D94-049White —Ciry Clerk Pink — Finance Dep[ � . ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No: I ��' O Date: 2� Z�+Y`1 in the matter oi tne requiremenc of cne Gity of Saint Faul that ali purcnases not au'chorizea bv a concract or tne Furcnasing Division musL receive mayorai or council approvai; and i9HF�ZEHS, The St. Faui requested Bebby Flasch i994; cherefore be it Fuoiic Heaith's Speciai Heai'th FTOgram Coioposcop,y to train szafi on the Loop Procedure on Fe'ouray 7, OFcDE.�ID, That tne City oi St. Paui througn its �ia,YOr approve payment noL to exceed �5v to i�ebby riash. Fund 305 Actiivity 33241 • APPROVED AS TO FORM r u'' Assistant it Attorney Date r � q ' � 'V � Department Head Administrative Assistant to Mayor DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL ' Public Health CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE thleen Mohrland 25 _ T 8E ON CAUNCiL AGENDA BY (DATE) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �y -Oyg GREEN SHEET N° _14005 INITIAUDATE INRIAVDATE OEPAflTMENT0IRECTOR O CINCAUNCIL pTYATTORNEY m CI7Y CLEFK BUDGEf DIRECTOR � FlN. 8 MG2 SERVICES D1R. MAVOfl (OR ASSISTANn � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Authorization to pay Debby Flash for training staff. (A)or Fieject(F) _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMITTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ �ISTRICTCOURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? ;a ,••, = ` � % 1994 PERSONAL SEHVICE CONTRACTS MUS7ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 7. Has this personRirm ever worked under a contract for this department? VES NO 2. HA5 this personRirm ever been a ciTy employee? YES NO 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers an separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOFTUNITV (Who, Wnat, When, Where, Why) Debby Flasch gave a presentation to Coloposcopy staff on February 7, 1994 on the Loop Procedu Debby Flasch will be paid. NONE IF NOT APPROVED: Individual will not be paid. €2ECEIVEf� FEB 2 5 1994 �4TX CLERf( TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION $ � OO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE RP('Pin'Fc ACTIVITYNUMBEFi 3„��Lll � FINANqAI INFORMATtON. (EXPIAIN) - � � { W