94-1422 LL CITY OF ST. PAOL L FIL N0. q�� PgELIZiIHABY O�DgB I�S O. 8 OTING WA D 2 In �he Ma�l[er of improving Ge rge S�reet from Avenue �o Concord �� S�ree�, including grading, pavi g with bi�uminous, cons�ruct.ing concre�e curb and gu�ter, driveway apro s, outwalks, constructing storm sewer, installing lantern s�yle lighti g and doing all other work necessary to complete said improvement. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above impr vement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no al�ernatives, and tha the est.imated cost thereof is $1,371,000 financed by Municipal State Aid $1,267,000, Public Improvement Aid $68,000 and Asses men�s $36,000. 2. Tha� a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 30th day of_November, 199 , at 3:30 o'clock P.M., in �he Council Chambers of the Ci�y all and Court. House Building in the City of Sainh Paul. 3. That no�ice of said p blic hearing be given �o the persons and in the manner provided b the Char#er, stating the �ime and place of hearing, the nature o the improvemen� and �he total cost �hereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS �, ,1 Adopted by Council : Date �/�.._� _ �Q�' Yeas Nays S�'^ r � �r'� �� �key Certified Passed by Council Secretary � mm �rin /� �ris / (�In F vor By M ard r e�tman O Agai st �une Mayor Pt �i icucn l� s� r, �"� OCT 2 21994 Public Hearing Date - November 30, 1 94 RE 9-23-94 �� ��� � M N/O IC UNCIL D T INI PubiicdlVorks Department 9 �F/94 GREEN SHEET No.28 1� A � INITIAUDATE CONTACT PEFlSOM 8 PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CIN CWNCIL Paul St. Martin 266 �8 A GN CITVATTOHNEY � CITYCLERK N BER FOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) — — � Na BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. 3 MGT. SERVICES DIR Mnotla�ernt�annnoonR�r�i�ach90f��i§� °R Q� Q CounalResearch TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (C P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ❑ ��ARTMENTALACCOUNTANT ACTION REQUESTEO Improve GEORGE STREET between Smith Ave. nd Concord St. (City Project 95-P-1117) by grading, paving with bituminous, constructing concrete curb and gutter driveway aprons, walks, placing topsoil and sodding boulevards, constructing storm sewer, installing lantern style s eet lighting and doing ail other work necessary to complete said im rovement. � RECOMMENDATIONS: Approvs (A) a Rejsd (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: PLANNINCi COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has this persoNfirm eve� worked unde� a contract for this department? ciecoMMm� _ YES NO Has th(s persoNflrm ever been a city employee? A y .�� YES NO DISTRICT COUNCIL ��eS ��g o���ssess a skill not rrormally possed by any curcent ary employee? SuPPORTS wHicH CoUNCII OBJECrnE4 plaln alt yas a�wers on separat� shaet and attach to graen sheat INITWTING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (YNiO. WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, ): The Final Order for this project was initiated y the Department of Public Works . ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: A newly rebuilt roadway, with new curb and gutte will restore the drivability of this street and continue our efforts to improve the street system in Saint Paul. The new street lig ing will also improve safety in the area. Normal problems associated with construction, s h as noise, dust, and general disruption will occur. Caun�i� F��earcfi Center SEP 2 3 1994 � . The pavement structure will continue to deteriora , maintenance costs will rise, and the level of service provided by this street will drop. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSAC110N: 1,371,000 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CHECKONE) QE NO FUNDING SOURCE MSA, PIA, ASSESSMENTS ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL qJFORMATION: (EXPUII�