94-1432 .+ f - Council File � q� � 0 R I G I N A Ordinance # Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 WI3EEREAS, the City Council did a rove by resolution, Council File Number 94-889, the 2 participation of the City of Saint Pa in the State of Minnesota Health Department 3 grant program in conjunction with o er Ramsey County municipalities for the purpose 4 of conducting compliance checks fo the sale of tobacco related products to minors, and 5 6 WF�REAS, the Office of License, spections and Environmental Protection has successfully 7 completed the funding effort raising 5,000 from ASSIST; a program developed by the National 8 Cancer Institute, and $2,000 from State of Minnesota Department of �iuman Services, and 9 10 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul igarette License Compliance Project is consistent with the 11 Mayor Norm Coleman's interest in roactive business regulation, and 12 13 WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there 14 are available for appropriation reven es in excess of those estimated in the 1994 budget, and 15 16 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommend the following changes to the 1994 budget: 17 18 License and Permit Special Fund fo Cunent Amended 19 i azette Licen om li c Pro m Bud et han es Bu�d . et 20 21 GL-167-31353-6905 Contributions d Donations 48,355 7,000 55,355 22 Other Financing 20 - 20,000 23 24 Totals 68,355 7,000 75,355 -r . � �� �! 1 2 SPENDING PLAN 3 4 0132 Not Certified Temp/Seasonal - 7,000 7,000 5 6 7 NOW TI�REFORE BE IT RESO VED, that upon recommendation from the Mayor, the Council 8 of the City of Saint Paul does here y accept the funds and approve these changes to the 9 1994 budget for the LIEP Cigarett License Compliance Program. Requested by Department of: eas Navs sent uerin Office of License, Inspections and arris Environmental Protection � e man une rimm By: Adopted by Council: Date � Adoption Certified by Council Secre ary Form Approved by City Attorney By: �. B Y' , 7 '. - ��f' Approved by;' y Date � Approved b yor for Submission to Council s : �Z � r: ��_�_ By: 2 �- �-1-� � �' R' DE ENT/OFFICE/COU L OATE ITIATED ( v 2 9 4 g ; LIEP/License �0-94 �RE�� :�HE _: ! i C ACT P RSON 8 PNONE � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOH NITUUJDATE ❑ CITY COUNCIL INRIAL/DA , ; Robert Kessl er �� p cmrarroRr�v � cmrc��ue MU3T BE ON AOENQA BY ( ) � BUDOET DIRECTOR � flN. 8 k�iT. SERVICES DIR. � 9- 21- 94 � MAYOR (OR A881STANT) � `• . . . n . . . . . . TOTAL � OF 81�NATURE PAtiiES � (CUP L� �OCATIONS fOR' StONATURE) ACiION REOUESTED: },: To approve the usage of the monies aised to fund the Saint Pau1 C�garette Compliance i Program. . `' � � � � � � � . � �y RECOMMENbATION3: APD��+ Ul a pN� (R) .; P R80NAL SERYICE COMTItACTS YUS�'/d�fWlR 1'HE fOLIQWMIO QUF�TIONS: �� _ PLANNINO COMMIBSION _ CML SERVICE C0IAMIS810N t. Has thle plrsOn/Hrm 9v� worked ufldsr a oaMract for U1Is dlpu6nent? YE3 'NO �_ ciB cAMMiTTEE — 2 Has Mis persoNfirm eve► bs�n s dly smploysa� �� � _ STAFF — YES NO � ;_ DIBTRIC'T COURT _ 9 Does this psro0rdfirm po4sY�s a skUl not norm�Ny poaa�sed bY �Y �►+� �Y �� �� SUPPORTS WNICH (�UNCII OBJECTIVE? YES NO `� , plaln all y�s anaw�n on �rar� �h�it a�d att�ch m�n sMrt ; � INI'MTINO PROBLEM. 188UE. OPPORTUNITY (Who. WMI. When. Whsn� WhY � ti Cigarette License holders sel1ing bacco products to minors under'the age of 28. . �� � ADVANTA(iE81F APPFiGVED: Will allow the Office of LIEP to c mplete a thorough and comprehens�ve comp1iance z check program in Saint Pau1. ; REC�IVED SEP w Q 1994 � DISADVMITM3E3 IF APPROVEO: - 3 � � SEP 2 6 199 � �: '4 � . � ' . . � . ��'.` � DI3ADVANT/KiES IF NOT APPROVED: � , TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION i COST/REYENUE IIUOdE7'ER {CIRCLE ON� YES NO �� � € � � . , FUNDINII SOURCE ACTIVITY NUYeER ' ' FINANCIAL INfORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � � � r � t i � : � } i `� NOTE: COMPLE#E DIRECTIONS ARE tN�LUDEU. THE (3REEN 81�ET N±IS'FAUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAIIABIE IN THE PUii�l�i�iG OP�ICE (PH01�1� NQ 2f1�A225). " ROUTINCa ORDER: • Below are correct rouNngs for the tive mo�t lrequsnt typea of docu�nis: CONTRACTS (assurtres nuthorized budgW sxists) COUNCIL RE�iI�'IQN (Mn�r�l8udp�b/Aaypt. �3rants) i ` � ���� qg�y 1. Depar�rnent Dlrectof 2. Department Director 2. &idpet pirector 3. City Attomey 3. Ciiy Ai�omey 4. Mayor (for cqrttrac#s oasr =i5,000) 4. MayoNAs�ist�t 5. Human Righta (tor oontracts over i50,000) 5. City Gounca 6. Finance and Manapement Servicss Dirsctor 6. Chief �kxountant, Finanoa`and Manapement Ser�loes 7. Finalnce Accound�g AOMINISTRATIVE OR�ERS (8udpst Revisbn) COUNCII RESbLtiT10N (aN otMn, and Ordlne�oss) 1. Activity Manager 1: �epertment Dire�tor � 2. DepartmeM Acoountent 2. Ciy Attomey 3. Department Dkector 3. Mayor AssiataM 4. Budget DireCtor 4. Ciiy Couricil 5. Cfty Clerk 6. Chiet Accountant, Finence and Management Services ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Department Director 2. C1ty Attomey 3. Finance anci Management Services Diroctor 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SI(iNJ1TURE PAGES Ind�ate the #of papes on which signeturos are required arxf pl�psrcllp or fiap e�ch of thsw paq�s. ACT10N FiEQUESTED pescribe what ths projecUrequ�st seeks W acxompiish in either chronologi- ' cal oMer or order of impwta�ce, whichever fs moat approprfate for N�e ; � issue. Do not write cflmplste sentences. 8egin each item in your Ilst with a verb. �' : RECOMMENOATIONS ; Complete it the isaue In questfon has been preseMed beforo any hody, pubiic or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COl1NCIL 08.IECTIVE? Indkate which Coundl objective(s) You� projecthequest supports by NsU� the key word(s) (HOUSMK3, RECREAfiION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIG DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPAR!►�'ION). (SEE COMPL�TE LIST IN INSTRIJCTIONAI. MaNUAL.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: t Thls Intormation wiii be ueed to determine the cftyb �Ifty for wcxkera compsnaation Gaims, taxss �nd propsr civil ssrvice hblrp rui�. � p: �� INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY � Expiain the situetfon or conditions that oreated a r►eed for your project ' 's or request. ; � ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED � Indicate whether this is simply an a�nual budpet procedure required by law/ ' charter or whsther there are apsci►ic ways in which the Ciy of Saint Paul and its citisens wiH be�efit from this projecUactbn. DISADVANTAGE3IF APPROVf� What negative eHecta or major changes to existing � past processes might this Project/request produce H it is passed (e.g., l�afHc delays, nolae, tax increases or assessments)? To Wlwm? When4 For Aow long? 'i DISADVANTACaES iF NOT APPROVED F�� What wiil be the negative conaequences if the promised action is nat approved? Inability to delfver senrice? ConN�ued high traHic, noise, �: accident rate? Loas ot revenue� , � `- FINANGIAL IMPACT Althotigh �rou rrust tailor the inkxmatio� you provide hero to the issue you ?" are,addroasMg, in general you must answer two questfona: How much is it �` going to cost? Who is going io pay? ;. .