94-1443 Council File # �T� — ��3 O I� I 1 Y�� Green Sheet # ��� %� ' RESOLUTION I F INT PAUL, MINNESOTA a � Presented By �. Referred To Committee: Date RESOLUTION ADOPT G AN AMENDMENT TO THE PLAN FOR 1 '� O � � LAND USE IN THE AINT PAUL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: THE LO RTOWN SMALL AREA PLAN WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is uthorized under Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.353, to carry on comprehensive municipal pla ' ning activities for guiding the future development and improvement of the City; and � WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul as local government unit within the metropolitan area is required under Minnesota Statutes, S tion 473.858, to prepare a Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City coun ' is authorized under Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.355 to adopt or amend a Comprehensive lan or portion thereof after a recommendation by the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Coun il adopted, by Resolution No. C.F. 275971 on November 20, 1980, a Plan for Land Use as part f the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, in response to the Down wn Community Development Council's request for assistance in preparing a Small Area an, the Planning Commission initiated the Lowertown Small Area Plan in August, 1992; and WHEREAS, the task force adopted t Lowertown Small Area Plan in February, 1994, and the Downtown Community Development ouncil recommended the draft to the Planning • Commission on March 16, 1994; and ' � WHEREAS, the Planning Commissio ' held a public hearing on the Lowertown Small Area Plan on May 13 and May 27, 1994, and, on une 24, 1994 recommended the Lowertown Small Area Plan with amendments, via Resolution 94-39; q� ��4�}3 �. 2o-F Z NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOL D, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby adopts the Lowertown Small Area Plan as an am ndment to the Plan for Land Use, an element of the Comprehensive Plan, as recommende by the Planning Commission and subject to such review by the Metropolitan Council as may b required by law. Yeas Navs Abs nt Re uested De artment of: e 9 Y P �uez n . arris e ar � � � ma B �l une Adopted by Council: Date � f 9 � Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By. � Approved by Mayor: . ate Z C � � A ed by Mayor fo Sub ' sion t Council �`� ,c.� ���� ; ��� � � � +4 � ; � . " ;� ' CEYCOUNCIL INITIA N� Z 9 6 9 ;� PED - P�a��n �/ G1�EEN SHEET ;� P a E Q DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR N CITY COUNCIL � s� Allen Love ' o ext 66 576 � cm � cm c�ac {� ( � � BU00ET OIpECT�R � flN. 6 AAOT. SERVICES DKI. w� ' Q UAAAVOR {OR As818TANT) Q A 1_ 1 pn L.c�v �� ; TOTAL � OR 810NA'tURE P�t�B (CLI ALL LOCATIOt�18 FOA SKiN�►Tt)RE) ACTION RE�UESTED: . �� a • � t � } . t: ' Mp�+ U) a Fhhd (Fq , R�ONi1L BERVICE CANTRAC7'a MIWT AI�WEW TME FOLLOWINO OU�dT10Nd: ° ;� ,� PLANNINA c�A�M�assloN _ CIVIL SEpVICE c�MM18sI0N 1 Has tl►is psrsonRirm svr► worked w1d�r � oo�aCt for thls deperbnent? � � _ C�B GOMAAITTEE _ YES NO � � 2 H88 this ps►son/fi►m evK b�m a dtp employesT ;' � _ sTAFF — YES NO _ D1STRICT COURT 3 Do�s tAia psrwNfirm Pas� a skiN not ^ormaNfi PoWesad bY ar►Y curroM �ty anplo�r�e? �� SUPPORTS WM1CM COUNCiI Oe�1ECiIVE? YES NO L � pI�M NI yh �nsw�n on Mp�nb �M�E and aqwp �o O�n sifMt �� i� � uim�►TINO PR08(.EM. ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY Mll+o. M�h�. Wlwn� W�Mrs. Wlry � ; � � The Lowertowra Small Area Plan Task F ce has initiated and cvmg�eted the Small Are� Plan, ;� ! for Lowertow�, which has been ratifie by the Downtown Cc�mmunit�r Development Council and � `� reaommended, with a�endments, by the anning Commission. RE�E�VE� � �� ; JUL � 2 1994 � °� ' �� ��� ��: Cou�tcil Nesearch Cent , � . SEP � 8 a� 1994 , €� . 7 � DI8I1D1N11iTAOE8IF APPAOVED: �lUL 13 1994 j . �. ; ; �+IA-Y�R'S �FFtCE � �. � , DISADVANTAOf81F NOT APPROVED: � � � , y . . . . . p.-.. _ � ; ;� t� } € ; { TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8ACTION = 0� COST/R�VENUE BUDOETEtI (CIRCLE ON� YES NO i i RIiNDINO 80URCE N A ACTIVITY NUMSER � i€ ' FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ` � ' ` �f � � NOTE: COMPI.ETE OIRECTIONS ARE tNGLUDER !N THE t1REEN 3HEET INSTHI�CT�NAL MANUAI. AYMUkBLE IN THE PURCHA5ING OFFIC� (PHONE NO. 298-422&j. ��, _ � ROUTING ORDER: Bslow are oorre� ruudngs tor the riw most trequent types ot do�wmsnts: CONTRACTS (esawnes suttiorized budpst exlsts) COUNGiI Ft�SdL�i'T"tON (Mnsnd Sut�sb/M,cept. OraMs) 1. Outside Agency 1. Deparhneni Direaror 2. Depertment Dire�ctor 2. Budget Directar . 3. City Attomey 3. City Auomey 4. Mayor (fo� �t�acts over a15,000) 4. Mayor/Assistent 5. Human Righia (for conbacta over i5�0.000) 5. City Cour�il 8. Finance and Management Services Dirodor 6. Chief Accountant, Fin�oe:�+d Manapement Servioes 7. Fina�ce Accoundng ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (Budget Revision) COUNCII RESOLUTION (all Whsrs. a�d O�faa) 1. Activity Manager 1: Depertmsnt DUector 2. Department Accountent 2: Ciry Attornoy 3. Departtnent Director 3. Mayor Assistant 4. Budget Directw 4, City Council 5. City Clerk 8. Chief Aa;ountaM, Finance a�d Menagement 3ervices ADMINISTRATIYE ORDERS (all others) . 1. Department Diroctor 2. Ciy Atta►nsy 3. Finanee and ManagemeM Servicea Qireetor . 4. City C.�ark _' : _ . TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGfS - " � indicate the A�of pa�s on which signatures are required and papKelip w tly Nch oi tMse ppas. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what ths proJecUrequest seeks to accompllsh in either chronotopi- cal o� or or�r ofi"trnportantx, whichever is mast appnopriate fa the tssue. Do not write com�ete ssnisncss. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENOATIONS Compiete 1f the issue in question has been preaented betore any body, public or privats. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTNE? Indicate which Council objective(a) your pro�ecUrequeat suppotts by Ifsiing the key woM(s) (HOUSIN(i, RECREATION, NEtCiH�QR�OS, £CONOMiC DEVELOPMENT, BUOGET, SEWEH SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LtSt IN-INSTRUCTfONAI MANUAL.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This information wiil be used to detenMne the cityh liability tar worke�s compsnsation cleNris. taxes and propsr cNFt esrvice h�Mg ndea. INI'f1ATIN(3 PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOFiTUNiTY Explain the situation or conditbns that created a nsed for ya�r project or request ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED �rxficete wriea�er tMs �s simpy an an�ual budgei proced�,re reyulred by �ew� charter w whether there are specifio ways in which ths City of Saint Paul and its citizens wpl benefit trom tMs project/action. DISADVANTAGE3 1F'APPROVEO What negative ettecls cx ma�or chanqsa to existing or past processes might this pro�ect/request produce H R is passsd (e.g.. uallic dslays, nofse, tax increases a� aesessments)? � Whom? When? For how long? DISADVANTACiES IF NOT APPROVED What wiU be the rregativa consequences if the promiaed action is eot approved? InabNiry to deliver servk:e9 Contiruied high traf�ic, noise, accident rate? Loas oi revenue? • FINANCIAL IMPACT Aithough you must tailor the iniormation you provide here to the issu� you are, addressiny, in general you must answer two questions: How much fa h going to cost? Who is �oing to pey? ,t -- _ - -= q�.-r�3 city of saint paul planning commission re lution file number 94-39 �te June 24, 1994 RESOLUTION ADO ING LOWERTOWN SMALL AREA PLAN WHEREAS, the Downtown Community Development Council requested assistance from the Department of Planning and conomic Development in 1992 for the creation of a small area plan for the Lo ertown portion of downtown; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commissio is authorized under Minnesota Statutes Section 462.355(2) and Chapter 07 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code to recommend to the Mayor and City Council amendments to the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, in response to the Do town Community Development Council's request, the Planning Commission initiat d the Lowertown Small Area Plan in August, 1992 the Downtown Community Dev lopment Council to appoint a neighborhood- based task force to prepare the small area plan; and WHEREAS, the task force adopte the Lowertown Small Area Plan in February, 1994, after holding four commu ty meetings and discussion at their monthly meetings to get broad public i ut; and WHEREAS, having received a rec ended draft from the task force, the Downtown Community Development Council commended the draft to the Planning Commission on March 16, 1994; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commissi held a public hearing on the Lowertown Small Area Plan on May 13 and May 27, 1994, notice of which was duly given in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger on May 0 and 14, 1994; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commissi recommended changes to the small area plan, after considering public testi ny, comments from the Bicycle Advisory Board, and reviewing the plan's confo ance with the Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends adoption by the City Council o the Lowertown Small Area Plan as an amendment to the City's Land Use Plan wi the following changes: moved by Maddox seconded by Gurne in fav�or Unanimous against Resolution adopting the Lowertown Small Area Plan Page Two 1. Include a policy before #7: "Fill the vacated Kuzmierz' Market/Deli with a full-service grocery store, Implementor: PED" 2. Include a policy and discussion after #7: "Pursue pharmacy and hardware outlets in Lowertown. Implementors: PED DCDC Commercial building managers , "A full complement of services is needed to sustain the residential growth in the neighborhood. Two of the needed services identified are a pharmacy outlet and a store which carries basic household hardware." 3. Based on current and ongoing research of LRT car technology, amend Policy #40 to read: "Support the development of Light Rail Transit with a stop at the Depot. Reevaluate the design of the station based on the potential for low floor LRT vehicles as they have in the Portland, Oregon system. The platform needs to be well connected with the Union Depot station and the surrounding neighborhood. Endorse the following components of the Downtown Light Rail Task Force recommendations: ' • LRT alignment along the east side of Cedar Street and the south side of Fourth Street • Transition from Cedar to Fourth Streets via a diagonal alignment across the St. Paul Athletic Club Block • Three stations including, Museum Station at llth and Cedar, St. Paul Central on the "Diagonal block" and Union Depot on Fourth Street between Sibley and Wacouta. Implementors: Downtown LRT Task Force Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority PED Public Works � - -- _ - -_ - c�._ �� Resolution adopting the Lowertown Small Area Plan Page Three 4. Add bicycle "racks" t text of Policy #20 and move it under the section on "Bicycles" (policies 41-45): "Improve Lowertown as a bicycle destination through providing bicycle lockers and cks, securing bicycle areas within residential building , and creat�g a trail links to the regional trail and bic cle ro e systems." 5. Policy #41: Add "PED' to the list of implementors. 6. Policy #42: Add "Pub ic Works" to the list of implementors. 7. Policy #43: Change t e term "Phalen Corridor" bicycle trail to "Phalen Creek" and r ord to better explain connections to the regional system: "Connect Lowertown t the Mississippi River Trail and other major bicycle routes via K llogg Boulevard and Sibley Street. (It is important to connect the Mississippi River Trail to the Phalen Creek Trail, which a so connects to the William Munger Trail at the north end of Lak Phalen.) 8. Include the "Map 8: icycle Routes" to the Plan (attached). 9. Policy #44: Add "Pub ic Works" to the list of implementors. i - - - - � �� _ I��� - _ - � LEGEND � Study Area Boundary � � Existing Proposed � Signed on-street bikeway � a � U � � � +� � Off-street bikeway E � Q Bike racks Q N � EED ' � LE�� p n T � 0 Bike lockers LSI W PI y �IATOR � s�.�s ❑ a � E.SEVENTH STREET �� HERRAGE BS M B SUPER HW E F� � B � GILBERT � LOWERTOWN �� MEARS PARK PLAC �� ��p�� BUSINESS CENTE BLDG. I-94 SIXTH STR T MEARS PARK SEE�TEDTI � CARPEfS I GALTIER PLAZA ~ � � wALL w ruw FIFTH STREET � STREEf � � Q' �ti BLDC. c�� �x FIRST STRAUS MEARS Z TAUST �s B ��'• PARK P�KSID • Q THE GIL�ETTE COMPANY 0 CENfER � m CENTER M. BEA AR ER O TO PH� U �� RYlws RAMP oRTH RK a CREEKTRAIL ' �`� gpq � � I I � ANDMUNGER LJ m TRAIL FOURTH STREET EFlV. CTR. � � S TpyyN� w PRINC COMMON KTCA �P A�REHOUSE a MINNESOTA OEPOT HILL IECENTER PLACE sa BLDG. nLSNER � �RT &.pG. REATWESTERNFRdGHfSTA KELLOGGmBLV . � � POST TO S�UE OFFICE � TO EAST 3RD STREEf, C���� = MOUNDS BOULEVARD, g{KE POST OFFICE � JOHNSON PARKWAY, R �V� � LOWER KELLOGG RAMP � AND UPPER AFTON SEC N � i p BIKE ROUTES � � m � i ' � W ������I��u ��i���i���i�t y�� f�- � � ��������� } i�iiiiii�iiiiiii 4� SA �M PAUL S GR,qWp ROUND Lppp 9 fKE qp� TO PHq �N CREEK MISSISSIPp� RIVER TRAII 9��� �NGEq 7R BII(E RO(!TE AND LOWEflEEK pqqK � . M/SS�SS/Pp� q/VER RAFTON ,I Bicycie Routes Historic Lowertown Small Area Plan Saint Paul, Minnesota 6/1 M94 �1`�t`' r`1'`f'J CITY OF SAINT PAUL 390 City Hall Telephone: 612-266-8510 Norm Coleman, Mayor 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Facsimile: 612-266-8513 Saint Paul, MN 55102 September 7, 1994 � Council President David Thun and Members of the Saint Pa 1 City Council 310-B City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: TRANSMITTAL OF E LOWERTOWN SMALL AREA PLAN Dear Council President T'hun and Members of the City Council: Attached, for your considerati n, is the Lowertown Small Area Plan. The Task Force has done a superb job in craf g a plan which is both practical and ambitious; and the Lowertown community has al dy begun many of their assigned work tasks outlined in the plan. The Task Force, the Downto n Community Development Council (DCDC), and the Saint Paul Planning Commiss' n are to be commended for the focus of the plan, which includes involvement of resid ts, businesses, employees and City staff. I recommend the Lowertown mall Area Plan for your approval. Sincerely, � L--- �� orm Coleman Mayor NC:drm Attachment � °I� - ��1�3 ► HI5T0 C LOWERTOWN S L A1tEA PLAN mmunity Review Draft January 10, 1994 .* q�- t��-I� - ONTENTS I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 II. Purpose .............. ...............................2 III. Community Vision and tatement of Guiding . . . . . . . . . . 2 Principles IV. Neighborhood Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 V. Neighborhood Improve ent Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 A. Residential Amenities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Housing ......... ...............................5 Parking ......... ...............................5 B. The Pedestrian Enviromm �t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Pedestrian Security ...............................6 Design for Pedestrian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Skyway System Expan ion and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 C. Improve Traffic and Par g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Traffic and Trucks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Transit .......... .............................. 12 Bicycles ......... .............................. 14 D. Preserve Historic Buildin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 E. Reinforce the Farmers rket as a Central Place . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 F. Beautify and Strengthen e Identity of Historic . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Lowertown Beaut'�f'ication .... .............................. 17 Create Linkages amo g Major Activity Centers . . . . . . . . . . 20 Riverfront Mod�cati ns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Maintenance ..... ..............................22 i MAPS V 1. Study Area Boundary 2. Fxisting Zoning 3. Residential Buildings 4. Parking 5. Skyway System 6. Traffic Analysis 7. Bus Stops and Routes 8. Historic Buildings 9. Existing/Proposed Streetscape 10. Greenspace/Gateways 11. Views/Vistas FIGURE �j 1, Southeast Corner Gateway Revitalization u q�l - l��I 3 I. INTRODUCTION The Historic Lowertown nei borhood plan was developed by a 52-member task force with broad representation fro residents, businesses, churches, and building owners • and managers. It represents ' new and unique vision for the neighborhood and the City that will distinguish Sain Paul from Minneapolis and other midwestern cities. The neighborhood draws on t e strengths of its downtown mixed-use/residential nature to improve residential amenit s, enhance the pedestrian environment, and better manage traffic. While the pl is intended to improve the neighborhood, the improvements will clearly ben �it all the people who live and work in the City of Saint Paul. Over the last decade, Lowert has been the focus of significant revitalization investment involving many m bers of the Lowertown and Saint Paul community. The development of the residenti community has been remarkably successful. Aocording to the 1990 Census, downto Saint Paul is the City's fastest growing neighborhood. Starting with a resident pop tion of approximately 3,300 residents in 1980, it increased over the decade to ch a 1990 total of approximately 4,300 residents. Property taxes generated in t area have increased �ve-fold and Lowertown has become a lively center for co erce and job development. Finally, Mears Park, redesigned and finished in 19 , serves as a neighborhood focal point, a symbol of its community spirit, and its hop for the future. Nonetheless, Lowertown and owntown Saint Paul face sign'if'icant challenges in a highly competitive regional, n ional and global economic environment. Restructuring of the economy, the growing ' come gap between the T�vin Cities and their outlying suburbs, the challenge posed the Mall of America, and the development of the riverfront are examples of the hallenges facing Lowertown and Saint Paul. In this context, the Lowertown neigh rhood plan is a small but important part of larger development efforts within th City and throughout the metropolitan region. The future will depend upon how effectiv ly the neighborhood and the City, together, build upon their successes and leverage t ir cunent resources, taking advantage of the many opportunities that lie ahead. There are, in addition, numer us city-wide and regional efforts to strengthen the metropolitan community. Th include the Saint Paul Urban Design Plan, the Cultural Capitol, the updating of the P ks and Recreation Element of the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan, the Sain Paul Transportation Policy Plan, and the Metropolitan Council Metropolitan Develop ent and Investment Framework or Blueprint. The Lowertown Small Area Plan is intended to work with and, wherever possible, reinforce these plans. 1 II. PURPOSE � The main purpose of the Lowertown Small Area Plan u to consolidate and 6uild upon , previous efforts in or�der to secure a viable future for the neighborhood and downtown Saint Paul community. The plan focuses upon improvements in residential amenities arid the pedestriari environment, traffic and parkin& and the Farmers Market site. It seekr to �serve the distinctive character of Lowertown's historic buildings that provicie the community with a"sense of place". It also aims to develop addidonal green space in the area, including the riverfront. The Lowertawn effort began in 1992 when the Downtown Community Development Council requested assistance from the Department of Planning and Economic Development to create a small area plan for the Lowertown area of District 17. The plan boundaries are lackson Street, Sth Street to 8th Street, Lafayette Rouc� and Wamer Road (See Map 1) The small area plan task force represented residents and the Downtown Community Development Council, residential and commercial building managers, small businesses, the Downtown Saint Paul Partnership and the Metro East Partnership-Chamber of Commerce, the Lowertown Redevelopment Corporation, churches, the Port Authority, the Metropolitan Council, the Farmers Market, and the Post Off'ice. The task force was co-chaired by Imogene Treichel, Chair of the Saint Paul Planning Commission, and Richard Dethmers of the Downtown Community Development Council. This is primarily a residential plan focusing upon improvements that will affect the residential community and the businesses that serve them. These same amenities, however, will also benefit the city's larger businesses by creating a more attractive downtown environment. The task force is mindful that economic and residential issues are integrally related and that future development must achieve a balance between them. The task force recommends the creation of a Lowertown Merchants Association to lead coordination and implementation of the plan. III. COMMUNITY VISION AND STATEMENT OF GUIDING PRINCIPLES Lowenown is a vibrant urban village blending a rich variety of residentia� business, educationa� recreational and cultural amenities in an hutoric setting to enhance the lives of the diverse community that lives and workr in the City of Saint Pau� Guiding Principles for the Small Area Plan • Lowertown is a residential/mixed-use neighborhood with high aesthetic standards. 2 q�-I -��--��--�� • • The neighborhood maint s both environmental and historical stewardship and celebrates the diversity a multicultural aspects of the downtown community. � • The neighborhood seeks uity in housing and employment opportunity. • Lowertown strives to crea e and maintain a healthy sense of community where residents and businesses ork together in a spirit of cooperation and mutual responsibility. IV. NEIGHBORHOOD G LS Lowertown identified its maj goals prior to the beginning of the planning effort through a series of communi surveys and discussions. The original goals were to a) enhance the pedestrian envir ent at the street level, managing traffic and providing parking for residents guests, improve safety and access through the skyway system, c) add small businesses to su ort residents needs such as a full-service, high quality and affordable grocery store, ) improve downtown as an environment for families with children and young people, e) enhance recognition of the community by the City's political, business, and cultur leaders, f� develop additional green space including the riverfront, and g) preserve his oric buildings, especially those that are cunently vacant or underutilized. During the course of the plan ing work the original goals were slightly altered and, in some cases, expanded. The ent goals are: 1. IMPROVE RESIDE AMENITIES in Lowertown, including play areas for families with children, mmunity gathering places or"focal points", a Lowertown map for residents and itors, and parking for residents' guests. 2. ENHANCE THE PED TRIAN ENVIRONMENT, including increasing pedestrian safety at bot the street and skyway levels, beautifying the streetscape, and maintaining skywa system and streetscape improvements. 3. IMPROVE TRAFFIC PARKING to better accommodate the needs of a mixed-use/residential n ighborhood including; better management of automobile and truck traffic, expan ed and improved public transit and other alternatives to single occupancy vehicl and downtown parking, more bicycle-friendly streets, and safer and more att ctive ramp and street level parking facilities. 4. PRESERVE LOWER WN'S HISTORIC BUILDINGS. 5. REINFORCE THE F RS MARKET AS A CENTRAL PLACE. � 6. BEAUTIFY AND ST NGTHEN TI� IDENTITY OF HISTORIC LOWERTOWN, includ g the Riverfront, through the development of additional _ green space throughout he area. 3 V. NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT STRATEGIES The following strategies will implement the goals outlined above and guide future development in Lowertown. The strategies are listed by issue area, and not in order of priority or importance. A. Resident Amenities The need for improved resident amenities was identified in a 1991 Resident Needs Survey, the DCDC 1992 Spring Town Hall Forum, and numerous focus group and small area plan task force discussions. These discussions revealed a need for more children's play space. Greater coordination and cooperation between the Farmers Market and area businesses would benefit both. A Lowertown Map and parking for residents' visitors would improve enjoyment of the neighborhood for everyone. Specif'ic recommendations are: 1. Provide outdoor and indoor recreation facilities for children, youth, and families who live and visit downtown. This should include a year-round "destination" facility for visitors and downtown families located near the Children's Museum and/or the Science Museum. It should also include small, more informal play spaces for Lowertown residents and area child care centers. The latter could be located either at street level, on a roof top, or over a parking ramp. Implementors: DCDC Area Child Care Centers Parks and Recreation Division 2. Conduct a thorough assessment of the need for after-school and summer programs for children of both residents and downtown employees. The assessment should also indicate appropriate providers. Implementors: DCDC 3. Jointly plan, schedule, and market activities in Lowertown such as concerts, the Farmers Market, and craft shows. This will help to establish Lowertown as a community "focal point" for downtown Saint Paul. Implementors: DCDC Farmers Market Businesses--especially in Galtier Plaza 4. Provide a map of Lowertown for residents, employees, and visitors that will contain essential information, including the location of parking ramps, and � promote an attractive image of the neighborhood. 4 q�-��y3 . Implementors: nsultant ED CDC � anagers and Owners of Parking Facilities Housing (Map 3) At the moment, it oes not seem appropriate to expand the supply of housing downtown, xcept for specialty units. Conditions are likely to change, however, the neighborhood's positive image gains wider exposure. The greatest poten al for expanded housing lies in the renovation of older buildings and along the riverfront. 5. Consider mixed us residential development of the North Quadrant as the downtown housing arket grows stronger. In the meantime, do not allow development that p ecludes mixed-use/residential development. Implementors: CDC ED 6. Conduct an assess nt of the need for senior assisted, and 3-4 bedroom affordable, housing. Implementors: CDC ED Parking (Map 4) Recent parking stu 'es reveal a good balance between parking supply and demand. The downt rn in the economy and the "soft" nature of the commercial real est te market have signi�icandy reduced the demand for additional parking. owever, there are specif'ic problems emerging at the successful Kusmierz Market/Deli and around the Northern Warehouse. In addition, neighborh od residents need visitor parking. The following improvements are r mmended: 7. Add a loading/unlo ding sign on the Wacouta Street side of Kusmierz Market. Leave exist g meters in place. Implementors: ED blic Works 8. Establish meter te near street level businesses that are appropriate to short stops. Work w th speci�ic residential buildings and businesses to - provide better par ' g accommodations for visitors and shoppers. 5 Implementors: Public Works . Building Owners PED Lowertown Redevelopment Corporation - 9. Improve the aesthetics of surface parking lots (as per City Zoning Code), especially at the APCOA lot at the end of Prince Street and the northern half of the Markethouse block. Implementors: PED Parking Lot Owners 10. Improve safety with better lighting of parking areas. Implementors: DCDC Parking Ramp Owners Property Owners 11. Improve directional, surface and ramp signage and provide parking maps/brochures. Implementors: Parking Ramp Owners Property Owners B. THE PEDESTRIAN ENVIRONMENT As Lowertown developed from a commercial downtown/warehouse district into a residential neighborhood, the deficiencies of the street-level pedestrian environment became apparent. While much attention has been devoted to the development of skyways and the movement of cars and trucks through the area, insufficient attention has been given to street level improvements related to pedestrian security and sidewalk environs. This has had a negative impact on the attractiveness of the neighborhood and the vitality of many street-level businesses. In addition, improvements for pedestrians are needed within the skyways, including short-and long-term strategies for maintaining the skyways. Pedestrian Security These strategies are aimed especially at providing a sense of safety for pedestrians within the skyway system, but they could aLso apply to the street level. The problem is that some young people and adults "hang out" in skyways and other public areas, since they lack alternative gathering places. This is perceived as threatening by some visitors to the areas. - 6 q�l - �y�13 - Safety will be improved hrough the establishment of consensus among pedestrians, merchants, nd the police regarding standards of acceptable public conduct in skyways and ' ublic places. The standards will be reinforced by area " merchants, Lowertown r idents, other pedestrians and, as a last resort, the police. These standards will be nhanced through increased pedestrian traffic, a Neighborhood Watch Pr gram, and improved coordination of the Saint Paul Police Department, and C and Lowertown security. 12. Establish a neigh hood collaborative between residents, businesses, the St. Paul Police Depart ent and youth to develop standards of appropriate conduct in the s ys and public spaces. Implementors: CDC esidents usinesses olice Department 13. Enlist students fro area colleges to work with city youth, under the training and supervision of e Police Department, to assist merchants and residents in enforcing the co munity standards. Treat police intervention as a last resort. Implementors: CDC ea Colleges esidents usinesses olice Department 14. Work proactively w h youth that are habitually downtown through the YMCA and its pro ams, providing summer employment opportunities or full-time employme t, enlisting merchants and downtown employers willing to work with youth, nd enlisting the assistance of PED's training/employme programs and staff. Implementors: CDC CA erchants ED Jobs and Training 15. Do not establish ad itional public space without sufficient public activity to enhance safety. Dev lop more "eyes" on Mears Park through redevelopment of block faces on th Park. Improve lighting for pedestrians throughout the target area that is a propriate to the "old world" charm of the neighborhood. - Implementors: arks and Recreation Division blic Works ED � 16. Inv�stigate the wisdom and practicality of a Neighborhood Watch program - for the area. Implementors: DCDC � 17. Improve communication and better coordinate the efforts of the Saint Paul Police Department, MTC security and Lowertown private security personnel. Implementors: Businesses DCDC MTC Police Department Design for Pedestrians (Map 5) The current design of skyways and sidewalks lacks careful consideration of pedestrian needs for comfort and enjoyment. Lowertown, as a residential neighborhood and a destination for o�ce workers and visitors, needs particularly close attention paid to the sidewalk environment. 18. Establish a pedestrian precinct and Pedestrian Bill of Rights. Make every street pedestrian and bicycle-friendly. Investigate creation of a bike lane during non-peak business hours and encourage pedestrian and bicycle use along Sibley between Fifth and Sixth Streets, the other blocks around Mears Pazk, and along Broadway by the Northern Warehouse. Implementors: DCDC Public Works - Traffic 19. Investigate measures for calming traffic. These would include installing signage "Entering Residential Area -- Slow Down!", posting a speed limit on Sixth Street at Broadway, and banning turns on red at problem intersections for pedestrian safety. The specific locations are: Northbound Sibley to westbound Sixth: Eastbound Fifth to Northbound Sibley; and Southbound Wacouta to Westbound Sixth. Also, other measures should be taken to slow or divert tra�c in off-peak hours. Implementors: Public Works -- Traffic DCDC Planning Division of PED 20. Improve Lowertown as a bicycle destination through providing bicycle lockers, securing bicycle areas within residential buildings, and creating a trail link to the regional trail system. 8 q�4-I�y3 _ Implementors: usinesses ED CDC • esidential Building Managers arks and Recreation Division 21. Improve the stree pe by widening sidewalks, especially at bus hub stops, instituting improve ents around existing and planned residential buildings east of Mears Par connecting Lowertown's residential areas to the west and the rest of downto , and developing direct street access for all residential development. Implementors: ED-Design arks and Recreation Division RC uilding Code Of�ice uilding Managers 22. With signage, devel p an internal focus around housing east of Mears Park showing entrances ' to the skyway system and access to color-coded pathways. Street-le el entrances to buildings should consider the needs of both historic prese ation and accessibility for the disabled. Implementors: ED blic Works uilding Owners 23. Since the historic b ildings in Lowertown are an important neighborhood asset, skyway conn ions into primary facades should be avoided unless there is no reasona le alternative. Implementors: eritage Preservation Commission, PED Skyway System Exp nslon and Maintenance a sion: The s ay system in downtown Saint Pau1 was designed to meet the needs of t e commercial core. It has made it easier to get around during inclement w ther, but it has left the street virtually abandoned in many areas. The e system is nearly complete. In areas surrounding the core, such as Lowe own, where a walkable street level is available, the skyway should be te ' ated at a public park or plaza, bringing people back down to the ground 24. New skyways shoul be built only between major economic centers or to _ bridge streets with eavy tra�c. An example would be the proposed skyway between the Post O ce and the Minnesota Telecenter across Kellogg Boulevard. 9 Implementors: PED - Public Works 25. Require handicapped accessbility in each building that serves as access to ' the skyway system, signage along the skyway and street level entrances, and simultaneous streetscape improvements when skyways are built so as to enhance the likelihood of continued sidewalk use. Implementors: Public Works PED 26. View the North Quadrant as a low priority for expansion of the skyway system, based on current market readiness. Implementors: PED Public Works Building Owners Permits and Licensing(?) Maintenance: Ongoing maintenance of the skyway system and sidewalks is a persistent issue for Lowertown. As the economy faltered, regular cleaning of sidewalks and skyways has been neglected by many property owners. Long- term maintenance of skyway bridges (such as roof repair) has not been accommodated in funding agreements. This will become a critical issue in the next decade as much of the system will be 20+ years old. 27. Enforce agreements requiring ongoing maintenance and include significant disincentives (examples?) for those who do not comply with the agreements. Implementors: Skyway Governance Task Force BOMA PED 28. Develop a financing strategy for long-term maintenance. Options might include area-wide assessments, adjacent building assessments, sales ta�c proceeds to create a special sinking fund to be supplemented by either of the first two options, or capital improvement bonds to create a sinking fund. Implementors: PED BOMA 10 qy - I��-13 - C. IMPROVE TRAF C AND PARKING Lowertown--with its ent rtainment, restaurants, shops, Mears Park, and proatimity � to the river--can becom one of the most pleasant urban areas in the region. To achieve that goal, Lowe own must be accessible without being inundated by cars and trucks. A balance ust be struck between automotive accessbility and pedestrian tranquility. ' Traffic and Trucks (Ma 6) Traffic continues to be problem for residential living and pedestrian safety in Lowertown. This is esp ially true during peak hours when traffic is busy, noisy, and aggressive. To som ea�tent traffic is a fact of life for those living in Lowertown. It provides sy access to Lowertown and the Farmers Market. However, there are mea ures that can be taken to manage traffic, reduce noise, and protect pedestrians. These measures are: 29. Permit selective cl ing of streets during festivals, parties, and on weekends. Shorten peak hour arking bans to reflect the actual "rush hour". Recommended stre ts are: • Sibley between ifth and Sixth Streets • Fifth between oadway and Sibley • Sixth between S ley and Wacouta Implementors: P blic Works P D 30. Manage events thr gh adequate notification of adjacent and sunounding property owners, sistently applied rules on times of street closure, and a consistent source o funding to hire insured and bonded personnel to do the street closings. Implementors: D DC i ee Press Ev nt Holders L Pa and Recreation Division Pu lic Works Most of the trucks ' the Lowertown area are there because of an origin or destination downto . However, there are some trucks that could be diverted, and there e alternate routes within downtown for many trucks, such as those servin the Post Of�ce. 11 31. Work with the Post Off'ice to divert truck traffic to Kellogg and Robert . Streets. Work with trash haulers, freight delivery companies, and their downtown customers to reduce truck trips during the early evening hours. Implementors: DCDC Public Works LRC Post Office 32. Define specific building complaints/issues on an on-going basis and seek remedial solutions to truck noise. Implementor. DCDC �7ransit (Map 7 and 7a) One of Lowertown's competitive advantages in the region is transit accessibility. Yet much more could be done to promote alternatives to single occupancy vehicles and downtown parking. The Lowertown community is anxious to develop pedestrian/rider amenities and improve service. The following improvements are recommended: 33. Develop an ongoing system that adequately cleans sidewalks and bus stops. Implementors: DCDC MTC BOMA 34. Retain the major bus stop on Fifth Street between Sibley and Jackson Streets, preferably at the east end of the block nearest Mears Park, and the handicapped accessible door to the skyway system. Implementors: MTC DCDC 35. Support full funding for downtown snow removal. Implementor. DCDC 36. Add a shelter on the west side of Wacouta at Seventh Street. Implementors: MTC DCDC 37. Analyze potential left turn anow for westbound Seventh Street and southbound Wacouta Street. 12 q�-1u�3 _ Implementors: lic Works D DC � 38. Support vanpool p gram in parking ramps where the City, State, and ramp owners subsidize v npool parkers. Provide a downtown shutde. Implementors: nesota Rideshare P D OT D DC 39. Support the estab ' hment of a permanent downtown "Central Area Trolley" to link various acti ity centers such as the Capitol, the Minnesota History Center, the Childr 's Museum and Science Museum with Lowertown. Implementors: D DC P D wntown Businesses 40. Support the develo ment of Light Rail Transit with a stop at the Depot. Support the recom endations of the Downtown Light Rail Task Force. The platform needs to well connected with the Union Depot station and the sunounding neigh rhood. These recommendations are: • LRT alignment ong the east side of Cedar Street and the south side of Fourth Street • Transition from Cedar to Fourth Streets via a diagonal alignment across the St. Paul At etic Club Block • Three stations ' cluding, Museum Station at llth and Cedar, St. Paul Central on the iagonal block" and Union Depot on Fourth Street between Sibley nd Wacouta. • Station configur tions a) Museum Station-Center Platform, b) St. Paul Central Station- ide Platforms, c) Union Depot Station-Center Platform. Implementors: L C D DC P 13 Bicycles - Bicycle use and interest has grown in Saint Paul. In addition, several regional bicycle trail improvements will be completed in the next few years � (e.g. Great River Road Trail, Phalen Corridor Trail, Munger Trail). Large downtown employers have expressed interest in providing better accommodations for bicyclists. The following recommendations can be enpected to improve downtown Saint Paul and Lowertown for bicyclists: 41. Work with employers, major of�ice users and parking suppliers to create additional parking opportunities for bicyclists. Implementors: DCDC Bicycle Advisory Board Parks and Recreation Division 42. Place bicycle lockers and racks in convenient public places (e.g. lockers in the first two stalls of parking ramps, racks on widened Fifth and Sixth Street sidewalks, and at the Farmers Market.) Implementors: PED Bicycle Advisory Board 43. Connect the Willard Munger and Phalen Corridor regional bicycle trails, cunently approved for ISTEA funding, to the Great River Road Trail, as well as Lowertown via Kellogg Boulevard and Sibley Street. (See attached map) Implementors: Parks and Recreation Division DCDC PED Public Works 44. Improve bicycle and pedestrian access to the river via Sibley Street and further east, potentially at the Depot Concourse. Implementors: Parks and Recreation Division Bicycle Advisory Board DCDC 45. Work with the YMCA and businesses to create locker/shower and laundry facilities to accommodate the bicycling commuter. Implementors: Bicycle Advisory Board DCDC - Major Commercial/Of�ce Tenants 14 qy����3 - D. PRESERVE HIST RIC BUILDINGS . The Lowertown neighbo hood contains several historic buildings that currently are vacant or underutilized. These constitute valued community resources, and every effort must be made to reserve and integrate them with greenery, street furniture, and signage t reinforce the neighborhood's unique sense of place. (Map 8) 46. Identify and monit r historic buildings that are vacant or underutilized. Prioritize them for fforts to attract potential owners/tenants that would enhance the comm nity. Buildings that are likely to succeed, will have a positive impact on unounding areas, exist at significant locations, and are important to the co munity, should receive first priority: 1) The Union Depot, especially it concourse, 2) The Strauss Knitting Building and 3) The James J. Hill Build' g. Implementors: D DC L 47. Place Historic Low rtown signs with the neighborhood's symbol at its key entrances. This w' "define" the neighborhood. Coordinate with City Pathf'mder Program and the Historic Marker Program. Implementors: L PE H' oric Preservation Commission R idents Bu inesses E. REINFORCE THE ARMERS MARKET AS A CENTRAL PLACE 48. Reinforce the Farm rs Market as a"central place" in the Lowertown community by add' other activities, such as art shows, in close proximity. This can be expecte to increase participation in sunounding retail, arts, and residential facilities. Fxtend market shed concept into the adjacent alley across Wall Street. Implementors: Fa ers Market Lo ertown Artists Me chants 49. � Expand Farmers M ket space for both growers and pedestrians, and . enhance the numbe and convenience of parking facilities. Post appropriately designed permanent arking signs near the Farmers Market. 15 Implementors: Public Works . The Farmers Market PED 50. Complete an action plan, based on the market's current strengths, to address problems of circulation and parking, relations with the surrounding residential community, and marketing strategies. In addition, the action plan would have the following objectives: 1. Identify the proper location, role, and character of the St. Paul Farmers' Market as a community gathering place, related operational concepts, and key factors in its success. 2. Identify various development options ranging from minimal improvements in cleaning, lighting, loading space and signage to larger scale upgrading with new toilets, administrative and concession areas, reconstruction. 3. Develop a schematic design image for the various options to illustrate their urban design and architectural character. 4. Identify construction and operating costs and ways that public assets can be combined with private interests for funding. 5. Determine potential economic bene�its to Lowertown and Downtown St. Paul including spin-off development, and the level of interest and support in the community. Implementors: PED Public Works Farmers Market LRC Professional Consultants F. BEAUTIFY & STRENGTHEN THE IDENTITY OF HISTORIC LOWERTOWN The mixed use/residential character of Lowertown and its activity centers--Mears Park (including Galtier Plaza), Union Depot Place, and the Farmers Market-- generate significant pedestrian activity. However, improvements in both the spatial pattern and physical environment of pedestrian walkways and spaces are urgently needed. These improvements will create a"community of place" and enhance the charm, safety, and vitality of the neighborhood. 16 q�-1��3 � To provide funding for e improvements, Lowertown will need to be included in the one-half cents sales funding for neighborhoods and arts and cultural initiatives. The major activity cente s within Lowertown will reinforce each other if they are well-connected through network of pedestrian walkways, including alleys, and parks. There is a need to enh ce entrances as well as linkages. I,owertown contains several "gateway" entran into the City from the riverfront and major freeways. They are the neighborh ' d's "front door" and need to be attractive and welcoming. While cunent enhance nt efforts are a move in the right direction, more needs to be done. Several entr nces, including the Seventh Street exit from I94, 35E, � Highway 3 and the Lafa ette Bridge, are cunently quite unattractive and constitute a banier, in t e minds of visitors, to further interest in the area. Others needing attention are Si ley Street near the riverfront. Beautification of these e trances into the city is needed to introduce a more pedestrian-oriented, attr ctive environment and slow traf�ic to speeds appropriate to a residential area. In addition, the Downto Urban Design Plan establishes Mears Park and the riverfront as major links ' a chain of parks connecting various elements within a "strolling city". To be successful, all of t e current and proposed physical and green space improvements must be aintained. At present, funding and maintenance coordination between p lic and private agencies is inadequate. Poorly maintained streetscape i ms reflect negatively on the image of Lowertown. This is a challenge that must addressed in a timely fashion. Beautification (Maps 9, 0 and 11) 51. With an advisory mittee including local businesses and building owners, establish comprehe sive and integrated design guidelines for Historic Lowertown. These hould be part of a comprehensive downtown design district. The guide ' es would a) regulate the placement of billboards, b) encourage signage propriate to the neighborhood's historic and "arts and culture" image (pos ive example is the sign above Kusmierz Market), c) provide for more a thetically pleasing facades when sections of buildings are demolished, and d) duce the tension between vehicle tra�c and pedestrians. 17 Implementors: PED - LRC DCDC Area Business " Building Owners 52. Finish the landscaping around Mears Park including historic globe lighting. Give high priority to improving the appearance of empty storefronts around Mears Park. Implementors: Public Works LRC 53. Establish a year-round and expanded Adopt-A-Block program. Add trees and flower-filled window boxes and hanging baskets. Put planters at the entries to buildings. For example, landscaping with trees and flowers appropriate to building scale and design would enhance the area in front of the Depot. Hanging baskets should be attached to buildings, not street lights, as triple and five globe fixtures cannot accommodate them. Add annuals and perennials to openings around planted trees. The title of this effort could be "Celebrate Those Who Improve". Gardens could be developed at "gateways" or major entrances to the City. Establish a volunteer work force, in addition to the Lowertown Garden Club, to maintain the plantings--especially those in Mears Park and the Galtier Plaza lOth floor garden. Implementors: DCDC BOMA Lowertown Garden Club Union Gospel Dorothy Day Centers 54. Improve the "gateway" at 7th Street coming from Dayton's Bluff and the East Side, especially the area between Wall and Wacouta Streets. Enhancements could include large flower pots, wrought iron fencing in vacant areas between buildings and around parking lots, perimeter landscaping and murals to cover blank and unsightly walls. Implementors: DCDC Lowertown Garden Club PED 55. Institute regular clean-up efforts, such as a"Green and Clean Campaign". Improve street cleaning in Lowertown and remove all graffiti and utilities - markings promptly. 18 q�l - IL-1�13 _ Implementors: D C blic Works P lice Department 56. Beautify the Lower ellogg Parking Ramp through a cooperative effort with the Post Office. a) Study the poten of this site and hold a design competition. A community gard n could be created on the top level of the ramp by adding planter a eas with soil arranged in a formal pattern to work with existing parking. The garden would be visible from sunounding high-rise buildings and w d form a logical extension to the Farmers Market. Implementors: CDC RC b) Retain employe I parking and loading areas should be retained in the Lower Kellogg a ea. Implementors: ost Office CDC 57. Improve lighting in rea parking ramps and add plantings to street-level parking lots. (PED, Licensing, Inspection and Environmental Protection (LIEP) enforces su ace parking lot requirements and the Fire Department- Certi�icate of Occu ncy enforces those for ramps). 58. Use vacant storefro ts to improve the pedestrian environment by displaying art work and/or exh biting posters that promote downtown arts and entertainment event . Also, create children's murals at building sites. Implementors: DC C B MA St Paul Public Schools 59. Eliminate street lev windows that display office clutter by: a) Mounting an "U I y Storefront of the Month" campaign that would draw attention to una ractive displays. b) Forming an Ado t-A-Block monitoring program for vacant and unsightly store fronts. Implementors: BO - DC C Ot rs? - 19 60. Revitalize the vacant lot north and east of the Tilsner Building. The area is - cunendy dirty and dangerous. Specific improvements, including a pedestrian walkway and sitting area, are proposed through the Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) process. Placing community gardens in such spaces is also � recommended. (Figure 1.) Implementors: DCDC Public Works PED Create Linkages among Major Activity Centers 61. Link Lowertown with Cultural Capitol amenities, such as the Children's Museum and the Minnesota History Center, in ways that are in keeping with Lowertown's status as a residential neighborhood. Implementors: PED DCDC LRC 62. Create pocket parks and improve pedestrian walkways in and around alleys with paving, plantings, lighting, seating and awnings, following the recommendations of the St. Paul Lowertown Pedestrian Study II by Craig Rafferty. This will enhance the street-level environment and help to focus and connect pedestrian traffic between the Farmers Market, Mears Park, and the Union Depot. It will aLso complement and enhance historic preservation efforts in the district. Implementors: DCDC PED Public Works Riverfront Modifications Road modification should be tied to the development of the riverfront. This will provide opportunities for additional amenities such as a riverfront park and the reconstruction of Lamberts Landing. The Depot concourse could be built out to connect directly with the riverfront. Other elements worth investigating would be the creation of a marina to provide greater access to the water, and housing on both sides of the river. The point would be to establish a critical mass of attractions and better connections between the riverfront and the community. 63. Enhance the Warner Road elements proposed by Public Works. Implementors: PED-Design - Public Works? 20 q�I - ��� � 64. Achieve better ped trian connections to the river's edge--especially between - Lamberts Landing d Lowertown•-through the use of trees, historic globe lighting and textur paving treatments. Implementors: PE -Design Pu lic Works 65. Establish "gateways where main downtown streets intersect with the riverfront. "Gatewa " should provide additional trees, shrubs, and art works. Implementors: PE -Design D C Pu lic Works 66. Enhance Sibley Str t as a major entrance to downtown. Implementors: PE -Design D C Pu lic Works 67. Provide areas for th active and passive enjoyment of the riverfront. Active play areas could inc ude baseball, softball, soccer, and children's play space. Implementor. Pa and Recreation Division 68. Provide parking to ccommodate visitors who anive at the riverfront by car. 69. Restore Lamberts nding to its former beauty. Build a chautauqua-type park pavilion at or ear Lamberts Landing with a Visitors Centers, food, and public conveniences Establish the Warner Road park as part of Lowertown. Link this area, poss ly including the Science Museum, by trolley, light rail, and the skyways, wi h downtown's other cultural, education, and restaurant amenities. I Implementors: PE I Pa ks and Recreation Division 70. Provide gardens at e riverfront (community gardens with roses). Look to examples such as th Lake Harriet Rose Garden and the rose garden in Duluth along Lake uperior. Art work, such as sculpture, would enhance the gardens. Implementor. Pa ks and Recreation Division 71. Create historic refe ence points (markers) for river history and � information/educat n. 21 Implementors: National Park Service . Heritage Preservation Commission Maintenance - Gtinently the City of Saint Paul has no mechanism for the maintenance of above- standard streetscape items. Above-standard items include benches, litter containers, bus shelters, brick and stone colored paving, tree grates and guards, ornamental railings, bollards, and clocks. While special assessments can be levied against benefitting properties for the trimming and care of trees, the repair of sidewalks and alleys and the operation of street lighting system, other items are not covered by current State Statutes. 72. MaYimi�e the survivability of tree plantings by following DNR and University of Minnesota guidelines for downtown environments. Do not undertake plantings without clear identi�ication of parties responsible for maintenance and financial resources. Implementors: DCDC BOMA Public Works 73. Organize volunteer maintenance efforts by residents and downtown businesses, such as the Adopt-A-Block program. Implementors: DCDC BOMA Downtown Businesses 74. Encourage local businesses to hire private maintenance services such as was done by the Highland Business Association. Implementors: Lowertown Businesses 22 q�-I�y3 CREDITS ' - Ta-Coumba Aiken, artist and resident Patti Brand, The Farmers Market Elaine Giffen, resident Mike Julius, Frauenshuh Companies Michele Levinson, MTC Barbara Mack, The Cosmopolitan, resi ent NeLson Paguyo, Kuppernicus Gallery ' Richard Dethmers, (DCDC) Downto Community Development Council (Co-Chair), resident Julie McEnrce, C.O., DCDC, resident Rick Cardenes, resident Roger Greenan, Market House, reside t Lynda Koren, Eastern Heights State nk Pauline Kruger, Downtown council John Manillo, John Manillo and Assoc' tes Craig Rafferty, Rafferty, Rafferty, Toll fson, Architects Jim Miller, Rollins and Associates and hair, DCDC Board of Directors Gordon Awsumb, Zaidan Holdins Peter Bruce, Planning Consultant Andrew Earhart, resident Rod Henna, American House Paul Kusmierz, Kusmierz Market and elicatessen, resident Weiming Lu, Lowertown Redevelopm t Corporation Roger NeiLsen, 262 Studios Frank Delmont, Metro East Partnershi Jay Henrickson, The Bank of Saint Pa Connie Mertz, Towle Real Estate Vic Wazd, Metropolitan Council Greg Page, resident David Evans, Lowertown Lofts, reside Kathy Lilly, MN Pollution Control Wayne Mikos, KTCA-KTCI , Kevin Anderson, MN Community Coll ge Tom Marver, resident Malcolm McDonald, Space Center Greg Edwards, Lowertown Commons, esident Brian McCarthy, Heritage House Peter Durkee, resident Bill Onner, Gillette Companies Steve Wellington, Wellington Manage ent, Inc. Nancy Stephani, resident Don Anderson, resident _ Judy Cottington, resident Joanie Stephen, resident Susan Kobilaresik, resident � Bill Sanders, Sanders, Wehrman & Be y, Inc. Ann Seifert, resident Ward Lyndal, U.S. Post Off'ice _ Doug Hoskin, PSI Charles Franks, U.S. Postal Service Mark Davis, resident - Saint Paul Plannin� Commission Imogene Treichel, Co-Chair Department of Plannin� and Economic Development Larry Buegler, Director Dan Cornejo, Deputy Director for Planning Hope Melton, Planner, Planning Division Steve Thompson, Economic Development Division Anders Wisnewski, Design Section Dan Pahl, Housing Division Kathryn Ter Horst, Economic Development Division Allen Lovejoy, Planning Division Margot Fehrenbacher, Chief Designer �epartment of Public Works Mike Klassen Leon Pearson q�-��� -� . Location of study area in downtown Saint Paul n � � ❑ DO II N _ � � � �� _ �. T � NEE E��� • Y � 5�� ;D Y � S M US ❑ Mi53iSS%pP! :E � E. SEVENTH STR ET R�►'er � Q HERITAGE 6 8 AC US�� U RE g� IBEattl6�Bl GILBERT � L RTOWN �� MEARS PARK PLAC �� ����� BUSI ESS CENTE BLDG. (-94 � AIEARS PARK �E� � � � � c c�unea auzn W '� �� �� �FIFTH STREET STREET � BLDG. �� � F�q� N STAAUS MEARS � THE GILLETTE COMPANY Z ��J � BLDG. PARK PAR ID n Q � ��q �m CENTER M. A ARMER � ZS � � Q �� q� g RAMP pp� RK QCC m FOURTH ST EET aNM. ERV. CTR. S � � T�� RI C KTCA � CAMMON ORTHEHN W AREHOUSE a MINI�SOTA DEPOT HILL TELECENTER PLACE � q yyN BLDG. T1tSNER OFTS ��• REAT WESTENN fREIGHT STA KE OGG BLVD. � P0.ST � OFFICE � � POS OFFICE � � LO R KELLOGG RAMP (? 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A 3, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 21, 35, 48, 49, 50, 54, 61, 72, 72W, 94L B 3, 21, 35, 48, 49, 50, 61, 72, 94MW, 94ST C 3, 21, 48, 49, 50, 61, 72, 94L, 94MW, 94ST D 3, 21, 48, 49, 50, 72, 94L E 3, 21, 48, 49, 50, 61, 72, 94L, 94MW, 94ST F 3, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 21, 35, 48, 49, 50, 61, 72, 94L G 3, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 21, 35, 48, 49, 50, 61, 72, 94L, 94ST, 94MW H 54 I 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 35 J 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 35 K 9, 10, 12, 14, 15 L 21, 48, 50, 72, 72W, 94L M 21, 48, 50, 72, 72W, 94L N 3, 49 O 3, 49 P 21, 48, 50, 72, 94L Q 3, 49 R 3, 49 S 3, 49 q� 3 � . LEGEND � � Study Area Boundary � � Limits of Lowertown Heritage � Preservation District � � First Priority Buildings � n4 E NEEDLES,,,,,!„�; u RI A PPI Y BADIATOFiI M Q US E.SEVEN STREET � � � � � � FIERITHCE URN R g� u � I GIIBERT �K LOWERTOWN ALLEN I MEARS PARK PLAC �T B IDIN BUSINESS CEPfTE B�'• I-94 I TH TR T W MEARSPARK SEE STRAUSS ¢ � � o � � cn�nEa auzn KNITTING �n BUILDING W � s�FlE�r �� ¢� w FIFTH STREET � BLDG. c>m �s Q � M � Q THE GILLETTE COMPANY Z � a g CENTE Q PARKSID � CENiER � � . BEA AR�S 0 Q �� RYAMS �P Q � � Q RK O ' � ��3u¢ m FOURTH STREET I E °"'av c�. UNIO EDN P � �o��- -- PRI c �� -' PLACE SN IOS � M�, ,�,�HEr� Z �P v� na�ousE a MINI�SOTA TELECENTER a��¢ LOWERT N TILSNER OFTS 8 �'� REAT WESTERN FHEICFiT STAT � � � � � � KELLOGG BLVD.� � � ��ice � JAMES J. 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LEGEND � View or Vista � Partially Obstructed View _ � �C]Oo Obstructed View / Vista � � � n4 � 0 NEGATNE VIEW OF -� 0 � DES/L�TS � � � � VIEyV TO Eq$T.S.IDE� � E.SEVENTH STREET � � AND DAYT N'S BLUFF � (�G u o n�_ VIEW TO EAST SIDE\ . � D TH � TR LANDMARK � AND DAYTON'S BLUFF CENTER O 1� � � FIFTH STREET VIEW TO�L_ � _SAINT PAU a HOTEL ❑ a � o ❑ ¢ FOURTH STREET Z � � � Y� PRINC Q 0 BR � � F � � � KELLOGG BLVD. � � � VIEWS AND VISTAS = G � � OBSTRUCTED AND � � SEC N '� � UMITED TO RIVER o =— � � ' � V AND BLUFFS �¢ �� � ii�����i� lii�������i; ii►� BEYOND. w _r C �" ���� �W iiiiii��iii��i�i O O?� �Q J � WARNER ROAp M�SS�SS/Pp� R�VER ,� Views / Vistas . Historic Lowertown Small Area Plan Saint Paul, Minnesota 12/21/93 F�t�R�. �, - - qy - (t-l�-l3 . . FItyG : Gf"r�=� � .�!;yzR:t�y � to►^r �os, -�- � ccr�a. �9-0�= . •l1�:G��t � � 'h.�"`l'v hs i ����i�� i� 4 /. J,Jpec a0i.: \ - _ �,. , `e, �` HccEn ii1Cn'`is� ++�..A1 ..rA. � ' ��� . t . _ � } T . _ O . 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