94-1474 Council File # �� `���� O R I G I NA L Green Sheet # 25868 RESOLUTION CITY OF S INT PAUL, MINNESOTA r^ �J Presented By Referred To Committee: Date __ �.10�2 1 WHEREAS, the Department of Public Work has let bids for 1994-1995 construction of the Davern 2 Outlet Phase B project, and 3 4 WHEREAS, the completion of this project i necessary prior to the beginning of 1995 Combined Sewer 5 Separation Program projects, and 6 7 WHEREAS, the award of this contract in 1 94 requires increasing the 1994 Capital Improvement Budget 8 with certain available funds from the tenta ve 1995 Capital improvement Budget, so 9 1 0 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Coun il of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice 1 1 of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budge Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted 1 2 and amended by this Council is hereby further mended in following particular: 13 1 4 Current Amended 15 Budget Change Budget 16 17 18 19 20 FINANCING PLAN 21 COMBINED SEWER SEP. P 2 2 C94-2T627 23 24 SEW SERV REV BNDS-198 5,717,344.76 2,254,678.00 7,972,022.76 25 SEW SERV REV BNDS-CL BK 3,500,000.00 3,500,000.00 26 SPEC ASMT BONDS 1,537,000.00 1,537,000.00 27 WATER SURCHARGE 650,000.00 650,000.00 2 8 ASSESSMENT t,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 29 1994 CIB 4,437,559.19 4 4�7,559.19 30 1994 MSA 1,088,655.36 1,088,655.36 31 1994 PUB. IMPROV. AID 58,920.45 58,920.45 32 MN WATER POL CONT GR NT 7,900,000.00 2,000,000.00 9,900,000.00 33 SEWERSERVFUND-MSR' 4 913,470.31 913,470.31 34 WATER UTILITY 488,400.00 488,400.00 3 5 MN DOT 1, 795,000.00 t, 795,000.00 36 29,586,350.07 4,254,678.00 33,841,028.07 ' The 3t. I�aul Lonq - Flanqe Capital Tmp�avomen+ $udget Committea raCeiv�d this zequest on _ �� 9I Z�► ��I _ - and recomm�n�3� . �: � ��.;. ' � � i . . � .. 4 � . � : t .. . . , . . . �� . � �. . .. . . a� -��n� �.Zo�2. 1 SPENDING PLAN 2 COMBINED SEWER SEP. PR . 3 C94-2T627 4 5 PLANS & CONSTRUCTION 29,586,350.07 4,254,678.00 33,841,028.07 6 29,586,350.07 4,254,678.00 33,841,028.07 7 8 9 RESOLVED, that the City Council adopts the ab ve changes to the Capital budget. fhe 3t. Paul Lottq . Ran,qe Capital �nprowmer►t gudget Committee tsaeived this requ�et on `�� Z y * and re.':ommends 111 ��: ....-- -� �p��o��� a� ��s ns.l��v� w.� P�w� Q� �2-. � ' �',"� pror�l� b �t GIB Cowwl c�it�r a � P cl��?r •� �'»' •K bcNt t�t , Yeas. Nays Ab nt Requested by Department of: } -- Blakey �` Grimm � MJE/jb Public Works 9 Guerin Harris ���� Meqard � �� Rettman � By. Th un e Adopted by Council: Date ��. Form oved by C' At orney Adoptio Certified by Council Secreta y By� �� � 9 -2 - 9 gy: � Approv d by Mayor or Submission to Council Approved b yor: Date �� / 7 � g ; /�G��fi�2�i /� ��L� By : 2 r� DATE ITIATEO � `� �� 1�' I Public Works 9/2 4 GREEN SHEET No 25868 ' WNTNCT PERSON � PHONE INITiAUDATE INITIAL/DAI� IVj1C�1 f Eggum 266-6143 N �� N � Q � C TY ORNEYIRECTOR � � CITY C ERKCII � MUST BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY (DATE) ROU NG � BUDGET DIRECTOR IN & MGT. SERVICES DI � MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn 1 MiceEgpum TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CIJP AL LOCATION3 FOR SIGNATURE) �2 CAP P � DEPARTMENT �� ACT�N REOUESTED Approval of attached Councii Resolution amending t e 1994 Capital Improvement Budget by increasing the spending and � financing of the Combined Sewer Separation Progra . i RECOMMENDA710t�:Approve (ly w Rsjux (R) pE ONAL SERVICE CONTRACT8 MUST ANSVYER THE FOLLOWINCi �UE3110PI3: I _ PLANNIN(i COMMISSION _CIVIL SERViCE COMMISSION �. � this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB COMMITTEE YES NO I STAFF 2. as this personlflrm ever been a ciry employee? � — — YES NO _ D�TRIC7 COUNCIL _ 3. oes this persorvfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current aty employee? SUPPORTS WH�H COUNCIL OBJECTIVE4 YES NO Exp in all yes qnswers on aeparaU sMet and attach to grsen she�t INITIATIN� PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WNO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE. W ): The Davem Outlet, Phase B project is a late 1994/ea y 1995 construction project, that is necessary to be completed by May ; of 1995, in order to begin 1995 CSSP projects. In ord r to facilitate the earliest possible project start for the contractor � determined to be the successful low bidder, it is nece sary to amend the 1994 Capital Budget to authorize the use of funds . originally pianned for 1995. The State of Minnesota as approved the expenditure of the amount shown of 1995 State Gra�t . money at this time; the Sewer Revenue Bond portio of this request were sold previous to the beginning of the 10-year CSSP Program and are available for this purpose. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The 10 year CSSP Program will continue as mandate towards completion in 1995. Council Research Center � ' OCT 0 3 1994 t � f � I � ! DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Ultimately a certain amouM of projected interest on th Sewer Revenue Bonds may not be realized (alfhough this is largely I dependent on the submission of contr.actors billings, ost of which are unlikely until well into 1995.) ; � ; j � DISADVANTAQE3 IF NOT APPROVED: ' Completion of the entire Combined Sewer Separatio Program by the end of 1995 as mandated would be extremely unlikely� � � TOTAL AMOUP(T OF TRANSACTION s COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES ►� i FUNDIN6 SOURCE w v ACTIVITY NUMBER C94-2T627 ; FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) i � � � i I