop�r civN ssrvk� hirinp rubs. �' '� INITIATIN(3 PR08LEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY § Expl�n the situatbn or c�iiNons that creabd e need tor your project E or request. ' ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indkate whether this fs simply an annual bud�st procedure required by taw/ charter or whethsr thsre are specific waya in which the City of 3aint Paul and its citlzens wHl bensflt trom tMs pro�scVa�don. DISADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED What nsgative eBects or major changes to ex�ting or past proceases might � this projecfhequeat producs if ft ia pesaed (e.g., traffic delays, noise, tax incrsasea or assessmsnis)4 To Wtwm4 When4 For how long? , � 018ADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED i Whet will be the negative c�nsequences it ths promised actbn is not ; approvedT Inabiliy to deliver service? Continued high trafiic, noise, acdde�t rete4 Loss of revenue? ` :i i FINANCIAI IMPACT Aithough you must tailo� the informatbn you provide here to the fssue you '' are, add�essing, M gensral you must at�svvx Mr3� q�sifons:' How much is it �i goi�g to cost? Who is going to pay� . � _ ��-i� CIiY OF O ' ` � �nf . ST. PAIIL ' v A L ! PBSLIMIBAYY OLDgY C � LE N. . gY -. _� FIL Hp_ 1 ; DOTI G {�IAgD '94 � 2 In the Ma��er of the Seventh for 1994. lace Mall Operation and Maintenance Costs The Council of the Cit �he Mayor upon the Y I of Sain� Paul havin hereb above im ro g recei v e d � h e r eport of y re s o l v e s: p e m e n t, a n d having considered said report, 1 • That the said -. a lternatives rep�r� and the same is financed b' n d t h a t he estima�ed h e r e b y approved with y assessment cost thereof is no ' 542 ,400.00 2 • That a public heari day of October, 1994 be had on said im Chambers •30 p on the 12th of the City H 11 a d 3� °�clock P.M., in the Saint Paul. Court House Buildin �ouncil g �n the City of 3 • That notice the manner �f s$id pu Ilic hearin provided by the Charter be g1ven to the persons and in hearing, the nature of � statin as estimated. he i mprovement andg the time and place of the total cost thereof COU NCI LPERSONS Yeas / ��akey N$ ���en�' I Adopted by Council: Date � � mm Certified Passed b � rin y Council Secretar � arris y � gard � In Fa o B � R ttman y une �Against � A �5 r� Mayor