94-1423 � � �,�, � ORI INAL � CITY OF SY. PADL CIL ILB 0. C I�—���3 PgSLI�IHA�Y OZDSZ By FILE H . 18765 0 G iiABD 2 In the �siter of const�ructing �he Seven�h/Cedar Area S�orm Sewer Separa�ion Projec�. Area is bounded by I— 4 on the North, Jackson—Rober�—Minneso�a on the East, Shepard—Kellogg on � e South, Nin�h—Main on �he Wes�. The Council of the Ci� of Saint Paul having received the report of �he Mayor upon the above imp ovement, and having considered said repor�, hereby resolves: 1. That the said repor and the same is hereby approved with no al�erna�ives, and �h t the es�ima�ed cos� �hereof is $3,052,400 financed by Minnesot Depar�ment of Transpor�atcion $493,000, Wa�er Surcharge $100,000, ssessmenCs $330,000, Sewer Revenue Bonds $920,400, Clawback $ 00,000 and Tax Increment Financing $509,000. 2. That a public hearin be had on said improvement on �he 14th day of_December, 19 4, at 3:30 o'clock P.M., in �.he Council Chambers of the City Hall and Cour� House Building in �he Ci�y of Saint Paul. 3. Tha�. notice of said ublic hearing be given to the persons and in �he manner provided y the Char�er, s�ating the time and place of hearing, the na�ure f the improvement and �he to�al cosa thereof as es�ima�ed. COUNCILPERSONS � Adop�.ed by Council: Da�e � Yeas Nays b�el� � � key Cer�ified Passed byCouncil Secre�ary � mm _, ��'� rin I�Harris /�In Favor By � � M ard V �'� tman �Ag inst Z�z_ u n e AI IRI ICIaCI� ��' M a y o r 1 l�s� OCT 2 21994 p �����'� OCT 29 1 94 .' . � � , :� � �:.:.� t°'.Q a • � ..�.� 4 : i . , ...� ' r '"�i ;/ ! '`y.�� 1 I • y � Public Hearing Date - December 14, 1 94 RE 9-16-94 V ST Publia Aorks ate: 9-13-94 Green Sheet Namber. 32047 DF.PAR'IMII�fr DIRECPOR COUNCQ- Contact Peison and P6one Number. ..e� pZy pTrpg�3y Q,ERK .,�.� Thomas Kuhfeld 266-6111 0� BUDGET DIRF.CPOR . dc MGT. SVG DIR MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN1� 1 ncil Reseanh �stbeonCouocilAgendaby: 10-05-94 Must be in Council Research Office no later than noon Friday 9-23- 4 AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGFS 1 (Q,IP ALI, CATIONS FO?? :��GNAT[JRL� criorrx�u��en: Settin date of ublic hea in for the SL'VENTH CEDAR AREA TORM E SEPARATION PRO ECT scheduled for 19 construction. Also, construction and/or repair of sewer and ater service connections. File Na 18765 RF,CONIIVIIIVDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR R�CT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE 001�lrRACi'S MUST ANSWER TFiE FOLLOWINGc PIANNIIVG C011�II4IISSION A STAFF . Haz _'�e petson/fum ever worked under a oonhact for this depaitment? YES N CIVII. SERVICE COMM _ Has this peison/firm cver been a Gty employee? YES N CIB CONIIVIITTEE Does this pctson/Cum possess a skill not normallY P� bY �:' Curnnt Gty employee? � N PORTS VVfIICH COUNQI.OBJECITVE? Neighborhoods lain all YES answus on a separate s6eet and attac6. COUNQL WARD(S7: 2 District Planaiag Council: 17 1\IT[ATI1�G PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPP RT[JNITY (Who, What When, Where, Why : ��'j�' .:?�$�r is project is part of the 1995 Combined wer Separation SEP 16 1994 A A A . �.--•- -_..._..._._..._.__._....,� o reduce the combined sewage overflow t the Mississippi River during rains.� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: enefitted property owners have assessmen s payable via property taxes. D1Sr1DVAIV fAGES 1F NOT AI'r ROVED: is is part of the City's National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit. Not proceeding with the ti•ork may result in penalties. otal Amount of Transaction 3 052 400 Cost/Revenue Budgeted YES NO $2,722,400 iscellaneous Aid $ 330,000 sessments � Funding Source Activi Number Financial Information: (Explain)