94-1438 Council File # q� "�y � 0 ORIGI AL Green Sheet # 23147 RESOLUTION ITY OF INT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 RESOLVED, that upon the recomn ndation of the Mayor, the Council of the City of Saint Paul 2 does hereby approve the following chan s to the Community Development Block Grant fund: 3 4 5 Cunen Revised 6 Budget �h�ngg� BuT 7 8 CDBG 9 Uns eci�ed Contin en P g CY 10 P6-100-37812-0558-61999 $ 475 00.00 $(112,500.00) $ 362,500.00 11 12 Single Family Rehab. , 13 P6-100-37812-0581-61273 $ 8,826 11.06 $ 112,500.00 $ 8,938,811.06 14 --------- ----------- --------------------- --------------------- 15 Totals $ 9,301 11.06 $ 0.00 $ 9,301,311.06 16 Y� Nays Ab ent Requested by Department of: a e rimm uerin Plann Econom Devel ent arris e ar e man un e B Adopted by Council: Date . � � � Adoption Certified by Council Secret ry Form Approved by City Attorney B � Approved yor� Dat ! � ` Approv d y Mayor fo Submission to By: � Counc 1 B �� � q,� .. i �3� ✓ _ _. ; ; PED "Grants r�nag�ent � �9 i2i94 GREEN S�HE I� 2 3 � 7 � �` ;io ". •. DEPARTMENT DIREC'I�OA CITY C,OUNCIL IllIT1AUDA OA Ron Ross �' 66692: ,._ • �� N CITYATfOR � CIT1f CtERK, NU !W ROR ��� DIRECTOR � FIN. & MOT. BERVICEB DIR. U IL . I� ROU NQ ' � ' - a � MAYOR lOR A$$18TANT) ��:AYA1 A Qt � � TOTAL #� OF SKiNATLlR�,PA�iES � 1 (CLIP LL LOCATIONS FOR 81GNATUR� REOUE8TED: . ; _ � Approyal of the at'tached resolution, w ich increases the amount of CDBG funding in ; the Single Family Rehabilitation Progr . � RECOMMENDATIONB: Approve (A) or RN�ct (R) p SONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWINQ QUEaTION8: ' _ PLANNINO COMNd�88�ON `'_ Gn/Il SERVICE oOMNa88bN 1. Has this persoNNrm ever worked ullder a coMrecl for this department9 ; _ CIB COMMtiTEE _ YE3 NO ; 2. Hes this person/firm ever been a city empbyeeT — �� — YES NO _ DIS7RICT CouR'r _ 3. Does this persoNflrm posaees a skNl not normellY poss�d bY any curreM ctty employee4 i SUPPORTS WHK�I COUNCq.OB,lECT1vE4 YES NO E ain ali yN answ�rs on �r� �he�t and attach to �n�n sMst `� i INITIATINO PF�BI.EM. ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Wlw. Whet. Whsn. Whsre� WhY) In August, the HRA approved $112,500 f HOME funding for the SPEAC Homeownership Assistante Program. The funding for this progr came from the Single Family Rehabilitation Program� This resolution will add CDBG funds t the Single Family Rehabilitation Program, which ; will restore the budget to it's origi al funding level, as requested in HRA Resolution ; No. 94-8/10-8. (Attached) . R��'�iVED � ADVANTAQE8IF APPFOVED: SEP 19 1994 � The Single Family Rehabilitation Pro ram will have sufficient funding. ± �'lAYAR'S �����'� ` . , # t { � � �� i DISADVANTA(iE81F APPROVED: , , WNNrA I�Jp�{rll, Wlll�l! s None. � SEP 2 2 1994 � � � � ; D18ADVANTAGE8 IF NOT APPROVED: � The Single Family Rehabilitation Prog am wil not have sufficient funding. ; � � i ' r ; ' TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION 5 112 SOO _ COST/REVENUE 9UDOETEO (CIRC�E ONE) YE8 NO ' � � FUNDINQSOURCE CDBG ACTiVITYNUMBER P6-1��-3�812 �/`� r FINANCIAL INWRMATION: (EXPLAIN) �. -� } � �' � �. . . . . � . � } �� NOTE: COMPLETE OIRECTIONS AAE INCLIJO�'.��i �'WE OFiEEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL �± MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHA$Ilili'3 OFFICE (PHONE NO. 298-4225). � � ROUTIN(3 ORDER: a �' Bebw are correct routings for the five most frequent typea of documeMs: � CONTRACTS (aaeumes authoHzed budget exiats) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend Budgets/Accept. Qrants) 4 ' 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Departmsnt Director 2. Ciy Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Budget Director � i 4. Mayor (for contrects over s15,000) 4. MayodAssistant � , 5. Human Rlghts (for contracts over a50,000) 5. Cfty Council t 8. Finance and Management Services Director 8. Chief Acxountant, Finance and Managemsnt 3ervicea �' } 7. Finance Axounring � G ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (Budget Revlsion) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all othero, and Ordinancea) � �� 1. Activity Manage� 1. Department Director �� 2. Department Ac�untant 2. Ciry Attorney � y 3. Department Director 3. Mayor Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council ` � 5. City Clerk �� 6. Chief Ac;countant, Finance and Management Services �_ � � ADMINiSTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) � 1. Department Director � � 2. Clry Attomey 3. Fi�ance and Management Servi�s Dkector � � 4. City Clerk _ s; �; TOTAL NUMBER OF SI(3NATURE PAOES Indfcate the �of peges on which signatures are required and papsrcllp or Aap � � Mch of thsse p�s. � � � ACTION REQUESTED � Describe what the projecUrequest seeks to axomplish in either chronologi- i cal order or order of importance, whichever is most appropriate for the � issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your Ilat with ;� � a verb. � , ` RECOMMENDATIONS '� Complete if the issue fn question has been presented before any body, pubifc or p�ivate. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCiI OBJECTIVE? � Indicate which Council objective(s) your projecUrequest supports by listing the key word(s) (HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMICDEVELOPMENT, } BUDt�ET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) �� i PERSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS: ' This information will be used to determine the ciry's liabiliry for workers compensatfon claims, taxes and prc�per civil aervice hiring rules. j. `' � INITIATINCi PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY �.i Explain the situation or conditi�ons that created a need for your project � � or request. �< � .} ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Ind�ate whether this la simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ chartsr or whether there are speciflc ways in which the City of Saint Paul and ita citfzens will benefit from this proJect/actior►. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Whet negative effects or major changes to existing or psst processes might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed (e.g., traffic delays, noise, ;., � tax increases or aseessments)? To Whom? When? For how long7 ' � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED � fi What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not � i approved? Inabiliry to deliver service? Continued high traffic, noise, � axident rate? Loss of revenue? �� � � FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must taflor the iMormation you provide here to the issue you are,addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it `� going to cost? Who is going to pay? :,.�, � �� �{ �� . q� -��43g • RE OLUTION NO. 94-8/10-8 Authorization for the Expen iture of Funds for the Federal HOME Program WHEREAS, the federal HOME Progr m was created by the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990 and amended by the Housing nd Community Development Act of 1992 with the intent to: 1) eapand the supply of decent, sa , sanitary, and affordable housing; 2) strengthen the abilities of local governments to provi e housing; 3) assure that federal housing services, financing, and other investments are p vided to local government in a coordinated, supporced action; and 4) expand the capacity of nprofit community-based housing development organizations (CHDO's); and WHEREAS, HOME funds may be us for a variety of eligible activities including homebuyer assistance, tenant-based re tal assistance, homeowner property rehabilitation, new construction of rental and ownership h using, and rehabilitation of rental housing; and WHEREAS, HOME has income and ent targeting whereby 100% of the households benefiting from HOME funds have incomes less an or equal to 80% of the area median and that 90% of the households bene�ting from HOM funds have incomes less than 60% of the area median; and WHEREAS, HOME has affordability equirements ranging from 5-20 years depending upon the activity and the amount of HOME sub idies used per unit; and WHEREAS, HOME requires that the xpenditure of funds comply with various regulations including the Lead-Based Paint Poison ng Prevention Act, Fair Housing Act requirements, Section 8 Housing Quality Standards; nd WHEREAS, the expenditure of HOM funds must comply with the City of Saint Paul's (City) approved Comprehensive Housing Aff rdability Strategy (CHAS); and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Ecumenic Alliance of Congregations has proposed partnering with FBS Mortgage and other private lend s to provide entry cost assistance to low income homebuyers; and WHEREAS, FBS Mortgage has com tted up to $2500 in 0% interest GAP financing per low income household to cover closing cos s, to supplement downpayment funds, and/or to cover the cost of improvements not supported b the appraised value; and WHEREAS, SPEAC would suppleme t such private GAP financing with up to $2000 per household in entry cost assistance; an WHEREAS, such entry cost assistanc ' is eligible under the HOME Program; and WHEREAS, such private lender com itment will help the City to meet its HOME match requirements; and K\SFiARED\KSL\MRHS\OB] OSPFABRT q�4 - Iy 38 .� . :' . WHEREAS, sufficient funds exist in t e CDBG contingency to replace reallocated HOME � Program funds; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOL D, by the Board of Commissioners of the HRA that: 1. Staff is authorized to enter int an agreement with SPEAC to provide homeownership assistance, rolling over $37,500 from SPEAC's existing grant agreement for this purpose and supplementing this with $1 2,500 in HOME Program funds. 2. The 1994 Budget is amended follows: HOME Program urrent udget Change 94 1994 Amended llocation Allocation Budeet �ending Plan Cirywide Single Family Rehab 103-37001-0581-00000 2,629,650 (112,500) 2,527,150 Homeownership Assistance (Single Family) 103-37001-0547-63512 0 112.500 112.500 TOTAL 2.629,650 0 2.639.650 NET CHANGE 0 3. Staff is directed to seek a repl cement of the HOME Program dollars for Citywide Single Family Rehab from the CDBG contingency by submitting such a request to the CIB Committee for review an to the City Council for action. ' K\SHARED\ KSL\ MRBS \ OBl OSPFA.BRT