94-1467 S6t � S�� � � � Council File #` / �'��` � Green sheet # � 7 .3 P � ESOLUTION CITY OF S I T PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application (I.D. #1 109) for a General Repair Garage License applied for by Mau Dong DBA M& T Auto Service at 1445 Arcade Street be and the same is hereby approved with t e following conditions: l. No unlicensed, inop rable vehicles allowed to be parked on the property after Nove ber 2, 1994. 2. Limit of twelve (12 cars awaiting repair service to be parked. 3. Tow trucks, employe s and/or customers will not park on the driveway or public right-of-way 4. Snow must be placed and/or removed so as to not adversely affect adjoining neighbor' fence. Requested by Department of: Ye Navs Abs nt � e3 ' Office of License, Inspections and �zmm Guerzn Environmental Protection arris e ar e tman _. n � un e ���. By : �Z� Adopted by Council: Date Q \ Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secreta y •_ � By: . �a - � • 9 By: Approved b Datql J Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: By: i �i � _� � t t r � � • DEPo1 ENT DATE ITIATED N� L✓�� LIEP/License Administration G�E�N SH�ET ' CONT PE a PlIONE � DEPARTMENT DIRE ❑ CITV COUNCIL INITIAUDA Christine Rozek/266-9114 0 cmr�rroRN�r � c�Trc�RK MUST B ON COUNCiL AOENDA 8Y lDA � F � � BUDOET D�iECTOR � FMI. 6 MQT. SERVICE8 WR. , CONSENT AGENDA O MAYqi (OR ABBISTANT) � i TOTAL # OF SKiNATURE PA�iES (CLIP LL LOCATION8 FOR SIGNATURE) � A�TION REfiUE9TED: . � Renewal of a General Repair Garage Lic nse (I.D..,�10109) t � � � REC�AMENDAT10NS: �Ppuw (�l c► Ay.c� (Rl PE ONAL SERYICE CONTlIAC7'8 MNST A!(�MIER THH FOILOWMlQ GIIEdTi01!I8: i � _ PLANNIN� COAAMISSION _ CIVIL SEHVICE COMMI3S10N t ma perwnmrm evsr worksd undsr a c«mact tor n�s aeparnnsnt� � � YES NO � _ STA��E 2. 88 tl�i6 perfONHrtn ever besn a dty empl0ye!? � � — YES NO _ DISTRICT COURT _ 3. s thl� persorUfirtn �seess a ek� not nonne�N vosreased ey.eny current c�r err�yee? � SUPPORTS WHICFI COUNCIL OBJECTIVE4 YES NO E aln all yu �nswsra on � sM�t a�d attach to pr��n fhe�t � INITIATIM(i PHf)BLEM. ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Who. Whst. Whsn. Where,lMhY): . � M& T Auto Service dba M& T Auto Servi ce requests Council approvai of the renewal of the � i General Repair Garage License currentl held at 1445 Arcade Street. Phi1 Byrne and Robert Ressler have reviewed tha application d have agreed that the LIEP Office may now forward a it to the Saint Paul City Council. Th LIEP Dffice recommends approval. � � � � ADVANTiUiE81F APPROVED: ; 1 � ;�:�► .���1 �il� � � SEP 19 1994 � � � # DISADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: . _ "' � COUnCd Rese�h � , ; � . � � OCT 0 5 1994 j 3 1 p � � � DISADVANTIIOES IF NOT APPHOVED: ' if Council approval is not received, a licant will be scheduled for a review before a � hearing officer. � 3 � ; � � � � � � � ; } TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8ACT10N : COST/REVENiJE BUD�iETEQ (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO � FUNDIFHi SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER '' FINAWCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAiN) ; � 1 d � ;. P � � `, � � NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE CiREEN SNEET INSTRUCTIONAL � MANl1AL AVMLABLE IN THE PURGHASINCi OFFICE (PFiONE NO 298-4Y25). ' � ROUTING ORDER: � � Beiaw en oonect roudnga tor the tive most irequent ypss oi documents: " . � ,} CONTRACTS (aasumes authorizsd budqet exists) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (M�snd-Budp�bMccept. Orenb) 8 1. Outeide Agency 1. Depa�rt�ent Direclor : 2. Department Director 2. Budpet Director � . � 3. Ciiy Attomey 3. City Attomey � 4. Mayor (tor contracts over �15,000) 4. MayodAssistant 5. Human Righta ((or contracta over a50,000) 5. City Councd � 6. Finance and Menagement Servicea Director 6. Chief Accountant, Finenoe�ard �Aanaperrient Services i 7. Fina�os Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (Budpel Revislonj COUNCIL R�SOLUTiON (ap otl»�a, u�d OrdMtances) _ ;� 1. Activity Manager 1. Department DkecEor ` 2. Depertment Accountant 2. Ciry Atiorney � 3. Department Director 3. Mayor Assistant � 4. Budget DirectOr 4. City Cour�il � 5. City Cierk } 6. Chiet Accountant, Finance and Ma�agemeni Services � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER& (aN others) � t. Department Ditector � 2. Ciry Attomey � 3. Ffnance e� Management Services Dkector � 4. City Cierk `� � # TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES � I�icate the +�o( pages on which �gnaturea are required and pap�rclip or flap s�ch oi thise pp�s. p � ACTION REOUESTED # Osscribe what tM projecUrequest seeks W accompflsh in either chrorwlogi- �; cal order or order ot importa�e, whichever ia most appropriate for ihe ;, Isaue. Do not wrke comp�ete sentencss. 8egin each item fn your Ifst with � a vetb. � }: RECOMMENDATIONS ` Complete H the issue in question has bee� prosented before eny body, pubifc � or p�ivate. � SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJEGTNE? � Indlcate whlcn counc0 obfectivsEs) your aro�tlreauest supports by �isting � the key wpM(s) (HOUSFN(3, RECRERTION, NEIGHBOAHOODS, EGONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPAR/►TtON�. (SEE COMPf.ETE UST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) � i � PERSONAI SERVICE COMTHACTS: $ � This intormation wiil be uaed to determine the dty's liability for workera c�mpensatbn claims, taxee end proper c�vN ssnrlca hi�ing n�es. � " INITIATW(3 PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY ° � � Explafn the situation or �ndiNons that created a need for your project � t1 E O( f9f�U8SL i j� � ADVANTAGES IF APPROVE� ' �' � indicate whether this is simply en annual budget procedure required by law/ ij � charter or whether. there are apecific ways in which the Cfty ot 8aint Peul and ita citizens will beneNt from thia projeot/action. "' � DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negalive eHects or ma� ahanges W existing or.peat processes mtght this projeotlrequest producs H it is passed (e.g., balfic delays, nofse, ' tax increases or assesamentaj? To Whom4 When� Fw how bng? OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED � Whet wilt be the �egative co�aequences if the promised action is not � approved4 Inability to dslive� aervk:e4 Continued high traHic, noise, � accide�t rate? Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Allhough you must tailor ths iMarmati�on you provide F►ere to the issue you are, addressing, in general ycw must answer two que�tions: How much is ii i going io cost? Who is going to psy? ' � � Council File # `7`1 " ���0 0 R I G I NA L Green Sheet # 29388 RESOLUTION CITY OF S INT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By ' • /'�i%Z�t�/i�L�a�2iG(I� Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application for the enewal of the General Rep r Garage License (I.D. #10109) currently issued o M& T Auto Service dba & T Auto Service at 1445 Arcade Street be and the ame is hereby renewed. Requested by Department of: Yeas Navs Ab ent a e Office of License, Inspections and rimm uerin Environmental Protection arris e ar e man � une By. Adopted by Coun il: Date Adoption Cer fied by Council Secret ry Form Approved by City Attorney By; �-/�-9� $Y= Approve by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: By: . � Ay -i���l Date: Aug 16 RESTRICTIO S SCREEN LICENSE I : 10109 DBA:M & T AUTO SERVICE NOTE: 1:1. SNOW MUST BE PLACED D/OR REMOVED SO AS TO NOT 2:ADVERSELY AFFECT ADJOINI G NEIGHBOR'S FENCE. 3:2. A FENCE OR BARRIER MU T BE CONSTRUCTED TO 4:PREVENT PARKING ON BUFFE ZONE BETWEEN PARKING LOT S:AND ADJOINING NEIGHBOR. 6• 7: 8• 9 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: Alt-Z FOR HELP° VT102 ° FDX ° 9600 E71 ° LOG CLOSED ° PRINT OFF °