94-1440 ' � Council File # �-t �I`��V �� 0 R i G I N A L Green Sheet # RESOLU N TY O AINT UL, MINNESOTA 3� Presented By � Referred to Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, Recreation 1 trails contribute to the structure and 2 function of the Saint Pa 1 park system; and n IQ �� r� 3 WHEREAS, They provi connection between the City's major 4 parks and other destinat' n points and easily accessible 5 recreation opportunities for citizens of all ages and skill 6 levels; and 7 WHEREAS, Trails als contribute to the aesthetic character 8 and overall quality of 1' e in Saint Paul; and 9 WHEREAS, Demand for rail facilities has steadily increased 10 over the past decade as ail orientated activities such as 11 walking, bicycling, roll -blading and cross country skiing have 12 become more popular; and 13 WHEREAS, The Saint aul Parks and Recreation Commission 14 adopted the following pol'cy to define their position related to 15 trail/bikeway developmen on parkland; 16 l. The safety of destrians, bicyclists and other 17 recreational us rs shall be essential in the 18 development of 11 trails and bikeways. 19 2. Natural habitat shall be protected and preserved in all 20 areas where tra'ls are developed; as specified in the 21 Saint Paul Park and Recreation Commission policy, 22 Protection and anagement of Environment and Natural 23 Resources. 24 3. The Division of Parks and Recreation shall participate 25 with the Bicycl Advisory Board (BAB), Metropolitan 26 Council, and su rounding metropolitan agencies to 27 develop and pro ote trail/bikeway system connections 28 and use. 29 4. The Division of Parks and Recreation shall comply with 30 all relevant po icies, objectives and guidelines on 31 recreational/co muter trail/bikeway development as 32 specified in th City Council Resolution establishing a 33 Comprehensive B'cycle Transportation Policy, 34 Comprehensive P rks Plan, Comprehensive Transportation 35 Plan, American ssociation of State Highway and 36 Transportation fficials (AASHTO) Guidelines, 37 Comprehensive S ate Bicycle Plan, and Mississippi 38 National River ecreation Area (MNRRA) Management Plan. Gl�l -1�4+-4� 39' ' AND, WHEREAS, The P ks and Recreation Commission recommends 40 •: that this policy be adop d by the City of Saint Paul as 41 direction to all City de rtments involved in the design and �,20� Z. 42 construction of trails/b' eways; now, therefore, be it 43 RESOLVED, That the uncil of the City of Saint Paul hereby 44 adopts the policy as sta d above and directs all departments 45 involved in trail develo ent to adhere to the policy in all 46 phases of design and con ruction of trails/bikeways. 47 f Yeas Nays Abse BZakey Requested by: Grimm Guerin Div' on of a ks and eation Harris Megard Rettman By: Thune , � � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date S��� � Adoption Certified by Council Sec etary By: , 1 �1 By" Approv y Mayo for Submission to 7 Counc' Appro d Ma Date: / gy; "! By: , ; . 5 � a`� � � � * . � � . � .: .... . . . , . .� l.. a� �� . ,, GREEN 3#�EET _ 2 ti 2 4 ; . . . . . p �„�� �►� '" � � �� �� � � � BUDQET OIRECTOR RN. 6 � ; :� NMYOR (�i A8818T z '� TOTAL #E OF SIONATURE PMOES 1 (CLI ALL. LOCATIOMS lROR 8itil�lATUR� ` f �� �cno� n�rgu: � � �� � �� t � '� Ap�roval of policy ecx�cern� trail /bikeway dev�elopment which 1za�i �n ATT011 N '• � ' aopted by the Saint Paul Parks aYyd eation Comnissiosn `� n�oo�+a►�oNS: �. w o► a�.� cro so�u►� se�v� e�+rR�►crs � aa�w� ��ou.ornrb a�sno�s: ��' _� ooMM�selow � c�vn. sERViee oo�NSe1oN �. Ha uds p�non/Nrm evsr waksa widsr s oorkraac tor tMs dp�rarant? � _ ds COM�N7TEE YES NO { � 2 Has d�is P�►�orVlkm wM bsen e dty smploy��4 � — �'� — � YES PIO `� ._ D187'R�'f COURT _ 3 Does tl�Is psnoNtlrm poqs�s a sldN not �n�Ny P� bY �^Y ��Y �� ;�' � suPPORT8 vIMICN COUNCYI. oBdECnvE? YES NO Nn aN yu �nsw�n on sp�tN� shNt and Mholi io �rwn �h»t s�: ` �. 4 g. �rru►ra+c� �. �. o�MO�mr �w�o. wn.�. vwnn. wn.a. wi+y1 `� F 1 , Opportuanity to provide advi an development of trails/bik�ways in St. Paul �� ;� ..� � ` �nv�s � �nove�: � ,� : `' T�a.i�s/bikeways will be devl rmre safety arrd more ernrirarmentally srna�d. � , ;; z , ' OISADVANTAOE8IFAPPAWED: � i �. . �. . � � � �i . � p SEP 15 1994 � , ; � ! asnavu�r�s � Nar �rnnc�o: { � :: i1 , >� � � �; � � . . . � . . . �f.. � �( 1 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAlIS�T10N = C08T/REVENUE sU0Qt7E0 {CIRC�.E ONE) YES NO ' ; FIJNDINQ iOURCE ACTIVITY NUMOEII � FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) f � � � t � , � . NOTE: COMPIETE DIRECT10N3 ARE INCt.UDED iN TWE (�'iEEN 9HEET Mld'1WUCTIONAL - MANUAL AYAILABLE IN THE PUR�HASIN(i OFFICE (PHONE NQ 2�4�Z6). ROUTINCi ORDER: 8elow aro oom�ct routings for ths five rraet frsquant typss of docume�: CONTRACTS (assurr�s authoNzad budget exlats) COtiNCiL �RE80LUTION (M»�d Budp�b/Aco�pt. Orarits) . f, Outeids Agsrwy 1. Dspartmsnt Dfrector 2. Dspartm�ttt Wrsctor 2. City Attornsy 3. City Attomsy 3. Budpet Director 4. Mayor (taF c�n�acts over 515.000) 4. MayoNAesistent 5. Human Riphts (for coMfacts over a50�000) 5. Cky Council 6. Finar�ce and Nlanapemsr�t Ssrvloes Dirsctor 8. Chbf AccounteM, Ffnenc� and Manap�m�nt Ssrvk�s 7. FFnerlCi AcoourHMp ADMtNISTRATIVE ORDEFtS (Budpst Rwieion) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all othero, a�d Ordlnanoes) 1. Ac�vity Mana�er 1. Dspartment Dirsct� 2. DeperhnsM Aocountent 2. City Attomey 3. Dspart�nsnt director 3. Mayor Assistant 4. Budpet Ofrsctor 4. CiEy Council . 5. CNy Clsrk 8. Chlsf A000urttant. Finar�ce and Ma�ugsmsM Servk;es ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Departm�nt Direator 2. City Attornsy 3. Flnar�a u�d Managertisnt Services Director 4. City Clerlt TOTAL NUMBER OF SIQNATURE PA(�IES Indicats the #�of p�es on which sipnatures ars required and p�p�clip or tlp Mch of tiMN pp�s. ACTION REQUE3TED Describe what the proJect/requsat seeks to a000mpNsh in sither chronologi- cel order or crd�r of importanoe, whichevrr ia most appropriate for tl�s `" iasue. Do not wriM complete sen�snces. �spin each item in your Ifat wiM a verb. �:,. RECOMMENDATIOtd3 Complsts if the isoue In qusstion has bssn pressMed before any body. pUbl� or private. 3UPPORT3 WHICMf COIINCIL OBJECTIVE4 Ind�ats which Counall obj�ctive(s) Ycur Proj�hsqueat �upports by Iisting tM key vvord(e) (HOU$MKi, REGREATION, NEIOF180RHOODB, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDOET, SEWER SEPARATION). (8EE COMPLETE UST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) PERSONAl 8ERVICE CONTRACTS: This infonnadon wNl be used to dstermine the cHyh IlaWlity for worksrs compsnsatbn claima, taxes and propsr civll eavk� hiring ruNs. : INITIATINd PR08lEM, ISSUE, OPPOR'fUNITY ` Explain Me situstbn or c:�ndiNons that creat�i a rasd for your project or request. • ADVANTAQES IF APPFiOVED Indicate wheMer thi8 fs Simpiy an a�nual budpet procedure r�uirod by law! charter or whethsr th�ro ars spscfflc ways In which the CIly of Saint Paul and its atizs�s will bsneflt from this proJect/scUOn. DISADVANTA(�ES iF APPROVED What negadve eif�cts or meja changaa to existtng or past processes might �is project/request produ� � it is pasaed (e.g.. tratNc delays� nolse, � tax inaeeses or asee�ert�enta)4 To Wham? Wt�en? For how lonq? � DISADVANTAOE3 IF NOT APPROVED E YVhat will bs the nspativs coneequences if the promised sctbn is not approved? lnabllity to dsNver ssrvice7 Contlnued high trafHc, noiee, accident rate? Loss ot reirenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor ths infexmatten y1w provide hsre to the �sue you are.addressinp. in ys�ral rar must a�swer #we► quseiions: How much is R 0��9 to �f4 Who la qo�tng to pey4