94-1441 Council File #"1 N— �� � O I� I �� � GreenS6eet# 28904 K UTION � TY AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented y Referred To Committee: Date 1 RESOLVED, that the roper City Officers are authorized and directed 2 to execute, on behalf of he City of Saint Paui, an Agreement between the 3 City of Saint Paul and th City of Minneapolis whereby the City of Saint 4 Paul and City of Minneapo is agree to cooperate in the participation with 5 the Twin City Area Urban orps Program. Yeas Na s Absent Blake Grimm Requested by Department of: Guerin Harris OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Me ard Rettman g • �.. Thune � � Form A ved by i Att rney Adopted by Council: Date � By: ` Adoption Certit5ed by Council Secretar g �� Appro d y Mayo or Submission to Council Approved by yor: Date �� l� BY� By: �" � _ , ._ ,� ' �� ' � �J ' N� 2894 �`. � H ��ty °�� GREEN SH�� i " s 94 ,' m >� c:oarncr �+orae n�Nr a �" (� cin couwc� � ! T' � Vas uez 266 "6SLO R� ATTORNEY �cmc��ac ;� E U IL A(i BY (DATE) DOET DIRECTOR � FMI. 3 M(3T. 8ERVICES t'�i. _� ASAP vo� �oR ass,sreu�n � _ �� TOTAL #E OF SIaNATURE PAOES (CU L TION8 FOR SItiNATt�ftL� ' ACTION fiECUEBTED: . � � To establish.an Agreement between th City of Saint Paul and the CitX of Minneapolis � Twin City Area Urban Corps. .3� ;- _� ' RECOMMENOATIONSi Appiovs (Al a R�ot (Rl P 80NAC SERVICE &ONTRACT8 MUdT AlISYrER TlIE FOLLOMfINO atlE8TiONS: _ PLANNMIO COA�IISSION _ CIYIL SERVICE CO�AMISSION �. ►+as nda psrsonmm, ever wan�a und� a coMrs�t'tor Ur� d�peranent� 5 : � _ CIB C�AAMITI'EE _ YES NO � 2. Has Mie psrsonlfirm ever bssn a dly smPloYe�? � 5 — �� — YES NO � � _ oistwicr cot�tr — s. ooes m�s ps►wnn�rm vos�ss a sldn na nwnrsuy poe�sMd M�Y �+� �r �� �� SUPPORTS wH�F1 c;aN�ICIL OBJECnvE4 YES NO laln all yp answ�rs on ap�t� sl�t and �tt�oh to �wn �Met i ' i���Ei�IED � �' , INiTFATIN�i PROBLEM. IS8UE. �PORTUNiTY (Who. WAW. Whsn. Whero. WAY) ? See Attachment SEP 13 1994 �, � 5 ; �u�Y��rs a��dc� F . , . , , ' . . . . - � t .� �� I�V�M��fA�FI�rr11V�G0: ' . . . . 1�. ' See Attach�nt �i{'ju(1G1I ��@at(�1 � SEP 2 6 ; � 1994 1 � , ;� _ ; D13ADW1NTAQES IF APPflOVED: ; i N/A . � : � a RECEIVEp � � ; SEP w 3 )994 , � � ���� � � � � � � t �� � DISAOVANTAGESiF NO�TAPPROVED: � � � �OI � ��� � � ��: A � , ' � ;,� �� , � . , � � : � TOTAL AMOUM'f OF TRAlKACTION = COST/REVEKUE a{1Dli4�7lR jCIRCIE 0NE) YES NO ?� � Fuwoa+ci souRCe �cr�vm Nu 09490 I FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) The Capital City I terns p Program �ac� : a e e n e n S' ,: while �ndividua.l departments are resp nsible for the payment of work study interns. •,� � ��� � ; �: `� „�,,,.� � , a��qy , —�.,_.,.. ,.s� NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE lNGLIR?ED W TNE �i�EN SHEET INSTRUCTK�iAL ” � MANUAI AVA�LABLE IN THE PURCHASII�i OFFIGE (PHONE NO. 298-4225). .' .. , ,� ROUTINCi ORDER: " • - � Beiow are conect routlnys tor the Nve moat ireq�ent ypss ot documsnis: coNrRl�T& {a�a autiwrizee budpet �) CotyNdf, fl�pt��fi►�► {Mn��d Buddsat�►cospt. orants) �� L Outside Agancy , 1. Depqrtrnent Dire�6or . 2. Department Oirsctor 2. 8udpei Dkector � 3. City Attornsy 3. Ciq► �►ttomey R 4. Mayor (for contracts ove� 515.000) 4. MayoNAssistant 5. Human Ri�hta (tor «wnntracts oMe� 550.000) 5. Ciry Council 8. Fina�e snd Management Ssrvk�s Dirodor 6. Chie( Acoountant, Fin�oe arid Manap�nent Services 7. Fk�ance AcoounUrtp � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (BUdpsiAevisbn) COUNCII RESOLUTtON (aN othsrs, and O�inances) ' 1. Activity Manager t: Department Dfreclor E' 2. Department AccountaM 2. Clly Attorney � 3. Dep�tment Diroctor 3. Mayor AssistaM t. Budget Dfrectot 4. Clty Council . 5. City Cierk " 6. Chief Accountant, Fi�ar�e a�d Management Servkk�ss ADMINISTRA7'IVE ORDERS (eii othera) i. Department Directot 2. City AMort�y � � ; 3. Finance and �Aanagement 5ervices Director 4. City Clsrk TOTAL NUMBER OF SiGNATk1RE PAtiES Indicate ths #�of pages on which signatures are required and pap�rcllp or fl�p uch ot th��s pa�s. ACTION REDUESTED Describe what ths projecVroquest seeks to accompfl� in either chronologi- ca! order or order ot imporienca, vrMcheve� is m�t appropriate (or the issue. Do not write complete sei►tencea. Begi� each ilem 1� your list with a ve►b. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete N the issue in question has been presentmd betore any bodyy public or private. SUPPORTS WHiCH COUNCI� OB.1£CTIVE? ' Indicate whicfi CouncN objective(s) your projecthbquest supports by Ibti�g the key word(s) (HOUSINt3, Fi�CREATION, NEIfiHBORHO00S, ECONOMIG DEVELOPMENT, BUD(3E7, SEWER SEPARA�IOMj. {SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) PERSONAI SERVICE CONTRACfS: � This information will be ussd M detfrmine ths city'� 8a�lity 1or workero compensaEio� claims, tauces end proper dvU sKVlcs hiri�p rules. INITIATINC3 PR08LEM, tSSUE, OPPORTUNITY Exp1eM the situation or conditiona that c.�eated a nead for your project or request ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether thfs is simply an anrwal budget procedure requtred by law/ charter or whether there are apeciNc ways in which the City of Saint Paul a� its cidzens wili beneflt irom this proJecUactbn. : DISADVANTAQES JF APRROVED What negative effecEa or majbr changes to existi�g or past processes might this pro}ect/request produce if it fs peased (e.g.. tran�c deiays, noise, tax i�creases or assesaments)� To WhomT When? For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPRONEO What wilt be the negaNve conssquences if the promised action is not approved? Inability to deNver service? Conlinued high traHic, noise, accident rate� Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPIIGT Although you must tallor the information you provide here to the issue you are, addressing, M generaF you rr�ust answer two questbna: How much is it going to cost? Who fs going to pay? I� ;�> � ATT CHMENT 1. Provide students enrolled ' post-secondary educational institutions with an opportunity to partici ate firsthand in all aspects of City government while utilizing Fe eral or State work study. 2. Provide the City with the s'lls, enthusiasm, motivation and creativity of the college popul tion. 3. Attract into City govemm t the young talent government requires. 4. Display how local units of ovemment can work together in providing services to the communities t y serve. • � � ' j q�.-��4�� . �, �`�� � � 1994 - 1995 , AGREEMENT FOR P TICIPATION IN URBAN CORPS PROGRAM BETWEEN CITY OF MINNEAPOL S AND THIS AGREEMENT is entered i to thie day of 19 by and between the City of Minn apolia (herein called "Urban Corpa") and (herein called "Agency"). WHEREAS, the above named Ag ncy, a public organizetion or private non-profit taa-exempt organization, desire to participate in the Twin City Area Urban Corpa and in consideration for the aignMent of Urban Corps student interns to the Agency. Me do hereby agree to t e follov�ing tern�s and conditions: 1. The Urban Corpe shall ave the right to approve or re�ect requesta for interna eubmitted by thie gency upon forms provided for that purpose by the Urban Corps. 2. The Agency will accept a udent as en intern by co�npleting and signing the Assignment section of the student's Urban Corpe application form. 3. The Agency ahall utiliz euch studenta ee mey be aeaigned to it in ac- cordance with the specif cations aet Porth in ite written request to the Urban Corps, and ahall im ediately notify the Urban Corpe of any change in nature of aseignn�ent. dut es, eupervieor or work location. 4. The Agency shell provide ch atudente as a+ay be aesigned to it with a safe place to work and pith re ponsible supervision. b. The Urben Corps ahall hav the right to inepect the pork being perfor�ned by such etudenta as �aay be a signed to the A�ency, and ahall have the right to interview such etudente a d their eupervieors. 6. The Urban Corpa shall h ve the right to require euch students as �nay be aesigned to the Agency to attend euch general or special meetinga, or to appear at the Urban Corps office. individually or as a group, as shall be necessery for the proper unctions oP the progrem. 7. In accordance aith th require�ents of Pederal and 3tate larr. Nork perfor�ned by such student ee ■ay be aesigned to the A�ency shall: a. Be in the public in erest; b. Not reault in the d eplace�eent of employed �vorkers or ie�pair exiating contracts for servi ea. or fill positions that are vacant because oP a lebor dispute: c. Not involve the con truction. operation or eaintenance of ao �uch of any facility as is ed, or is to be used, for aectarian instruction or as a place of relig ous worehip; ' d. Not involve any rtisan or nonpartisan political activity or be for the Office of B ucation. q� --14�1 . 8. The Agency ahall require uch studenta as �nay be assigned to it to submit ti�ne reporta and follow uch other procedurea as way be eatabliahed by the Urban Corpa. 9. The Urban Corpa shall hav the ri�ht to remove any student aesigned to the Agency frop said aesignm t and from the Agency at any time for any reason without prior notice, and the Urban Corps ahall not be obligated to replece said etudent. 10. The Agency shell have t right to remove any etudent assigned to said Agency at any ti�ae with prior notice given to the student and the Urban Corps. 11. The A�ency �varranta that t ia in con�pliance with the proviaions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 8-352, 78 Stat. 252), Minneaota Statutea, Chapter 363 and Section 181.89, he A�ericane r►ith Disabilitiea Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-336) and Minneapolia ode of Ordinance, Chapter 139 and 141. 12. The Agency ehall indemnif , protect and hold harmleas the Urban Corp.s fro�n � ail claims, causes or a tione Which aay reault from the assignments of etudents to the A�ency or becauee of the ecte or o�niseiona of the studente. 13. The A�ency Nill be respon ible Por compeneating to a Mork-atudy etudent any �noniee earned before or a ter the student's epecified rrork-atudy award dates and/or moniea earned ov and above the dollar amount specified in the etudent's work-study awar . 14. The Agency shall obtain a ita own expense Worker's Compensation inaurance • (or ahall be selP-inaure under State Law) for euch atudents as �nay be assigned to it under this AgreeAent. - For the purposes oP the Agreement the Agency shall be dee�ned the atudent's ee+ployer and that no employn�ent relationship exista betWe n the student and Urban Corpa. and, further, that, no employ�nent relationahi exieta between the Agency and Urban Corps. 15. The Agency ehall pay to t e Urban Corpa 48.5� or other percentage figure, as agreed upon by identifyin the percentage ligure on the atudent's Urban Corpa application Porm, of the ross con�pensation earned by such students assigned and accepted by the Agenc under a Federal or State program. The Urban Corpa �vill bill the Agency. in ccordance aith bi-Meekly payroll perioda� Por its proper ahare of the compe sation of such etudenta as may have been neaigned to the Agency and perfor� d work during eaid period. At the election of the APency, hourly con�penaeti n for studenta will be aet at 55.75, 56.50, s6.75. 57.50 or S8.b0 per hour. ich Mill be epecified in the Aasigneent Fora ahich the Student intern's Agen y eupervisor �ust sign before co��eence�ent of the internship; other agreed pon hourly compensation ratea not to be below the apecified ratea; or othe ratea for Urban Corps student interna ae eatab- liahed by the City of inneapolie through a salary ordinance replacing current �ainimum rates. 16. At the election of the A�e cy, the Urban Corpe shall plece atudents to intern under a Stipend prograe. This option Nill be apecified in the Asaigniaent For�n which the intern's ency aupervieor ■ust sign before co�n�ence�ent of the internship. The Stipe d rate Mhich the Agency ahall pay the Urban Corpa is 530.00 per week for ea h Neek the student works. q�-���i 17. At the election of the ency, the Urban Corps shall place student interns for whom the Age cy will pay the intern's total compensation plus an additional twent -one and one half percent (21.5$) for ' administrative costs. is option will be specified in the Assignment Form which the student i tern's Agency supervisor must sign before commencement of the inte ship. Agency rates for students will be set at rates of $6.99, $7.90 $8.21, $9.11 or $10.33 per hour; other agreed upon hourly compensatio rates not to be below the specified ra es; or other rates for Urban Co ps student interns as established by he City of Minneapolis through a salary ordinance replacing current inimum rates. ` 18. Performance under this c ntract shall commence on July , 1994 and terminate on June 30, 19 5 unless amended in writing mutually agreed upon by both the gency and the Urban Corps; owever, either party may terminate upon sixty (60) days written n ice. sed upon the statement and affirmations made y the Agency through the abov document, the Urban orps hereby agrees to the assignment of students t said Agency, in ac�ordance with said d ument and the applicable laws and reg lations. THE CITY OF SAINT AUL THE CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS BY BY Mayor Mayor � ' ATTEST: Director, Department of Financ City Clerk and Management Services � �OUNTERSIGNED: \ `� � <� \ Director, Office of H n City Fi nce Officer Resources ` \ APPROVED AS TO FO APPROVED AS TO�O�.EGALITY: Assistant Cit Attorney Assistant City Attorne,� ,� ,\ `