94-1493 Council File � Q`'f"'�T7� 0 R I G I N A L Green Sheet ,� 29513 ESOLUTION CITY OF S INT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application (I.D. #9 997) for a Malt On Sale (Strong Beer) and Wine On Sale License applied for y College of St. Catherine DBA College of St. Catherine Special Service Dept. (Ellen Elhard, Director) at 2004 Randolph Avenue be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by Department of: Y� a s Abs nt a e Office of License, Inspections and rzmm uerin � Environmental Protection arrzs ___� e ar e man � une � By: Adopted by Council: Date , y Adoption Certified by Council Secreta y Form Approved by City Attorney B � d-�-� By: � Approved by � or: Date � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: By: **NEED G'OPY IrIl�DIATELY** a���� � DEPARTMENT FICE/COUNCIL DA ITIATED �� �+ v�+� LIEP - Licensia GRE�N SMEE ' ' CONTA PERSON 8 � DEPARTMEMT;� ITIAUDIITE ❑ CITY COUNC0. � i � CITY ATTORNEY CtTY CLERK Christine Rozek 266- 11 Nwr Rw� ❑ ❑ ' MU E ON IL AOENDA stt (DA p � BUDCiET DIRECTOR � FMI. a MOT. SERVICES OIR. For Hearin : Q ❑ """'� � "���"" ❑ TOTAL #� OF 8KiNATURE PAQES (CL.IP LL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) � i AGTION RECUEBTED: . Application (I.D. #91997) for a Mal�t Sale (Strong Beer) and Wine On Sale License RECOMMENDAT�ONB: ApMoN (A) a Ry�ct (Rl P 80NAL BERYICE CONT'RACT= Wl�T A1�ER TME fOLi.0yY1NQ �I!lSTIOMS: ,_ PuNN1NO �ra�1oN _ cnlw s�iWCe c�issloN �. as this personnkm ever wor�aa w�dK a oorma�x tor Mb dsp.rEm.M4 T CIB COMMITFEE _ YE3 NO 2. th� persaVNrm evsr bsen a ci�r eeiployee4 . , BTAFF —.— YE8 NO ` _ DISTRICT COURT _ 3. Doss this P�+�� P�s a �ldll not � P� 63+ �Y �� �Y �? ? i SUPPORTS MAiK:11 GOUNC� OBJECTIVET YES NO Irt dl yq �naw�rs on � fl�t a�Nt ati�clt ts p�wn �t ; INmi►TN�Ki PROBI.L�A. 183uE. OPPORTUNITY (wMo. whd. wh�n. Whers, 4VhY): ; . . � � College of St.� Catherine DBA College o St. Catherine Special Servicas i}ept. (Ellen �lh�rd Director) requests Council approvai of its application for a Ma.lt Oa Sale (Strong Beer) an Wine On Sale License at 2004 Randolph enue. All applications and €eea have been submitt d. All required degsrtments have reviewed and approved this application, ; i ADVANTAQES IFAPPFlOVED: � } � i i f 3 1 � 2 c s D18AONANTM3E9 IF APPROVED: � � f � �� � . �� . � � i i t 7 1 � AUG 2 6 1994 � , DISADVANTAOE8IF NOT APPRONED: � i � _ � } � f # S 1 i � � � �. � . �� . . � � :l � . � . � � � .. 'd TOTAL AMOUqT OR TRANSACTION s COSTlREVENU@ BUDOETE� (C�CIE ON� YES NO � ; � { FUNDIHd_ SOURCE ACTIVRY NUM$ER r FINANCIAF. INFf)RMATION: (EXPLAW) � � : . i j ; NOTE: COMPLETE DtRECTIONS ARE iNGLtN�D IN THE (3REEN SHEl1' tNStRUCTIONAL � MANUAI AVA�LABLE IN THE PUR�8tN(i O�FtCE (PHONE NO: Z�b): � ROUTING ORDER: Below an oorract roudngs tor ths flvs m�t frsquent rypes oi t�cumenta: CONTRACTS (assumes authorizsd budpst exists) COUNCIL RE90LUTION (Amsnd Budp�ttlAoo�pt, (�aMs) 1. Outaide Agency 1. Departrnent Director 2. Dspartment Diroctor 2. 8udget Direct�or • 3. City Attorney 3. Cily Atbmey 4. Mayor (tor oa�tracts over 515,000) 4. MayoNAasistant 5. Humen Righta (tor conVecta ovsr i50,000) 5. Cily Councd . 6. Finance and Man�emant Servk�e Director 6. Chie( Aocountant, Fin�oe and Manapement Servkes 7. FinanCe Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE OR�ERS (&idpet Revision) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (a� WNs►s� �rM tkelin�nass� L AcNviry Manager i: Departmsnt DlrecEa 2. Depsrtment Accou�tant 2. CMy Aitorney 3. Depanment Director 3. Maycx Assiatent A. _ Bud�et �rector 4. Gity COUnCiI 5. City Cietic 6. Ghief Accoun�ht. Finer�ce and ManagenaeAt Services :, ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all otMers) t. Department DiAector ' 2. Cfry Attorney "' 3. Finance and Menagement S�rvices Director ' 4. City Clerk i TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the �ot pages on which sigrwturea are reqWrod and pap�rclip or fl�p �ach oi tMp p��s. ACTION RECIUESTED Deacribe what the project/request seeks to accompNsh in eFther chronobpi- cal onder or ader ot imporlance, whichsvar la most appropr(ate tor the faaue. Do not write complete sentsncea. Begin each item in your iist with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS - Complete il the iasue in queallon has been presented before any body, pubUc or private. SUQPORTS WHICH CQUNGI� 08JECTIVE? � Indfcate which Council objectMe(a) your project/�equest supports by IisUr� the key word(8) (HOUSING, RECREA710N, NEIGHBOAHOODS, ECONOMIG DEVELOPMENT, BUQGE7 SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPIETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAI MANUALJ PERSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS: This i�(ormatb� wNi be used b dotermine d�e ary's lia�ifty for workers compsnsatbn claims. taxes a�d prop�r cNrif sKVfcs hl�ing �. INITIATINC3 PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Expiain th� situatbn or ca�ditbns that created a need tor your project or requeaL ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whetfier this is simply an annual budget proceduro requlred by taw/ charter or whether there are specHic ways in whir,h the City ot Saint Paul and its citixsns wfll benetit irom this project/action. DISADVANTAQES IF /1PPROVED What napative eHects or major changes W ezisti� or paet processes might : thia proJect/requsat produce if it is paaaed (e.g., traff� deleys, nofse, tax increassa or assessmenis)7 ?b Whom4 When� Fa how bng? � DISADVANTA(3ES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negativs consequences H the promised action is not � epproved4 �liy to deiiver servk:e� Continued high t�affic, noi;e, � acGdent rate? Loss ot rovenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Aithough you must tailor the informatio� you prt�vide here W the issue you are, addtessing. in general you must ansv� two questbns: How much is R going to cost? Who is �ing to pay? . . q�-��93 Greensheet # 29513 L.I.E.P. EVIEW CHE KLI T �ate 7/26/94 f 8/2/94 In Tracker? nPP Received / npp�n �ocessed Ucense ID # 91997 Company Name: C lle e of t C therine DBA:College Of St Catherine Snecial Service Business Addresss: 2 R A Business Phone: 690-6902 Contact Name/Address: Ellen Elhard Home Phone: 690-6902 437 Cretin Avenue S uth Date to Council Research: Z(� Public Hearing Date: i � Z Labels Ordered: 092823320001 8/3/94 Notice Sent to Applicant: District Council #: 15 Notice Sent to Public: Ward #: 03 Department/ Date Inspections Comments � Ciry Attomey � I � � � Environmental �( Q � `�� � S �-2,t.c-� U�1 �UY� Health � /� I C� � r 07��-'I�93 �� ��c�-� ve.c� Fire � � � I �, , r � `1� PhL( oc��S b K�-o � �-c� c� ss }�e r License g q� ��. s�te �an Rece��ed:� �� r v �� r �� Lease Received: ..}��� • l � ..� �C� �-i° b / ,t�c.�.►-, c� J i,�.ri,� 2� �� y Police �� C� $l� q� Zoning � �C;� � �(`1 a�-��3 Council File �` ,� - ��/ � R l G I N A �. 1 � ; t,, � Green Sheet # 2 qy.5 7 .� .. �,, �� a�.�� �,`,.��, `-�:J�,�t��.�����-�',�1�i��� ESOLUTION ;,%� .� CITY pF SA NT PAUL, MINNESOTA I Presented By C. ��.�✓�. U — Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, Section 30, Chapter 611, Law of Minnesota 1994 provides for the issuance of on-sale licenses (beer & wine) to the College of St. Catherine and the University of St. Thomas, a certified copy of which is tt�ched herewith, WHEREAS, the Mayor and the City Counc 1 desire to provide the opportunity to the College of St. Catherine and the University o St. Thomas, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that upon the recommendatio of the Mayor, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, does hereby approve and accept he legislation contained in Section 30 of Chapter 611 that will allow St. Catherine an �St. Thomas to apply for beer and wine licenses, and be it . FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Cler !shall forthwith file with the Secretary of State a certificate in forrn prescribed by th iAttorney General stating the essential facts necessary to said spproval of said S tion 30 of said Chapter 611 hereunder and including a copy of this Resolution. ' Requested by Department of: Yeas Navs Abs nt a e �- Office of License Ins�ections and _ rimm � uerin Environmental Protection arris e ar � ettman �, ,,i1� �� vne �` g ��� 11l�'�� Adopted by Council: Date .:�. 1 � � Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secreta y • � aY: . �• , L - �3 �y� $y : � �_ �..- �, /; �/ Approved by May r: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � By: � By: , . . t , • . � CITY F SAIyT PAUL, MINNESOTA �T����� OFFICE OF LICENSE, I, SPECTIONS A2vD Et�'VIRONMENTAL PROTECTION APPLICATION FOR N SALE ItiTOXICATING LIQUOR LICctiSE SUNDAY ON S� E INTOXICaTING LIQUOR LICENSE INTOXI TING CLliB LIQUOR LICENSE _ OFF SALE NTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE ON SA E MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE � SALE WINE LICENSE Directions: THIS FORM MUST BE FILL D OUT WITH TYPEWRITER OR BY PRINTING IN INK BY THE SOLE OWNER, BY EACH P TNER, BY EACH PERSON WHO HAS INTEREST IN EXCESS OF 5$ IN THE CORPORATION AND OR ASSOCIATION IN l.'HICH THE NAME OF THE LICENSE WILL BE ISSUED. THIS APPLICATION''IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY TNE PUBLIC 1) Application for (type of licens ) On Sale Wine 2) Located at (business address) 2004 Randol h Avenue E STREET: NL:mber Name Type Direction 3) Business Name �e College of t. Catherine Special Services Depar�nent Corpo ation, Partr.ership, or Sole Proprietorship � 4) If business is incorporated, gi e d�te of incorporation N/A � 19 N/A 5) Doing Business As� 'I'he College f St. Catherine Business Phone � 690-6902 . a 6) Mail to Address (if different t an business address) , N/A STREET: Nt:mber . Na e • Type Direction N/A Ciry St�te Zip Code Director of 7) Your Name and Tit1e Ellen Elharrl Special Service: (Firs�) ' (Middle) (Maiden) (Last) (Title) 8) Home Address 437 Cretin Avenue South Phone T 690-6902 ST:c��T: Number 'a,::e T,y�e nirec__on St. Paul NII�I 55105 City S�ate Zip Code 9) Date of Birth 10 29 3 ??ace of 3:rt:� Tracy, CA :".onta, D�,�, � `'_ar 1�� t�T2 �'01 S C1�1ZcT1 0I �112 L;T'l:�c ��c�c5.' � ;vc�:: N/A �`.�_ 1 N�A G "a 1�.2C TI I:ci.L':a�l�t�d� l7�Ec52 SUuTl� �OC� OI :'c�l��c�i�c�:0:1 O� Vclld COCL:T.IE.Tii.c�lOTl OL resicent cIlEI1 SL'c�LS. '��Til 2G O:Gc:?CE »1::1 M1IlIlE50�a SLdL`1Le 3�+�.��2:�, ��O Cil �alE OT Off S d�2 I.:q'10T License 71a be 1 SL'E� �O ar.;•or:e Wi10 15 i:CL a Unit�d $tatc5 CiL1Z2T1 Or rES1G�E�1C alien. ) 11� .�" � I� e^S'� :c "�'25� , 1:5:. ..c".c c:^.G cCC_�55 O: S�C'�Sc. N/A , .. q�-ty.q3 12) Have you ever been convicted of a y felony, crime, or violation of any city ordinance other than traffic? YES ?�0 X Date of arrest N/A ,j19 Where N/A Charge N/A Convictiori N/A Sentence N/A Date of arrest N/A ,� 19 Where N/A Charge N/A Conviction N/A Sentence N/A 13) List the nsmes and residences of�three persons within the Metro Area of good moral character, not related to the ap licant or financially interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to!as to the applicant's character. NP.ME ADDRESS William Halloran 2004 Randolph Avenue, St. Paul, NdV 55105 Mary Ashrnore 371 S. Sarato a Street, St. Paul, NdV � Ann Garvey 2006 Fairrrpun Avenue, St. Paul, NdV 14) List licenses which you currentl hold, or formerly held, or may have an interest in. Clirrently hold -- FC�OD ESTABLIS CLASS L(1) 15) Hsve any of the licenses listed y �ou in No. 14 ever been revoked? Yes '�o x If answer is "yes", list the dat s and reasons N/A 16) Are you going to operate this b'ir.ess personally? NO If not, who will operate it? ?�ame The College of St. .yo I ::cdress '004 Randolph Ave, Phone 690-6902 erine �t. Paul, NIIV 55105 17) Are you going to have a mar.ager or GSSLSI.GP.L in this busir.ess? YES IT answer 1S ��yES , 't�1VE nane , (1 iI!2 cCQT255 , cP.d G�dL2 Oi bli ��'1 . N�me Susan Federbusch Address 2004 Randolph Avenue, St. Paul, NIlV 55105 Phone 690-6921 D�te of 5irth 4/1/44 18) Including your .prese:�c busi^ess emF�_oyment, ��hat busir.ess/employment have you follo.wed for the pasz five year ? Business/Em�lovr�ent :.c�ress The College of St. Catherine 2004 Randolph Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55105 N/A N/A , .. . A� -1�93 19) List all other officers of the r�oration. NA."1E TITLE (Office Held) HOME ADDRESS HO:;E PHONE BliSINESS PHOtiE N/A • N/A N/A � 20) If business is partnership list ar�ner(s), address, home and business phone number. Name N�A Address N/A Home Phone N/A Business Phone N/A Name N/A ' Address N/A Home Phone N/A Business Phone N/A Butler Center lst & 2nd Fl Lobbies, 21) Liquor will be served in the fol o•w•:ng areas (rooms) St. Joseph Hall Marian Lounge and and St. Jos h Main Dining Rocm, O'Shaughnessy Auditorium Lobby 22) Between what cross streets is bu ir.ess located? Cleveland and Randolph Avenues G�'hich side of street? south 23) Are premises now occupied? yes t,'hat type of business? Marian Lounqe-reception area How long? Marian Lounge-built ' 1953 O'Shaughnessy-auditorium O S ug essy-built ';1 1970 24) Closest 3.2 Place Tiffany Bar �d Church St. Leo's CatholicSchool Cretin/Derham High Grille Church School 25) Closest intoxicating liquor plac . On Sale Tiffany &3r and Off Sale International Wine Grille and Liquors 26) You will be required to obtain a Retail Liquor Dealers Tax Stamp. (See Attached) A.�v'Y FALSIFICATI N OF �tiSWERS GIVEV GR MATERIAL SLBMITTED t�ILL RE 'LT IN DEtiIAL OF THIS �PPLIC�TION I hereby state ur.der oath that I have �:aswered all or the above questior.s, �nd that the iaformation contained herein is true nd correct�to the besL of ry knowledge ar.d beliei. I hereby state fur�her under oath tha I have received no money or other co;�sideration, by way of loan, gi`t, contributicn, or o terwise, other than alre�dy disclosed in the a�plicstion »hich I herewi�h submitte . State of Minnesota) ;"� � � ' ��' � County of R�msey ) � i i Subscribed and s»orn to before �e thi ..-`� �, ------ �F'`� �� Sign�ture of Applicant / D��e �_ day of , 19 '�o ary Public Cour.ty, . N � �, , J�t,N.H� C DA+,fLMAtd � R e v. 5/ G 2 '�� Y.i•?F.= Y PUoIK—'�tHdlFS07A � �;�'., a' R�i�X CAUniY ►.4r co� � �v►. i o. i�v� �