94-1420 Council File � q�����0 Green Sheet # ' RESOLUTION �ITY OF AIN'I jPAUL, MINNESOTA IQ � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 WHEREAS, the PUBLIC S TY ADVISORY COiJNCIL was created by 5 6 City Council Resolution No. 9-649; and � s 9 WHEREAS, Mayor Norm Co man has requested to increase the number of io ii members on the Public Safety dvisory Council from 20 to 25; and ia 13 i4 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT SOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council 15 i6 approve of the change in mem rship on the Public Safety Advisory Council, i� is consisting of up to 25 members 20 of whom must be Saint Paul residents. 19 20 21 22 I 23 Yea Navs ent Requested by Department of: a e rsmm uerin arr.zs e ar e man une BY� C i 1 Form Approved by City ttorn y Adopted by Council: Date , __, �-� Adoption Certified by Council Secret ry By; � , 25'r_ y� B y ° a ' � Approve y Mayor for Submission to Approved yo Da e �� Counc' By: G,�i syz qy,,r, � � � INITIA7ED N� 274 6 � Mayor's office /21/94 GF�EEN $�EET 6 PMONE DERRRTMENT D � CFTY COUNC0. � � � Tom Marver , 2 6 6- 8 5 0 8 c�nr arro�ev CITY CLERK MU T COUNCIL EN ( ) R I�R BUDOET DIRECTQ •� FMI. d� MOT. SEflVICEB DIR. � � MavoR coR �ssisr�m � TOTAL � OF SK'#NATURE PAtiES (CL ALL LOCATION4 FOR:SKiN�t'UR� , . ,, ; ACTION REOUEBTED: � } IncreBSe the num�iier of inember on the PUBLIC 3AFETY ADVISORY COUNCIL from 20 to 25. � � , . , �< �£ ' REC�: Mp�+ U) or RN�ct tR) ERSONAL �ERVICE COflTRA�'+T� MMJS? At�1NEA T!{E FOLLOWING GUESTIONB: '?' _ PLANNNVO CXIMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE GOIiAMIS810N H� thls personMirm e�ror waiaed nr�r a conV�ct toi� this departmsM? _ GB COMMITTEE _ YE:9 NO . . Mes tltf6 ps►aon/flRn Ntlr bNf1 s QaY lmp�y�s4 � _ aT� _ YE3 Nfl ' � �': _ asra�cr cou�r _ . ooes a�s a�►so�,ni►m � a skai na no►��y �sssd br +u»� �,�n a�r e�or.s� ` ;� su�oa�rs w� eouNC�. �crivez ves No ;� plaln MI y�s �n�w�n on Nprat� �M�d antl att�eh to On�n �hNt .3 � 1 ,- a�m�rnao �M. issue. o�►ruNm Ewno: wnu. wi+s�. wns�.. � � � None. � ���� � ; t , SEP � � 1994 = � � ADYANTAOES IF APPROVED: .•- Increase the number of inembers on the Public Safe�ty Advisor.� Cc�t�ncil �� from 20 to 25. 20 of these me ers must be Saint Paul residents. t � � # _ �: � D18ADVAN7AOE8 IF APPROVED: ; ; e . . . . . . . � _ , �. S . � . � . � 2 � . . . � . � . 1 :< � � � � . . . . �. i g'µ F D13ADVANTAOES IF NGT APRROVED: . � 'f �. � �� rv ,� 'i , �: � ��. � . . - . , ��:..a '. . . . . . .:�� . � .. � . . ,. � ;a � ;s . s� k , TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8ACTION = COSTtREV@NttE BUDGETEQ (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO .� � FUNDIFKi SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER : � FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � ` :� r NOTE: COMPLETE QIRECTIONS ARE {NCLUDED IN THE CiREEN 3HEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVMU18lE IN THE PURCHASIt�Ki OFFICE (PHONE NO. 298-4225). .� �' �� � ROt1TiNG OROER: � Below are eorrect rat�rqs lor d�e tive nwst iroquent types ot documenis: : CONTRACTS (assumsa al�horizod budget exists) COUNCq. RESBt.UTiON (Amettd Bud�sts/ACCSpt. OnMsj f t• Outside �°WencY 1. Departrnent Direc�or 2. DepartmeM Director 2. Bud�et Directa • 3. Gity Af�msy 3. City Attomey 4. Mayor (for �ntracts over 5/5.000) 4. Ma�rorlAssistant 5. Human Rights (!or cw�stracts over 550,00�) 5. Ciry Cour►ca 8. Finance and Manag�ment Ssrvkces Director 6. Chiet Axountant,'F�smoe ard Menapernent Serviaes 7. Finaries Accountlng . ADMINISTRATIVE ORDEAS (Budpet Rwision) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all Whers, a� O►dk�er�css) 1. Activity Manager t. Department Dfrector 2. Departr�t Accountant 2. Clty Attomey 3. Departmant Director 3. Mayor AasistaM 4. Budget Director 4. City CounGi 5. City Glerk 6. Chiei Accountant, Fi�ance and Mana�ment Ssrvices ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (aii others) 1. Departme�t DiroCtor 2. City Attorney 3. Finance and Mac�agement Services Dfrector � � `; 4. Ciry Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SiGNATURE PAGES Indicate fhe #ot p�ges on which si�naturea are required anc+ papKClip or fla� �ach ot these pa�es. ACTlON RECIUESTED Describe what the projecUrequest seeks to axomplish in � chronologi- cal oMer or order of importance, �ichever is tiwst appropriate for the issue. Do not write compiete aente�es. Bepin sech ite�n M your I�st with a verb. tt } RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in queslbn has been pnssnted before any body, puWic or private. z SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE4 hulicate which Gouncfl objective(s) your projecU►equeat supports by Usting the key word(s) (HOUStNf�, REGREATIQN, NEIC3HBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPM�NT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATIOt�. (SEE COMPLETE UST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) ;, ; PERSONAL SERVIC� CONTRACTS: Thia infortnation wN{ be used to determfne ths city8 Ifability for workers compensetion claims, tpxea and propsr ctvN sKVice hking niles. INITIAT{NG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Explain the situatbn or condidons that created a need for your project or requsst. ADVANTA(3ES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simpiy an annual budgst proceduro required by law/ charta� or whether Mere are spscific w�a in which tMe City of Satnt Paul and its citizens wil! berteHt from thb projecUactlon. DISADVANTROES IF APPROVED W1�at negative eBects or mejcx changes to existing ot past procesaes might this project/requesY produce it ft ia pessed (e.g., tralnc delays, rroise, tax increaaes or assessments)? To Wtwm? When4 For how long4 DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APRROVED WNat will be the npadve consequAnces N the promised action ia not approved? InabiNty to delive� se�? Continued high traf8c, noise, accident rateT Lpss ot re�renue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailw the informalbn you provide here to the issue you t are,addressing, in general you must answe� two q�stions: How much is it going to cost? Who is going b pay? v'� � Ir�terdepartmental M orandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Council Presi ent Dave Thuns Councilmember Janice Rettman Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Roberta Meqard Councilmember Michael Harris Councilmember Marie Grimm Councilmember Dino Guerin FROM: Tom Marve Jean Karp DATE: September 1994 RE: POBLIC SAFETY ADVISORY COONCIL Mayor Norm Coleman h s recommended to increase the number of members on the Publi Safety Advisory Council from 20 to 25. 20 of the 25 members need to be Saint Paul residents. Attached is a copy o Council Resolution No. 94-649 creating the Public Safety Ad isory Council. If you have any questions, please gi e me a call at 266-8508. Thank you. TM/ j rk �i0t1t1G9� ���t L`�'i �;��t¢��' Attachments a ,� ;_, � ,,� � i:,. ,� ;a � � =� � 4-�4ao � �' � � (�' /, � Council File # � I V � Green Sheet # �7 � SOLUTION CITY OF S NT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By � ' Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Pau I , kn wn for its economic vitalit stron sense Y� g 5 6 of community, and safe, stable nei hborhoods, is currently threatened by rising � s levels of violent crime, especially mong juveniles; and 9 10 il WHEREAS, the number of youth n Saint Paul is expected to increase by more ia i3 than 50 percent by the year 2000, nd approximately one-third of these children 14 i5 are living in poverty; and 16 17 is WHEREAS, concentrations of po rty and joblessness are the principal cause of 19 Zo family and neighborhood disorgani ation, including family violence, teen pregnancy, 21 aa school dropout, drug abuse, and vi lent crime -- all behaviors that can become 23 24 .significant barriers to labor market attachment; and 25 26 a� WHEREAS, crime and the fear o�crime are major deterrents to economic as a9 development thus deepening the cy I le of joblessness, poverty and despair; and 30 31 32 WHEREAS, there is a need for a omprehensive approach to crime prevention that, 33 s4 together with resolute law enforce ent, focuses on economic and human 35 36 development at the neighborhood 1 el in targeted areas; 37 . 38 39 � � � 94-I4�0 2 V � I � �IG I i � / l � 3 4 5 6 � NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE OLVED, that the Mayor initiates the 8 9 PUBLIC SAFETY ADVISORY OIJNCIL, consisting of up to 20 members, io ii 15 of whom must be Saint Paul res dents iz 13 14 B a ey Yea Navs Absen Requested by Department of: Grimm Guerin Harris Meaar Rettman une By: � —_– Adopted by Council: Date ��• �� - Form A roved b Ci Attorney � � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary, By , �- ��, C�/, �7 By ' � '�'�`^' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved Mayd : Date Council ? �''f � / f� ,�`, � � g BY� fld�/� ��