94-1447 L L ' .ta�7��' Council File # . --� L�� S� �� �,� �� �7 Ordinance # � -/ Green Sheet # ����5 ORDINANCE CITY OF S INT PAUL MINNESOTA 3 9 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 An ordinance t amend the license fee schedule 2 in Chapter 310 of the Saint Paul Legislative 3 Code, increasi license fees from 6% to 9% to 4 cover an incre e in enforcement costs. 5 6 7 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 8 9 10 Section 1 11 12 Section 310.18 of the Saint Paul Legislati e Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 13 14 "Sec. 310.18. License fee schedul 15 16 Notwithstanding the provision of ny other ordinance or law to the contrary, the following 17 fees are hereby provided for all t e licenses listed herein. These fees supersede a11 18 inconsistent provisions, including ut not limited to graduated fee provisions, in these 19 chapters and in other ordinances and laws, and include the fee for the license application as 20 part of the license fee; provided, owever, that this section does not amend or modify 21 sections 310.09 (a) or 310.09 (d) f the Legislative Code with respect to exempt 22 organizations or late fees. Pursu nt to sections 310.09 (b) of the Legislative Code, these 23 schedules shall be posted in the ffice of the director of the office of license, inspections 24 and environmental protection. ese fees shall be effective for license renewals and new 25 license applications occurring on nd after January 1, 1994�, or on the effective date of this 26 section, whichever is later; Provi ed, however, that with respect to all licenses whose 27 renewal dates occur after the eff ctive date of this new schedule, there shall be no increases 28 in, nor offsets or refunds of, the xisting fees paid, or due and owing." 29 30 �:: ENFORCEMENT LEVEL 1 31 32 Cha�ter/Section 33 1Vo. License Descri tion Fee 34 35 167 Comm cial Vehicle ����Q� ................. 36 37 316 Animal Foods Man. & Dist. ��5:� ................. 38 317 Amuse ent Rides ���;;Q� ..........:.:.... ................. 39 ................. 40 323 Christ as Tree Sales ���;�i ................: ................ 41 325 Close ut Sale ����;� .............;:.;. � l�-��-�l�f � � ��-I � ly �i� 1 . 32,7 Dry Cl aning Pick Up Station ��� 2 331 Bevera e Vehicle �i��;� 3 332 Liquid uel Vehicle �i�i�:� 4 333 Solid F el Vehicle ��#� 5 336 Private uel Pump ���Q 6 339 Ice Cre Vehicle ;..:. '�'� 7 340 Merc ile Broker ��r;� ................. 8 345 Peddle (Solicitor/Transient) ��� 9 348 Rental f Clothing & Vehicle ��;� ..........:....... 10 349 Rental f Clothes Attire Veh. �i�:�i ................. ................. 11 350.02 Rental f Hospital Equipment ��� .......... ...... 12 350.02 Rental f Hospital Equip. Veh. ���;� 13 351 Rental f Kitchenware �i��;� ................. 14 353 Roller inks �i�i�{� 15 355.01(a) &(b) Second and Dealer - Single Location ��Q� ............... . 16 357.03 Refuse auler - Each Vehicle Over One ��;�i 17 359 Sound rucks & Broadcast Veh. ��;�i ................: 18 371 Finishin Shop ��l� 19 361.14 Tow T ck/Wrecker Vehicle ��;£� 20 362 Tree T mmer-Additional Veh. ��;� ................. 21 372 Tire Re apping Plant �;��;�i 22 376.16(d) Taxicab Driver (new) ���„� 23 377 Lawn F rtilizer & Pesticide Appl. ��4;� ................. :...::: ...:..:: 380 Tannin Facili : �:i�:� .:; ..:...:.::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::.::::::::::::::::...:::: :.: :.....:::g .:::::::.:::::::�.'.::.:::::::::::::::::: ::::......................................................................�;::<:::>::::<:::: 2 .:: .:::::.:. : :.:::::::: :::.:::::::::::::::::::::::�<.�;:::::.�::: :.:::::::::.�::::::::::::::::.:�:::::::::::::::::::::::. .. .. .:. .: 5 y;�::.>::::.=.p:::::>: :::: °,:;. . . :. .: ::>::::>«<;<;:»:::<:::::>::::>::::»>::»» ::::::::::::::::::>::::::::::»::;::::»>;:::::::::<::::<:::::::::>::::>::>:::::>:::::>:::«:><:>::::>::::>:>::::> :.�� �<< : : : .. .; <:>:>:>::::>�:>::::>::::>::::::::>::»»>::>::;::�:::;:: ��:::;::;<:::;:><:«<:>::>::::::>::::>::>::>::»::::>:> :...........:.��:....�`.a�.r�..�nui .................................................................:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::.... :::::; :::;.g ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :.::: :.:::::::::::::. �::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.: :..;.��...� 2 6 �:�����':��::::::::>::'>���:>:««<:::::`:;;::>:'::::>::::::::���� :::::::::::::;::<::`�::�;'::>:::::>�::::>:::<':::�:<: ;.>::::::::::::::.�<;<::::::::>:::::::;.':;`.::::::>._:.>.>�>;`._.'.:»;;<..'::::::>:::::::�:>::::>:�::::>::::>:::::::::`:`::::::::»<::::>:<:'>�:�:::::`::�:::>::::::>::���:::::::>::>::::>:>:<�>;:.�:.::>:::.;::;:::.::: :.::::: �.>:.;:.::.::.::.;:.;:.;::.:.;;:.;;::::.;:.: ........ �� ��.��� . .�����.; �. :.;;:.:; �:.: �:.;:.:.;;;»;:.;: ......:.:..:.:......�+�.:. ::::::. �:::::::: :.:::::: �.. �:::::::::::::: ... ..............................:::::::::::>:<:>::»»:::::»>::><::>::>::>::»:....�`....�..�.�! ::::::::::.::�::::::::::::::::._:::::::::::.�::::.�:.�:..........;............ .......................................... :.::�::::::.�.�:::::::::::: :.:::.�:::::::::::::::.�:::: :.::::.�:::::::::::.:::.�::: ::.:::: 27 . , 28 414 Massag Therapist �i��� 29 424.02 Gasolin Filling Stations �{��(� 30 ................. 31 ENFORCEMENT LEVEL 2: �`� 32 33 Chapter f Section 34 No. License escri tion Fee 35 36 320 Bitumin us Contractor ���?�Y� 37 321.03 Roomin & Boardinghouse ����:��� 38 322.02(a) &(b) Bowling enter & Pool Halls ��i�;� 39 324 Cigarett ���;:� 40 326 Building ontractors �:���� 41 327 Laundry Dry Cleaning Plants �:�:��;� 42 332 Fuel De lers-Liquid ����.� 43 333 Fuel De ers-Solid ���;:;� 44 334 Pest Con rol �����i : ..:: : .; :.;:. .>:.:.::.;.: 45 338 House S wer Contractors �< ��3Y,.�Y,.� 46 344�� Oil Bulk torage ���*�� 47 . 347 �� �� Pet Shop ���;�� 48 352 Rental o Trailers �:��:�� .................... 49 354 Sanitary isposal Business ;���;� 2 � ,� -,�--�� . �. _ � Yy , 1 . 355.01(c) Second Hand Dealer - Exhibitions �:�:�:;� .............:...... 2 356 Sidewa Contractors ��:i�e�;� 3 362 Tree T 'mming ���;:�p 4 364 Veterin ry Clinic ���;� .................... 5 365.02 Windo Cleaning ��:�:��i 6 367 Tattoo arlors ��;#�;� 7 378 Bed & reakfast Residence ���:�� 8 • .......:.:.�.....:... 9 401 Motor cle Dealer ���f� 10 405.02 a Dance all ��� � ) ����:� 11 406 Game oom ���:;� 12 408 Recycli g Collection Center ���k� 13 412 Massag Center (Class A) ;��i�:Y� 14 415.04 Theater and Movie Theaters ����€*�� 15 416 Motion icture Drive In Theater �:��.;� 16 426.04 Cabaret class A& B �� `����� � ) ��:�:�:� 17 379 Lock O ening Services ���#;� .................... 18 ............ .... 19 �: ; ENFORCEMENT LEVEL 3: �.:. .. ....... 20 21 Chapter f Section 22 N�, License escri ion Fee 23 24 354 Sanitary Disposal Vehicle �:�:'�;� 25 355.01(d) Second and Dealer - Multiple Dealers ��'��+�f� 26 357.03 Refuse auler & Vehicle �:�`��#�� .................... 27 360.03 Public S'mming Pools �:�;�;� 28 360.03 Whirlpo ls �;�:��;�#Q 29 361.14 Tow T k Operator ���:`�;:� 30 376.04 Taxicab �:�;'�.�� 31 401.02 a 1 New M or Vehicle Dealer ��� � )� ) �:��:� 32 401.02(a) Motor hicle Parts Dealer ���:'�:�� 33 401.02(a)(5) Second and Dealer Mot. Veh. Parts ���`�:� 34 401.02(a)(2) Second and Motor Vehicle Dealer �;�;�;;� 35 407.03 Hotel tel-to 50 rooms ��� / �:�:�:��� 36 407.03 Hotel-E ch addl. room over 50 ��:�`�;�(� 37 . . 38 ?���:>::<:::>::::::»:�::>::>:<:::::::::>::»::::>:::'::�:::::>::<:::::�:>::>:':: ",: >�:_;:.:>;.;:.::;;:::.:>; : .::::.: ::.::>�_:>�::<:<.;,..;.,;�,� : : �:;::;::.;°.;; � <;:::: `>:>:�::::::>:::��::::::;:>:::::<:>:>::�:�:::::::<:::<:'>:::`�:»::>::::::>::::::>::::>: ��:�;>::::>::::>::>:::: �:: ;` " �;:'. . ::. :.::.::.:::.::.:.;.:.:.::.:::;::;:.:>::.>:�;:.::.::;:. :���� e . . ��a.�e� ��� � .... . . :.>:.>:.::.;:.::.::.::.::.::::.::.;:.::.:. ���.� :::::::,,, :.: :::::::.. : .:::::::.: ::.:::.: ::::..:,.:::::.: ::.:�;::. ,::::::..::..;:.:...:.<.:«<:�<::::::::::::::::::: �:::::::::::::::::: :.:>:.:::.:�:::::::.:::::::.�::::::::::.:�::::::::�.:.�::::::,::::::. ........ ...� ............. ::. :::::::::,.: :.:: ::::::::::,.::. :..:... :.;.:;... 39 413 Convers ion/Rap Parlor (A & B) �,��'�.;� 40 415 Mini Mo ion Picture Theater-Adult �:�`�;� 41 417.04(1)-(6) Parking ts ;�:�;�##� 42 422 Motor V hicle Salvage Dealer �:��'��:� 43 423.02 f e} �� Auto Bo y Repair Garage ��;��`.�� 44 . 45 . ::�:.:......::>�::��:: ::;:. ��:::::»::>::>::>::>:<:>::>:<::<::::»::>::>:<:: �::>::>:;..:>;::>:::....:>::>::: ::>�<:;;::.; :::....::.::.::.::.>:.;:<:.::.:;:.;:.;:.:.;;:;.:.:.;:.;:.::.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.>;:.>:.:;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;;.:::::.�:::::::::.�:::::::::.�:::...:..:.....;.:..:.. 4 .......:......:.:;;:.::.;:.::.;:.:.;;:;:.::;;;;;;;;;;:«.>:.>:.::.;;:::>::.;;::::<:::>::::::>::;»»>:>::»>:<:>:::::>::><: .: ..: :.; .:: :. .: 6 . <�:::.::: : >:: :. ::: �::;::>::>::::>:<:::>::::>::<:::<:::>::>:«<»>�. . .: .: �:::: < . ;;:: <:. �� . . . . .............................:: : . � ::. .. . : . >::>::>::>:>::<:>::>::»»>::>::»::»>::>::>::><:>:.;:.;:.;:.:;:;.;:.: �:;.>:.:.:.:;:.;:.;::;. �.;:.;:::.:;;:.::.;::. .: .. :: : . . . ::::::�,�. �: :.� :::::::::::::.�:::::::::::::�:�c�:�� .��r::.�".�.a�� �.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<:.�::::::::::.�:::.�::::::::::.�:::::::.:.�::: : �` . . ..::::::::: �:: � .:::::::::::: :.:.:�::::::.�::::::: :.:::::::.�.�.;.:;..::.:. ::.�:.:�:: :.:::::::::::.�:::: :.:::::::::::::.�: ::.:::::::::::::: :;.:::::::::::::::: :.:::::::::::::::::::::::.�::�.�:�.:: *�t� ::::::.. . . ............................ .. .. .. . .. ...................... ::.::::::::.�:::: :.:::::::::::.�:::::: :::::.;;.:.... :::...: :.:::. 47 427 Health S orts Clubs �(Class A& B) � 48 428 Steam R om/Bath House (A & B) �:�;'�;�� 49 .................... 3 �g �r-��-�r�f � � � - ��y� � 2 ��� ENFOR EMENT LEVEL 3 ........ 4 Chanter f Section 5 lv� Li n D ri tion Fee 6 7 331.04 Bakery (A) ���:;:�i 8 Bakery (B)-Add on �:{<;i��;�j ...................: 9 331.04 Butche A � ) ��:��:.� 10 Butche (B)-Add on ��:<::�;�i(� 11 331.04 Caterin (A)-Limited ��� 12 Caterin B -Full ��� � � ) ��� 13 Caterin (C)-Add on ���;:� 14 ::.:::.::::..:....: :.. 15 331.04 Day C e Food (A) $$,pp 16 Day C e Food (B) $ 5.00 17 331.04 Food P ocessor/Distributor/Warehouse �:��:.�� 18 331.04 Food S lvage ����*� 19 331.04 Food hicle A y, ��� y y .. ��� y �� � � 7::::?IJ�i� 20 Food hicle (B) ��;;��Q 21 331.04 Food nding Machine $���15.00 22 Food nding Operator ;�:::::�Q.;� 23 331.04 Food arehouse Distributor ��� � � �;:'':i��.�� 24 Food/ arding Facility ���.�� . .:. ......:.. 25 Food/I stitutional Facility $ 5.0p 26 331.04 Groce (A) $ $,pp 27 Groce (B) �:;::::��:�pi 28 Groce (C)-to 2000 sq. ft. ����� 29 Groce (D)-more than 2000 sq. ft. ��:��4� 30 331.04 Mobile ood ����;'� 31 Mobile ood-Limited ����:::��;� .................... 32 331.04 Origina Container �'::::�:�:�� 33 331.04 Restaur nt (A)-0-12 seats �Q�;�� 34 Restaur nt (B)-more than 12 seats �;i�$.�� 35 Restaur nt (C)-Limited �::;:���� 36 Restaur nt D-Add on ��� �� � � ) ���:� 37 Restaur nt (E)-Extension �;;;�Q;� .................... 38 331.04 Special vent Food Sales-l-3 days �::::;��;:Q� 39 Special vent Food Sales-4-14 days ��:;i�;� 40 Special vent Food Sales-Annual ;����;� . . . .... .. 41 Special vent Food Sales-Fee Waived $� �� �5.00 42 . :. .: .:»»::<:>::::::>:<:::»::>::»;::::><»:<::<:::>:::<:»»::>:; ;:;<:.;::< :::. ..:::.::.::. .;;::.::.. �:.::.::.:;.: ;;:.: ::<.;:.;;:.;;;;:.;� :<.;: �,x.:.:.:,:;: :::::::. :::::::::: :.:::::::::::::::::::::::: ::.:::::: ...: . .:: .: . ���;:<>::>::<:::>:::::>:::< :::::::::::::::»:::::>;:<:;:<::<:::::>::::>::: . .:::: «:: , .: . �;::: :;: <. : :::::> :.<:.�.: �.;>:::> ::»� ::: : :;.: .. •:. ::.....::::::>:::::::::::::>::<:�:::::;::::>::>::>::::>::>;>:<:::.. ,:: ::: :� .> : :: ::::::.::::.>:«.>:.::.::.:>::.;::::.::.::.:::;;::: :::::::::::::::���.::.�r�.. .....: �'�c� :;��a� ::.�.:.�.���.'�i.��::.:::::::::::::::::::;:.::.::.::.::.:::.::: �.� � � .....� ..............�...:.:..................................................................................... . 4 ............................. ...... � ....................... ........................ ..... ..................................:.. :.::::::::::::::.:�:. :: ::.:::::::::::<.: «: :.:::::::::..........................:.:. ::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.�::::::: ::.:::::::::::::::::.�:::: :::.::::::::.�:::::::::.>:.: 3 44 45 46 47 , 4 �� <<"�� `9� 1 �:: EN R EMENT LEVEL 5 '' 1/� �::::� ��I � 2 3 Chapter f Section 4 No. Li n Descri tion Fgg 5 6 409 Intoxic ting Liquor 7 409.05(b)(1) On-Sal -over 200 seats �:��;���� 8 409.05 b 2 On-Sal -over 100 seats � )� ) ����� 9 409.05(b)(3) On-Sal -100 seats or less �?#�;� 10 409.25(b) Tempo ary Liquor ;�:::::::;>:::::�� 11 409 On-Sal Club-under 200 members $����� 297.00 12 On-Sal Club-201-500 member $ 497.00 13 On-Sal Club-501-1000 members $ 647.00 14 On-Sal Club-1001-2000 members $ 797.00 15 On-Sal Club-2001-4000 members $ 997.00 16 On-Sal Club-4001-6000 members $1,997.00 17 On-Sal Club-6000+ members $2,997.00 18 409.05(e) Off-Sal $1,000.00 19 409.07(b)(2) Sunday On-Sale $ 200.00 20 409.11 a 8 Extensi n of Service ` �:?:::�::::::::���� 21 409.15 b Wine n Sale � �� � ) ��;���:� 22 409.25 Tempo ary Wine �::'::::;:::;::��� 23 410.02 On-Sal Malt (Strong) �::::r:::���� .{ . ....:::...:.:.;.:::: 24 410.02 On-Sal Malt 3.2 ���;�:��'£� � ) �::.:::..::.:::::�;;:;::>: 25 410.02 Off-Sal Malt �;::::�:::i`����� 26 410.10(a) Tempo ary Malt �':�:`::;::`:�;� 27 • . :...:..:....;.:.. ... 28 . , 29 . , 30 . . 31 • , . .:..:..> .::.:.:..:...;:.;:.::;;.;..�.:;;:.;;:.;:.::.:;:;;.;;:.;:.;:::::.....>:.>::.;:;.;:.;�.;�.; 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Li n D s ri ion Fee 41 42 127 Courte Benches �:::::�:�:::;::�Yi� ;:. 43 167 Comm cial Vehicle-Replacement �:::::;:::::;::�:���# 4 4 ���>�:£�$�::::>::>::::>::::::::::::<':::»:<:;:::>::::::;:�::::�::::::::>:': ;. :::;>.:;.;:;:>:..::::.> ::.;::`:::::':::>::::::::>:<:'?:;:::::>':>::::<::«::>;::>;>::;;�>:::::::�:�::::::::::::::::::::<:<'<:::>::::>:::::::�::::::>:::<:<'>?::::»:::::>::::::>::':::::> ::::::::::::::.;:.;.;::'.:.;.;::'��::.<.::::.;:;:�: ::: �:::>�:�:::�, ::::::�::::::::::::.::.>:::.>:.:.:::.::;.::.::........�`�;��. :.::::::::::::::. :::.;:.::.;:::>:.>:.:.:.:.;:.:::.::.:::.:::.::.�::::;::::.�. �.� .......................................... ....: �:::::::::::.�:::::::::. ::::::::::. � ..........................................::::::::::::::::::.::.::. .::.::.::.:::::.;:.>::.::.>::::.::.;:.::.:::.:::.::.:::.>:.:»;:.::;.:;.;::::.:;::.::.:::.>:.»:.::.:;.::.::.:::::.::.: ::>::::.>::>::>::>::»>:>::»»>:.;:.>::,..:::>;:» :::>�:.:::�::>::�.:>::. 45 278 Gambli g Hall �.::::::::.���,(� 46 318 MAD perator with up to 10 �;�:�::�::�.�4� 47 Each over 10 �;::`:::::::;::;��;i��j 48 Music achine �:;;:�:�:��:�::�$i� 49 Amuse ent Rides to 10 �`;>;::��:�� .......................... .......................... ................ 5 �"d.� ��-�� �� � 9�t-ly�� 1 . , Amuse ent Rides over 10 �:;:::::;;;; �:� ;..;. . . . . . . . ..;: �: . : : : : : .: 2 T.V. 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Inspections and arris � Environmental Protection e a man �` une � r mm � BY� Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secreta y Form Approved by City Attorney By: By: . . g, /�-��--�1 Approved by 1� . Date .� �-S� Approved Mayor for Submission to � Council By : ���2 /� � B . %� l �����.�� p��i i cn y • 12���� 2� DEC 1 1994 . ' First Substitute DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII �ATE ITIATED N_ 2 4 6 7 y 5 ~ �� �� L I E P � 8- 0-94 G R E E N S H E E T .__ ._ CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAUDATE m DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � CITY COUNCIL Robert Kessler 266-9112 AS51 �CITYATTORNEY OCITYCIERK NUM R FOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ROU NG Q BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES DIR. ASAP � � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP LL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REOUESTED: Increase license fees by 6Z to cover nforcement�costs and provide for a 97 license fee increase for On Sale Liquor licen e holders with a 7' discount for license holders who choose to participate in alcohol wareness training. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approw (A) a Rejeet (R) p SONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNINO COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/tirm eve� worked under a contract for this department? � _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? _ STAPF — YES NO � _ DISTRICT COUR7 _ 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a sklll not normaily possessed by any current city employeel • SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII OBJECTIVE7 YES NO Ex Isin ail yes answers on separate sheet and attaeh to preen aheet INITIATING PROBLHM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who. What, Wlron, Whers, Why): The license fee increase is necessary to cover the increased cost of enforcement. The 7� discount will encourage liquor license holders to participate in alcohol awareness training which has proven t be effective in the prevention of liquor law violations. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVEO: The increase will allow the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection to maintain current levels of enforce ent and customer service. Will increase participation in alcoho awareness training for liquor license holders. DISADVAN'fAGES IFAPPROVED: The increase may be an added financia burden for some license holders. DISADVANTIIGES IF NOT APPROVED: Enforcement costs will not be recover d through license fees. Without the 7Z discount, participatio in alcohol awareness training will languish. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTtON S COST/REVENUE BUDGETEO (CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Council File # � �'�T ` 0 R � � i � ��� Ordinance � Green Sheet �k ��W � ORDINANCE CITY OF AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 An ordinance amend the license fee schedule in 2 Chapter 310 o the Saint Paul Legislative Code, 3 increasing lice se fees by 6% to cover an increase 4 in enforcemen costs. 5 6 7 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAI PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 8 9 10 Section 1 11 12 Section 310.18 of the Saint Paul Legislati Code is hereby ended to read as follows: 13 14 "Sec. 310.18. License fee sched le. 15 16 Notwithstanding the provision of y other o dinance or law to the contrary, the following fees 17 are hereby provided for all the li nses list herein. These fees supersede a11 inconsistent 18 provisions, including but not limi to g duaterl fee provisions, in these chapters and in other 19 ordinances and laws, and include he f for the license application as part of the license fee; 20 provided, however, that this secti n d s not amend or modify secdons 310.09 (a) or 310.09 (d) 21 of the I.egisladve Code with res t o exempt organizations or late fees. Pursuant to sections 22 310.09 (b) of the Legislative Cod these schedules shall be posted in the office of the director 23 of the office of license, inspectio and environmental protecrion. These fees shall be effective 24 for license renewals and new 1' e se applications occurring on and after January 1, 1994�, or on 25 the effective date of this sect' n, hichever is later; Provided, however, that with respect to all 26 licenses whose renewal dat occ r after the effective date of this new schedule, there shall be 27 no increases in, nor offse or ref nds of, the existing fees paid, or due and owing." 28 29 ��� ENFORCEMENT EVEL 1 • 30 ...... 31 Cha ter/Sec ' n 32 No. Licens Descri tion Fee 33 34 167 Comm rcial Vehicle �i��� 35 . 36 316 Anim Foods Man. & Dist. �i��KQ� 37 3 Amuse ent Rides ��#'� 38 39 323 Christ as Tree Sales �����p 40 325 Close ut Sale �i��K� ..:.............. .................. ................. 41 327 Dry Cl ing Pick Up Station ���r��li � �?-�� �� � . . , q4 � ��U��1 1 331 Beve e Vehicle ��:� 2 332 Liquid Fuel Vehicle �6��� 3 333 Solid uel Vehicle ��ff� .................. .................. 4 336 Privat Fuel Pump ����£� 5 339 Ice Cr m Vehicle ���?� 6 340 Merc tile Broker ���..: �:�,. 7 345 Peddl (Solicitor/Transient) �����;�;;...;,;; 8 348 Rental of Clothing & Vehicle :�.:: ?;�QQ 9 349 Rental of Clothes Attire Veh. ;;:�:#� 10 350.02 Rental of Hospital Equipment ���i�� 11 350.02 Rental of Hospital Equip. Veh. �#�;�.#� 12 351 Rental of Kitchenwaze ��� 13 353 Roller inks ����� .................. 14 355.01(a) &(b) Secon Hand Dealer - Single Location ����� 15 357.03 Refus Hauler - Each Vehicle Over On ����#'� ................. 16 359 Sound rucks & Broadcast Veh. ����#� 17 371 Finish g Shop ���S��p 18 361.14 Tow ck/Wrecker Vehicle �i��►� 19 362 Tree 'mmer-Additional Veh. ��r;� ................. 20 372 Tire R apping Plant ����� 21 376.16(d) Taxic Driver (new) ��t� 22 377 Lawn ertilizer & Pestici Appl. ��£� 23 380 Tanni Facility ����1 24 390.05 Daily uctioneer ;���:�;3 25 414 Massa e Therapist �i�?��� 26 424.02 Gasoli e Filling S tions ��#� .:.:�:::...... ... 27 28 �tj� ENFORCEMENT LEVEL 2: 29 ....... 30 �hapter/Section 31 N� Licens escri tion Fee 32 33 320 Bitu ous Contractor �:i:�;� 34 321.03 Ro i g& Boardinghouse ��:��� 35 322.02(a) &(b) wli g Center & Pool Halls �:��;*� 36 324 igar tes �:�:i�€x� 37 326 Buildi g Contractors �;��:� 38 327 Laund & Dry Cleaning Plants �:�:��� 39 332 Fuel ealers-Liquid ���:�#R� 40 333 Fuel ealers-Solid �`�::���C;1 .................... ..................... 41 334 Pest C ntrol $:�;��� .................... 42 338 House Sewer Contractors ��'�':�IQ 43 344 Oil B k Storage ��;��#� 44 347 Pet Sh p �:�:��� 45 352 Rental of Trailers ��;��� 46 35 Sani Disposal Business ��;d�;:� 47 5.01(c) Secon Hand Dealer - Exhibitions �:i;�€x� 48 356 Sidew k Contractors ��;�:� 49 362 Tree rimming �:Z`�;�� z �$ �-7-� � � � � � q�4 ��4u�1 1 364 Veteri ary Clinic �:�;fi�:�� 2 365.02 Windo Cleaning �:�;�;�� , 3 367 Tattoo Parlors �:1:�:�`�� 4 378 Bed & Breakfast Residence �:�:i�:�� � 5 390.02 Auctio eer �:�:�:�;'������" 6 401 Motor ycle Dealer �:�::f,:::.: . ......... .......... 7 405.02(a) Dance all �:��`:�:::�:�'� ...........:;. 8 406 Game oom :,::�:�;�� 9 408 Recyci ng Collection Center �:�:�t� 10 412 Massa e Center (Class A) �:1:.,�%�:1 11 415.04 Theate s and Movie Theaters � $:�;��:� 12 416 Motio Picture Drive In Theater � ���a� 13 426.04 Cabar (class A& B) � �:�:�:�� 14 379 Lock ning Services / �:�:�Y� .:: .:....::.......:: 15 / 16 �C� ENFORCEMENT LEVEL 3: ;� 17 18 ChaAter/Section , / 19 No. � Licen Descri tion � Fee 20 ; `� 21 354 Sani Disposal Vehicle � ��:�;�`�� 22 355.01(d) Secon Hand Dealer - M�Itiple Dealers ���;'��� 23 357.03 Refus Hauler & Vehic �;�;#� � �:...... .:..:.. 24 360.03 Public wimming Poo�'s ���'�x� 25 360.03 Whirl ols i �.�;�:��� 26 361.14 Tow ck Operat�dr �:�;'�:�� 27 376.04 Taxica s � � ��'�*� 28 401.02(a)(1) New otor V icle Dealer ��:���� 29 401.02(a) Motor ehic Parts Dealer ��`�'��� 30 401.02(a)(5) Secon H Dealer Mot. Veh. Parts ���:��#�� 31 401.02(a)(2) Secon d Motor Vehicle Dealer ���;'�x#��1 32 407.03 Hotel/ otel-to 50 rooms �����`�� 33 407.03 Hotel ch addl. room over 50 ��:��� 34 409.07.1 Ext Service License �:'�::.:.<. �:`.......��� , : . . r . .: : : : : ..;.>:.>:.: 35 413 C nve sation/Rap Parlor (A & B) ��;��`��j 36 415 ini otion Picture lfieater-Adult ��:�`��� 37 417.04(1)-(6) Parkin Lots ;���'��� 38 422 � Motor ehicle Salvage Dealer ���:��� 39 423.02� �� Auto y Repair Garage ��;��:�� 40 . . 41 . . %.. ..: .{r; v •.i••3: '.iiiii :ii:4iiiiihiiiiiiiii}iiii:: •pii::ni}ii:••• iiiiiii}:Jii:ii: • •••iiii:t.::vi::•iiiii'.:ii:: •::::::::::.�:n:i�.�::: :•:::.v:::::::n�.�:x:::.�: •::::.w:::::.:�::.�::: :•n• • •: • •:: •• • 4 2 ���:�<�. : :>::>�.;.::>::>::::>::::::::::>::::>::;::::::::>:::: � . ..: . : :::.. . . . . :;: ,, . . . .. .. ::.. .� � ...............................�.tt�.. .. ��..� . �:>::<.:::»;:`::>::>�>':>`::::::::::::>::::>:::::`:::::::::::<::::::>'::::>;::»:::':»>::::::�:<:::::«:::::::><':::::>::::�:::::::::::::::::::: :�:�:'�x�tl ::::::::::::�.:.�.: : :..:� :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. ::: .:..::::::::::::::::::: :.::: ::.::::::::::::::::.�::::::::::.::�:::::::::::.:::::::::::::.�.�:::::::::::.:�:::::.:�:�.::::::::::::::::: ... '�,,,:..:....,.� ....:.::.:.: ::.,.:,.,::::::,:::::::::::::::,::::::,:,::::.::::::::.:,,,:::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::: ::<:.< ::: ::::............ :. :: ....................... :. :..: «: : .: : .. :.. .. 43 427 Health Sports Clubs (Class A& B) �:�;`���q 44 428 Steam oom/Bath House (A & B) ���'��� 45 ..................... 46 47 3 �q�7-9� . � . �� ~ " � �� 1 �� ENFORCEMENT LEVEL 4: 2 ....... 3 Chapter/Section / 4 No. Licens D scri ti n F�e 5 6 331.04 Bake (A) �.::::;.�;�� 7 Bake (B)-Add on ..:::::;?��� 8 331.04 Butche (A) �;��:�:�� 9 Butche (B)-Add on �:;;::��:�� 10 331.04 Cateri g (A)-Limited ��#�:::#� 11 Cateri g (B)-Full ���:x� 12 Cateri g (C)-Add on ������ 13 • ...........:.�..:... 14 331.04 Day C e Food (A) $ 5.00 15 Day C e Food (B) $ 5.00 16 331.04 Food rocessor/Distributor/Wareh se �:���:�� 17 331.04 Food alvage ���:��� 18 331.04 Food ehicle (A) �::::::�'�x� 19 Food ehicle (B) �:::::���� 20 331.04 Food ending Machine �$���15.00 21 Food ending Operator �:;::�t� 22 331.04 Food arehouse/Distrib tor ��:`:`:��ti� ................. ..................... .................... 23 Food/ arding Facility ����:�� 24 Food/ stitutional Fa lity $ 5.00 25 331.04 Groce (A) $ 5.00 26 Groce (B) �;:::8�4� ........:....:....... 27 Groce (C)-to sq. ft. �x:���� 28 Groce (D)- re than 2000 sq. ft. �;�����! 29 331.04 Mobil Fooi �`�:��:x� 30 Mobil Foo -Limited �:::::��t� 31 331.04 Origin Cbntainer �:::'�$:�::��iQ 32 331.04 Restau t(A)-0-12 seats ���`:�� 33 Restau � t(B) than 12 seats �;�:Y� 34 Res t (C)-Limited �::::;���� 35 Re�au t (D)-Add on ��:�� 36 stau t (E) �:::;;��x#� 37 331.04 ,�peci Event Food Sales-l-3 days �,;;:;'���� 38 Speci Event Food Sales-4-14 days ��;�!���Q 39 Speci Event Food Sales-Annual �:?�:��*� 40 Speci Event Food Sales-Fee Waived $ 5.00 41 42 ��� ENFOR EME LEVEL 5: 43 ...... 44 Cha r/S tion 45 No. Licens Descri tion F�.g 46 47 409 Intoxi ting Liquor 48 409 5(b) (1) On-S -over �00 seats ��:�:���;�# 49 4 .OS(b)(2) On-S -over�00 seats �:����:��� ..:.:��:.:�:.::�.:::.:.:.. 4 � �-�� 9� . . a�r �-� 1 409.05(b)(3) On-S -100 seats or less ��i�:�!� 2 409.25(b) Tem ary Liquor �:i<>�:�:�`;:� :.::: � �.; :.:::.:.:...:: ...:... 3 409 On-S Club-under 200 members $ 297.00 4 On-S Club-201-500 member $ 497. 5 On-S Club-501-1000 members $ 64��00 6 On-S Club-1001-2000 members $ 797.00 7 On-S Club-2001-4000 members $ 8 On-S Club-4001-6000 members ,$1,997.00 9 On-S Club-6000+ members ; � $2,997.00 10 409. OS (e) Off-S e '$1, 000.00 11 409.07(b)(2) Sunda On-Sale j $ 200.00 12 409.11(a)(8) Exten on of Service / �;:;::::::;::��:�� 13 409.15(b) Wine n Sale i� ��:�����:� 14 409.25 Tem Wine �::::::::; �:;�:�:�:.!�:�! 15 Nonin xicating Malt �`;�::�'�:�:�� 16 410.02 On-Sa Malt (Strong) �:::;:;;��;►Q� 17 410.02 On-S Malt (3.2) �:::::;:;����:k� 18 410.02 Off-S e Malt �::::;::_��;��;� 19 410.10(a) Temp rary Malt �::::::::::':::��:�� 20 Strong Beer Designation in Con' nction w/ Food $ � 0.00 21 . . 22 . . 23 . . 24 . , .;. ..; ;: .:: :. ..;. . . . . . :;;;;:::: ;: � : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: .: : : : : .;;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: : .: : . . . . . . r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..::.::. :::::.::::::::: . ..............,..,. >:;;::_:;:::<..:::::.::.::.:;.:.;;::::;:<.:�:.�;.:..:�.;;:::.::.;.:.:........., ..,......:::..:... ...,.;�.: . :.::.::.::::.:.....: :.<.::.::.:: ...<.:::::>:::::::::......>.....::..>:..>::::::>::>::»�:>«:>::�<;<;.<::. �:�:.<: : : . : � : : .,. <.: ...: : : : :....: : : � : : .: : : : : : : :. ::: .>: : : 2 5 � � � ::� ::>. : ::>: <:��>:>:<::::<:::::»:::>::: ::»>:::::::»:::::::::::::<:::»:::::;::>::::::::. .:::::::::::::::::: : :.::: :. :. ::. . . �: �:�:���::�:::::::::;::::::>::::>::::::«::::::::::::<::'::::<:>::::>':: ��r:��::..�.``�. �.;:.�:.:�::.;:.::.:�.::<.>:.:�.::.>:.;:.;:.>::.>:. :::.::.:::.::.::.>;:.;:.;:�::<::::::<:.:;:.::.::�.:::.:::.::.::.:�.. . .;�:��.�:.� . :� ::�i": . .,�:: :.:...::::.::::::::.�:::::::.::.�:.�:::<.:::>::::::::::::..........::::::::: .....:................................... ......<.................:....................................:::::.: :.:.:.::.:. .. ;> :r� >;:.>;:.;:.::>::<>.;, :::.:�.:::::;.;� :.:::.�:.: :::.:..::: :.::: :.:..:....................:......... :: :..:�: :.:: :::.:::::::::::::::::.;�:::::.: :::::::.::::::::::::::::::.�:::::::.:::.::::::::.:::.: :.::::....... . . . . . . . . . . . : : . . . : . . . . : . . : . : : : : : : : : : : : : . � : . . . .. � . : : : :.: : . . .: : . : : : : : : : : : : : .. : :.: . . . . . . . . . . . . .. : : : ,: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ,: : : : : : . � : : : : : : : >: : : >: : : : : : : : >: : . � . .: .. .: : : : : : : .>:.»: <.»>..:.;.. .>.,,>,: . :� :..:. >:.: . . :<.;;:.;:.;:.::.:.;:.;;::.;:.;:.>::.; :.::::::::::. ..: :.::.::.: ...:.: :...::.:. �:::> <:>: < :: �>::>::: ::::: ::::;::. :<::>;:::::;:>:<::<:::,... .................. 2 , 6 . :1::�:��:.: :.. :::<:� ��: :..��''.' . . � >t� `t::;�!�:::> . . . ., . .: .: � : ::;:: :.; ::: .:;; :>:.:;, >:.: : : : ::.: >:.;: : : ..:.. . ....:. ... .. . ........ :.........................:......::: :......................... ..::::::::.: ... .::::::::.:::.: :::::::::::<,:;:;.:>.: :.,>:.;><:. :.:::.:;.:: :�::>:. .:....:.........:............:: ::.::. :......::.:...;..::::..:.:.:::::...... ................................. � �:.:;. : ... .:.:......::.:...:.... :::::.::::::....::.::.;:�.:�::::.�::::::::;;:::::::::::::::.�::::::::::::::..::;,::: ::.: ::::: 27 :<:::�::::::<::::::::,:�<:.:::::.:.:::�::::� ::::.::::.::.::.:>::: � � � � '� ?<:::::::.:>:::>;::::::>::::::::::::�� �;::::::...«;:;.:;}�:�� �:�:�::�3::'>:::>::::<:::::::'�::::::::>;;«<:::::::::>::::>::::::::::>:�tii:` : " :.> ��:::'�a'::::'��:: ��:>:��'�:�:t�:�:::���;pc� . � .::.�.:::::::.�:::::::::::.�::.�:: :.::::::.�::::.�:::.�:: : ...�.x.�.�.::.,.::. ......................................................................... ...........................:..:.. ..... .�::;.;�::::::.::.�:.>:.::::�::.......................... ::::::««<.�::<.�.<:;:««<:<.�«<;::<::;.>:«:::.;::«<:;.<.;:«<.::::<::<. <.�.�;<:<,:,,:;::.,::::::::..::.: ,«<: ..::::..::.::::.:::.::: :.: ::::..:.::.,::,.::: ::,::::::::.......,:::::.. :::.........:..<>::>:::::::::.��:::::;.:., 28 411.03 Ente 'nment-Te porary �;:.;.::;;.`;��:�#�:�! 29 ... .. 30 � ENFORCEMENT LEVEL 6: �� 31 ������ 32 Chanter/Section 33 No. � Licen escri tion � 34 35 127 Court sy Benches �;:::;:::;`;;��� 36 167 Co rcial Vehicle-Replacement �::::::::`::::;�:$�t�:�! 37 278 G b'ng Hall �::::;::';��;�£� 38 318 AD rator with up to 10 ����':;:';�;��:�?� 39 Each AD over 10 �;:;;;;;:::;��:�� ........................... 40 Music Machine �:':':::;:;<?��� 41 Amus ment Rides to 10 �;::``:`:�:j:�:�Q� 42 Amus ment Rides over 10 �::<;<>;:;;:��#� 43 T. V. nits per location �����:��'� $::�:`:;':;:>'......... .. 44 344 Pawn hops �����.�� 45 376.16 Taxi Driver Renewal �`>:::�;::::�:�:�� 46 Taxic Driver Duplicate �:`::;;r:`:�:::�;:��! 47 Taxic Duplicate Plate �::::::::::;:::::�:�;:;?� 48 Taxic Vehicl� Replacement �:<::::::::�:;���`�� ,:.. 49 3 Solici ng Funds-Tag Days �::;:�{<-::`�`�:�;�i 5 T�'S Q�?-9� . . ' . �� � IL�]�(� 1 r� i 1 402 Temp Gambling (3 types) �':<::�:�:�:::��::.:� 2 403 Bingo alls �::::'::`:�'�`it� , - 3 409.24(1) Gambi ng Manager �:::;:::;;;�:�:.;;, ��' 4 409.05(j) Gambi ng Location-A �;::;;":;:��:".:,; , 5 409.05(j) Gambi ng Location-B �►::`::`:::;; �'.��:�>� ...T:. 6 409.05(j) Gambi ng Location-C �i:::;>:�::;:�;�Q:t`� 7 409.04(g)(5) Modif tion of Parking $ 375.00 -- 8 357.03 Solid aste Transfer Station �'�;`����� 9 408 Recyci ng Processing Center �;:;�:;::<'��:�:�� 10 414 Massa e Therapist - Trainee $ � 5.00 11 414 Massa e Therapy - Practical Examination Fee $ 50.00 12 414 Massa e Therapy - Written Examination Fee $ 20.00 13 429 Infecti us Waste Processing Facility �:�:���� 14 15 16 17 Section 2 18 19 Section 310.19 of the Saint Paul Legislati e Code is hereby amended read as follows: 20 . . :.: . . . . . . . . . . .: : . . . . .: . . . . . . . .: . . . . . .: .: : : : : : . . . : :.: :.: : :. . . . .: .: . .: . . . : :. ,. . . . . . . . .: : .: . ..: .;. . ., . . . . .., . . . . .: :: .:: : : . . ..;: .: «: : . . . . 1 �::::::}i}i.�:i:i::. 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Requested by Department of: Yeas Navs ?� sent a e Office of License, Ins ections and uerin p arris Environmen�al Protection � — e man une rimm By: Adopted by Council: Da Adoption Certified by ouncil Secre ary Form Ap roved by City Attorney . � By: By: �� �-��Q� Approved by Mayo : Date Appro y Mayor for ubmission to Counc � � - By: By: 7 I • ' /�"�`"� � - �30-9R (� ,��j �� "'*� �" ��+���� I.IEP . _. . . � a oe� �cton : cirv ca�rC�� � Robe�"t !:es s a�r Z^.: ^�.: ^. � p aTV �►r�o�r Cj cm ci.��nc : . _ suooEr oin�o � , � �. a Mor. s�v�s : S� te�ber 7 1 �u►rc���� _� . : �u. � oR's�� w►�ES � t�ua t i.oc��noNS � s�ui��� . , ,�r ��i: . ; , � , Increase l icense fees by 6� to caver. nfor�ement eosts �r�d �pra�tid� f�r a 4 1 icense fee diseount-for ajcohol awareness train g. °: . . _ . _ . . _ . � . . ' .. , . fn,.. . ' . ' . .� .! ��, . . �. ; ; ., .. . .. . . �. . � . .� , .. .�Q�IOVrtNOr���p) �� . .` . . =�r �+w� . -���. � ��: � �. � � .. �.P4ANHINO t.�1N1I881GN � CIYN. SEAWICE��I . 1. tlNS p�t�rilflt'm dwF MioFklld ufldar A dDeii�t+lbr$11� • � GB COAAMITTEE _ ;; YE8 . NO �. � 2. lhis Psraon/firtn ws► 9esn�! CqY i�nlp�yee�� . —.- 8TI1FF . YE3 NO " � DIBTRIC7' c�lUr�T - _ s. -ihia Ds'raoMirm paeaas a akNl not . bp �'amrsnt cky �9 ": . �JPPOR78 YYFIk:FI COUN(�1. UB�IECffi�E? YE3 NO aF yN �MMiNS OD i�M'�M KhfiC •�ilj-111!+�II dMrt . . . N�1171ATMId PROBIEAA:189UE. OPPONRINITY (VVlp�r�� N�Fro�.1MfNra. WhY): The 1 i cense .fee i ncrease i s necessar � to cover .the, ecrs€ :enf+D.�c;ep�efit for s ��e pl an revfew, historic preservation, zonin appea1s (currentl ' provided by �he dep,�i�tp�ent �of ' Planning and Econa�ric Qeve]opment (PE ).) and new 1 iqua� arrd f�d re�+'#a�fio+�s,. The �#%� : . di scownt wi 11 encourage 1 i quor 1 i cens hol ders ; ta par .�i pat� i ra :�l��hol . awatr�ness - training. , . : AD!VANTAtiEB'IF APPAONED: ` , The i�crease wii l a11ow �tte Offi:ce. of :License; nspe��la�t �nd,Et���ra�menta�l Pro�����tm to maintain and i�i�p'rove,,�urrent leve} of li� nse en#vrcemen'�-a�tct'customer serw�ce: f � Wi l l i ncr�ase partici pation i n al cofio awar ness tra�i r�� rig for i 1qw�� : i i cense hol`�ters�� . , _ ; . , : _ . . .. , , ,. � . _ , , ._ �as�av�rr�s ���vove�: ; . . �� � The irr�rease may b�: an added burden f r some �;�l�icerts$ hw , . ��� ,�/� �� �"� � . ; . : � �� � , , , , . .: ' :� �� �4 a U ���,� , 9¢ � i ; . � � , F �/C�. � � � � � � ..�� � =3 ;o�s�mv�s � n4rr �o: _ ; : i � .� Denial of ,the -incr.ease wi11� pr.event � co�isolidatifl� �f :func���n5� f�vm R�0 i.nto LIEP ' � which wi�l, as a result., maintain the urre�it;fragm+ented. s�r�ric�� s'�ruct�are. ` ' ° � �; In addition, without the 4% discount, ��co����, a�ra:reta�ss particiqant� :�it1 1angt���h. , r ... . ., . . . . .. _ . . . . ., . `.3'r: �rvmu �+T a� rna�ctroa t - -- -- cosrn�vae�u� eut��r�p ���c�e o�ti , �s _ , � i , �rw�wo saupc� , �crivmr Nut�sc� �wwcu►� �wr+�►rroN: t�xPUU� i .. - . . . - ..... , _. . .. .. � ._. .:. .. _. . , . _. . . y , . . . . - t � . ,. . , . , � , i' �f'.v,. , �' + : + , . . . . . . . �, i�. . . ' . . . � � ., � � �� � - I � . - .. . . .. , . . � . .. - . . � � * '� ' r . . ' ' � �'. . . �. . �. . . ;, = NOTE: G�LL�'i'L DlR�C71QNS ARE i �1'���tEEN �HE�7'1Ni�"1"RUCTIONAi. � ' f' MANUAL AVAIUrt3L� 1N YNE PUitO�`. � FFiCE. (PWONE NE? �. � i 'RQUTtN�'i ORDER'. . _ ; ,_ , n _ . . } i , , ,. _ . � '; Below are co� mutMgs far tFwd t#w�' r�aost dreque�! yrpas ot ducumer�:- < " , = � i � � � � .. � ' ��_ � _ � .' CONTRAGTS (aasumes autl+i�rized b�xlp�t e�std) COUNCit RESOLU'I'ION (�W'�ilt1�.� firaAls�. � 1. Outstde /lgancy. t. , D�b�nent Dit�et�al� , � 2. Depaftment Ainector 2. Budyet Director ' .� . ' 3. ` CitK J�ttart�y ; 3. Cityr �1lMmey ' : : 4. Mayor (fw t�lr$cts over �15;OQ0) 4. MayorlA$siel�rt ; � ;' 5. Human FUqhES (for � over lr6p,� 5- Ci�Y Council ,�'� . 6 Finance and Management Serrices"dfredor B. Chief Aco�untant, Finanoe atld I�n�ert�ent Serv�oe�s � 7. FiRer�ce A�OUnti�g . . � ADMINIST�R�kTIVE ORD�RS (� Revnslat) COUNC0. RE30LUTION {� Mlte�s, etld�hs�loss) ?� ; 1. Activiiy Manager 1. " Dspsrtmsnt,tllrector '' � 2. Depnrt Accewntant 2. CNy Attumey �� 3. Departtner�t Director 3. Mayor Asaistent �� , ..4. 8udg�t Di►6Ctor 4. City Cou�N ,� 5. City Cterk - , 6. Ghief Accountar�. Fi�aru;le`and Menagement Servi�es ' ADMINISTRATIYE C)FIDERS (aN otE�s) � `i. Qepartment Director � ' �, 2. ciry Attorney 3. Financa �d �Aama�n�nf Servle�s Qirector . � 4. City Clerk ' . TOTAL NUMBER:OP 31(9&IA1`lll�E FAGES � , '� andicate the �a� �es a� wMich �u� are �equired and pepsreNp or fl�g , � : sach oi thesi pa�u. _ ACTION REt�STED � ; DeScr�e what the projeC€lrequest Seeks t4 e�cor►�Iish in eithe� chronologi- , , cal order crr order of in�pt�tan�. whk�ve� is m� appropriAte for the ' issue: Db not write con�piste .ssntee�css. Bpi� each item in your list with ; ;� a verb. � _ °� . i REGOMMEt+lf3/1TION8 . s C { Complefe ii �ue is�e M q�esqon �s 4een Prs,ssnted betore atty body, publfc _ �, or privste. . ' ' . , _ , � � � � .` ? � � �PORTS WHIQH COt�iCIL OBJEG7fltE4 ' '� � ; Indicats whk� �� � ` al I� �l�Q�est aupports by NsNng � � � � � � � � � ��� '�, the keY w�d�aj �h1�J8t���p����'f�N� NEl6M�ORHOODS. ECQNOMIC D�VELORMENT.. ' � x,:`�UbtiET, S�R.�R�lA1'IQN�: (��` GUkAPG�'f E LIST iN INSTRUCTIONAI MANUAL.j ' a�` � - PERSOt�kL» ��A�H �bM'RltCTS: � , � Tb� Mfonnalk�n be�ua�d ta d�a the cityls IiaallHy�tor wo�ars s�sation ��►s� laxets�and�ptrip�`ci�a�rMca tiirMig Eub�. I� � ' _ � � ltsll?IA't'�IC: PRaBL�M. lSSU�. OPP4A'FUNITY t F"�pieh ths ���atk�a'� e�oris t�at Crsa�d a need fw your project �.� t Or f'�yu•sL i , . � �� i .. ADVAfitTAt��ES {F APPt�OVE�3 A ' Indicate vvhsttier thls,i�.si�s�piy � a�� �Qe� proceduro �ired by lawl �� cherter � whether t�et�Y-� � vraya i� wltiCh the City d Saint Paul �� and fEs e�isen's wi� bs�€ fi�n ,lli�:{xoj�dlartNorr. _ 1 � s � DISAUVANTA(#E�S, (F 1�RPR4VED s � W�Mat`negethes e�aN or m$jqr,�t�s to e�ieting or past. proeeases migM �� :r ': ihis Project/re4uest Pmducs it i� �(s.�i„ f+�tfic detays. lwise. �� ;, -.: tatt tt�crea�es or e�msnis)� �b WIwm4lfVhlr►� t�on c��w long? �� # � � y� � � oisnavanira��� ���m�,��qv�o� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Wh�t wiN be tlie r1epative o�s tf the p►ro�r�isad actbn is not � i �` approved? Inabi�ty to t�e�vsr s�T CoMi�ued high tratfic. noism� +.; eccident rate4 toss c�i rsvetuie? . , ( f FINANCIAI� IMPAOT ' . � � ,; AI#hough yoti muat talkx lhe Mtoss���n you provide Mro to the issue you _ � are.addressk►�, �r� you nudit� e�r iMw qt�se�o�s: i�v m�ch ls lt going to cost� 1iVVho i� goi1� to psyrt :�'� • �t F� � � , ti: , . , ,{ ,. ,,_. �. _, ._._ ._ � . .. _ - _. __�.. �_ , _...y..!_.� . .. _. .,..,.�,_��.. ,. . # �����y�� City of Saint Paul City Council Investigation and Research Center Suite 310, Ciry Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 612 266-8564 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMO ANDUM DATE: December 1, 1994 TO: Councilmembers FROM: Nancy Anderson SUBJECT: Two Substitutes I am including the two substitute dinances that were circulated to Councilmembers in Council Meeting on November 23, well as the "Original". NA � � _ ��ECC�IID ���f,�TT� AMENDED ✓ DEPARTMENTlOFFICE/COUNCII DATE ITIATEO 0 ,�`t V/ � LIEP 30-94 GREEN SHEET N ..__,. � y--/ yy� INITIAUDATE INITIAVDATE CONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � CITY COUNCiI Robert Kessler 266-9112 ASSI N QCITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE} NUM R FOR � BUDCET DIRECTO � FIN. 8 MGT. RVICES DIR. ROU NG September 7, 1994 0 R° �MAYOR(ORASSIS n � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES $ (CLIP LL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQVESTED: Increase license fees by 6' to cove�r nforcement costs and provide.fo a 9� license fee increase for On Sale Liquor lice e holders�with a 7Z discount f r license holders who choose to participate in alcohol wareness training. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approvs (A) a Rejeet (R) p SONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSW THE FOLLOWING GUESTIONS: _ PLANNIN(i COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �• Has this person/tirm ever worked under a contr t for this department? • _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO 2. Has this perso�rm ever been a city empl ee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ DISTRIC7 COURT _ � 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill n normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE4 YES NO Ex Iain ali yes answers on separat heet and attaeh to yrsen sheet INITIATING PR08LEM, ISSUE, OPPCRTUNITY (Who, Whffi, When, WAers, Why): �The license fee increase is necessary to cover the i reased cost of enforcement. The 77 discount will encourage liquor license holde s to participate in alcohol awareness training which has proven t be effectiv in the prevPnt}� ��� liquor law violations. ��' NOV 2 2 1994 ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: � The increase will allow the Office of Lice e, Inspections and Environmental Protection to maintain current levels of enforce ent nd customer service. Will increase participation in alcoho wareness training for liquor license holders. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The increase may be an added fin ncia burden for some license holders. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEO: Enforcement costs will ot be recover d through license fees. Without the 7� discou t, participatio in alcohol awareness training will languish. ��..� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ..- . ' Council File # � � � �I Ordinance # Green Sheet # ORDINANCE CITY OF S INT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: te � " 1 An ordinance t amend the license fee schedule 2 in Chapter 310 of the Saint Paul Legislative ' 3 Code, increasi license fees from 6% to 9% t 4 cover an incre e in enforcement costs. 5 6 7 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S PAUL DOES ORD N: 8 9 10 Section 1 11 12 Section 310.18 of the Saint Paul Legislati e Code is here amended to read as follows: 13 14 "Sec. 310.18. License fee schedul 15 16 Notwithstanding the provision of ny othe ordinance or law to the contrary, the following 17 fees are hereby provided for all t e lice es listed herein. These fees supersede a11 18 inconsistent provisions, including ut n t limited to graduated fee provisions, in these 19 chapters and in other ordinances nd aws, and include the fee for the license application as 20 part of the license fee; provided, ever, that this section does not amend or modify 21 sections 310.09 (a) or 310.09 (d) the Legislative Code with respect to exempt 22 organizations or late fees. Purs nt to sections 310.09 (b) of the Legislative Code, these 23 schedules shall be posted in t ffice of the director of the office of license, inspections 24 and environmental protectio . ese fees shall be effective for license renewals and new 25 license applications occur ' g on nd after January 1, 1994�, or on the effective date of this 26 section, whichever is lat ; Provi d, however, that with respect to all licenses whose 27 renewal dates occur af r the eff tive date of this new schedule, there shall be no increases 28 in, nor offsets or re ds of, the 'sting fees paid, or due and owing." 29 30 �:: ENFOR EM NT LEVEL 1: 31 :. 32 Cha ter ec ion 33 No. License escri tion Fee 34 35 167 Comme cial Vehicle ���r�� ................. ................. 36 . . ........... 37 6 Animal oods Man. & Dist. ;��;�i 38 17 Amuse ent Rides ��{� 39 40 323 Christm s Tree Sales ���:;���i ................: 41 325 Close t Sale ����� ..........:::;:;: � ll -1�-9� � � q+�-��I�1� 1 327 Dry Cl aning Pick Up Station ���� 2 331 Bevera e Vehicle �il�i�� � ...:.............. ................. 3 332 Liquid uel Vehicle �i�;� 4 333 Solid F el Vehicle ��;� �� ................. .................. 5 336 Private uel Pump ��;.:��::.: 6 339 Ice Cre m Vehicle �:��;;:.,:,,:,' 7 340 Merca ile Broker �'�;.:.��� 8 345 Peddle (Solicitor/Transient) � �f�,;:� 9 348 Rental f Clothing & Vehicle /�i��;� 10 349 Rental f Clothes Attire Veh. ��r:� 11 350.02 Rental f Hospital Equipment � ��:;€� ................. ................. 12 350.02 Rental f Hospital Equip. Veh. ���� 13 351 Rental f Kitchenware ��;:� ................. ................. 14 353 Roller inks ��:;� ................. ................. 15 355.01(a) &(b) Second and Dealer - Single Locat' n ��:;� 16 357.03 Refuse auler - Each Vehicle Ov r One ;��;� 17 359 Sound rucks & Broadcast Veh ��;� 18 371 Finishi Shop � ��„i� 19 361.14 Tow T ck Wrecker Vehicl ' � ��:f� ................. 20 362 Tree T'mmer-Additional eh. �i���� 21 372 Tire R apping Plant ���;:�i 22 376.16(d) Taxica Driver (new) ;�6�� 23 377 Lawn rtilizer & Pe icide Appl. ����:� :::.:.:::..;:.>.:. 24 380 Tannin Facility �i�i�;� ...;�: � � >::»::>;::»;::::::>:<:<:::>::::::>:<:»>::>::>::»::>;::::;>:...:>:<:::;::;..: �:::>::> :>::»;:::::.;::::<:»:<>:<::<::;;:::<:;;:.;;:.;:.;:.:;.:.:.;:.;:::.;:.:;:.;:.;:.::.::.::.:.::.;:.;:.;:«.>:.:<:.::.>:.>:.>:.;;:.;:.::.::.;:.:;::.:.;:.::.;;::<::<::.:.:::.;::.:>:::;;�:. 2 5 ::::<::>::::>::�!: t::::: � r � : : : . ;:«:::>;::>::::>� .>: <:;::::> ::::::::::::::: »::»::>:<::<:>::>::>:::::<:::::::>::::::>::::::>:::::<:::;::>:::;<>:::>:::>:::::>::::>::::::::::::;::::::>::::>.. � .: � :� ��: : : '��:�::>::::::::::>::::::::>;:>::»>::::::<::«:<:<::?�::<:::::: .. . mu1 ........... ................................................................... � .::::::::�::::±.�:.:::. t� .:::::::. . ::::::::::: ::: :.:: :::.::::::::::::::::::::::: :.:::.:::::::::::::::::::::.::: :.:::::::::::.�:::::::::.�.��..�.�.� :;:.:::.::.::.;:.::.;:.::.>:.:;:.:.: :.:::.::.: ::.::.;:>:.::::::::.:::>: <.:: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . : :.: : . . :. . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : : : : : : : . � : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . :. . . 2 6 ���:::::`:::::::::>:;::`::::<�>:>��:':';�:`:::�::::::::::::> ::::::::::::::::::�<:::;:::;:;:.>:,>::;::.>::>«>: �:.;;;._....�;�<:::>:,;;:>::.;.;.;;>�,::,...�;:><:;:;;:::::'�;`���`�:;:;::::>�:':::>;:<:::::::`:::::::>:>::;�:.;:;����:<:::::�:::::::;:;:::::>::::::::>::::::::>::;:::::::><:�<::::>"`:`.:::.::.?:`.:..: ::::.:::::::::.:::.::.»>:.;:.::.:;::::::.::: :.::::.:::::::.:::::.;���. ...�n��� �I��� & � �6.��.�� .....................................................................�: .. . . ...... .:::::::.�:::::::::::::::::::. ............................................................................ .::::::::..:.;::.;:.;:.;:.;:.:�:;;:.;;;::.::.::.::::::::.:::�.:: :.:::««<:>::>:::<:>::>:.::::.: �::::::::::::.:;:;<:.>:.>::.>:<.:.::.;:.;:.;::.::.::::::::::::::::. ................................................................................ ............... 27 . , 28 414 Massag The pist ����� 29 424.02 Gasoli Fi ing Stations ���:;�f� 30 � ................. 31 ENFORCEMENT LEVEL 2 � �`� 32 33 Chapter/Section 34 No. Lic nse Description Fee 35 36 320 itumi us Contractor ��:�;� 37 321.03 Roomi & Boardinghouse ���.�� 38 322.02 a& b Bowlin Center & Pool Halls �� �� � � � � ���i� 39 324 Cigaret s ��:f�:*� 40 326 Buildin Contractors �:�:�:�� 41 327 Laund & Dry Cleaning Plants ��:��;:� 42 332 Fuel D alers-Liquid ����:� 43 333 Fuel D alers-Solid ��:�w� 44 334 Pest C trol ��;�;�i 45 338 House ewer Contractors �:��:�� 46 � :`:: � Oil Bul Storage ���:�� 47 3 ���� Pet Sh ����;� 48 52 Rental f Trailers �:�;��:*�� .................... 49 354 Sanita Disposal Business ��:��;� 2 #� ir i�-�� � � qy ���� 1 355.01(c) Second and Dealer - Exhibitions ��:��� . >�;.,;.:.�:.. 2 356 Sidewal Contractors ;�:��:a� 3 362 Tree T 'mming ����€;:� 4 364 Veterin ry Clinic ���€:�� 5 365.02 Windo Cleaning ��:�;:�;1 6 367 Tattoo arlors ��;�;:� 7 378 Bed & reakfast Residence ��:�*� ..................... .................... ..................... 8 . 9 401 Motor cle Dealer ��;�:;.;;:,:.:,..: 10 405.02(a) Dance all �::.�::..:;;:.,,i� 11 406 Game oom ���::� :�?�;� 12 408 Recycli g Collection Center ,����� 13 412 Massag Center (Class A) ������;:� 14 415.04 Theate and Movie Theaters %' �:��#� 15 416 Motion Picture Drive In Theater �i �� ��;��#� 16 426.04 Cabare (class A& B) ��:�;:�j 17 379 Lock O ening Services / ���#;'� 18 ; 19 �:�; ENFOR EMENT LEVEL 3 / 20 �::.:� i 21 Chapter/Section � 22 IV� Lic ns D s ri ion Fee 23 24 354 Sanita Disposal Vehicle ;';�:�'�:� 25 355.01(d) Second Hand Dealer - ltiple Dealers ���:�*#�� 26 357.03 Refuse auler & Vehi e �:�:�;�(� 27 360.03 Public wimming Po s ;!�;'�:�"�;�� 28 360.03 Whirlp ols �.�:�;'���t� 29 361.14 Tow T ck Oper or ��:�`�wQ� ................ ... 30 376.04 Taxica �:�:'�;;� .................... 31 401.02 a 1 New M tor V icle Dealer �� }�(� � � � � !�.���'�fi?47 32 401.02(a) Motor ehi e Parts Dealer ��:�'�.�� 33 401.02(a)(5) Second H nd Dealer Mot. Veh. Parts ���:`�:� 34 401.02(a)(2) Second and Motor Vehicle Dealer �:�;'��� .................... .................... 35 407.03 Hotel otel-to 50 rooms �.��'���ip 36 407.03 Hot - ach addl. room over 50 ��::��`.�� .................... .................... .................... 37 . . . 38 y: ��l�»::>:i>:::�>:::<::':?:'�::::::`��:::��:<:?:?::>::::::::::>::::>:::::`::; �,: :;.;:.:<:.;:.><;::.::::;>�:,,.,:.;:,;:.:::::;:>::<..;.„.,<:..,,..� ::::>:.:.;;::::.��:�<:�'�::::<::::':':::»:::`:�::::::>::>::::>::::>:::<:::::::::>::::;:�:�::�::>::::::::�:�:�:�>?':::�::::>:;::>�::::::> ':;::��.::�.;: :�'::. .:.�:::::::::.�::.:� ::::::::::::::.::::.>:.>:.>:.::.>:.>:.::.:. ���. ..���i.t�r t��� C ......::<::<::.�:::::::>:::::::.::::.:. ���� . ...... ..... ..:.,,,:,...:.� :..:,,::::: :::.::,::::::,�::,, ::::.::......:.<�......:.::.::::.�:::::::::::.�:::::::::.::::::::::::::::>::»::>:<:::>:<::::.::::::::::::::::: :..:: :., :.:........................ ..............:::.. :., ..................... .... ...........................;.. . ..:..:;..::::. 39 413 Conver ation/Rap Parlor (A & B) ��:�'�.�� .................. . 40 415 Mini tion Picture Theater-Adult ��;:�;�`�� .................... .................... 41 417.04(1)-(6) Parkin Lots ;�:�;'�#� 42 422 Motor ehicle Salvage Dealer �:�;�:�::� ................. .................... 43 423.02(e� :,,;::; Auto B dy Repair Garage ��:��`�Q� 44 . , 45 . . ;.;...:..::>�:•� :::<:.��««::«<::<::<:<>::>::»::>::»::>::>::>::>��::;:::::<�::::::«;�:���:>«<:><:<:;<:<:>::.....:;;:;:.;;;>;;;;;:.;:.;:.:.;:.;;:::.;;:;:.::.::::.::.::.::.>;:.:<.;;;;;:.;::.::.::.;:.;;:.;;::;;:.;:«.;:;:.;:::.;:.>:.>:.::.>:.;:.....; .::...:::.:... 4 . ::..:; ::: : :: :. :> �::>::>::>::>::>::::>:::«;<:�:;;:<::�:>::::>:>.. ;>: . . : >::. < :: :.: .. :......::::>::::>::>::>::>:<:>::>::><::::>::»:<:::<;::«::::<::::>:::;;>::::::::::>::::::::»::>:::::»::>::>::<»»>:::�;::::>::. �:: <: :::::<: :. > 6 ���<.. ..... .�. .:::::::::. � :::::::::::::::::::.�a.�c�.: � .. .� �::.��. ar� e:::::::::. �. �::::::::::::::::::::::.:::.;:.;:.::.>:.>:;:.>:.::.;:.;:.::.;:.::.;;;:.;::;:.:::.::.:::.::�� : �.. . . .:::: :::. �.::�:::::::::.� :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .:1?!.::::::::::::::::::::::.�:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::.................................................:.....�.�....:: ��:� ;:<.; ::.:.... ................................................................ . ............................. .. .. .. . .. ............:..::::::::::::::. �:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:�.;::: ...::: .:.;..<:.: 47 42 Health �ports Clubs��(Class A& B) �:�;�`x� .... ............... ..................... 48 8 Steam oom/Bath House (A & B) �:�;'��:� 49 .................... .................... 3 1� /l-/5-l� � q�i - �uw 7 2 �i�� ENF R EMENT LEVEL 4 3 ...... �� 4 Chapter/Section � 5 No. Li ens Descri tion Fee 6 7 331.04 Bakery A) �:;:����;:;:. 8 Bakery B)-Add on � �.r :?��;� .. .......... . . .................... 9 331.04 Butche (A) ������Qi 10 Butche B -Add on � � � ) �:`:;�x� .................... 11 331.04 Caterin (A)-Limited ��;�:� .... ............. .................... 12 Caterin (B)-Full ;���;� 13 Caterin (C)-Add on ��� :..:::.. � .:..:....:... 14 . 15 331.04 Day Ca e Food (A) $ 5.00 16 Day Ca e Food (B) $ 5.00 17 331.04 Food P ocessor/Distributor/Ware use �'��:.�� 18 331.04 Food S vage �;�€�#� 19 331.04 Food V hicle A �� �� � � �:::;�� 20 Food V hicle (B) �;:;:`:��� .................... ..................... 21 331.04 Food V nding Machine $ 15.00 22 Food V nding Operator �:::::�;'� 23 331.04 Food arehouse/Distri tor ��;�:::��::� ................. 24 Food/ arding Facili �:���w� . ....... ........ .................... 25 Food/I stitutional F ility $ 5.00 26 331.04 Groce (A) $ 5.00 27 Groce (B) �::::;���� 28 Groce (C)-to 000 sq. ft. �����Q 29 Groce (D)- ore than 2000 sq. ft. ����� 30 331.04 Mobile oo ����::.�i 31 Mobile o d-Limited ��::��:����� .................... 32 331.04 Origina ontainer �:`::�;�;;:�� 33 331.04 Restau nt (A)-0-12 seats :�f��;.� .................... .................... 34 Rest r nt (B)-more than 12 seats ��5t� .................... 35 Re aur nt (C)-Limited �;;:;::�;#`� 36 staur nt (D)-Add on ��#� 37 estaur nt E -Extension ��� � � � �::::�:�Vi� 38 331.04 Special vent Food Sales-l-3 days �:::�:���� 39 Special vent Food Sales-4-14 days �:�;�:�;� 40 Special vent Food Sales-Annual �:��.;� .. .. .:..�...:::: 41 Special vent Food Sales-Fee Waived $��� � 5.00 4 2 :>::;::><:::>::�:.;:.;:.;;;:.;::.;:.;:.;:.;:.;::.;;;;:<.:; ;:.;:.;:.;:.;....;:.;:.;:.:.;::.;:.;: ;.:�:.;:.::.;:.: .:;;.;:.;:.;:;.;:<::.::.: �:.:::.::.:..;:.;:.;::...:;; :::::::::::::.�::::::::::::::::::.::::::::....: ...::.:. � ,; :::::>::»::::::>::>;;;::<;::;::> <::>::::>::>::::::>::>::::>::>::::> :: :> :. ::: :>: .: : : . <:;; :.> «:;: :::>:: :::: �: : : � : : �:<:::>:<:<::<:::�:::::<:::>::::::>::>:::::::»::>::::::<::� �:: :>�;; ::: , : ::::3�:.�._.� ::::::::::::.: :: :.::::::.:::�:.:�:::::���.: ��. :r�.: �'�c.�l ::�xoc :: �.:��s���i�.��€..:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.�:��t� . � ::::::::::::.: �..............................:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.�::::::::::.�:::::::::::::::::::::::: ..:.:::::::::.:.:<:...:«<:::::::.«<:.:::::.:;.:.>�:<.:...::.<::::::::::::::::..::,..:«:�:,:,<:<.:.:... , .::,::::. :.:...::.......:::::,:::::::.:.:::::.:.::::::::.:.:.::::::,:::::::::::::::::.:..::. 43 44 45 46 47 4 �ii��5-�� 1 ��� ENF R EMENT LEVEL I`1 � �`� `�, 2 3 Chapter/Section � 4 No. Lic nse Descri tion �g 5 6 � 409 Intoxic ing Liquor 7 409.05(b)(1) On-Sal over 200 seats �.��:��;.�:...;� <� 8 409.05(b)(2) On-Sal over 100 seats ��#��:�::::�:.;;;.: 9 409.05(b)(3) On-Sal 100 seats or less ���:>�.;.;;.:.:��� . ..+.....: 10 409.25(b) Tempo ry Liquor ��:;:;.;::;:::��� 11 409 On-Sal Club-under 200 members ; ������'297.00 12 On-Sal Club-201-500 member /$ 497.00 13 On-Sal Club-501-1000 members $ 647.00 14 � On-Sal Club-1001-2000 members � $ 797.00 15 On-Sal Club-2001-4000 members ! $ 997.00 16 On-Sal Club-4001-6000 members �` $1,997.00 17 On-Sal Club-6000+ members � $2,997.00 18 409.05(e) Off-Sal � $1,000.00 19 409.07(b)(2) Sunday n-Sale �� $ 200.00 20 409.11 a 8 Extensi n of Service � � �:::::::>`�<>��x� 21 409.15(b) Wine Sale ���$,��� 22 409.25 Tempo ry Wine �:::::::::;:::::�;� 23 410.02 On-Sal Malt (Strong) �';;::;::$�.�{� 24 410.02 On-Sal Malt 3.2 ������ �'� � ) �::'::::`::�:��� 25 410.02 Off-Sal Malt � ::::::::::::::::��ri� 26 410.10(a) Tempo ry Malt �::;;;;;:;��::���� 27 ....... 28 . , 29 . 30 . , 31 , :..:.::..:::..:� ::.;:.;:.;;:.::;::.>:.;:.::.:.;:.;;;:.:; :.::.::.;;::<:....::::::::::::::::: :::.::.;:.>:.>..;,:.;;.;......:::: :.::::::.::::::::::::,::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :.::::::::. ..:.::::..::.:. �::..:... 3 2 ��:��: ::::::>;;:<�::�:>::::>;::::>::::::::<:<::::::>::::::>::::>:�:;:: ::.:...� :::..:::.. .:.:: .....:.. � � : : :� :;: :::;: ; 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: :..;:: : .;.>.. 35 411.03 Enter ent-Temporary �::::::::;;:;::�Y� 36 ......................... 37 ENFOR EMENT LE L 6: 38 ...... 39 Chapter f Section 40 No. Li ns escri tion Fee 41 42 127 Courtes Benches ;�:::::::::::;:;��:�:� ;. � . . . . : . . .... :.;...;.> . 43 167 Comme cial Vehicle-Replacement �:::::::;:::::::;�:�;� 44 :: :....:.::.;...:...:::>::>::::::::::> ;<::<::::::::::<:::>::»::>:<:::>::;::::::: �:: k.>::;:;.;:.;:::::::.: ;:.;:.;::.;;:.;:.;:,:.;:.:.;:.:.:.:.:.:<.::;:.;;:.>:.;:.>:.;:;.;;:.;:.;:.;:.:.:.:.;;:.:;.:.;:.:;:.;::;,:.;:.:.;:::.:::<:::::::::.�::::::::.:� : :.: ::.:::::: ..::::::::: ..;.:.::..;.::. ��:#,�$;»»»::::.::»::::>:::::<:::>;::>:<:»»»»» :::.:: :... :. .:. :»:<:::::>:::<::<:::;::>::»»»»:>::;::::>::;::;:;::<::»::»»>::::>::::::>::::><::>;<:::>::>::>::»:�:»::>:<:>;:>:;:>�:::::::::::>:::::::»::>::»:::::«:;>:::;<:. ..:::::::>::::>°` °� �::::�: ................:::::::.� :::::::::.�::::::::::::::::::��a��....... ::::::::::::::::.........................::::::::::::::::::::: :.:::::::::.�:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:: ......... . .:..:�.::::::: �.� 45 ......... .......................... .... .............................................................................................. 2 .;:.:;.;:.: .:.........:.� :;.::::::::::::::::::::::::.;:.;:.;:.:.:.;�:::.;:.;;;;:.:;:: .:;>:.:;:.;:.;::.;:;<.;:.;.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::.;:.;:.:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.::.:.;:.;;:::.;;::.;;;:.:�;:;:.;:.;:.::.:.::.;:.:;:.::.;>:;:.::>::::>:::>�::>:.;:::><:>::;::::<:: 78 Gambli g Hall �......:::.���,� 46 318 MAD erator with up to 10 �:::�:��::�.���i 47 Each over 10 �`::�;�:``�::::���i� 48 Music achine �::::;:�::`:::::�+� 49 Amuse ent Rides to 10 ���� �:::;:�:�:��:�::.:.:.. 5 � � //-/5-91� � �y-iy�� 1 Amuse ent Rides over 10 �' :::::::::::::::��i� ..................... ..... .. . .� 2 T.V. 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Inspections and arris Environmental Protection e ar e man une r mm s Adopted by Council: ate Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified Council Secreta , By: By: // -i5- �� Approved by M or: Date Approv d b Mayor or Submission to Counc 1 s By: �,.-.---