94-1450 ORIGIIUAL . ��'� /�'/ '/� Crty of St. Paul COUNGIL FILE NO. `7`"�' "�`� RESOL�TION RATIFYING ASSE SMENT By ' '�, , �, � J : t �. � �� ' File No. S9356 Voting Assessment No. _�g�y � Ward In the matter of the assessment of bene ts, cost and expenses for 3 Recvna�truction vt eide�r k on Both aides Kenneth 5trt�et fra� Sharidari Ave. to I� folk live. Preliminary Order approved ' 1��a 1 S� 1993 FinalOrder approved 1�1,� ?7 I943 A public hearing having been had upo the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and ving been considered finally satisfactory, therefore, by it RESOLVED, That the said assessment e and the same is hereby in all reapecta rati[ied. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said as ssment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in one thru twenty equal installments. as per Section 64 04 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code. COUNCILPERSON l � , Adopted by the Council: Date � Yeas Nays � CJS� � � 3 , Certifie assed by Council Secretary ��� ✓ � I Favor By L ��txt rr�s � O �� �� ainst ��� � , ` Mayor !� , � City of St. Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. �� `�� Office of The Director of Fin nce By REPORT OF COMPLETION OF SSESSMENT File No. �'�3� Voting Assessment No. ��� Ward I the matter of the assessment of bene ts, cost and expenses for 3 �c�nser�tfoa t�� si+ta+ i� ��a Dtst�e r�id+�� iCannath i�trset fr� S�r��a�ra It��. t� �t f�rlh Air�. Preliminary Order approve� -�� 1�, 1993 FinalOrder approve�l ���g Z�, i�9� To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Director of Finance hereby reports t the Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the makin of the above improvement, viz: Total construction costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5, 927. 11 Engineering and Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1, 778. 13 Valuation and Assessment Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . $ 355.63 ProcessSetVing Charge ................ .................................. $ Abatement Service Charge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 8, 060. 87 Charge To . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Public. Imp oyement Aid . 1993 _ . . . . , . . . , . _ . . _ $ 4, 057 . 75 .................................. ................................. $ ..... ............................ ................................. $ .................................. ................................. $ .................................. ................................. $ Net Assessment ....................................................... $ 4.003.12 Said Director further reports that he has ssessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, tawit: the sum of $ upon each an every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improve- ment, and in the case of each lot, part or parc 1 of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto ttached, identified by the signature of the said Director, and made a part hereof, is ihe said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Dated � ` — �n Director of Finance 1`(--/�� V" i � � � . Public Hearing Date - Octobe 5, 1994 RE 7-29-94 � 5 � � F�sB — Beal Bstate Divisipn te: 7�2g_94 Green Sheet Nomber. $2.017 ;. �ARTI�TP DIRF•CI�OR OOUNt�. tad Perron and Phone Number. •••� A11�ORNEY C:[FRg ; ..�.� Peter White 266-8850 a�.� UD('ET DIRECPOR Bt MG1: SVG DIR � YOR (OR ASSISTANl� 1 Reanrch ust be on Council Agenda by. # OF S[GNATURB PAGES 1 (QJP ALL TIONS FOR SIGNAIURL� criorr x�u��u: Setting date of public hea ' g of the ratification of assessments for si ewa k � " onstruction on KENNETH STREET. Na 993w A�enc I�. 3864 RF.COHII�NDATIONS APPROVB (A) OR RFJFCT (R) NAL SERVIGB OOM'RACiS MUST ANSWER Ti� FOLLOWIIdG PINVNIIVG COMNIISSION A� STAFF 1. the pets�/firm ever worked under a o�tcact faz this dep�a�mmt? YLS CTW. SSRVIC� (70A�vi _ this peson/5rm ewer boen a CtY employee? YES CB OOI�IIrIITTES _ thie peison/6rm posceae a s1o71 not naamalip' P� bY �Y ' t (Sty employ�eY Yffi POIrTS WHICH COUNC�. OHJECIYVE? ' all YES soswets an a sepatate sLeet and attach. UNCIL WARD(S7: 3 Dis4rid Planning Couaa�: ]S , i , o, hat, en, en, y: ; � roject is completed. Ratification is necess in order to begin to collect assessments to help pay for the� roject. , � Same as above. A . enefitted property owners have assessments yable via property taxes. � A F . o not assess the bene�its would be inconsiste with City policy. � otal Amount of Transaction $ 8,060.87 Cost/Revenue Budgeted YFS NO $ 4,057.75 PIA 993 � � �, ' $ 4,003.12 Asse ments unding Source Activity N mber JUL 2 8 1994 ' inancial Information: (Explain) 17 property owners will be not ied of the public hearing and charges. , � I �' � :� r � � '� �` � � � � ': . ,� w �' � , . � � . � //L � / �� �/ � � � ` �'- �� /a � 13:35:24 10-05-94 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT HEARING LIST FOR PROJECT S9356 ASSMT # 3864 MANAGER JS PAGE 1 OWNER OR TAXPAYER PROPERTY DESCRIPTION FACTOR NAME UNIT RATE FACTOR UNITS FACTOR AMOUNTS PROPERTY ID ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FRANK 41 JAKER ET AL EDGWOOD WALK RECON RES 6.600 $0.00 21-28-23-23-0041 1320 KENNETH ST W 1/2 OF VAC ALLEY ADJ AND uALK RECON RES 7.920 28.5000 $225.72 ST PAUL MN 551162606 N 11 FT OF LOT 2 AND ALL Of NALK RECON RES 7.130 50.00 *01320 KENNETH ST LOT 1 BLK 3 NALK RECON RES 7.260 E0.00 *PENDING AS Of: 07-27-93 ______________ 5225.72 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEORGE J MOORE EDGW00� uAIK RECON RES 6.600 10.7000 $70.62 21-28-23-23-0043 01332 KENNETH ST W 7/2 Of VAC ALLEY ADJ AND WALK RECON RES 7.920 50.00 ST PAUL MINN 551162606 N 39 FT OF LOT 4 AND EX N WALK RECON RES 7.130 E0.00 *01332 KENNETH ST 25 FT WALK RECON RES 7.260 9.7000 $70.42 *PENDING AS OF: 07-27-93 LOT 3 BLK 3 ______________ 5147.04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DIMITRY & CELIA PERELMAN EDGWOOD . - . -0047 W 1/2 OF VAC ALLEY ADJ AND WALK RECON RES 7.920 $0.00 ST PAUL MN 551162606 N 13 FT OF LOT 70 AND EX N WALK RECON RES 7.130 E0.00 *01358 KENNETH ST 40 FT LOT 8 AND ALL OF WALK RECON RES 7.260 $0.00 *PENDING AS Of: 07-27-93 lOT 9 BLK 3 ______________ $69.30 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------= TIMOTHY E& NANCY J SWEENEY EDGWOOD WALK RECON RES 6.600 15.0000 $99.00 21-28-23-23-0048 01366 KENNETH ST Y 1/2 OF VAC ALLEY ADJ AND WALK RECON RES 7.920 50.00 ST PAUL MN 551162606 fOL N 27 FT OF LOT 11 AND NALK RECON RES 7.130 50.00 *01366 KENNETH ST EX N 13 FT WALK RECON RES 7.260 50.00 *PENDING AS OF: 07-27-93 LOT 10 BLK 3 ______________ E99.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DAVID C JOHNSON SHIRLEY A EDGWOOD WALK RECON RES 6.600 f0.00 21-28-23-23-0049 JOHNSON W 1/2 OF VAC ALLEY ADJ AND WALK RECON RES 7.920 44.9000 E355.61 01374 KENNETH ST FOL EX N 27 FT lOT 11 AND WALK RECON RES 7.130 E0.00 ST PAUL MN 551162606 ALL OF 41ALK RECON RES 7.260 50.00 *01374 KENNETH ST LOT 12 BLK 3 ______________ *PENDING AS OF: 07-27-93 E355.61 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BERNARD P MARTINSON & SUSAN EDGU000 WALK RECON RES 6.600 50.00 21-28-23-23-0050 B MARTINSON W 1/2 OF VAC ALLEY ADJ AND WALK RECON RES 7.920 46.2000 5365.90 01380 KENNETH ST FOL N t/2 OF LOT 14 AND ALL WALK RECON RES 7.130 50.00 ST PAUL MN 551162606 OF NALK RECON RES 7.260 E0.00 *01380 KENNETH ST LOT 13 BLK 3 ______________ *PENDING AS OF: 07-27-93 5365.90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ JOSEPH E HINKLEY ET AL ED6NOOD WAIK RECON RES 6.600 50.00 21-28-23-23-0051 1386 KENNETH ST N 1/2 OF VAC ALLEY ADJ AND NAIK RECON RES 7.920 61.5000 $487.08 ST PAUL MN 551762606 FOL S 1/2 OF LOT 14 AND ALL NALK RECON RES 7.130 50.00 *01386 KENNETH ST OF NALK RECON RES 7.260 $0.00 *PENDING AS OF: 07-27-93 LOT 15 BLK 3 ______________ 5487.08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ �� 9�-� ���� /� J��� 13:35:24 10-05-94 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT HEARiNG LIST FOR PROJECT S9356 ASSMT # 3864 MANAGER JS PAGE 2 OWNER OR TAXPAYER PROPERTY DESCRIPTION FACTOR NAME UNIT RATE fACTOR UNITS FACTOR AMOUNTS PROPERTY ID ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ JOSEPH M GALVIN ET AL EDGWOOD YALK RECON RES 6.600 50.00 21-28-23-23-0052 1392 KENNETH ST u 1/2 OF VAC ALLEY ADJ AND WALK RECON RES 7.920 2.5000 519.80 ST PAUL MN 551162606 N 1/2 OF LOT 17 AND ALL OF WALK RECON RES 7.130 45.4000 $323.70 *01392 KENNETH ST LOT 16 BLK 3 41ALK RECON RES 7.260 50.00 *PENDING AS OF: 07-27-93 ______________ $343.50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MAGNUS F BUDZIEN ET AL EDGWOOD WALK RECON RES 6.600 50.00 21-28-23-23-0088 01385 KENNETH ST S 11 fT OF LOT 21 AND ALL UALK RECON RES 7.920 18.0000 $142.56 ST PAUL MN 551162607 OF WALK RECON RES 7.130 50.00 *01385 KENNETH ST LOT 20 BLK 2 NALK RECON RES 7.260 $0.00 *PENDING AS Of: 07-27-93 ______________ 5742.56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TIMOTHY N LYNCH MARY B EDGWOOD YALK RECON - - . - -- LK RECON RES 7.920 50.00 01381 KENNETH ST 11 FT UALK RECON RES 7.130 $0.00 ST PAUL MN 551162607 LOT 21 BLK 2 NALK RECON RES 7.260 50.00 *07381 KENNETH ST ______________ *PENDING AS OF: 07-27-93 $335.28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ JAMES S BLOOMFIELD KEITH J EDGWOOD WALK RECON RES 6.600 52.5000 5346.50 21-28-23-23-0090 GOAR EX N 8 1/2 FT LOT 23 AND EX WALK RECON RES 7.920 50.00 01375 KENNETH ST S 21 FT NALK RECON RES 7.130 $0.00 ST PAUL MN 551162607 LOT 22 BLK 2 NALK RECON RES 7.260 50.00 *01375 KENNETH ST ______________ *PENDING AS OF: 07-27-93 5346.50 ESCROW - FSb ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADAM L FOX EDGU00D WALK RECON RES 6.600 45.0000 $297.00 21-28-23-23-0091 01369 KENNETH ST SUBJ TO SEUER ESMT THE N 8 WALK RECON RES 7.920 $0.00 ST PAUL MN 551162607 1/2 FT Of LOT 23 ALL OF LOT WALK RECON RES 7.130 $0.00 *01369 KENNETH ST 24 AND S 1 1/2 FT OF WALK RECON RES 7.260 50.00 *PENDING AS OF: 07-27-93 LOT 25 BLK 2 ______________ 5297.00 ESCRON - fS6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ JOHN F KNIPPEL TERESA A EDGLIOOD NALK RECON RES 6.600 16.0000 $105.60 21-28-23-23-0092 KNIPPEL EX S 1 1/2 FT LOT 25 AND WALK RECON RES 7.920 $0.00 01361 KENNETH ST ALL OF LIALK RECON RES 7.130 $0.00 ST PAUL MN 551162607 LOT 26 BLK 2 LIALK RECON RES 7.260 50.00 *01361 KENNETH ST ______________ *PENDING AS OF: 07-27-93 $105.60 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ �� 9�-i�� i�-�-�� 13:35:24 10-05-94 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT HEARING LIST FOR PROJECT S9356 ASSMT # 3864 MANAGER JS PAGE 3 OWNER OR TAXPAYER PROPERTY DESCRIPTION FACTOR NAME UNIT RATE FACTOR UNITS fACTOR AMOUNTS PROPERTY ID ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GREGORY J CAMPBELL EDGWOOD NALK RECON RES 6.600 50.00 21-28-23-23-0096 01335 KENNETH ST N 20 FT OF LOT 30 AND EX N WALK RECON RES 7.920 18.2000 5144.14 ST PAUL MN 551162607 13 FT WALK RECON RES 7.130 50.00 *01335 KENNETH ST LOT 31 BLK 2 uALK RECON RES 7.260 50.00 *PENDING AS OF: 07-27-93 ______________ 5144.14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ JOHN H R YUNGERS ET AL E06NOOD 41ALK RECON RES 6.600 50.00 21-28-23-23-0097 1329 KENNETH ST N 13 FT OF LOT 31 AND EX N WALK RECON RES 7.920 26.4000 $209.09 ST PAUL MN 551162607 6 FT WALK RECON RES 7.130 $0.00 *01329 KENNETH ST LOT 32 BLK 2 41ALK RECON RES 7.260 E0.00 *PENDING AS OF: 07-27-93 ______________ 5209.09 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ JUNE MARIE HETZNECKER EDGYOOD N . - - D ALL OF WALK RECON RES 7.920 29.2000 $231.26 ST PAUL MN 551162607 LOT 33 BLK 2 NALK RECON RES 7.130 $0.00 *01325 KENNETH ST WALK RECON RES 7.260 $0.00 *PENDING AS OF: 07-27-93 ______________ $231.26 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------= RICHARD A& MARGARET R EDGWOOD uALK RECON RES 6.600 50.00 21-28-23-23-0099 SMITH LOT 34 BLK 2 NALK RECON RES 7.920 13.2000 5104.54 1321 KENNETH ST WALK RECON RES 7.130 50.00 ST PAUL MN 551162607 WALK RECON RES 7.260 $0.00 *01321 KENNETH ST ______________ *PENOING AS Of: 07-27-93 5104.54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOTAI WALK RECON RES 51,323.30 TOTAL YALK RECON RES E2,285.70 TOTAL WALK RECON RES 5323.70 TOTAI uALK RECON RES 570.42 ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- PROJECT TOTAL $4,003.12 17 PARCELS 0 EXEMPT PARCELS ... g �Ri�If�AL . qy-��5o , City of St. Paul COUNCIL FILE O. f - RESOLUTION APPROVING AS ESSMENT AND By ' FIXING TIME OF HEARING HEREON File No. S9356 "" - Voting Assessment No. 3864 Ward In the matter of the assessment of bene ts, cost and expenses for 3 Reconstruction of sidew lk on Both sides Kenneth Street from Sheridan Ave. to N rfolk Ave. Preliminary Order 93-813 approve� June 15, 1993 FinalOrder 93-1072 approve� July 27, 1993 The assessment of benefits, cost and ex nses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having onsidered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment b and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public he ing be had on said assessment on the Sth day of October, 1994, at 3:30 P.M. , , in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the Ci of St. Paul; that the Director of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the rticular owner to whom the notice is directed. COUNCILPERSON Adopted by the Council: Date �Q y Yeas Nays ��.akey Certified Passed by Council Secretary i/j�� �/}G �rin � In F vor By °Z r/Ii�a ris � ;�Ie ard � Agai st man Mayor zune V ��,�w`' Sa�z�t au� C�t Coux�cx� 9 � �9 y ' k '`� �� �'ub��i ��ax�x�g �Toti�c� 0 p t A t � ���E���I@ .D� f i w ��s �r� �at���ica xox� o� A.ss��sxx��x�t �85, OWNER OR TAXPAYER COUNCIL DISTRICT #3 PLANNING COUNCIL # 15 __ FILE # S':93�6 ; _ ; __ . ASSESSMENT # PROPERTY ADDRESS _ __ _. _ _. ____ _ _ __ _ _.. _ __. ____ _ . __ __ .. . __ _ __ _ .. . ............ . . . _... ... . _.. . _ . __ _... _ . __. _ _..... _ _ _. . . __ _ __ __. ____ _ _ ____ __ __ __ ___ . _ __ PARCEL ID __ _ ... _ ___ _ PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION �L T � �'�� � � � � �� i:1'J�a s-. ] � � .. w:.arat'� THE TIME WEDNESDA , OCTOBER 5, 1994 AT 3:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City Cou cil Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall-Court House HEARING Written or oral st tements by any owner will be considered by the Council at thi hearing. PURPOSE To consider appro al of the assessment for: RECONSTRUCTION OF SI EWALK ON BOTH SIDES KENNETH STREET FROM SHERIDAN AVE. TO NORFOLK AVE. (WOR DONE IN 1993) ASSESSMENT The proposed ass ssment for the above property is $' _ INFORMATION If the City Council approves the assessment you will have 30 days to pay witho t interest. Any unpaid balance will be collected with you property taxes over 3 year(s) at 6.000% interest. The prop sed assessment roll for this project is available for review in the inance Department, Room 140, City Hall. ASSESSMENT CALCULATION. NOTE: THIS IS NOT YOUR BILL. YOU ILL RECEIVE AN INYOICE AFTER THE HEARING SPECIFYING THE AMOUNT APPR VED BY THE CITX COUNCIL WITH COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO PA THIS ASSESSMENT. CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE o9/is/sa