94-1471 �U I�Sfi �'1./T� — 1 I �q �qy Council File # ' � A e-Y� e�� ��'`�. `" `� Green Sheet # ' RESOLUTION CITY OF AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By /�� Referred To Committee: Date 1 RESOLUTION AUTHORI NG 1'HE SAFE CITY SAINT PAUL I1vITIATIVE 2 � 3 NEIGHBORHO D CRIME PREVENTION PROGRAM 4 5 WHEREAS, Safe City Saint Paul is a comprehensive initiative designed to promote crime 6 prevention through human and econo 'c development at the neighborhood level; and 7 8 WHEREAS, Safe City Saint Pau program will include neighborhood safety audits which 9 identify public safety issues; the develo ment of long term crime prevention strategies for individual 10 neighborhoods and the city as a whole and the focusing of resources to implement the plans and 11 recommendations; and 12 13 WHEREAS, Safe City Saint Pau is designed to work with, and build upon, existing 14 neighborhood and community crime p vention efforts, 15 16 WHEREAS, it is important that e city's successful crime prevention activities currently be;�X;� 17 carried out through the Neighborhood rime Prevention Program continue to be carried out �g 18 ; and 19 20 WHEREAS, the 1994 General F nd Budget and Community Development Block Grant 21 Program, and the proposed 1995 Gen al Fund and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 22 Program include funds which may be tilized for both the Safe City Saint Paul Initiative and the 23 Neighborhood Crime Prevention Pro m; now, therefore be it 24 25 RESOLVED, that upon the reco endation of the Mayor, the Council of the City of Sainr 26 Paul does hereby amend city budgets follows: 27 28 Orig' al Revised 29 Safe Citv Saint Paul Bud t Change Budget 30 31 Neighborhood Crime Prev. 150, 0 (125,000) 25,000 32 P6-100-37805-0547-61336 33 Safe City Saint Paul -0- � 125,000 125,000 34 P6-100-37805-0547-61551 35 Transfer to Special Fund 20,0 0 (20,000) -0- 36 GL-001-06000-0558 37 Payments to Subgrantees 100, 20,000 120,000 38 GL-001-06000-0547 AND BE IT q� - ���� I Page 2 of 2 1 FURT'HER RESOLVED, that the ntent of the Mayor and the Council of the City of Saint 2 Paul is to provide financing for the Saf City Initiative from the following: 3 ���, 4 Financing transfer from 06000 25,� 5 This budget amendment 12 6 0 o c� 7 Total Safe City Initiative Financing 150,�86' 8 9 10 AND BE IT 11 12 FURTHER RESOLVED, in order to ensure the continuation of neighborhood crime 13 prevention efforts 14 ��i�e, the Council hereby authorize that 1994 recipients of the Neighborhood Crime Prevention 15 Grant Program be "held harmless" for 995, and be financed at the same level as in 1994; and be it 16 17 FLTRTHER RESOLVED, that su cient financing for the 1995 Neighborhood Crime Prevention 18 Program be provided for in the 1995 C mmunity Development Block Grant and General Fund 19 budgets; and be it 20 21 FINALLY RESOLVED, ' 22 >.�u��::::�':���`'�':� :�i`>:�:<'����`":t��:t�� an evaluation of the Nei borhood Crime . . .. . � , . :::,:;:.>:;.;:. ::.;:.;:.::.::.;:.;:.;:.;:.;�<.>:.;:.:.><;:.;:.;: :>;.;::.::.::... 2 Prevention Grant Pro am �������€���::::�fi�:::�: ;'..'� ..:::::�.,}:':::<..:::::�.:�::�.'��':,;,::::::�::;:.'.::,..,; �::::�"['��<�� and the 3 �' �:::;<�.;:::;.;:.;:.:;:;:.::.::.. .;::;�'�::>:::��..�.�.�..�..'��......�...�...��,.�...�,.t;�;:�:�:.;:.:<;:.;:>r::.<�:�:>::::::;.;:: , ... .... ..... ...:.:>:::> .. . ... .. . .. . . . . 24 results should be available to the May and Council by July 1, 1995. Ye Nays sent Re uested b De artment of: a e Q Y P �rimm uerin Plannin & Economic Develo ment arris g P e ar e man une o a Adopted by Council: Date �y � Adoption Certified by Council Secr ary Form Approved by City Attorney By: By. Approved by r: Dat Appro d b Mayor fo Submission to gy : Counc i`• ay: y � , ��r > . at�--t�'1 � "'' � PED - Planning Division 8 � 4 GR� "� `� T . � 219 g { oewurrM�Nr o�c� cirr c;a�cn. Hope Melton 66570, Bob Hammer 66693 �� crryc�ruc ;� f0 " � suooer a��a+ �. a ric�r. sEnv�s o�. '. anrow (aw �ss�s � � �� TOTAL �le OF StONA7yRE PAGEB 1 (CU ALL LOCATIONS FOR $�tNATURq ,� � �ra� �c: � � Approval of the attached resolution 11 authorize and provide finaacing for the Safe Ci '� Saiat Pa.ul �nitiative, and recommend inancing at a hbld harmless level fn 1995 for the "' current recipients of the Neighborho Crime Prevention Program. }- ��I ( �U a p N� (R) P RSONAL 8ERVICE CONTRACi'S MU6T AtId1M�E11'fNE R06LA1NINA`OIlESTIONi: `' .; _ PLAfN�IN�IC# OOMM+IISBION _ CiVIL SERVICE WAAM18810N 1. Hsa tMs ps�sorilRnn �w► wak�d w�d�r a oonl�Ct tor tlfl� � N # � _ C� OOMMIT�EE _ YES NO 2 Fles this p�noNBrtn evar bssn � dly smploy�s? � � i� — �� YES NO i , ._ ols'rA�r couar _ s �oes mN psrwn�im► po�a� a aau na no�ma�N P�ee� br �m �+►rent c�g +mvloy«? '� BUPPORTB wNK;H COUNCII o6,lECrnE9 YES NO ; j pidn ap yq �mw�ra on ��hNt a�d Nhoh to �wn �M�t ', t ;; r INfiIATIW9 Pl1091.�AA.188�. OP�Tll�11TY (Wlw: VYlnrt. Wlwn. Wl�e. VYhY ; t The Safe City Saint Paul Initiative a comprehensi�re effort to promote crime prevenfiio ;� through human and economic developme at the neighborhood level. The initiative is des ne ai to work with, and through, existing ighborhood programs, de�elop coordinated �traCeg�e , �� and focus resources in a comprehensi manner. Included will be individual neighborhood ;� safety audits, development of long t crime preventian strategies, and the establishme ' � of a citywide steering committee. �� z� �ovu�r�oes � �wovEO: £ � � If approved, the Safe City Saint P�u Initiative will have program financing through 12/ /9 .� Additi.onally, all current recipients f the� Neighborhood Crime Prevention Frogram will b ab to continue their progr$ms through -1 31/95: Finally, Council Researcl� will pravide an � evaluation of the Neighborhood Crime revention Program which will be used in coajuneti with program and itnancing decisions or 1996. i i t D18ADVANTAGE8IF APPRO�/ED: xone SEP Z 4 19g i , cirr� arror�N�y � ! �,►,� ��,�D: Ctwnc� Researoh t�er�er ,� The Safe City Saint Paui Initiative 11 not be implemented. SEP 2 9 �994 ,� ,i �� � ;a ;i _ _ ;� � . S � Tor�►t �otn+r oR rn�S�cnoN = 150 , 200 c�sTrtiEV�E wotu�� (cinc�.E a�t�) Y�a yo RuNC�NO�ouRCE Nei hbor oo �c�nvmrNtrMSS� -. _ ` . ' �cuLL iN�umoN: �exPwN> GL-001-06000-0547 � ; ; :� , NOTE: �OMPLETE��IRECTION3 ARE INCLUDED IN THE C3AEEN SHEET IN8TRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASIN(i OFFICE (PHONE f�. 2�8-4225). , � i ROUTIN(i ORDER: ', Bslow are oorrect ra�tinga for tt� fh�e m�t fro�ent hrp� of documsMs: � CONTR�►CT3 (sssumes authorizsd budpst exfsts) COUNCIt RE�.tJi'ION (Am�d Budp�b/Acapt• Grenb) 1. Oubids Apency 1. Dspartment Director � 2. �epuhnent DiroCtor 2. Cily Attorney 3. CHy Mtorns�l 9. Bu�st Df�or 4. Maycx (for Con�et� ov�t 518.000) 4. AAiyoNAsslstant ' b. Hurhan R�OMs (fa o� over S50�OOG) 5. CFy CouncN � 8. Finance end Mana�rrwnt Services DirecWr 6. Chfef AocounW�t, Finanoa �nd AAen�rtMnt SKVfas 7. Finaeae Acx�untlng ADM{NiBTRATIVE ORDERS (Budpst Re�isbn) COUNCIL RE80LUTION (aN ot�srs, end Or�ano�s) 1. M:tlWty Manaasr 1. Departmsnt Diroctor '' 2. Dsperbrant Accountant 2. City Attorney ; 3. Departrr�ent Diroctor 3. Mayor Assis�M ', 4. Budget DiroCtor 4. City Coundl I s. City Clerlc � 8. Chisf AccouMaM. Finar� �utd Menapsn�ent 8srvices I ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all otMrs) I 1. Depsrtrnent Directo� 2. City Attort�ey 3. Flnarx,e and Menapemsnt Se►vfces Director 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF 31aNATURE PAQES Indicate the #�of pagss on whk;h sipnaturos aro roquind u�d p�roNp or flp weh at thsM prgss. ACTION REOUESTED D�acxib�e what ths proJ�cth�que� s�eks W aocomplish fn eithsr chrorabpi- c�l ordsr or order of �ortarwe� wltichsvsr i� most approp�iat� for dts Issue. Do not wrtte complsM �r�s. Bspin �ach item in your liat with a verb. RHCOMMENDATION$ � Coir�pNte if the lasus in quesUon ha� been P�t� �� �Y �Y. Pu�� or private. 8UPPORTS WHICH COtJNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicds which CouncN ob�ectlw(s) Your P�jsa/r'sQu�t supporta by IMdnp d�e IaY wond(s) (HOU81N(�i. RECREATIOId, t��ih�ORM!�DS� ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT� Bi1DCiET, SEWER $HPYIRATION� (SEE ff�MMPI.ETE tIST 1N iN$TRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) PERSONAL 3ERVICE CONTRACTS: This Infexmation wIN bs w�d to dsMrmins ths dtyla liability f� workers oompsnsation deims� tenN and prOp�r dvN t�rvla hh�ha� ruMs. INITFATINt� PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY . Explain ths situatlon or conditlons tl�at croated a nsed for your project or request. ADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED Indk.ab wF�ther tl�is is aimply an ennual budpet proc�dure roquihd by law/ . chertsr or whether tl�ere ars specNic ways in wh�h the City of 8airrt Paul end its dtizsns wiil bsnefit hom this ptojscf/ectlon. DISADVANTAf3ES IF APPROYED What nepati�re eflecta or major d�anqss to existfnp or pest processes mlqM thla p►ojsct/request prodtx� ff it is pesssd (o.g.. traffic deleya� ►w�se� tax inC�eases or sssessmeMs)? To VVlwm? When? For how IonpT DISADVANTACiE3 IF NOT APPROYED < What wIN bo the nspativa conseQusrxes ff the promised edion le not approved? tneblliEy to deliver eervioe? CorHinued high trafNc, �oise, aa�dsnt rate? Loea of rsvenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Aithou�h you nwst tailor ths IMamation ycw provide here to ths issue you ere,addrossin�, in psneral you must anawer two qusations: How much is k 9oinp to c�osYt Who Is poirq to pey4 '�-� �I � � � `� i SAFE CITY SA NT PAUL INITIATIVE Prop sed Budget . Attachment for Council Resolution 94 1471 FINANCING PLAN: P6 — 100 — 37805 — 719 — 61551 $125,000 Transfer from DBG GL — 100 — 37805 — 729 25 200 Transfer from F (06000) Fi ancing total $150,200 , APPROPRIATION PLAN: P6 — 100 — 37805 — 0111 I — 61551 $88,000 Coordinator 1 0 fte $50,000 Typist .75 ft $20,000 Neighborhoo facilitator 1.0 fte $18,000 S btotal salaries $88,000 P6 — 100 — 37805 — 021 — 61551 $18,000 Advisory Con Itants ($3,000) Consultant se ices ($15,000) P6 — 100 — 37805 — 0241 — 61551 $10,000 Printing Suppl s P6 — 100 — 37805 — 0251 — 61551 $1, 200 Travel/consult nt P6 — 100 — 37805 — 028 — 61551 $3,000 Rentals — Me ting expenses S btotal Services $32,200 P6 — 100 — 37805 — 035 — 61551 $15,000 Marketing Su lies — art etc. P6 — 100 — 37805 — 031 — 61551 $15,000 S btotal Supplies 30 000 A propriation total $150,200 _ a�,,..,� � SAF CIZ'Y SAINT PAUL Crime Prevention fihro gh Economic and Human Development WHY SAFE CITY SAINT PAUL? Saint Paul is a safe cifiy compared other American cities. This is true in spite of recent increases in poverty and co centrations of poverty that would sug?est much higher crime levels. Nevertheless, recent trends are tro bling. Violent crime amona our youth is risin; sharply. In 1992, youth under the a e of 19 accounted for 49% of anests for crimes of homicide, rape, robbery, and aQQra ated assault. In addition, the number of youn� people in Saint Paul is e,�cpected to increase by more than SO% by the year 2000. The causes of juvenile crime are rooted in poverty and, unfortunately, approximately one- third of the city's children who will be moving into their teens are currently living in poverty. If we are to ensure the viab lity of our neighborhoods and our quality of life, we must act now to address crime and t e underlying causes of crime in our community. WHAT IS IT? Safe Ciry Saint Paul is a comprehe sive initiative that, together with resolute law enforcement, mobilizes community esources to promote crime prevention through economic and human development at the neighborhood level. By concentratina on making neighborhoods, homes and chools safe for children and youth, Safe City Saint Paul will increase public safety for he entire city and create an environment favorable to economic development. It relies up citizen-based solutions to the problems of public disorder by promoting citizen partici tion in all aspects and at all stages of the initiative. Safe City Saint Paul takes a holistic and asset-based approach to community development that will identify and build upon ent crime prevention efforts, both formal and informal, that promote youth devel pment, family support, social cohesion, and social control at the neighborhood level. afe Ci1y will be supported by an interdepartmental team of the departments of Pl and Economic Development, Police, Public Works, Health, and the Division of Parks d Recreation. HOW WILL IT WORK? Immediate Action: Neighborhood S fety Audits Safety is the prerequisite for economic and community development. Reco '' g that the state of public safety in any � neighborhood can best be appraise by the people and businesses who reside there, a safety audit will be undertaken, be '' g with the city's distressed neighborhoods, relying on the perspectives of child en, youth, adults and businesses in each neighborhood. Because neighborhoo residents of all ages will be actively engaged in the . safety audits, it is likely that progress 'n reducing the fear of crime will be achieved early in " aa������ the process. Long Term Strategy: Safe Neighbo hoods/Safe City Mayor Coleman will appoint a Steerina Cominittee of representati es from businesses, neighborhoods, religious institutions, schools, colleges and u'versities, labor, health and human service professionals and elected officials. e Steering Committee will have responsibility to (i) identify the underlying causes of vi lent crime in Saint Paul, (ii) assemble relevant research reoarding the specific stre oths within our city that are workina to prevent violence, (iii) assemble information regardin� the experiences of other communities that have initiated promising programs, nd (iv) based on all the foregoing, formulate preliminary recommendations for n ighborhood economic and human development. The work of the Steering Committee wi constitute a community learnin� process with information sessions open to the p lic. These preliminary recommendation will be used as a starting point for ordinary citizens and business people at the neighbo ood level, supported by the interdepartmental staff team, to assess the strenaths and w aknesses of their neighborhoods and devise their own strategies for Safe City Action lans. The plans will be adopted and coordinated by the Steering Comr�aittee and busine ses, churches, hospitals, colleges and universities and others will "partner" with distressed eighborhoods to help them achieve their economic and human development goals. Research: The primary and second ry research that supports this effort will identify existing crime prevention strategies hat work, reducing. the need for new programs. It will also establish key outcomes of ity and neighborhood actions, set measurable goals, and provide for baseline evaluation t regular intervals. _ WHO WILL BENEFIT? The crime and violence produced ' our distressed neighborhoods threaten the city's future. While initial efforts will be argeted towards these neighborhoods, all neighborhoods will bene�it from the research and information sessions conducted by the Steering Committee. When Saint P ul secures its future as a city where economic enterprise and community life can urish, we will all benefit. WHEN WILL IT START? . Safe City Saint Paul is scheduled to tart in June. Hope Melton, Safe City Coordinato (266-6570) Department of Plan.n.ing and Econo 'c Development � March 25, 1994 Council File # Q�'�'� 4� 0 R I G I N A L Green Sheet RESOLUTION CITY OF INT PAUL, MINNESOTA �' l� Presented By � Referred To Commi ee: Date 1 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZI G THE SAFE CITY SAI PAUL IIVITIATIVE 2 AND INTEGRATION OF 3 NEIGHBORHOO CRIME PREVENTIO PROGRAM 4 5 WHEREAS, Safe City Saint Paul i a comprehensive '' ative designed to promote crime 6 prevention through human and economic development at t neighborhood level; and 7 8 WHEREAS, Safe City Saint Paul p ogram will inc de neighborhood safety audits which 9 identify public safety issues; the develop ent of long t crime prevention strategies for individual 10 neighborhoods and the city as a whole; d the focu ' g of resources to unplement the plans and 11 recommendations; and � 13 WHEREAS, Safe City Saint Paul i desi d to work with, and build upon, existing 14 neighborhood and community crime prev ntio efforts, 15 16 WHEREAS, it is important that the ' s successful crime prevention activities currently be 17 carried out through the Neighborhood C e Prevention Program continue to be carried out during 18 the development and implementation o e Safe City Saint Paul Initiative; and 19 20 WHEREAS, the 1994 General un Budget and Community Development Block Grant 21 Program, and the proposed 1995 G neral Fund and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 22 Program include funds wluch may e util ed for both the Safe City Saint Paul Initiative and the 23 Neighborhood Crime Prevention gra now, therefore be it 24 25 RESOLVED, that upon e reco ndation of the Mayor, the Council of the City of Saint 26 Paul does hereby amend ci budgets as llows: 27 28 Original Revised 29 Safe Ci , Saint Paul Budget Change Budget 30 31 ItiT,�eghborhood Crim Prev. 150,000 (125,000) 25,000 32 P6-100-37805-0547 1336 33 Safe City Saint P -0- 125,000 125,000 34 P6-100-37805-OS 7-61551 35 Transfer to Sp cial Fund 20,000 (20,000) -0- 36 GL-001-06 0558 37 Payments t Subgrantees 100,000 20,000 120,000 38 GL-001- 00-0547 AND IT � � � �;� ��t��� ,-.�, . a�--��� Page 2 of 2 1 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the ' tent of the Mayor and the Council of e City of Saint 2 Paul is to provide �nancing for the Safe ity Initiative from the following: 3 4 Financing transfer from 06000 25,200 5 This budget amendment 12 6 7 Total Safe City Initiative Financing 150,200 8 9 10 AND BE IT 11 12 FURTHER RESOLVED, in order t I ensure the conti ation of neighborhood crime 13 prevention efforts during the developmen and implement ion phases of the Safe City Saint Paul 14 Initiative, the Council hereby authorizes at 1994 recipi ts of the Neighborhood Prevention Grant 15 Program be "held harmless" for 1995, an be financed the same level as in 1994; and be it 16 17 FURTHER RESOLVED, that suffic nt finan ' g for the 1995 Neighborhood Crime Prevention 18 Program be provided for in the 1995 Co unity evelopment Block Grant and General Fund 19 budgets; and be it 20 21 FINALLY RESOLVED, in conjuncti n th the development and implementation of the Safe 22 City Saint Paul Initiative, an evaluation t� e Neighborhood Crime Prevention Grant Program 23 shall be undertaken, and the results shou e available to the Mayor and Council by July 1, 1995. 24 , � ' � � � � � ► r �' a e Yeas Na s_ Abs t Requested by Department of: r mm arris Plannin� & Economic Development e ar e man une ' s : c..� Adopted by Council: ate Adoption Certified y Council Secretar Form Approved by City Attorney sy: � . Approved by M or: Date Approve Mayor for Su ission to g Counci ��" By: