94-1433 Council File # q� "� O � I � � ' ` � � Green Sheet # �� 5'' RESOLUTION CITY OF AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, the City Council did appro e by resolution, Council File Number 93-1734, the solicitation of funds by City emplo ees for the Asian Food Handler's Training Initiative for the Office of License, Inspecti ns and Environmental Protection, and WHEREAS, the Office of LIEP has suc essfully completed the funding effort raising $20,000 from the Saint Paul Foundat on, and WHEREAS, the Asian Food Handler's T aininq Initiative is consistent with the Mayor Norm Coleman's interest in proactive bus ness regulation, and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Sec ion 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriati n revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1994 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the f llowing changes to the 1994 budget; Current Amended Budget Changes Budget ------- ------- ------- FINANCING PLAN License and Permit Special Fund Environmental Health Education Pro ram GL-167-31353-6905 Contributions & D nations - 20,000 20,000 Other Fund Financing 48,355 - 48,355 -------- -------- ------- 48,355 20,000 68,355 -------- -------- -------- . q� ����3 ��Z SPENDING PLAN License and Permit Special Fund Environmental Health Education Pro ram GL-167-31353-0133 Capitol City Inte ns - 1,000 1,000 GL-167-31353-0219 Fees - Other Prof ssional - 3,200 3,200 GL-167-31353-0221 Postage 800 500 1,300 GL-167-31353-0242 Duplicating - Al1 Processes 267 1,500 1,767 GL-167-31353-0256 Registration Fees - Local - 900 900 GL-167-31353-0369 Other - Office Su plies 118 150 268 GL-167-31353-0380 Video Tapes - 500 500 GL-167-31353-0381 Books-Periodcls-P ctrs-Recs 11,500 3,000 14,500 GL-167-31353-0387 Photo Supplies - 200 200 GL-167-31353-0439 Fringe Benefits - 50 50 GL-167-31353-0854 Projectors-Slide- vrhd-Movie - 1,000 1,000 GL-167-31353-0855 Sound Equipment - 1,000 1,000 GL-167-31353-0857 Data Processing H rdware - 7,000 7,000 All Other Activity Spendinq 35,670 - 35,670 � -------- -------- -------- 48,355 20,000 68,355 -------- -------- -------- RESOLVED, that upon recommendation f the Mayor, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby accept the funds and ap rove these changes to the 1994 budget for the LIEP Asian Food Handler's Training Initi tive. V Y`-�- -��`�---_ Requ sted by Department of: Yeas Navs Ab ent Blakev � Office of License, Inspections and Grimm Environmental Protection Guerin Harris Meaard Rettman � By; Thune � Form Appro d by City tto ey Adopted by Council: Date c � 4 1 Adoption Certified by Council Secret ry By: By: �, Appr ve ayo for Submission to � �� Cou i Approved by M . Date � /,��'��` ` BY : By : �� tiL - - a�— ,�' ��►� ICFJ�COUNC� INITIATED N Z 9 5 4 : LIEP Environmental Protection �R�� �EE� -- � + ' ACT PERSON 8 PHONE PARTMENT DIRECTOR I �� � CITY COUNCIt IN TE i' Don Chene 266-9145 �� �NAn�+EY �cmc�nK � MUST BE IL AOENDA BY (DATE) � BUDClET DIRECI�OR � O FlN. 3#A(iT. 8ERVICE$ DIR. �� p � MAMOR (OR AS#lIST � TOTAL #t OF 8KiNATURE PAGES (C ALL LOGATIONS FOR SIQNATURE) ACTION RE(MIEBTED: , • � �� ' Acceptance of Grant Funds for the Qf ice of License Inspecticros � Environmental Protecti ; (LIEP) to initiate a program for edu ating southeast Asian Foodhandlers in the City of Saint Paul � :Y RE(�MA�NDATIONB: A�xovs (A) a RsJ�t lR) ERSONAL 8ERVH:E CONTRACTf MU3T At�MfER TME ROLtAMIIlNi QUESTIONB: _ PLANNINQ COMMI8810N � CiVIL SERVICE COMMI8310N . H8s tllis pN'SOfIRkm eve� wOrlc�d WMer 8 CWIhACt t0► Mts dlpi�bMM? � _ GB COMMfiTEE _ YES NO � . Has M1i6 peFSOnRim1 ever bse�l l Oity empl0yee? , � * _ STAFF — YES NO • {: _ DISTRICT COURT _ . DOee thi8 p9roon/NI'm pOBYeti e skpl f10t normalhr Poateessd bY snY currs�►t dtY s�r�pby�s? - SuPPORT'S vuMICFt c�UWCIL OB,�CnvE9 YES NO k plaln all yw an�vwrs on � sM�t a�d m�oh to �Nn �hMt -� j ,� :� ! INITIATIWO PROBLF.6A. 1SSUE. OPPORTUNiTY (who. vVMd. vYh�. whero. I This action will accept grant funds r the Environmental Protectio�'s Asian Foc3d . ��. i Handler `fraimmng Initiative. Solici tion was ap�eroved by Council File No. 93-1734. ;� I . � � . � . � . � 4 � 7 �} . ' - .`�. ��L .. � . � �"��. 2 ADVANTAOES IF APPAQVED: ` a" i` Will improve complianee with Food Reg lations in the Southeast Asian Business Community. �: RECEIVE� ��. auG � 5 �ssa ' DISADVANTAOES IF APPROYED: � � � � � ��� � � ��� C�ITY ATTORNEY � � None Apparent � ' SEP 2 7 1994 R � ECEIVEp �, . AUGts� � � _ ___. z DIBADVANTAflE81F NO? APPROYED: � � �� Project will not move £orward. �; �' �. �� 6�"� � 3 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION ; COST/REVENUE 9UD�TEO (CIRCLE ONEj YES NO � FUNDI(�Ki SQURCE ACTIVITY NUMQlER ' FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � ; � �� . _ - { NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS AFIE INCL[�lN T1iE CiREEN SHEET 1NSTFiUCTiONAL MANUAL AVMLABLE IN THE PURCH/1�iNG OF�IC� (PHONE NO. 298-A�,ZS)• `. - � ROUTING' ORDER: w, � Bblow are coReCt rou�ngs far the flve tnost hsqusM typss oi documen►s: CONTRACTS (asaumee autlwrized budpet exiata) COUNCil RE80�U'TION (Amer�d Budp�WAoospt• t3rants) t. (aWsids Agsncy . 1. Depa�t Direc�or 2. Department Director 2. 8ud8et Director � : 3. City �1ltornsy -- _ - 3.-, Giry Attom�ey 4. Meyo� ((or o4�tracts over 515.000) � _ 4. MayoNAssistanR. ;. . 5. Human Riphts (for contrads over 550.000) 5. Clty Cairtc� 8. Fina�cs and Management Servkxs Ofrector 6. Chief Accountar►t, Finanae and Mana�pement Servioes 7. .Financs Aa�ounW�g �. ADMIINISTRATIVE ORDERS (Budpat Revision) COUNCII RESOLUTION (aN Oth�rs. Imd OrdinanCes) 1. Activity Menager 1. Department Dkector 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorneyr 3. Department Oirector 3. Ma�ror Asaistant 4. Budget Director 4. CUy Coundl 5. City Clerk 6. Chiet Acc�untant, Finance and �Aanagement Servicss ADMINI$THATIVE ORDERS (aU others) 1. Department Dkector - 2. City Attomey 3. Finance and Manayement Servk,es Dirsctor �— , 4. Ciry Cle�ic ` _ . . TOTAI. NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PA(iES ind�ate the #of peges on which signaturoa are required and papaclip or ftp s�ch ot thsw pa�s. ACTION REOUESTED Descrtbe what the projecUroquest seeks W exomplish in eiiher chronok�yi- C8� Oft�@f Or Of�Bf O} �fllp0�18�. rV�C�18V9� j8 fl'IOSt i�10�1f�e19 tOf 1f16 issue. Do not w�ite complete aentences. Begin each item in you� list with a verb. RECOINMENDATIONS Complete it the issue !n queatbn has been presented before arry body, pubNc or private. SUPPORTS WFIICH COUhiC1t 08.tECTIVE? Indicate which CounCil objective(a) yow proiecUrequest supports by listing � the key word(s) (HOUSiNC4, RECREATION, NEICaH80RHOOQS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUO(3ET, SEWER SEPARAT�ON). (SEE COMPIETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAI. MANUAt.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This intormatbn wHi be ueed to tietermine the ciry's IiebiNty tor workers compensation cleims, taxes and propsr civll ssrv�s hi�in� rulss. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Explafn the aFtuat�n or conditio� that croated a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether thia is simpty an a�nual budget procedure required by law/ charte� or whethe� there aro specific ways in which the City ot Saint Paui ' And its cidzens wHl beneHt trom this proiectlactbn. DISAOVAN7AGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes � exis8np a paat processes migM thfs proj�t/r�uest produce 'rf it ia passsd (e.g., �affic delays, noise, tax increasea or asseasments)? To MVIwmT When� For how long4 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPR01/ED What will be the negative conaeq�s it the promised action is not approved? Inability to dellver serWCe4 Gontinued high t�a(fic. noise. accidet�t rate? Loss of revenue? , FINANCIAI IMPACT Although you must tailor the infom�ation you provide here to the issue you are,addrossiny, in generai you must answe� two questiona: How much la it got�g to cost? Who is gang to pay?