95-896Q i \ j V � � � � • Presented Referred To: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 19763 ay Committee Date: W HEREAS, the 1995 Crvic Center budget must be amended to increase spending authoriry for operating items cuaenUy required, and WHEREAS, [he use of fund balance will be used ro finance these needed i[ems, and WHEREAS, the Civic Center Authority passed resolution #3032 (copy at[ached), and W HEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to sec[ion 10.07.1 of [he City Charter recommends the following changes to the 1993 budget, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, [he City Council approves the budget be changed as follows; FINANCING Civic Center Fund 900 - 20101 - 9925 Use of Retained earnings 900 - 20101 - all other financing � SPENDING Civic Center Fund 900 - 20101- 0174 Appointed Salaries 900 - 20107 - 0219 Contract Services 900 - 20181- 0859 Communications Eqpt. 9Q0 - 20181- 0848 SpecialiZed Equiptmeot 900 - 20127 - 0219 Contracted Maintenance security 900 - 20121- 0271 Building Repair O50 - 30108 - all ofher spending Council Fle # _ �� Q �� Currerrt Amended Budpet Charge Budget $0 $320.500 $320.500 $5744165 $0 $5.744,165 $5,744�165 $320�500 $6.064,665 o.00 $242,414 $32,500 $15,000 $40,000 $0 $25,000 $36.750 $48,000 $150�000 $100.000 $110.000 $75,W0 $5.190,601 $0 $5.744.165 $320,500 $274,974 $55.000 $25,000 $84.150 $250.000 $185�000 $5.7 90.601 $6�064�66 � Requested by DepartmeM ot �� �� t � ✓ sy� ��"� ��'°�— ��� Adopted by Council: Date +-�� 1�� S — r — � Adoption Certified by Council Secratary: • BY ' - Approved ayor: ate ' �� � '� s,,: r /��niz.�� �" `��.�,% i c crWar.eeycMmsv�rtnauieuea�arc. (cACawsh��mencn-ccorazl oe-wy-es By: Recommended by Budget Diracior: ?sv�,o.� M 6Z° . C� —/Q —l`f ey: � Civic center 143 W �th Chris Hansen 224-7362 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES sizi9s GREEN SHEET INITIAVDATE— � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �N CITYATTORNEY EF FOR ING BUDGET DIRECTOR �, MAYOR(ORASSISTANn i�A q� a�r;� 19763 O CITV COUNqI — 'NITIAL/DATE -� � CITV CLERK O FIN. & MGT SERVICES DIR. o — (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Amend 1995 budget for the Saint Paul Civic Center FiEGUMMENDATIONS. ApProve (A) or Rejec[ (R) _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMITTEE _ STAFF _ _ DISTRICTCOURT _ � SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL O&IECTNE? INITIATING PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUS7 ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 7. Has this person/firm ever worketl under a contract for this department? VES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does ihis person/firm possess a skill noi normally possessetl by any current ciTy employee? YES NO Expfain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet What, When, WHere, Why). Civic Center is purchasing items that were not originally budgeted. Also, services were that were not budgeted items. ANTAGES IF APPROVED� Civic Center will be within budget �VL 1 ��3��K V 1�°,��! 5°��°� Q��'(,'�� e . � 4,'�`.°y IF None KtCF..iVEL JUL 191995 CITY CLER4� Civic Center will be over budget TOTAL AMOUNT OF 7PANSACTION $ ������� �� Q 1995 ,� a �� �:.;�<:��°ts �� �� ��`������� � COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (pRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL MFOFiMATION. (EXPLAIN) � e . ! V��