94-1497 � �' `' �P � $. . �"' " ". + .. . . , .�.. � , . � . - . O � 3 �`': � � �� , . �. . RIG�N L ��� , , �°�,. n,, g � , ciri �r sr. r��z �e�rci�. -�'o. q — - � ' . �i��� ��usz ii �. �..� lILZ �. 18 9 YO?I/6 �D 1 In tl�e 1[a��er •f for the operati n of the Ab�ve Standard StreeL Lighting Sya�ea for �he Grafld—East I Are for the �oafths of Jan�sry �hru Decenber 1995. _ under Preli�inary Order — approved � , � The Council of the City of Saint Pa�l has conducted a public hearing upon the above i�proveffient, e no�.ice thereof having been giv�n as prescribed by the City Charter; nd FIHEREAS, The Council h s h�ard all persona, objeet�.ons aad recom�eadation� pertaining to said propcsed improvemen� and has f�lly .� considered the sase; now, �heref re, be it RESOLVED, That the Council f the Ci�y of Saint Paul does hereby order t�at the above—described i�pro� meniz be made, and the proper C3ty officers are hereby directed �nd authoriz d to proceed with the improeem�nt; and be it FIIRTHER RESOLVED, That upo the comple�ion of said iffiprovement, �he proper City officers shall calcu ate all expenses incurred therein and shall report Lhe same to the City Cou il in accordance with Chapt�r 429 of �tinnesota State Statne. COUNCILPERSONS Adopted by Councils Date � Yeas Nays � g ey Certified Passed by Council Secretary r mm uerin �rris �In avor a— �gard �ttman �Ag� nst �iune Mayor ��p Public Hearing Date - October 12, 1994 RE 8-16-94 � V Finance De artme /Real Estate 8 6-94 G RE�N SHEET N �._3 �' �'DEPARTMEHT DIRE �� � CITY COUNCII Roxanna Flink 266-8859 � � CITYATiORNEY � cmc�AK ca► -- �aNae Fo� 0 euoaer o�ci+a+ ��N. a Mc�r. seRV�s ox�. Mus be in Council Res arc _��fi�e ��,����T� � Council c: 9 TOTAL # OF SKiNATURL P��E�i 1 (CLIP � LOCATIONS FOR SKiNATUR� � f ACTION RECUE�TED: , i Setting date of public hearing Approve estimated operating costs for e Grand-East I Area Above Standard Street Lightinga Pro3ect for 1995. File No. 18392 ; RECOAAYENDATIONB: MP�'�+ Gq «AeMa (R) PE ONAL 8ERVICE CONTRACTa #WiT AN�WER TME FOI.LOWING QUESTION:: , _ wwrarui co�xsswN .,,_ civr. senv�;e oo�nssaN 1. es tl�ta p�reoMirm evsr worked undsr a cattrad for this d�p�rtrnsM? - i _ Cis c;o�m� � � � � sT� 17 4 a. m�s parson�firm �rsr baen a dy smp�o�roe� YES NO � _ asrn�r Q�E Councils s. mis pereonmrm posse�s s skiu na nonMq�r aoasseed by anr curr�nt dty smp�oy�s4 ? � �� �� ���� Ward �.' YES NO i In �II ya �n�w�ra on �sp�nb �hNt and �thM b pn�n �M�t i Safer and Better Neighborhoods x�mnnNO Pno�, �. o�oaru��mr �wno. wna. wn«�. wn«.. +nn+ A public hearing was held for each of e above-standard lighting systems. In each case after hearing from various neighborhoo district councils, business associations, property '' i owners and staff, the Council approved oth the construction of these systems and their � operation by the City on an assessment asis. It is required that a public hearing be held� 'each year for both the estimated operat ng costs and the� the`actual.operating-costs. The first above-standard lighting system b an with the Lowertown syatem in 1983. These syatet�a have increased at a rate of about 2 sy ems per year since then. � ADVANTAOE8IF APPi10'VED: This has become an annual budget proce re. The assessment policy originat d to allow the � direct benefitting parties to pay for e additional operating costs and p�d��� " Q unifox�t maintenance of the system. Y�D i '�UG16� i J�RR � � . LA � k ' � asaw��u�rrnc�s � �o: ; ; None , _ ��� AUG 16 1994 �����: The City as a whole, would bear the ad d expense to,operate these systems tnstead of the direct benefitting parties that request d them. I �� �pV� pR ���pN = 5 539 0 C08T/REVEMUE SUDOETEp (CIIfCLE QNE) YES NO � FUNp�Np gpYpCE Assessments Oril ACTIVITY NUMBHR � FqdAWCIAL INFORMATION: (E%PLAIN) I 202 property owners will rece ve notice of the public hearing and charges. ( i ��S t'a �' . NOTE: COMPLETE �IRECTION8 ARE INCIt�ED iN THE •C3 � EEN°SHEET IA6TRUCTIONAL � � ' MANUAt AVAIL:�BIE IN THE PURCi'i/iSINa OFRICE PF�NE NO �:_ . ' . � j 3 .'. .. � . ROUTING ORDER: � Bslow are corroct routinps tor the fh+e moat froquent typss ot doeumsnts: ' ;: r;,; ,, - i ('iONtRACTS (8eSU111lS eUff10f1Z9d budqAt 9Xist8) COUNICI� RE�OLUTION (llmsnd BudpettMcqpt, Qwttta , ' 1. Outsids dgs�Cy , . 1. Deparbnent Direc�r .., . . � . : ._ f 2. Dspanment Diroctor 2. Budpet D�ecta . , 3. City Altomey 3. Ciy Atbomey . . . . _ . , � ' 4. Mayo� (for contracts over t15,000) 4. Mayor/Assis�t , , 5. Human Rights (for contracta owr a50,Op0) ���::: 5. Ciry Council 8. Flnance and Management Senricea Oirector 6. Ch�et Acoountant, Fi�a[we and ' �. Finance J�ccountinp . � � . , : . ADMINISTRATIVE OR[1ERS (8udget Revisfon) C�UNCIL RESOL:UTION (t� othera, �nd Ordh�anors) 1. Actfviry Manager 1. Dspa►hr�sM Director .. � . .. . .. _ ; � 2. Depa►tment Accountant ' 2. Giry Attorney ' . , m � 3. Departn�n! Director . 3. Mayor Aasistant , r 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. City Clerk , . � � ' 6. Chief Accountant, Fina�ce and Management Services � � ADMINiSTRATiVE ORDERS (all others) !' 1. Department DirecMr . t 2. City Attomey , 3. Financx and Management Servic�a Director 4. Ciry Cierk s TOTAL NUMBEA OF SICiNATURE PAtiES � Indicete the �of pdges on�hich'sf�aturel��ere ►equired �nd p�p�rciipdrAp . , - � � . ,. - , ,, . _ i �ech ot thes� pa�s. - , � . . . ` ^_ _ . . .. ,.. �� . _ .._. ACTION REOUESTED � Describe what_tM projecthequest seeks W accom�ish in either_ chronobgi- cal order or o�der ot importance, whk��ever ia rt�oet appropriate iw ths . � • issue. Do not w�ib oomplete sentencea. Beyin each item in your Ust with a verb. • RECOMMENDIl710NS � Complete if the isaus fn ,questio� has been presented betwe any body, public or prfvate. . SUPPORTSVUHICH COUNGL QB.IECTIVE? Indicate whfoh Coun�tl obJecUve(a) your projbcf/�equeat suppona by listfng � the ksy word(;) (WOU31NCi, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, � BUD(iET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE UST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) � PERSONAL SEAVICE CONTRACTS: This in(omiation wiii be uasd to dstermine ths dty's liabiliry tor workers compensation daims, tax�s and propsr dvil sKVla hkhq n�les. •• �� INITIATINC3 PROBIEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Explafn tAe situatlon or conditiona that created a �eed for your project or request: ADVANTA(3ES IF APPAOVEO I�dicate whettler this is stmply an annual budget procecl'ure required by taw! charter or whett�r ihere are apecific weys in which the Cfty of Saint Paul f and Its dtizsns wlll bens�t trom this project/ectbn. - � � DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED ' �� ` � - ` � � � � What negative effecta or majo� changes to exisNng or past processes miyht this project/roqueat produce K it is passed (e.g., traHic deleys, noise, � tax increaass or aassssmsnts)� To Whom? When? For how long? t � DISADVANTAC3ES IF NOT APPROVED � What witl be the negative conaequences it the promised action is not � approved? InabNiy to delhrer service? Continued high traHic, noise, accident rate? Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Anhough you must taibr the infom�ation you provide here to the isaue you are,addressing� in ga�ersl you must answer two quesNbns: Flow muc(� is it ' ,; _: �. going to cost� Who is going to pay? _ . •' � . �. � ; . � . , � �.--- �`� " �`�9r1 �� � O���IfUAL CIrY OF ST. PAIIL COIINCIL FILS H0. PBSLIKII�ABY O�DSZ BY ' FILB O. 3 VOT RG WABD 1 In the MalzBer of for xhe operatio of the Above Standard Street Lighting System for the Grand—East I Area for the months of January thru December �1995. The Council of the City of Sa nt Paul having received the' report� of� the Mayor upon the above improvement, nd having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report a d the same ie hereby approved with no alternatives, and that he estimated cost thereof is $5,539 financed by assessments only. 2. That a public hearing b had on said improvemen� on the 12th day of October, 1994 , at 3:30 o'clock P.M., in �.he Council Chambers of the City Hal and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said publ c hearing be gfven to the persons and fn the manner provided by t e Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of G e improvement and the totat cost thereof as estlmated. CODNCILPER50NS Adopted by Council: Date 1 y 1 , Yeas Nays ��S� Blakey ✓ Certified Passed by Council Secretary Grimm / �erin �� V H rris � In Fa or By l� . ��1 gard ✓Rettman QAgain t � �une � � Mayor e n`�