94-1483 ORIGI NAL � `� Council File # q����t83 �m���� �� ����� a� �� �, �� � Green Sheet � RESOLUTION CI OF S INT PAUL, MINNES � A � � � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date • I � L, WH�RGAS, Chapter 587, Article 5, Se'tion 27, Laws of Minnesota 1994, entitled "Rental Tax Equity; Saint Paul Pilot Projec " w1s duly adopted and approved by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Council Fil number 94-892; and GIt1GRI:AS, the Mayor ancl the Council f the City or Saint P1ul have directed the Ilousing Information Office to administer th pilot project; and WI�I�R�AS, the llousing Information Of is establishing Activity 30137, in its budget for authorized financing and spendi g for the pilot program; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Se ion 10.07.1 0£ the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriat' n revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1994 Budget; and WIIERGAS, the Mayor recommends the ollowing changes to the 1994 budget; Current Amended liudget Changes Bud�et FINANCING PLAN llousing Information Office Rental Tax I:quity Project CL-065-30137-4099 I'ees -0- 56.000 SG,000 Total Financing -0- 5G,000 56,000 SP�NDING PI.l�N Ilousing Information Office Rental Tax �quity Project GL-065-30137-0141 Overtime -0- 8,500 8,500 GL-065-30137-0219 rees - Other P of Svs -0- 14,000 14,000 GL-065-30137-0221 Postage -0- 1,800 1,800 GL-OG5-30137-0241 Printing -0- G,000 6,000 GL-065-30137-0518 Contin�ency -0- 1,500 1,500 GL-065-30137-0537 Operlting Tran fer -0- ?_4,200 24,200 Total Spending -0- 56 000 56,000 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council f the City of Saint Paul approves these changes to the 1994 budget for the Housing Infor ation Office to administer the "Rental Tax Gquity", Saint Paul Pilot Project. C � . � 13udget Director ���� -�. ' E ' � ..i } � �. .�r +�, � � . . qy - �yg 3 �. Z� �. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that o erat ex enses will not exceed fee- enerated revenues in 1994 and that all osit ons will be eliminated u on termination of the pilot program. ' _ , Yea Nays Ab ent Requested by Department of: a e rimm • " . ue� in � � � �ls " e ar ! ! — e tman � � ^ une ;� By : >x� � " r 1 '. . Adopted by Council: Date � <' � Form Approved by City Atto ey Adoption Certified by Council Secre ry By: s : la . Approved by M o: Late �/ � Appro by Mayor for Submission to Counc'1 �� , � i :��� � a y : B � � . q� ��� � ; . ' Housing Information Office 9/ 2/94 �REEN SHFET _N _3.0926 j ? a � oe�►arMENT o�E �� � .7 cm� «�uuNCn. — �Nm�uo� � Chris Lukesh� 266-6000 Qcmr�rroRN�r Ocirrc�RK � ' MU IL BY � BUDOET DIRECTOR � FIN. 3 MOT. SERVICE8 DIR. �� MAYOR (OR A8818TANT') � ' TOTA� #� OF SKiNATUitE PIUiE8 i (CLIP LL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ! �cr� R�uesreo: i � . ; � Approve Activity 30137 in HIO Bu get to acco►nmodate the Rental Tax Equity Pro ram. � R ����e' �� (�) °� �� PE 80NAL BERVICE CONTRAL`T8 MUST AN�WER THE FOLLOWING OUESTION8: _ PLANMxra c�Aa�A�ssIOM _.__ crvK eERV�CE cOMM�sswN �. as ttas perwnRirm ever worksd under a contract tor tlUa deperbn�nt? . � _ � �� _ YES NO � 2. as tt�is p�nor►�rm ever bsen a cRy smpbyee9 ; _ 8TAFF — YE3 NO ! _ D18TAtCT COURT _ 3. ihia psrooNfirm pbuess a skill not normaNY p�� bY �Y �+� �Y � ' SUPPORT8 WFIKxI COUNCIL 08JECTIVE9 YES NO Ez aln aU y�s �nsw�n on Np�r� shNt and �tta0h to �rwn M� ! i ; i MiIT1ATINQ PROBLEM. IBSUE� OPPORTUNIIY Mlfw. N�htt. When� Where. NIhY►: i I . i The City has the opportunity t be the first pilot �rogram. j 1 i � i � t ADVMITAOE8IF APPRONED: i i I' The program will help stabil' e neighborhoods ad the City's tax b�ase. ' f I RECEIVED � � ��� ��: � �wt� Reae�k�t (� BUDGET OFFICE None. ��T �� 1ss4 RECEIVED I , � � SEP � 8 1994 � � � � DISAOVANTAOEB IF NOT APPRONED: ' I � � i The City will lose the 1 mill on tax credit. ' I i (� � V � �v TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION : 56 , 000 C08T/REY@NUE dUDf3ETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO .� �� Fees Acrwmr�+uMSER 30131 � FlNANCIAI INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � I . � � � � ._ ._ ` rl 4 . . . _ . .. . ,. . -. . � . _. i �° ; F A . � . NOTE: COMPLETE OIRECTIONS ARE 1NCU�ED IN THE y ONEEN SHEET IA8TRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAl1:ABL£ IN THE PURCHA3IN(� OFFICE (PHON� NO. 2�12,�, r;:. ROUTING OFiDER: Bsbw aro c�rect rouGngs to► the ftve most frequent typss ot docurr�sMs: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budgst exists) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Am�nd Budpsfa/M�pt. t3�anfs) . , 1. Outside A . , 9�Y � 1. Department Director 2. Department Director 2. 8udpet Director 3. Ciy Altorney 3. Ciry AtFomey 4. Mayor ((a oontracts over 515,000) d. Mayor/Assistant '.I 5. Human Ai�hts (for contracts over t50.000) 5. City Counc� ' 8. Ffnance and Manapemeni Ssrvices Diroctor 6. Ghlef Accountan� F&�e�toe qnd Men,egerrieM Senrioes . � 7. Flnance Accountk�p . . . . ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (Budqet Revision) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (aN Mf�sts.l�nd Ordin�nces) 1. Activiry Manager 1. Depanment Dlrector 2. Depertmenf Accou�tant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Mayo► Aasietant , 4. Budget Director 4. City Council ; 5. Cfty Cleric 6. Chief Accountant, Fina�ce and Management Services � ADMINt8TRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Department Director 2. Cfy Attorney ; 3. Finance and Management Services Director 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SI(iNATURE PAGES Indicate the �of pagea on wh�h signatures are requi�ed and papercllp or flp � uch of th�se pa�s. ; � ACTION RECIUESTED Dsscribe what the projecUrequest �eks to accomplish in eithe� chrorwbgi- cal oMer or order oi importancs, whichever is rtwst appropriate for the , ' iasue. Do not w�its complete aentences. Begin mach item in your list with a verb. � RECOMMENDATIONS Complste if the iaaue in question has been presented beforo any body, public or private. j' SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCiI OBJECTIVE? ' indlcate which Council objectNs(a) your proJecthequeat aupports by Iiating I the key woM(s) (HOUSINO, RECREATION, NEI(3HBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, � BUD(3ET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE UST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) � PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: Thia in(ormation will be used to dstermine the dyls lieb�ity tor worloets eompsnsallon claims, taxes u�d props► clvU ssrviq hking rulss. C INITIATIN(i PR�LEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Expiain the situation or conditions that created a need for ycwr project orrequest ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is aimply an a�nual budget procedure required by iaw/ charter or whether there are specif� ways in which the Ciy of Saint Paul and its citizena will be�efft from thia projecUacdon. DISADVANTAC3ES IF APPROVE� What negative eHects or major changes to existing or past processes might this proJec!/request produce i( it ia passed (e.g., tralfic delays, noise, tax increases or aseessmsnts)7 To VVhom? When? For how long7 DISADVANTAGES 1F NOT APPROVED What wili be the negative cwiaequences it the promised action is not approved? Inab�ity to delNrer servk:e? ContMued high traH)c, noise, accident rete? Loss of revenue? FINANCIAI IMPACT Although you must teilor the informadon you provide here to the issue you are, addressing, in generel you muet answer rivo quesibns: How much is it going to cost? Who is going to pay? f I �� i i . � , I . i I �� � , � �f � , _ /. I . i� i ; . � i � � . -�/ /�i ! . _ !' . � 1 G?5'���Z-i� i - �-� `� -� _ _ � G� , __ � � c.2 e - c�� .�o� . _ �` 1 �9 _ _ _� �� � 4 � r . . . . , ' � � . I, _ l _ ;�i� ���� � _ _ � ��� �� " � � r � �� � . �; �; � ,. . ;; _ . �; ,, ; . ,, _ ; ,, � , ,. . , __ ;� ;. .. _ ,, . ;� . � �� ... _ ,, . ,, _. �� _ r �� .. . ,� . ,�; �:.. �- � C � �._ ; ; , _ ► ; ._ I � . : � . j! - � - i f � �1 _ - _ _ _ __ __ . _i _. . _ _ _.. ._ . _. , __ -_ - - - - _ _ _ ' _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ ----t,---- i �1 _ . . _ . . _. --� � --- ... . . . .. .._ __. _. _. _. _. . . .. _. . . - - - -. .. -- ------.. . _. _..__ _ _ ..--- ._.. �� � � � � � . � ' - ;i - - ._. _. . .. . . ... . ..._ .. .. . _._. . . . .. _ :_ _ . . . . ' _ .. . ' _'_ _ ' _ __. _ .__' _ _ _.__ .. _ __ ...�..._ _ . _ . _ _. _ . .. . _ .. _.__ .. _. _'__'__.. � __ . ._. _ rl_ . .. _. . . _. i. _. � . _ . _. . _ . .. . _�.___. __. . . `,. . . .. _ .. . .. . ._ .. _ .. .. . .. . . � . . . . . _. . . __ . ..__ .. . _. .. _ .� _ :i. . _ . ... .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . _ . . _ . . ._.... .._--'i i _. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ,. .. _ . . ... . . . . . . . _. . .._ ... . . . ._ . �i. . ... .:. ._ �.r. � . .I'. . m�� � � � I � � � �-� � � .. � � . �! �- .ti • �S' qy - �� Sain I Paul, Minnesota . The demonstration site for the Mortgage Fore losure Prevention Program in St. Paul is at the City of Saint Paul's Housing Information Office (HIO). HIO as established in 1977 as part of the Mayor's administration. From their downtown location, HIO acts as a city-wide contact point for housing information, education, counseling, and advocacy. The agency offers rograms in stabilization, relocation and mortgage foreclosure prevention, which involves primarily mortga e counseling, budget counseling, and advocacy, HIO also provides the community with information on ho sing use and resources. In the first 30 months, HIO has served 378 hom owners. In addition, HIO provided information and re erral to another 315 homeowners who were not eligible for prevention services. Why and When Homeowners Come In for Service • The most common reasons for their client falling behind on mortgage payments include parent health problems (29°Io), lay offs (23%), marital problems (18%), unstable work history (18%), unexpected expenses (14%), and pay cuts or hour cuts ( 2%). • On average, homeowners are behind on 3. I payments. The average amount past due is $2,578. Thirty- eight percent are behind by at least $2,500. Profile of Homeowners Served by HIO • About three-quarters (72%) of the homeo ners are households with children, including 29 percent single parents; 21 percent are individuals, and 7 p cent couples without children. • The average age of the homeowners is 38. hree percent are age 60 or older. • About two-thirds of the homeowners are ite, 18 percent African American, 7 percent Hispanic, 2 percent Asian, and 2 percent American Indian. • When they enter the program, homeown rs, on average, have a monthly income of $1,597. Fourteen percent have monthly incomes of $2,500 o more. • More than three-quarters (82%) of the ho seholds have income from full time employment at an average hourly wage of $9.18. • Eleven percent receive AFDC, and 5 perce t receive Social Security. • They have lived in their homes an averag of 5.7 years. The assessed market value of their homes average about $56,000. Types of Mortgages • About a quarter (23%) of the homeowners ave more than one mortgage. • The most common type of mortgage in efault so far is FHA (54%), followed by conventional (17%), Contracts for Deed (12°l0), VA (11%), an home equity and other types of loans (6%). • Monthly payments average $577. (The o rall average for all six sites is $528.) -5- . h110 Program Services q� " , • HIO had 12 reported active cases as of the e d of December. • Based on 366 inactive or closed cases, HI has provided, on average, 12 hours of service per household. (The overall average is also 12 hours per ca .) • According to staff ratings, 32 percent hav � been relatively easy cases; 39 percent required a moderate amount of intervention, and 29 percent have been very dif�cult, requiring lots of effort. • HIO provides mortgage or HUD counselin to nearly all the homeowners in their program (97%). Other commonly provided services included budg t counseling (73%), advocacy with lenders (57%), followed by use of the FHA Assignment Program (38 0), bankruptcy referrals (19%), employment services referrals (19%), and social service case management (25%). • The proportion of homeowners who receiv referrals for employment services in 1993 (30%) is double the proportion during 1991 and 1992 (15°Io). Use of Financial Assistance • Altogether, 143 homeowners (38%) have r ceived some type of financial assistance from HIO. • HIO has provided financial assistance wi h program funds to 92 homeowners, about a quarter of those enrolling in the program, (similar to the ov rall percentage). • In its first 30 months, HIO has loaned $21 ,517 in Program funds, averaging $2,299 per household. • In addition, HIO has leveraged another $ 47,921 from other sources of financial assistance, which helped 70 homeowners. Immediate Outcomes • HIO has successfully prevented 244 forec osures so far, primarily by bringing homeowners current on their monthly payments. • Among all inactive cases, 57 percent o the mortgages were brought current, and 7 percent received a forbearance. • Fifty-nine homeowners (16%) have bee foreclosed, a bit above the average for all the programs (10°Io). The foreclosure rate was lower in 1993 (7 0) than in the prior 18 months (19%). • Among homeowners not receiving fin �cial assistance, the proportion who received a forbeazance was higher in 1993 than in 1991 and 1992 (16 o vs. 8%). Homeowner Feedback (based on follow l up surveys with 99 homeowners, 62 who received financial assistance and 37 who did not) • 97 percent of the homeowners who rece ved any type of financial assistance are satisfied overall with the help they received from the Program. • 58 percent of the homeowners who re eived counseling and other services but no cash assistance are satisfied overall with the help they rec ived. To these homeowners, the most helpful services were the advocacy with lenders (16%) and the m gage counseling (16%). -6- . Lasting Impacts (based on follow-up surveys wit 99 homeowners) qy-i�g3 .. �• Of the homeowners receiving financial assi I tance, 84 percent say the Program helped them deal with their financial problems (74 percent a lot), and 5 percent say the Program helped them solve the reasons they were behind on their mortgage payments in e first place. • In contrast, of the homeowners who receiv d counseling and other services but no financial, assistance, 35 percent say the Program helped them deal ith their financial problems, and 14 percent say the Program helped them solve the reasons they were be ind on their payments. • For homeowners who left the Program at l east three months earlier with their foreclosures prevented 74 percent of homeowners who got cash assist nce compared with 58 percent of those who got counseling and other services but no cash assistance were ill keeping up with their mortgage payments. These results are the same as the overall results for all six sit . � . -7- q�4 -��83 MORTGAGE FORE � LOSURE ��. 1994 P RE VENTION PR GRAM Serving Minneapolis and Saint Paul T he Mort a e Foreclosure " g g T� ; gage Far�ci�re Ph�ve�bor� .�rur� �P`.1�, wlucic Prevention Program (MFPP) is .� orth mrr�,South �; i�s �1�e ` . • :: : ; � :.: ;;: : ; :: ; ;» a,��`aarxt l�`aa�, �s a collaborattve effort of the oper b,� 1�c�rths�de R�r�'s 1��rleveloprrrent �iurrcr� �'�C�, ;; Northside Residents Redevel- �� ' ,�,�i#� f `�,�exr�t�, ,�itt�,�'��'�'v�Mg,�tfa��ta�t'�rt opment Council (NRRC), the f1�ce ; the Fam�X� 1�''ur�g Furrd �f �n�eagralrs �; �nt ;: Saint Paul Housu�g Information ,�'aqit� � �x� �rrc►v�id,�s h� � �t+� r#ww� :�t �ger �` Office, Twin Cities Habitat for �� �' �� �`�g� .����� : ; ; ,�� , y , . _::: .: , Humani and the Famil Housuig Fund of Minneapolis to the s� ccess of the program to A mortgage foreclosure can be and Saint Paul. The program date d the overwhelming a personal and economic hard- provides oounseling and emer- deman for services, the MFPP ship for low and moderate gency fina,ncial assistance to has me an on-going program income home awners, who may people in danger of losing their admini � tered by the Fa.mily lose their equity and forfeit their homes through foreclosure. Ho ' Fund and operated by access to mortgage and other Based on a model developed NRR � Twin Cities Habitat for ldnds of credit in the future. by NRRC, the program helps Hum ty, and the Housing Often, families who lose their to serve several important Info 'on Offioe. The W�1der homes must pay more to rent an public purposes: Rescar Center tracks detailed adequate place to live than they info tion on program services paid previously in house pay- ■ Preserve affordable housing and p'ciparrts to help evaluate ments. The loss of the home for low and moderate �e pr am's effectiveness. may also have a destabilizing income families. effect on the family. Prevent vacant homes and MORT I AGE FORECLOSURES ■ the destabilizing effects they �� PROBLEMS FOR BOTH The foreclosure process is not have on older, city neighbor- HOME � OWNERS AND COM- only damaging to home owners, h � MUM but also to the inner-city neighborhoods in which they ■ Conserve public and private ��e polis, Saint Paul, and live. In many neighborhoods, the resources. many ther cities are struggling foreclosure process leads to a with p�oblems created by fore- lasge number of vac�nt, boarded- The MFPP was funded initially closur of single family homes up homes wluch have a blighting by the Northwest Area Founda- in old city neighborhoods. This influence on suirounding pro- tion, which provided support for pheno enon is caused by a perties. The presence of vacant a three-year demonstration oompl 'x interaction of social and homes undermines confidence period from 1991 to 1994, to econo 'c forces that include in the neighborhood, panics test and refine program guide- weak ed inner-city housing other home owners, and accel- lines, service delivery methods mark s and a recessionary erates the downward spiral. and operating procedures. Due econo . PAGE ONE �'+�Y Housing Fund of Minneapolis and Saint Paul , _ A�-1�443 ��� � �d0 �4PPG� � Page 1 City of St. Paul Housing Information Office �. � Q��� Approved And Accepted Certifications Se tember 7, 1994 Prop ID No. Rental Pro ert Add ess Date Appvd Amount 282922340062 1034 REANEY AVE 08/11/94 $1,016 212922340111 1039 HAWTHORNE AVE 07/29/94 $1,385 112823230079 1083 RANDOLPH AVE 07/22/94 $1,068 032823140136 1213 SUMMIT AVE 07/27/94 $1,573 242923330132 1244 DALE ST N 07/19/94 $1,396 102823430129 1261 ELEANOR AVE 08/02/94 $1,415 102823130206 1263 RANDOLPH AVE 08/15/94 $1,420 212823210029 1275 ST PAUL AVE 07/19/94 $1,457 222923320164 1355 ARONA ST 07/28/94 $1,523 102823210060 1361 WELLESLEY AVE 08/02/94 $1,441 202922310160 1377 EDGERTON ST 07/19/94 $784 222923310122 1396 PASCAL ST N 07/28/94 $1,387 102823210112 1430 ST CLAIR AVE 08/09/94 $1,438 072822130004 144 ROBIE ST W 08/15/94 $886 072822420046 147 PAGE ST W 08/15/94 $1,229 342923220083 1494 MINNEHAHA AVE 07/19/94 $1,319 032823220050 1504 SELBY AVE 08/04/94 $1,124 092823110080 1611 STANFORD AVE 08/04/94 $1,400 162823110087 1648 FORD PKWY 07/26/94 $1,487 192922210021 1656 ABELL ST 08/15/94 $1,477 162823110089 1660 FORD PKWY 07/21/94 $1,461 092823410108 1683 JUNO AVE 08/30/94 $1,026 092823140160 1684 JAMES AVE 08/09/94 $1,443 162823110094 1698 FORD PKWY 08/11/94 $1,458 042823430128 1755 ST CLAIR AVE 07/15/94 $1,331 042823430127 1759 ST CLAIR AVE 08/19/94 $1,219 092823420004 1774 RANDOLPH AVE 07/15/94 $1,432 162823120090 1812 FORD PKWY 07/21/94 $1,531 332923310087 1889 ST ANTHONY AV 08/24/94 $1,181 022822240076 1918 UPPER AFTON R D 07/28/94 $1,452 162823330155 2000 BORDNER PLACE 08/31/94 $1,093 212823220104 2025 FIELD AVE 08/15/94 $1,391 042823220009 2039 DAYTON AVE 08/17/94 $1,492 082823140204 2119 RANDOLPH AVE 08/15/94 $1,637 082823410002 2176 RANDOLPH AVE 08/19/94 $1,632 082823140189 2177 RANDOLPH AVE 07/22/94 $1,523 082823430057 2223 BAYARD AVE 08/15/94 $1,539 092823110028 253 MACALESTER ST 08/09/94 $1,497 122823210018 258 NUGENT ST 07/28/94 $1,101 082822130015 297 ROBIE ST E 07/25/94 $1,329 202922220049 401 HOYT AVE E 08/24/94 $1,442 332923310058 429 FAIRVIEW AVE N 08/02/94 $1,451 112823140146 461 OSCEOLA AVE S 08/09/94 $1,024 332923420047 463 WHEELER ST N 07/26/94 $1,344 202922340063 469 MARYLAND AVE E 08/04/94 $1,102 362923340052 483 MARSHALL AVE 08/04/94 $1,194 122823220052 526 GRACE ST 08/15/94 $1,414 322922140094 689 4TH ST E 08/11/94 $874 352923410109 690 FULLER AVE 08/11/94 $744 322922410043 717 CONWAY ST 08/19/94 $916 172823120051 723 MOUNT CURVE BL D 07/26/94 $1,437 352923120186 841 THOMAS AVE 08/15/94 $1,072 022823120047 844 MARSHALL AVE 07/26/94 $1,239 252923410220 846 GALTIER ST 08/17/94 $740 332922230227 851 CONWAY ST 07/26/94 $878 t a���a43 Page 2 City of St. Paul Housing Information Office Approved And Accepted Certifications Se tember 7, 1994 Prop ID No. Rental Propert Add ess Date Appvd Amount 352923430008 853 CARROLL AVE 07/26/94 $915 022823210002 886 MARSHALL AVE 08/19/94 $1,421 262923230138 992 HATCH AVE 08/04/94 $832 Total Amount Available: $900, 00 Total Amount Allocated: $74, 32 Total Amount Remaining: $825, 68 � , q�-i�g3 Ci of St. Paul September 7, 1994 Housing Information Office Page 1 In iries by Ward Total inquiries for Ward 1 are: 3 Total inquiries for Ward 2 are: 1 Total inquiries for Ward 3 are: 3 Total inquiries for Ward 4 are: 2 Total inquiries for Ward 5 are: 2 Total inquiries for Ward 6 are: 2 Total inquiries for Ward 7 are: 2 Total inquiries for all wards are 170 , , , , q� -��4�3 Rental Tax Equity P ogram; St. Paul Pilot Project Page 1 Approvals For Targeted Areas (by area) Se tember 7, 1994 Area A Property ID Property Address Appr Date Amount 162823120090 1812 FORD PKWY 07/21/94 $1,531 162823110089 1660 FORD PKWY 07/21/94 $1,461 162823110087 1648 FORD PKWY 07/26/94 $1,487 162823110094 1698 FORD PKWY 08/11/94 $1,458 102823130206 1263 RANDOLPH AVE 08/15/94 $1,420 Total Amount for area $7,357 Area B Property ID Property Address Appr Date Amount 092823420004 1774 RANDOLPH AVE 07/15/94 $1,432 042823430128 1755 ST CLAIR AVE 07/15/94 $1,331 082823140189 2177 RANDOLPH AVE 07/22/94 $1,523 102823210112 1430 ST CLAIR AVE 08/09/94 $1,438 082823140204 2119 RANDOLPH AVE 08/15/94 $1,637 042823430127 1759 ST CLAIR AVE 08/19/94 $1,219 082823410002 2176 RANDOLPH AVE 08/19/94 $1,632 Total Amount for area $10,212 Area C Property ID Property Address Appr Date Amount 332923310058 429 FAIRVIEW AVE N 08/02/94 $1,451 332923310087 1889 ST ANTHONY AVE 08/24/94 $1,181 Total Amount for area $2,632 Area F Property ID Property Address Appr Date Amount 352923120186 841 THOMAS AVE 08/15/94 $1,072 Total Amount for area $1,072 Area G Property ID Property Address Appr Date Amount 252923410220 846 GALTIER ST 08/17/94 $740 Total Amount for area $740 Area J Property ID Property Address Appr Date Amount 322922140094 689 4TH ST E 08/11/94 $874 322922410043 717 CONWAY ST 08/19/94 $916 Total Amount for area $1,790 Total for all areas $23,803 I • ' , � � SAIN"C P A U I. 1 I 1 1 , , The Saint Paul Housing • � � � . � � AAAA Information Office was established in 1977 to pro- vide a supportive, construc- i tive relationship between citizens and government, • • ' • � • ' • � � � � • • � • • with the intent of address- • - � • - . - • • - • • . � ing and positively impact- � � � . , . � � � � � � � � � . � ing growing concerns sur- rounding housing and � � ' � � � � � � � ' � ' housing related issues. • • • • • • • ' • • • ' �' • • •• . - �- . � • • - . � --� The Office is part of the � � .� Mayor's Administration and is under the guidance of the City Council. The pur- H011 Information Staff pose of the Office is to act Direete r: Christine Lukesh Clerk Typist III: Katherine Peterson as a centr�l contact point Housing Counselors: for housing information, Barbara �:arr, Steven (Charles) Erickson, Stephen Rice, Janice Smith, �owell Yost education, counseling, and �d�ocacy Elected Officials Mayor� iames Scheibel The Office operates as a neutral source of informa- Councilmembers: tion �nd Counseling. The Bill Wi!s� n President, Marie 6rimm, Dino Guerin, Bob Long, Paula Maccabee, stdff wOrks to mOnitor Dave Th �ne, Janice Reltman housing infonnation and resources in the Saint Paul area, and to make the '� �� '' information available to , , interestecl persons, as well � � •. . �. . as, elected officials and • � � • ' • � • • � • neighborhood groups ' '- . . . � �. �- • �� , „ , � , � , .. :. -� � � :��� . � � . .� � :• � .� ;• � Services and Programs Total calls and walk-ins to A total of 21, 617 individ- Housing Information Office by month uals and families were served by the St. Paul 2500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Housing Information Office. Thegreatestuseofser- 2000 --•--•--• ---•••••••••• ••••••••••-•-•- vices were in the areas of rental opportunities, ten- ant landlord education 1500 - - • • • - • • - � - - -. .. ... . .. . . .. ..... and mortgage foreclosure assistance. Other pro- grams include code infor- �000 - • - - mation, emergency hous- ing, home buyinglfinanc- ing information, McKinney homeless assis- 500 - - - - - -. .. .. .. . . .. .. . tance, rehablhome ��� Improvement informa- ' tion, relocation assis- p �' tance, utility shutoff assis Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. No�. Dec. tance and general hous- ing information. ■ Total Client Contacts ■ Phone Calls Walk-ins The vast majority of fami- lies and individuals served ' ' ' � ' ' were of very low and '' moderate incomes. However, persons of every income, race, co/or, and creed were served - � � � through Housing ' '' ' - . � � , . � , , Information Office ser- ' ' "' . ,, , vices and programs. In addition coordination ' � ' � ' � � � ' � and collaboration with ' ; � businesses, community � ' groups, social service agencies, non-profits, the private sector, founda- tions and others involved � � �� � � � ���' � � � � in housing where essen- ' � ' ' tial in providing compre- . �; . hensive, quality services � ' � � to meet the housing � , � needs of our community. .. , , , . , , . ,�• . � �., ' � , � 2 Rehab/Nome Improvement In armation � � � Program Description: ����s� ��� �' � ���� �� �° �� �� �� : �I1f0�llldtl0ll 011 f101112 1111�D1OV2- 'r � ,� � ��'�� �� I� � �� � : �q� , � , � ment loans and deferred grants �� � � ����� � through the Ciry, State, and '�� ��� � � �� �����g ����s �"���� �� � � � �� � � ��� private sector. This indudes e � � , �� ; . � � � �� � information for homeowners q, � : �� � � � � �� _ and rental property owners. � � �r � � �� �� �� ��� ������� �,� � � � �� � �� � �� � � � � � � �� � a � �� � �� � �� p��� °�; �� i �� � � ��,� ����� �� �a�� � � � � • , , �� � �� �� � �, �� � � , , � , ST. PAUL TOTAL 67 ;� � � � � , � � � ���_�� , , , � � �� ��� ��� . � � 9 P § � � k§�`� . 1 b �. � . � s� ��. �ri � � `� � � '� �: � "� e � � � �� � � - m � I � � � - ' � � ��� � � �� � �i � �p wa � � f� ,��,�. e� � .� .P � � � �.. . � � �. � � �� � ' � , McKinney Nomeless Housing Stabilization � ' � � Program Description: � �� � � � ° � � � �� a �� � � �� � � �� � � Sub-component of the Federal ���'tG'� �G���� �� , � � � � " � � ` " � � � � McKinney Decisions � � � ° � � �: �� ����� Demonstration Program. �� '� ' � � �` � � � Provision of permanent hous- � � � ' �� ��� � �. �� � p � ����, � � a ing placement and stabilization °�� � � � � �� � � �� � ������� ;� � to homeless individuals and 5 � � � � � � � ��� ;� - families. �' � � � �''� � j ��������r eA '� � � � � �� , � � � � � � � � ��� �� �� � � � , . , • � � ` `� . � �s 5 ��� � `e5 � �i � �� � ��y�}-`��� I 1 1 I ST. PAUL TOTAL 81 . � � � � � �� � � � � � ,. �� ,� � � , �� � � � �; � ;� � �� �:�: � , � �`� I '�' � a�� p ' a � � �,'�� �� �g��� e �� ��; °'�� ` ' �' � �� ����� � ��� �� � � � ��@ � �a, - �� � �- � �s s �- , `�C a�� v � 9 "�d . � i Vtl�l� Shut0�5 ' � ' Program Description: �� � � � ��� � � �� �:� � � � � � � ��� , •„ Assist people in using� the � ' � � ��� � � �� ��� ��" , � � :m� repair and deduct ordi- � � � � ¢ 9 � � � 5 � � �� ��� � ��� � ' nance, work with NSP and � �� �� � ������ ��� �����, . the Water Department to � � � � ���� '� rt � �� ��'� � � � � � � � � ,� � negotiate re-payment plans � � � � � � ' �;��- ° ��� and help in locating emer- �� � � � ��� � ������ � � � gency funding sources to °� � � � � � �� � � � ! ,�� � ' � � � � ��� � • � � prevent or reinstate a utility. � � �� �� � ��� �� �g��� , ,. , . , , , �i �� 1t ; � a��� , , , � 11'� " � � � � � , � ; � �� �� � � ��� �� � . , � ST. PAUL TOTAL 58 � � a� �� � � � � � � � �� � ��� °.� � � e � ��� �� � ��� .. . � � � � a � � � a� P � � P a � � r�.: � � �� � 6 ��w +� � s� ����i Total ��� � ��a � � �� � � � .- . Households � m �.������w� ���� ��� � �� . . . �a����� � . Served by � ` � � e �, � . . . �� �� �� �� � Planning � � �� j- � . . . �� �� . . - �� �� v District �� �� �. � �°�� � 3438* � � � e �,�� � � ; �� � ��� � e �� � � �� � � m e� ��� � � Dist.9 Dist. r ���� �:� 134 » �° 3.9% �3�% Dist. 16 55 1.6% RentalOpportunities � � � Program Description: ' # of ' °lo of t�istrirt Hous�ho�d� Counsel'ing and information on ,. ������� all subsidized housing is provid- ed. In addition, market rate �' � 4 '2 lists of rental housing are avail- 2 � �$'� 3 6�ff 7.6 able and a network with some q,; y� �,5 private property owners has � '1�4 �i«7 been developed. Most people � ���"��'��� �� served cannot afford current � � '�• ' ' , , . , , s M1 ��! � rent and are looking for atford- g �q,, �,g � ' � � � � � � ( able housing. �t1 �' �.8 ' � � � � � . � 'l� '��� 3� � �� ' . . � ST. PAUL TOTAL 831 '� '� '� �' � � � � � �.� ������� ��� �� ,. u u �r.� �'� ������� � �r.� '17�' � 80' 9.� Tenantl�andlord Education � � � � � , Program Description: # of °la of Information and education on [;�fgtrlC'� � HOUS@�IQ��� °°° I`�Ct1��4��If3�t�S rights and responsibilities for both tenants and landlords is �' � 3 '� provided. Assistance in access- �� � �'� v 3 42 6J � ing Housing Court is also avail- q, ` � �,� ' able. In addition, formal dass- ���� s� Ss �I4.� es are provided at high schools, 6 � �•� through Adult Education dass- � '� � � � � � � � � � � 8��' S►9 e9�"� , � , , � , , � es and to community and g � �,,,� � neighborhood groups. so, 9 L4 ��� ��� �'1�1' � �.s . � ,, ST. PAUL TOTAL 625 �� �� � 6;� � �'! �� � �► �.� '161 17 °°,° 2.7 '�'I• 29 'i 4 3 Information/Other � � � Program Descrip�tion: # of ' °/Q of Information and education Distritt Householcis HOUSeh�ld5 '�''' on general housing ques- � � � � � � 1 13 4.2 �1 �' � tions or concerns and social Z, ; �g . 6A service referrals. This may �' � s ,.,, include zoning questions, �` 76 �� ' 5 , 35 77.2 human rights issues, public 6` � �,� , assistance information, child � 3s �.� protection, etc. $ ' ' � 9.3 g ' 1+4 4.3 " � • � � � � • 10 ' 4 1.3 � ST. PAUL TOTAL 312 z' '� ; 6 � +� � a.� ; 14 $ , �. 75 ; 5 " 1.6 '' 16 12 3.8 . 17 44 1eE Mortgage Foreclosure Preve ion Assistance �� ��� Program Description: # of % of ` Foredosure Prevention services DIStPICt OUS2�10�(�5 HOUS��IO�C�S ���� include financial assistance, ' ' ' ' budget counseling and person- � ` ` � ,�R�, ' '' , . � al counseling. The program 3. 33 ' s,4 helps stabilize families and 4 � ''�•� neighborhoods. Also certified 5 � ' �3R� HUD assi nment Pro ram � � 9 '� 9 9 7 ; 38 9.6 Counseling is provided. s`' 3� 2,s 9 24 ` 6.1 ; � • � � ST. PAUL TOTAL 395 ;; ` �i s � , , ' , 12 '; 5 1.3 � . � '1� 72 3A ' � '14 ' 4 1.0 , , 15 ' 8 a.d � 76 3 .7 17' 0 O ' Home Buying/Financing Infor ation � � Program Description: # of °/a of , � �, Information and counseling pi5trict ouseholds Househalds ' on all types of mortgage � 16 5 financing, how to buy a �; � 4 9 home induding associated 3 - �s a.s costs and responsibilities 4 �' ' r.4 5 ' 35 10.8 related to upkeep and main- ,� , �y �_� tenance. Pre-qualification of � � s potential home buyers for � ' 4 O 'n'4 � � � � � � 9 6 1.8 � �� � � � � � the City of St. Paul special �o ' 6 �.s ' ,., home buying programs. ,� 5 �.s ' ' 'I3 ' 21 `' f�.5 1 � ., ST. PAUL TOTAL 323 � � s.z : 15 16 5 16 12 3.7 ' 1T 'Nf 3.4 ;- 4 Relocation Assistance ' ' ' Program Description: � �� ;,� �,� e p �, �� Services are provided to house- ����� 4 � ; � �� ��� � � � �; � • � � ' holds who have been displaced ���; a� � because of code condemna- '� ' � ,�2 '� tion. Securement of up-to-code � � � � a ;� � � housing and connection to ��°'� � . ��� ��; needed social services are the �' '� � � / � ' � major components. ��°' � � �� � � � , �, �e=�e� � � �� � 6� � '�'i , , , , � � , ST. PAUL TOTAL 511 � �e � "� �' �� „ , , � � �:: � � � � : � k 9 � � 1 1 � � � _ �� I�� � � ° �f �e° � � � I � v � � � � . o � ��� ° Code Enforcement Information � � ' Program Description: ��� � �:�� a �� �� � � Assistance in obtaining an � ��' ��� �� ` ' , ; , ���� � ���� ������� inspection for code violations ,����e � � � . and follow-up to assure that the ��. � � • situation was remedied. � ���� � � � � '�� Education on the process and '� `� "� �; � ��� � rights associated with housing � � �,� � code enforcement ��� � '�� � � �,: � �� � � � .�: , , , � i � +� � , � , � „ ST. PAUL TOTAL 161 '�'' '� `'� �� , , , , , • , � ��a q =� � � � ��s=��, � ����. � �� - . � � �� � s'�w � � �`` '� v ' ���;� �"'- � � � � � � �� � � � �� � ��a.�� a� �� . Emergency Housing Requests � � � Program Description: m ;� p� � � � � � � � Homeless individuals and fami- ����� ; ������; a ' ���� ' �' lies are connecred to the shelter ,� �a � � � ,� � � system. Assistance in obtaining � a � s „� '' emergency financial resources, �� � � � �� � � social services and permanent �`�� � �' �� � '�"� �� housing is provided. °���.°� � � �� � � � � �, „ ST. PAUL TOTAL 74 °�' � �� , , • , , , � , �.� � �� � � � ���e °�° �r � � � �.� . . � �� � a �� �� � � ���� � �� �e ,��'� � ��`� � �s ; �;a�e� : � a�.��s. : � � :� ����� � ����� �����. ��,. 5