94-1425 ' �� L� CITY OF ST. PAIIL 0 R I� I� A L COUH IL FILS H0. ���L��� _ PBBLI�IHABY OZDEt. BY ' , FIL$ /O. 18772 VOTI�i6 TiABD 7 In �he Naizter of improving Whi�e Bear Avenue be�ween Conway S�ree� and Freemont Street by grading, pa ing with bituminous material, constructing concre�.e curb and gutter, drive ay aprons, concre�e walks, placing topsoil and sodding boulevards; and ins alling lantern style stree� ligh�ing, installing a new �raffic signal at White Bear and Third and completing all other work necessary for said i provemen�s. The Council of the City of Sain� Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon �he above impr ement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. Tha� the sa3d report and �he same is hereby approved with no al�ernatives, and tha the es�ima�ed cost thereof is $528,700 financed by 1993 Muni ipal State Aid $46,000, 1993 Public Improvement Aid $4,00 , 1992 County Aid $100,000, 1993 Coun�y Aid 375,000, and Asse sments $3,700. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on �he 30�h day of_November, 199 , at 3:30 o'clock P.M., in �he Council Chambers of the Ci�y all and Cour�. House Building in �he City of Saint Paul. 3. Tha� notice of said p blic hearing be given to the persons and in �he manner provided b the Char�er, s�ating �he �ime and place of hearing, the nature o the improvemenh and the �otal cost thereof as estima�.ed. COUNC LPERSONS Adopted by Council: Da�e �� Yeas Nays �b�e� $�akey Certified Passed by Council Secretary !/� mm I,�C r i n /�` /�Harris ��/ �In avor By � M ard �tman �Aga nst �'rhune Mayor PI IAI ICt�►Gn � f � � � .� ��. OCT 2 21994 r� l�� _�._�ng uace - November 30, 1 y� RE 9-23-94 ,� � u F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date 9-19-94 Green Sheet Namber. 2$519 DLPARTMIIVI' DIRECI'OR COUNCII, Contact PeTSOn and P6one Number. �, QIY A'I'PORNEY 2 Q.ERK EI'ER WF�'IE Gao) 266 -g85� °'°°' BUDGL�I' DIRL�CPOR . dt MGT: SVG DIR. MAYOR (OR ASSISTANI) 1 ncil Reseanch �scneonco�nc7Agendaby:l0-12-94 Must be in'' Council Research Office no later than noon Friday 9-30- AL # OP SIGNATVRE PAGES 1 (CI.Ip LOCA'IYONS POR SIGNATURL� CI70N REQUESTF.D: Improve White Bear Avenue between Conw� y Street and Freemont Street FILE: 1 772 RECOIvII�IIIVDATiONS: APPROVE (A) OR RETECi' (R) E�� ��� ��� �� ��R Tf� FOLIAwING PIANNING C011�1�IISSION �T� 1. y� �e f� pe:son/firm ever wo:iced under a wnt�act for this depattment? YES NO CIVII. SERVICE OOMII�IISSION Has this pe:son/firm ever beea a Gty empioyee? YES NO ���� - Does this person/fum posces a slrill not normaqy pos�ed by any Current C'ity employ�x? YF.S NO laiu all YES answers on a separate shxt and attac6. PoKrs wHICH courrccII.. o�criv�t Neighborh ods COUNCII, WARD(S7 7 DISTRICT PIANNING COUNCQ. 1 N1T7ATWG PROBLEM, LSSUF� OPPORTUNTIY (Who, What, en, Where, Wb}�1�. e White Bear Avenue and Third Street in ersection has a high accident rate. It has been proposed by the District Council and Public Works that lef� urn lanes be installed to reduce said accidents. VANTAGES IF APPROVF.D: e turn lane and improved traffic signals 'll reduce accidents and improve capacity. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Condemnation of some private property (pre iously approved) and temporary construction disruptions. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVF.D: ,� �Q��ii !� ����i �,'�I �rC�t�r ; o not proceed with this project would keep e intersection a high accident area. j SEP 2 3 1954 � POT'AL AMOUI�TT OF 1z2ANSACTION: COST $528,700 00 /�E BUDG�ED (CIRCI.E ON� �s rro I�JNDING SOURCE ACIIVTIY NUMBER -----_._. - ._._ - ['IIVANCIAL INPORMATTON: (EXPIAII� Financing; ASSESSMENTS: $ 3,700.00 THER: $525,000.00