94-1439 0 R I G I Council File #�.• l�� N A L Green Sheet # RESOLUTION � CITY OF AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �D Presented By: � Referred To: Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the City of Chanhassen wishes t conduct training at Saint Paul Fire's training facility, and 2 3 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Department of Fir & Safety Services will make such training facilities available 4 during evening and weekend hours when the acilities are not being fully utilized; and 5 6 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that t e proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to 7 execute an agreement with the City of Chanh ssen for the providing of the department's training facility, 8 copies of said agreements to be kept on file a d record in the Department of Finance and Management 9 Services. Yeas Nays nbsent Requested by Department of: a ey r�mm Fire and Safety Services uerin � arris � / Megard By: G�- Rettman Thune Approval Recommended by Budget Director: By: Adopted by Councii: Date �� Form A ved by Ci Attorn : Adoptio ertified by Council S retary: By: ' By: ` Approved by yor. e /'� - !� Appro y Mayor fo u i i to Council: By: �2 � By: -- C082694 q� ��� N° 300 1 � oe� rrr i� w a� n�mnrEO 3 ' FIRE & SAF�TY SERVICES 15/94 �iI�EI� SH � � ACT i E � DEPAWTMENT DIRECTOF � � CI7Y COUNCIL � � James Haseimann 228-6211 N ��A�Y p �m�� ` U8T Il At3E1�A 8Y (DATE) iq� Q BUDOET DIRECtO � FIN. & MfiT. SERVICE6 DIR: � MAY�OR (OR AS818TAN7) � a'� nti TOTAL # OF SIONATURE PAOES (Cti ALL LOGATIONS FOR 81ONATUR� � ACTION REGUESTED: . �;, r ' To approve the attached Council Resolu n authorizing the Department of F�re dt Safety Servie�s to ;� enter inta an agreement with the City of. anhassen , �� � ,� � MW�+ (�U a Re]act (R) RSONAL 8ERVICE CONTRA4'� MU:T AI�MIER tNE FOLlO�•Q{t�3lbt�ls: � PLANNINO CdMM113810N _ C11t� �pY10E CORIMIS810N Has thfs ps►SOn/flrm ever wo[la9d ufW�r a Cofltract for thls depQfrt�s11t7 �, ' YES NO ' _ CIB t�AAMITI'EE — H�S this pefeon/flrtn eV9F b�M a City MIplOyss? � ;�: _ 8TAFF , YES NO � � _ DI8TRICT COURT _ Doea thfs ps�oNfim► poss� a skNl not nonnally Posses�sd bY �nY �urreM cNY smploy�s? BuPPORTS VWllpl COUNCU. OBJECnvE4 YES NO , a plain NI yN �n�vwn on sip�call �t �nd �taah to �► sM�t � � �� INITIATINQ PR�LEM. 188UE� OPPARTUNITY (Wlw. YVFMR. VlflNn. VVhxe. The City of Chanhassen wish to make pr .. ons for use of �aint Paul Fire's traini�ng fa�il�ties. ' ; i (" �E��^ � t l, l SE� � 2 1994 � : �: � _. . E �� �ov�rrcnc�s � �+oven: _ � + 4 Additional revenues will be generated by e Saint Paul Fire Department� �� _. � � -� � :� : :� � � 019ADVANTA(iE8 IF APPRONED: }� �� , . . . . .;��i � �� None. � � S�P 21 1994 � �� � � � � � � CITY ATTORNEY `� �� :.; , 07l3ADVANTAOES IF NOT APPpOVED: Loss of potential revenue for the City. ���� ��� � . � SEP 2 3 1994 � g _..,.. � ' TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAM8ACTION = SIl / 1 hr c C06TIRBVENUE SUDd�TEO (CIAGLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHd SOURCE ACTIVITIF NUMdER ' FINANCIAI INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) #, � 4 1 � � NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE IWCt,tltyED IN THE (3REEN SHEET IN8TRUCTIONIIL MANUAL AV/UUIBLE IN THE PUR�HJ�II�Ki OFFICE (PHONE NO. 298-4225). " ROUTING ORDER: Bsiow are correct routinps tor the Me nwst trequeM types ot documents: CONTRACTS (aasumes at�tlwrized budget sxiata) COUNC{L R�SOIUTION (Amand BudpstBJAccspt. (3ranb) ' '� 1. Outaide Agancy 1. Depa►iment [ilredor � 2. Depanment Dlrector 2. &Klget Directar 3. City Attomsy 3. Ciy AtFOmey d. Mayor (for �ntracts ove� 315,000) 4, MayodAssist+�t 5. Human Rights (tor cwrttracts over 550,000) 5. City Cou�il 6. Finence and Mansg�nent Serviaes Director 6. Chief Accountant, Finer►oe and M�agement Servioes 7. Finance /lccountirp � ADMINISTRATIVE OR��AS (Budpet Rovision) COUNClL RESOLUTION (all othsrs, and Ordlnsncse) �� 1. Activiry Maneger 1. Department �irector � 2. Oepertment Accountant 2. C1qr Attomey � � 3. Department Director 3. Mayor Assistent � 4. Budget Director 4. Cfty Council i 5. City Clerk � 6. Chref Accountant, Finance a�d Manegement Services 3 ADMINI3TRATIVE ORDEflS (aU others) 1. Department Dhector � 2. Ciy Attorney 3. Finance and Menagement Services Director � 4. City Cierk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES \� Indic�te the #of pages on whieh aignaturoa aa+e requfred and pap�rclip or 8ag j: ! e�ch Of thes� paqq. � ACTION RE�UESTED Describs what ths projsct/request seeks to aocompNsh in either chronologi- x C8� Ofd6r O� OK�lf Of �111pOf1811C8. W�1�C�18Y8� �8 fl'103t �Opf�818 TOr �M � issue. Do not write compbte aentences. Bsgin each item in your list with a verb. a � RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the isaue in question has been pressnted before a�y body, public or p�ivate. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? � Indicate which Council objective(s) your pro�ct/request supports by Ilating the key word(a) (FfOUSINO, RECREATION, NEICiHBORHt�DS, ECONOMIC DEVEIOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATIONJ. (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTI�IAL MANUAL.) � PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This information wiil be uasd to dete►mine the cityla IiabiNry tor wo�icers canpensatfon clafms, taxee and propK dvN servk:e hkiny rules. INITIATIN(3 PROBLEM, IS3UE, OPPORTUNITY �xplain the situation or conditfons that creatad a nee�d for your project or request. ADVANTAG�S IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an a�nual budget procedure requirod by law/ charter or whether there are specitic ways in which the Gity of Saint Paul . and its cltizans wili bene8t (rom this projecVaction. � DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative etfects or major changea to existing or past proceases might this pro�ecVrequest produce H it is passed (e.g.. treffic delays. noiae, � tax increases or aasessmenta)T To 1Nhom? YVhen? For how long7 � � �. DtSAOVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative conaec}uenoes if the promised action is not �, approved? Inability to deliver service? Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate7 Loss oi revenue? ! FINANCIAL IMPACT '; Although you must taNw the iniormatbn you provide here to Me issue you are_addressing, in gensral you muat ar�swer two questions: How much is it ' going to cost? Who ia going to pay? � _ . �