94-1421 L I� CITY OF ST. PAOL � R I G I A L C009CIL FILE H0. q�-f"� �4a� � � PSSLIHIH�YY OtDEi BY FILB /O. 1 751 VOTIBG i�TABD 7 In the �at�er of improving Four h S�ree�. from Germain Street to Kennard Street, including concrete curb and gutGer, driveway aprons and a new �D lighting sys�em. The Council of the C�.ty of SainG Paul having received the report of �he Mayor upon the above impr vement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. Tha�. the said repor# and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and �ha the estimated cos� �hereof is $74,700 financed by 1994 Capi al Improvement Bonds $48,950 and Assessments $25,750. 2. ThaG a public hearing be had on said improvemen� on the 30th day of November, 199 , a� 3:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City all and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said p blic hearing be given to the persons and in �he manner provided b the Charter, s�ating Ghe �ime and place of hearing, the nature o the improvemen� and the �.otal cos�. �hereof as est?imated. COUNCILPERSONS Adop�ed by Council: Date � Yeas /� Nays � �-��='if� � I�� key Cer�if ied Passed by Council Secretary V� mm • erin � � Harris /�In avor By � �gard V � ✓R ttman �Aga nst �� une � � ��"Ir Mayor pi�� is�n OCT 2 21994 . ����������� � �c �earing Date - November ��, 199 �E 9-23-94 - ✓ F.M.,./REAL ESTATE DIVISION D te: Sept. 14 1994 Green Sheet Nnmber. 32032 n�nxzTvmvr nrr,r 2 crrsr ��utvcu. Contad PcTSOn and Phone Number. ,.a„ ° "- .,..,� C11'Y ATPORNEI' Q'I'Y CLERK Peter White 266 -g850 °�°a BUDGET DIRECPOR . dt MGI: SVG DIR. MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN1� 1 COUNCII. RP.SFARCH MustbeonCouncilAgendaby:l0 Mu st be in C uncil Researc?� Office no later than noon Friday 9-30- AL # OF SIGNAIVRE PAG:- :.: 1 (CLII' ALL CATTONS POR SIGNATURL� CIION RP�Q 'ED: 1. Set date for Public Hearing to discuss the aving of 4TH STREET from Germain to Kennard, Finance File Number 1875L . Approve said project RP.(.'OM14��IDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RETECI' (R) ERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TFIE? FOId.OWING: PIANNING COM144QSSION A STAFF 1. Has t6e peison/Cum cvcr worked under a aontract for this department? YES NO CIVII, SERVICE OONII4IISSION Has this persoo/6rm ever been a Gty employee? YES NO . poes tLis person/Cirm possess a sldll not normally possesscd by any � ��� _ (�rrent Gty emplcryee? YFS NO lain all YES answers on a sepacate shcet and attach. ��� �� ���- ��? better & saf neighborhoods COUNCII. WARD(S7 '� DISTRICT PIANNI'1G OOUNQL 1 �INII'[ATING PROBI.EIVI, ISSIJG OPPORT'IJNfIY (Who, What, en, Where, Why?): i'I'his street was within a past sewer separatio project, but the paving was delayed because no sewer was �being constructed in it, and funding was limi d. Residents on this segment of roadway maintain that a previous Councilmem6er promised them that t would be paved. ADVANI'AGES IF APPROVF.D: The existing oiled surface would be replaced y a paved surface, and new eurbs and gutters and a lighting system would also be added. Improved appe ance and less cost for maintenance of the road would result. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVID: Part of the cost to improve the street would b assessed to the benefitted properties payable over a maximum of 20 years. DISADVANTAGES IP NO'T APPROVF.D: Construction would be delayed until other str ets are paved sometime in the future. Residents would be displeased. PaTAL AMOUNI' OF TRANSACIYON: �'�c�� COST/REVIIVUE IIUDGEI'ID (CIRCLE OIV� �s tvo PCJNDING SOURCE: Assessments & 1994 C B ACTIVI'TY NUMBER' FIIVANCIAI. INPORMATI011L• (EXPLAW) Co� ��sl �S��ft�l C�tt$�" Assessments: $25,750 1994 CIB $48,950 ��° 2 3 1994