94-1434 •� • Council File # G��.-1�3� O R� G I n'� Green Sheet # � � � ESOLUTION ITY OF T PAUL, M NESOTA � Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date Whereas, the Saint Paul Poice D partment seeks a resolution authorizing William K. Finney, Chief of Police, to enter i to a cooperative agreement with the State of Minnesota, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RES LVED, that the City Council.authorize William K. Finney, Chief of Police, to enter i to a cooperative agreement, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, and approve the Res lution Authorizing Execution Of Agreement with the Office of Drug Policy in the Minn ota Department of Public Safety for the project entitled East Metro Coordinated arcotics Task Force during the period from 1/1/95 through 12/31/95. Yeas Nays Absent Requested by De artment of: B/akey Grimm PoliCe Guerin Harris Megard By: Rettman Thune l __._� __- Appr al Recommended by B t Director: Adopted by Council: Date By: �_ � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: Form r e ttor ey: < < By: g - Ap�roved by M o ate � �� Appro ed b Mayor f ub ssion to Council: RY� � By: � -. �� q�..-��3�`� � Pol ice �� �� GREEN SHEET N 215 " 2 3 PHONE DEPARIIAENT DIRE CT� NITUVDIITE CITY COUNCIL INI�TE C h i. e f F' 1 Tl (1 e y FOR CITY ATfORNEY CITY CLERK MU 8E BY (Dl1 ) , � BUDOET DIRECTO � flN. A MOT. SERVICEB DIR. � MA1fOR (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF 8KiNATURE PAOES (CU ALL LOCATIONB ROR SKiNATURE) ' ACTION REWE$TEO: Approval of the attached Council Re olution to authorize the St. Paul Police Departmenti to apply and enter into a contract ith the Department of Public Safety to receive gran�, money for narcotics control. RECOMI�NDkilONB: Approvr (A) br Rsj�t {R) RsONAL 8ERVICE CONTRACTB MU8T ANSWER TNE FOLLOM�INti GUESTIONS: _ w►r�au3 ca�issaH _ crvw se� oo��ssa� � Hes thi8 psrson/(Irm evsr worket! under e�t for thls dsputmsM? ; _ CIB COAAMITTEE _ YES NO H88 this per�n/firm ever been 8 City srtipbyesl — �� — YES NO V _ o�srR�cr couRr _ s ooee a►is personntrm posaess a eku� na normaNr vos�ssmd br sm� a,rrent dty ematqee4 ; SUPPORTS WNK�FI COUI�IL OBJECTIVE7 YES NO i plaln dl y�s answsn on �� �M�t �nd �thoh to yn�n sM�t i �� ! INITIATINO PROBLEM. 188UE. OPPOFiTINdITY (Nllw. Whed. VYhen� When� �NhY � I� The St. Paul Police Department will pply f.or grant money through the Office of. Drug Pol�.cy and the Minnesota Department of. Publ c Safety. This is the eighth year such funds have P � . been made available and will require a twenty—five percent match from the City. , in the ti ��v«,i«g. Pk� o� �Q�►'S1 aser� ��.� '��Z � � � � ' ,wv�r��s � �a�o�ve�: : � t �' ; 5 ' This application wi11 allow our cont nued involvement in the East Metro Coordinated Drug� '� Task Force and to apply for funds wh ch will enhance our drug enforcement effort. + '`' ; �ECEI VE � � DISADVANTA(iE81F APPRONED: R��Et�EU AUG w � 1994 � Ccuui�v ssarch Center : CITY ATTp���r r ` SE 2 2 1994 AUG 26 1994 � � 4 ft�A�YOR'S OF��G� x . _..-� ' � DIBADVANTiUiE3 IF NOT APPROVED: � Inability to apply for drug grant mo y and the discontinuance of involvement in the � East Metro Coordinated Drug Task For . � . 1 � ;: '� t TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REVENIJE 9UD3ETE0 (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO # i FUNDING SOURCH MN De t o f P u b l i a ACTIVITY NUMBER 3 412 7 i FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPWN) f y: i i s �� _ � �� 3� NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDE� IN THE (iREEN 3HEET INSTRUCTIONAL :} MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASINCi OFFICE (PHONE NO. 298-4225). f + ROUTIN(i ORDER: �; Below are correct routinge for the flve most frequent rypes of documents: `"' �' CONTRACTS (asaumes authoHzed budget exists) COUNCIL RE30LUTION (Amend Budgeb/Axept. Qrants) �$ 1. Outside A 1. De ertment Director �� 2. Departme� i�r'ector 2. C� Attorney �� 3. City Attomey 3. Budget Director i i 4. Mayor (for contracts over $15,0�) 4. Mayor/AsaistaM #� 6. F nancs a� Managem ten Se�rvk:es D rector 6. Chi f�u�ntarit, Finance and Mana�amsM Servi�s ' ' 7. Finance Acoounting ,� ;; _� � ADMINISTRAtIVE ORDER3 (Budpet Re�risfon) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all othero, and Ordinancss) 1. AcHvity Manager 1. Department Director 2. Department AocountaM 2. CRy Attorney 3. Depsrtment Director 3. Mayor Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. Cit�r Council . 5. City Clerk �� 6. Chief Axountant, Finarx:e and Management Services � � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) �' 1. Department Director 2. City Attorney s 3. Finance end Management Servk:es Dfrector � ;, 4. City Clerk r:: '� TOTAL NUMBER OF SICiNATURE PAGES `; Indicate the �of pages on whlch signatures are requfred and pepsrclip or flp � � s�ch of tMs� pp�s. �r ; +: , ; ACTION REOUE3TED �� Descxibe what the proJect/request seeks to axomplish in either chronobgi- � cal order or oMer of importanoe, whlchever is most appropriate for the �� issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. � RECOMMENDATIONS �� Complste if the Issue in questlon has been presented before any body, public or pMvate. � SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE4 Indicate which Councfl objective(s) your project/request supports by lisdng Me key word(s) (HOUSIN(�, RECREATION, NEIOHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS: This informarion wili be used to determine the citys Iisbiliry for workers compensation claims, taxea and propsr clvil ssrvbs hiring rules. � INITIATIN(i PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY � Explain the situetion or conditlons that created a need for your project � or requsat � ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by Iaw/ charter or whether there are speciNc ways in which the City of Saint Paul � and its citizens wfll benefit from this projecUaction. � � � DISADVANTA(3ES IF APPROVED # What negative effects or major changes to existin� or past processes might t� this proJecbrequest produce ff it is passed (e.g., traffic delays, noise, �, tax increases or assessments)? To Whom? When? For how long? � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED � What will be the negative conaequences if the promised action is not !� approved? Inabilft�r to deliver servfce? Continued high tra�ic, noise, `� accid�nt rate? Loss M revenue? ` � FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in genaral you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost? Who is floing to pay? g 3 � a � � a . . _ q4-i�� RESOLUTION AUTI-i RIZING EXECUT'ION OF AGREE:MENT \ . Be it resolved that City of Sc. Pa 1 Department of Police enter into a (Nam of your organization) cooperative agreement with the Offi of Drug Policy in the Minnesota Department of East Metro Public Safety for the project entitled Coordinated Narcotics Task Force duI711g (Project Title) the penod from 01/oi/95 through 12/31/95 (Beginning date) (Ending date) Wiliiam K. Finney, Chief of Po ice is hereby authorized to execute such agree- (Name and Title of authorized offi ial) ments as are necessary to implement e project on behalf of City of St. Paul, Department f Police � (Name of your organizati n) I �certify that the above resolution was adopted by the _ � (Executive body) of on (Contractor) (Date) � SIGNED: ViTITNFSSETH: (Signature) (Signature) (Title) (Title) (Date) (Date) � �