95-897Cauncil File #�'� 7J 8 l� Q�IG��AI� Presentecf By: CITY RESOLUTION Green Sheet iA Referretl To: oln�rt�e�� Ua� / / , WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is proud of the achievements of one of its foremost adopted sons, Rpy Wilkins; z and 3 a WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has erected a monument on state land near the state capital for all to reflect s on the influences from Roy Wilkins; and s 7 WHEREAS, the lightlng for the monument would be enhanced and compatible if the state would use decorative s light towers used in the Ciry of Saint Paul ; and 9 ,a a� iz i3 ia is 16 tt 18 ,s za zi zz 23 za 25 26 27 2B zs 3a 31 32 33 34 WHEREAS, the sireet lighting fund can make availabie to the State of Minnesota four of those standards at a cost of $1,000 each for installation by the state, and WHEREAS, there is identified available council contingency to reimburse ihe street lighting fund for those poles, now WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to section 10.07.04 of the city charter, recommends the foilowing changes to the 1995 budget: SPENDING PLAN: Current Change Amended Department of Finance & Management Service Cable Communication (Fund # 166) GL 166 31121 0548 Specified contingency 4,167 (4,000) 167 GL 166 31121 0567 Trsfr to internai. Ser. Fnd 0 4,000 4,000 All Other Fund Spending 833 0 833 5 000 0 5,000 RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 1995 budget. Requested by Department of: �.S Finance & M mnt Set./ Cable By: Martha Larson , � Y� ppP r: Appr al Recommended by Bt,�get Director: By: �� 1'3� ���-� Form Approv d by Ciiy Attorney: �Y� � �, j �� � ��2 �5 J �7 Approv y Mayor for Sub 'ssio to�� By: samtvaWBUaget�elF:t4���lamslCR_WLL1c.JRp Wrz8t85 adopted by Councii: Date °� �� � — - ---T-" �doption Certified by Council Secretary: C/" � y� — City Council . :ONT CTPERS P NE erry ° ��a�C 1O ey 266-8610 Janice Rettman 266-8650 dUST BE ON COUNGII AGENDA BY �DAlt7 August 9. 1995 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES _ FOR 1 GREEN SHEET N� Z g � � 2 — WITIAVDAiE ��� IM77AV�ATE DEPARTMENT 01RECTOR � CITY CAllNCIL GfTY ATTORNEY � CfTY CLERK BUDGET OIREGTOR � FIN. & MGi. SEflVICES �IR. MAYOR (Oft ASSISTAM] � All IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Budget resolution amending the spending plan to a11ow the City of Saint Paul to contribute for lighting standards to the Roy Wilkins Monument and Memorial at the State Capitol. RECOMMENDATIONS: Apprwe (A) ar Rejec[ _ PIP.NNINGCOMMISSION _ CIVILSERVICE _ CIB COMMITfEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISTflICT COUflT _ SUPPORTS WHICH CAUNqL O&IECTIVE? See attached See attached IF PPPftOVEO: See attached IF NOT APPflOVED PERSONAL SEAVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWEFl THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 7. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this tlepartmentt YES NO 2. Has this personRirm ever been a ciry employee� YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skdl not normally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on Separete sheet and attaeh to green sheet W�e�, When, Where, WM1y): fpTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ �c,nno h,�a (transfer) 'UNDIIdG SOURCE INANCIAL INFORMATION' (EXPLAIN) COST(REVENUE 9UDGETEO (CIRCLE ONEj ACTIVITV YES NO