94-1491 ` COUACll F11@ � � 0 R I G I N A L Green Sheet ,� 29521 ESOLUTION CITY OF INT AUL, MINNESOTA � Presented By �'� "" Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application (I.D. #2 78) for a Liquor On Sale (A), Liquor On Sale- Sunday, Entertainment-Cla s 3, and Restaurant (B) License applied for by Chi- Chi's Inc. DBA Chi-Chi's xican Restaurante (Michael J. Guerra, Vice President) at 389 Hamline venue North be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by Department of: Yea Navs Abs nt a e ___�T Office of License, Inspections and rzmm uerin Environmental Protection arris T e ar —� e man � - une � gy; �/ � � n Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secret y Form Approved by City Attorney sy: fl '� � By: Approved by M r Date � Approved by Mayo for Submission to Council By : A�" � By: **NEEI? COPY I1rIl�tEDIATELY** � ��� ' DEPl1RTM ' Il OATE I IATED �O � � � � � LIEP-LICENSING . G�EN SHEF CONT Q PHONE � DEPARTAAENT WAE � CiTY COUMGN. ���� Christine Rozek-266-9114 N � R � Qcmnrnaa+ev (�cmca.EpK MU BE 11 I (D11T� pp�T � BUDC��E7 DIRECTOR � FIN. 6 MQT. SERVICEB, �R. For Hearin : � p � ❑ �►,� �� �„�, ❑ TOTAL # OF SKiNATURE PA�iES (CLIP LL LOCATIONS FOR SIONATUR� ACTION REQUE8TED: Application (I.D. �23478) for a Liquor Sale (Aj, Liquor On�581e-Sunday, Entertai�ent- Class 3, Restaurant (B) License , + � : RECOMMENDATIONB: Approw (A) a Aej�t (R) P L BERVICE CONTRACTS MU$T AN=MIER 7NE fOLLOMtIN3 QUE$TIONS: � . E _ PuNNx�o cO1�AissroN _. crv� sEr�CE cOMWxss�ON �. nds person/Fim, evK worlad und.r a caMr�t ra tl�fs depubnsnt? YE3 NO � _ c�e coMM�rrEe — 2. t�es enis perwnnirm aysr besn a dty smp�oy�s? r _ 8TAFF — YES NO j � _ oisrR�r cmuRr _ a. ooes ttifs psnonmrm pos�s a skix na �rm�ay oossassa oy any airreM dty emp�oyw� ` � BUPPORT8 wHICH COUNCIL �,IECiIVE4 YES NO In ail ya �nswen on aplrab �hNt �ud �tlach to qrMn aMst i 1 INII'IATMI(� PROBLEM. ISSUE. O�ARTUNITY (Who. Whtl� WI»n� Wh�re. WM): i Chi-Chi's Tnc. DBA Chi-Chi's Mexican R staurante (Michael J. Guerra, Vice President) reque�te Council approval of its application fo a Liquor On Sale -{A), Ltquor On Sale-Sunday, + Entertainment Class 3, and Restaurant B) License at 3$9 Hamline Avenue I�torth. Al1 ' applications ai�d fees have been submit ed. All required degartments have review,ed and approved this applieatton. AGVANTAf3E8 IFAPPROVED: p : Council Researeli Center AUG 2 4 'l9�4 , DISADNANTA(iE8 IF APPROVED: 1 ; ; 1 . . � . � .. � ;. j �•� � . � . . �. { ;. DIBADYANTAOES IF NUT APPFlONEO: `i i � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAI�ACTION = C08THIEVENUE eUOOETEO (CIRCLE WIE) YES NO � �tlNDING SOURCE ACTiVITY NUMBBR � FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) i 1 t: ` � MOTE: COMPIETE DIRECTIONS ARE ��.MTWE dREEN 3HfET M18?RI�TIONAI � MANUAL AVA�LABLE IN THE PUFiIC�i�IrS�N�'aFF1GE (PHONE NO. �. ; - : , ROUTIN(i ORQER: � Below are oorroCC routir�s tor the tive mo8t irequsnt typss oi dodurrents: . � CONTRACTS (aasumsa auitiorized budget sxists) COUNCq. R�SOIU'T�N (Am�nd Budpsb/Aocspt. Orants) t. outside �4gency t. Deparanent Direc� 2. Dspartment Director 2. Budpet D'ae�ctor � 3. City Attorney 3. City Attomey � 4. Mayor (1or contracts over i15.000) 4. MayoNAssist�t � 5. Human Rights (tor c�nntrects o� 550,000) 5. City Council a 8. Fina�ce and Manegement Servi�a Director 6. Chief Accountant, Fa�u�os and Manapement Services 7. Fl�ance Ac�ouniin9 ,I ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (Bud�et Revision) COUt�IL RESOLUTION (alt othsrs, and Ordinencss) ;� t. Activity Manager 1. Departrnent Ditector 2. Department Accountant 2. Ciry Atto►ney 3. Depariment Oirector 3. Mayor A�sistant i 4. Budget birector 4. (;NNy CounCil ; 5. City Clerk � 6. Chie1 Accountant, Fina�e and Managsment Servtces � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (alt othe►s) 1. Oepartmant Uirector 2. City AEtorney ' 3. Finance and Management Services Director j 4. City Clerk ' TOTAL NUMBER OF SI(iNATUR� PAGES I�dicate the #�of pagea on which signatures are required end p�ps►el{p or fla� �acfi of tMs� pa��. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the project/request seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cel order or ader of importat�ca, whk.t►ever is r�st approprlate tor the issue. Do not wrfte complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with e verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete i! the issua in questfon has been presented beto�e any qody, puWic or private. SUPRORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which �auncN abjecthrs(a) your p�rojecthsquest aupporta by Nating the key woM(s) (FIQUSINti, RECREATION, NEIOHBOf11i�ODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDC3ET, SEWER SEPAAATION). (SEE COMPLETE UST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONtRACTS: This informetion wiq be uaed to determine ihe city's liabiliry 1or workers compsnsatbn daima, texes end propsr civN servics hi'inp rutes. INITIATING PR08�EM, tSSUE, OPP�RTUNITY Explain ths sltuatbn or conditbna thet created a aeed to► you� project or request. ADVANTAf3ES IF APPROVE� Indicate whather d�is is simply an annual budget proceduro required by law/ charter or whsMer there are specitfc weys in which tha City of Saint Paul and its citizens wiN benstit hom this projedhctlon. DISADVANTAt3ES IF APPROVEO What negativa eH�ts or major changea to existing or past processes might this projecUrsquest produce if it is passed (a.g., NaHic delaya, noise, tax increasss or aasessments)? To W#wm? When? For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What wili be the negaUve consequerx:es i( the promised adion is not approved? Inability to �liver serviceT Corttinued high trafflc, noise. accident rate? Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPAC7 Althouyh you muat tailor the i�tormatbn you provide here to the isaue you are,addressing, in gensral ycw mwt answsr two questbns: How much is k going to cost� Who is 9a�9 �o P� � � � • � ! I • I, Greensheet # 29521 L.I.E.P. EVIEW HE KLI T �ate 8/3/94 � 8/5/94 In Tracke►? App'n Received / App'n Processed License ID # 23478 Company Name: Chi-Chi's Inc pgq ChisChi's Meaican Restaurante Buslness Addresss: 389 Hamline Ave N Business Phone: 644-1122 Contact Name/Address: Susan A Garloff Home Phone: 560-6377 7013 Drew Ave H� Br oklyn Center Date to Council Research: � � Public Hearing Date: r0 �Z � Labels Ordered: 342923310010 8/8/94 Notice Sent to Applicant: District Council #: 13 Notice Sent to Public: Ward #: 04 Department/ Date Inspections Comments , Ciry Attorney �l ,v ��� C�� Environmental Health l �` �-� c � �� Fire �s� c �� o� License � � �� � � Site Plan Recei � g � 3 ' � � -r , �, � �� ����ed• I �--� ^ � �� � u � � ��� � � Por�e <�ryt� � � � �`� Zoning ��1��-/�� o � . , . �� -,,�' CITY OF S=._:;T PAliL, MIKti:SOTA OFFICE OF LICc�SE, INS EC: _ONS :�D E��I�O�:r!EyTAL PROTcCTI0�1 :.??L.CATIOV F0� ON S=_� I?�iOXICATI�G L?QliOR LICE�SE SLN�:;Y ON SALE ��. L?Ql'�0� LICENSE I�TCXICAT ��• CLL'�3 LIQUOR LICE�SE OFr S:;L� IN G=:IC?,iI\G LIQLOR LICEtiSE OV SALE -_i ��VER=.GE LICE:�SE 0�T 'i3 wI�n LICEtiSE Directions: THIS FC:��I "`.'�ST �? FILLED i:i �ITH �?E�'RITE� 0� 3Y P�I\TI�G IN I�� BY THE SOLE OG�:�, 3Y t:.C:i "r: �T'� �, 3Y E=.CH PE�SGV 'a�:0 N�S INTER�ST I:� EXC�SS OF 5� I�l TY� C0�?C�AT:vy ?�J/OR -_:�CI,TIO:� IN �^?CH TH� ���.'�� 0= THE LIC�\SE WILL .... ISSL'•=�. T-?S -?:L?C�??0� I S�_J�CT TO R£VI�W 3Y THE PL'�3L?C ) On Sale Liquor B)Sunday On Sale Liquor 1) A?plica�io:� ioT (�ype o= 1?cense) � Entertainment E)Restaurant . 2) Located �t (busi.^.ess aZd:ess) 389 amline,Avenue St.Paul MN S?�==T: . �. :��a-e T}'pe Directioz 3) 3usiness '�a, -.:e Chi-Chi's, Inc. COT�OTc� C:'. ?ar�r.ersni� Or 5012 Propri 2�OT5:21? 4) I= busir.ess is :-:cor�o.~a�ed, g`_ve a�e o= ir.corporat�on July 16 � �986 5) Doir.g 3usir.ass As Chi-Chi's Mex'c 3usiness Pho�e �(612) 644-1122 5� �fil�. LO r�G��I255 �lI G�IIc_c:l� Li:E71 �J'.: sir.ess address) N /A S:�EET: '�L:.::ber �sma ?Y?e Direc�ion Ci�y S�«e Zip Code 7) Your `�a^e a;:d Ti�1= Michael Joseph Guerra VP Sec Treas (:�rst) (�!iddle) (�'aicen) (Last) (:ic?e) 8) Hore :.ddress 1618 Night Hawk Cour Lou. KY 40223 ri:or.e �(502) 245-0634 S?�EET. �L.. tisn Typa Direction C:ty S��te Z�p Code 9) Date of Birth 9 13 51 Place of 3irth Davton Ox yonth, D�y, � Yea 10) Are you a citizen of the L•r.ited St-�es?'� xx \ative ?�aturalized If naturalized, ple�se subnit prooz oL naturalization or valid docL�enLation of resident alien statLS. �(?n accorda:ce �:ith yinnesota Statute 340.G02A, :�o On Sale or Off Sale Liquor License rr.ay be issue �o anyor.e uho is r.o� a United StaLes citizen or resident alien.) , 11) Married? xx If ans•.:er is "yes", list n��^,.e and address of spouse. Tracy Lynn Guerra (Rigsby) s e address . , q� - �4�91 12) Have ycu ever been convicted of a.y :=1or.y, crime, or violation o= any city ordinance - other �h�n traffic? YES __ '0 xx Date of arrest , 14 W�ere Charge Conviction Sentenca • Date of arrest , ��,19 t�fiere Charge Cor,vic �:o� Ser.ter.ca 13� ??S� �^Q .^.e'cS fi.^.d �ES�Cc:?Cc5 OI _cc �cT50i15 ti?C.71:1 �!'12 I":2i.T0 Area Of �OOd u.0T21 ChcT2C�cT� i:OL T2��i.cd LO L}'2 2��7 �:--.= or =ir.ar:ci� ir.r.=res�ed 1Z �1:2 �TcT11S2S Cr business �i'.O T�l"ay b8 T2I2TTcd LO =� �i.d 'c�?Z1C2P.L�5 ClleTcCtET. � �DDRESS , 14) List l�censes �:h�:ch.}'ou currently :.._ , or tor-erly held, or r,.ay h.:ve a� ir.terest in. A)On SAle Liquor, B) Sunday On Sa e Liquor, D)Entertainment and E) Restaurant 15) He��e a;:y o= the licer.ses listed b,_ in �o. 1'+ ever been revokeri? •Yes ;�� xx If ans.er is "yes", lis� the dates _-3 reasons �b� .��.I2 �'0'1 o01i.� �O O�c*ei.s.' �i115 } JL'Sl "t55 �2TSOi.211�'� xX If ilOi.� �i'.O �lll O'�2Zc�@ li.� 7013 Drew Avenue, Brookl MN 55429 ���� Sue Ann Garloff ?:o^e _,.:ess r�• +� 17� t?T2 �'O'1 r''.,�0?.'!P� CO �'ict'2 2 J::e;:ep2T OT'' c_:!SLe^� 11 ��125 �JL`5?i:c55� yeS If �ns-er � s "� es , give na�e , ho,^,,e accress , ar.d date or birth. ti•� Susan Ann Garloff Add:ess �n�� n,-o �ve-, ��ee�e��ri--E�rrtex-;—fnd P:,or.e (612) 560-6377 �:e of Birth 9/12/62 18) Ir.clud+_r.g your present �usiness/ec, : j�:r.ent, �.�hat business/employnent have you follo::ed for the pssL five }•«rs? Busiress/E;r�lovr:.ent Address Chi-Chi's, Inc., 10200 Linn Sta ion Rd. Lou. 1 - , . , �+-i�/ 19) List all other o�i�cers of the co pc:a;.ion. N�`1E TITL� (Oi�ice Y.eld) -:u� -���=.SS HO'S£ P�:O�E BliSI�ESS PHO!�E See Attached 20) I= bus�;:ess is Y�T�i :ersh�p ? is� p r:-.a_ (s) , a�dress, ho,;:a sr.d bus�-ess phone r.w;�ber. ,,]��� r1/p� -___ess . Y.o:;.e Fi.or.e ----..ess r:^.cr.e �a-:a I=.._:ass �:o^e F;:o^e ' ----:':ess P�:or.e �- -- �:e�s roo�::s Dining Room, Lounge and patio 21) Liquor =i11 ba �rved in ��.e ioll _ .; ( ) 22) �et::ee: ��at cress s�:e°�s is bus' =ss lcca�ed? See attached :.;;ich s:ce oi st:ee�? 2,�� :.I6 DT2.^..? 525 i.0'+ OCCI:?'_cC� ^2L LY�2 OL ti JL'S1^°55? }1C� ZOi:j� 2 Closes� 3.2 ?�ace C=u=cZ School 25� C� 0525C. ?�'.�OX1Ca�li.7� 11C�1:0: �ZfiC2. '�:: Sd� 2 �II $212 Z�J� `'OLl 5:111 t.`2 T2Sl:1rEd LO OS�e:i1 d c:c! 1 1? C':Or �i2S� 2r5 Ta\ SL'e�:i7. �522 r�LL'aCr1Ea� �`'Y s'-LSIFICATIO� C= :�S:•�tS GIV�V C� `"_�TE�I:.L SL'�3MITi=� '.3LL R=SU ? i\ D��?=L OF Ti:IS =??LICATIG:� I hereby 5�2L2 L"GcT CfiL�'1 �i:a� T_ t:a.'°- ==c=cd E�� OI �::2 e�0'i2 Cl:ESi.iC^S� E.^.d i.}:dL �i':2 1i7I0Ii_'dtlOil CCi:i.21':cd i':c'_'�':"1 15 �r1:2 2S' � �O �i�2 +�cSi. OZ !':y :�':O'��cC�EB e;: belies I nereby SL"aL2 IUI�l:cT L''�2� 02Ci1 �}'iSL '::fil'2 IcCcl'J r.o 1i:0.^.2� Or Oi.i':cr COi:51G�2TcL10T1� by �:cj/ OI LOcil, �'_Ii., CC.^.LT1:+'_L=0i1, OT OL1'=_-':52, O�'.c1' �ilc7 c�T22Gj� G'1SCZOScd lil i.}'12 �pplicatioz .,'_c� I r,ere•.i�� s�.:b-:i�cea. State of ��}L8�0�) KENTUCKY ) County of ����'C ) JEFFERSON Subscribed a,^.d s::orn to before r..e chis b "PPlic� � Date i�� tu o � / ; �+C�daj+ of �`��� 19 � Mi h J. u rra - vP/Sec/Treas � � �� r'; �'\ ,, r - r—�/ a! r,ot� Public ' ' '�,.�-� N:, „ Rev. 5/°2 t:�:::,j`':',.:',:i:'.�:';,:=;'::;i�'�•�..r`Y �1!4 ` e:rr.lil:lS$:l"ill GXUli1:S:'.�'.A�L'� k�.i: 1�7 ' . . , ���� � C I-CHI'S, INC. OFFICERS Mohammad Iqbal, President 7311 Rue Michael (619) 454-3157 SS# 570-06-7999 DAB: March 5, 1949 POB: Hyderabad, Pakistan Michael J. Guerra, SVP-Leg I , Secretary and Assistant Treasurer 1618 Night Hawk Court Louisville, KY 40223 (502) 245-0634 SS# 294-52-6413 DOB: September 13, 1951 POB: Dayton, Ohio Martin M. Casey, Vice Presi ent and Treasurer 159 Emerald Bay Laguna Beach, CA 92951 (714) 494-5154 SS# 032-34-2894 DOB: August 28, 1945 l i POB: Cambridge, MA Diane R. Holman, Assistant ecretary 31907 Crestwood Place Laguna Beach, CA 92677 (714) 499-6855 � SS# 304-40-4569 DOB: October 5, 1939 POB: South Bend, IN