94-1418 Council File ,� "I�F� ��� b O R I G I N A L Green Sheet ,� RESOLUTION CIT OF AI PA , MINNESOTA 1� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 RESOLVED, that the Saint Pa City Council consents to and approves 4 s of the reappointment and appoin ment of the following people to the 6 � SAINT PAUL PORT AUTH TY: a 9 REAPPOINTMENT lo i i Howard Guthmann IZ i3 APPOINTMENT 14 � �5 Andrew Boss 16 17 is Terms will expire on July 31, 2 . 19 20 21 22 23 Y� Navs Ab ent Requested by Department of: a e rimm � uerzn arris e ar � e man —� une �` BY� � Adopted by Council: Date Q '� q Form Ap ved by City ttorney �� Adoption Certified by Council Secret � y gy: � �— 2�r� �j B y' � --� Approved y Mayor for Submission to Approved by Ma o�: Date ��j" �'� = Counci �'l G2� By ° �''" " ��!%L-'�. By : �. . q�-���►� � � Mayor's Ofi�ice . 9/94 GREEN S�HEET N°_ 225 4 ' 8 �n� Nr oiR �mwo+►re couNCit � 0� E Ef."10�i T�IIL M3rVE1 CITYA�NEY �CITYOIERK 11 PoN BUDCiET DIRECTOR � FIN. 8 MOT. SERV�E8 DIR. ; . , �. MAYOR iOR ASSISTANn � ' , TOTAL #E OF sKiNATtJR� PAOES (CLI ALL LOCATIONS FON 810NATURE) ° ACTION 14EGUE8'TED: _ Reappointment of Howard Guthma and appointment of Andrew Boss to the j SAINT PAUL POi2T AUTHORITY. � . _ � � :�Pw�w l!U br FNh+�► (� RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTI MU3T A1�1MER TNE FOIWWING OUEtT10N8: _ PLANNarO COMMNS8�9D1 � _ CML SERVICE COK�MA18810N 1 Haa tMs pwsorUfkm eVAr wak�d undsr a COfltreet for lhis dspsrtrnMt? _ CIB OOMMI7TEE _ YE8 NO 4 � Has this pasoMirm ever beeo a dty employeeT " — �� — YES NO ' � _ c�s7iuCT c�uRr _ 3 Does thls psraoMtirm postees s sldN not norn�r Po��ed bY anY �u►roM cNY BmPloyss1 q 8uPPORTB WH�F1 COtJNCiL OBJEC71VE4 YES NO j plaln NI y�s Mwwr� on �sp�rab shMt and �thoh to OrNn �hNt � � 2 x�m�rq�o �. issue. o�oaruNm Mmo. v�. wnsn. wn�.. wny None. � i � � � � � SEP 2 8 1994 � � ; ADVMITAOE8 IF APPRONED: 4 Reappointment of Howard Guthman and appointment of Andrew Boss to the � SAINT PAUL PORT AUTHORITY. The r terms will expire on July 3,1, 2000. - � { : r � : g DI8ADVANTAdES IF APPROVED: � m ' � � 'r � i DISAOVANTAOE8 tF NOT APPFiOVED: �r 1 � q fi { - `� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANiACTIOIi = COST/REYEMUE 9UtN3ETEp (CINC�.E ONE) YE8 NO � ;�. FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMSER � FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXRWN) :Z ] 7 {! �*: � � (�OtE: COMPLET'�'OIRECTIONS ARE INCIUDED IN THE iiREBN �HEET INSTRUCTIONAI � MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHA$INCi O�F10E (PHONE NO. 298-4225). ,� � � ROUTIN(i ORDER: �� � Below are oorre�:t routlnps for the five most frequsM types of documeMS: � CONTRACT3 (assumes autt�orized budpet exists) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amsnd Budp�ts/Acospt. arants) � 1, putsids Agency 1. Depertment Director 2. Depsrtment Dirsctor 2. Cky Attorney 3. Cit�r Attorney 3. Budget Director 4. Mayor (for cormacts over �15,000) 4. Meyor/Asaistarit 5. Human Rights (for contracts ovor $50,000) 5. Ciry Council 8. Flnanoe and Manayement Services Director 6. Chief AccouMent, Financs and Management Services 7. Finance Aa;ounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (Budget Revision) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all othero, and Ordinsncsa) 1. Activity Mana�er 1. Department Director 2. DeparCment Accountant 2. Ciry Attorrtey 3. Dspartrt�eM Director 3. Mayor Aasistant 4. Budget Director 4. Cit�r Council .. 5. City Ck►k 6. Chfef Atxountant, Finance and ManegemeM 3ervices ADMINISTflATIVE ORDERS (aN others) 1. Departtnsnt Direct� 2. City Attorney �� 3. Financs and Management Services Director 4. Ciy Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIQNATURE PAGES Indicate the #�of pa�es on wh�h signatures are required a�d pep�rclip or fla� NCh of tMN p�p�s. ACTION REQUESTED Descrfbe what ths project/request seeks to axomplish in eitF�er chronologi- cal order or order of importanoe, whichever la most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentencea. Begin each item in your Nst with a verb. RECOMMENOATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body, public orprivate. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Ind�nte which Coundl objective(s) your projsct/requeat supports by IlsNng the key word(s) (HOUSINCi, REGREATION, NEIGHBORHOOD3, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BIiDQET, SEWER SEPARATiON). (SE€ COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUC�IONAL MANUAL.) PERSONA� SERYICE CONTRACTS: This information will be used to determine the city's liabiliry for workers compensatbn claims, taxes and proper civil eervk� hiring rules. INITIATINt� PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Explain the aituetion or cond�ions that created a need for your project or roquest: ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED Indlcate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are apecific ways in which the Ciy of Saint Paul and its cRizens will benefit hom this pro)ect/action. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED �� What negative elfects or major changes to existing or past processes might � this projecUrequest produce if it is passed (e.g., traff'�c delays, noise, tex increases or aesessmeMaj? To Whom? VNhen? For how long? � DISAOVANTAtiES IF NOT APRROVED �� What will be the negative conaequences if the promised action is not approved? Inability to deliver senrice? Continued high traffic, noise, � accident rate? kosa of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Atthough you must tailor the informaUon you provide here to the issue you are,addresstn�, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost? Who is going to pey? v�� vv v-r � ni i�• i-r Ui. n�iiuvn� i n n un�rn rnn �yv. ,V�trV1oJ f� UUU� SEP-09-1994 08�23 SAINT P MAYOR'S OFFICE b1G �vo es�l� �.�" �. • OSFY OF 'I'HE HAYOR q 4�� 1� 39 CI�Y HAY,.L R'�+�� SAINT pAD � MZN1IE50TA 55102 a6�—asas SEp 09 i�94 W. Andrew Boss Na.me : � Heme ABdress• � 224� Hendon Aven� e, St . Paul, I,.IN �AYOR$��j�� Street C�ty Ziy 644 S (vozkl 647 T'alephas�e I�u�ber: me . 1 Z city Covne�7l Vard: 4 plgnn3ng pistrict Cotmcil.: - JPrefezred }Sa}.lisig Address: vnac xs yo�u oac�npatiaaT Bank Pr siflent � Place'o� Fm�loqment• 5�.. Anthon Park State Bank . committee<s) Applied �ox; St. Pau Port Authority Fhat skil].s/traisiia.g or eaperieace do ou possess for the camafttee(s) fo't yhich �ou seek appointmentT . . l, Over 35 ycars of experience n Commercial banking with banks in Chicago, Minneapolis and St. Paul. I have been President of St. Anthony Par Bank since 1970. � �2. Involvement in civic and com unity activitiPS over the years has . included�board membership a leadership positions in various .organizations in human servi es, education, arts, philanthropic and government service. 3. For further infvrmation, pl-a�e refer to �he attached personal resumE. •- The 5n.formatioa included Sa this appl cat�on �s consfdered pxi�'ate cLata accordin� to the HiTVSesota Gorvermeat Data Yractices Ae . As a res�].t, this 'i�afo=matioa is not reZeased to the general publi¢. • (0 '� ) 4/21193 . Reb. TOTL� P.G�i ��� �� �Y � �� � ��� 1 � a�, n�7 � � �vir � � n n unirn r nn iYV, v�+ r u i o� t'. U3/ UO SEP-09-1994 08�18 bH1Nl 1�-tuL ra+r�c•� urr��c ---- ---- ---- �•-- YY.1tS0iZAL XEPF�CES /�� ,�, �'g ��►��� Nsme• Howard' M. Guthmann Address• 13U0 Norwest Center, t�. Paul, MN 55101 ; 450-0111 yar 222-1801 , Ifione: ome . p��. Michael Gaivin, ,r. . ' : eadYess: Eriggs and Morgan, 220 First Bank Building, St. Paul, MN 55701 : Ybone: [Home)� 699-5709 vork 223-6553' : Rame• Mary Ann Sudei th . 1►dasesx� A�erican Bank N.A., 10 E. 5th Street, St. Paul, MN 55101 . P'hoae: o � 454-7692 0 �.�� � 229-6536 Ressons for yvur istteres� in tbis part ular commaittea: I belipve that its , work is cantral to origoinq econ mic development in St. Paul anc� T would : �like to makc a contributi�n to 'ts future success. - . ; Hava yau had p=eviaus contact vith the o�ittee for vhi.clz you arc ma�;.ng appl£eazion � l If so, vher, aad eircvmst�ences? ' Only in tk�at I attended seve al meetings a few yeara ago as an observer. 1 I'm also acquainted with sev of the current committee members. ! In an attempz zo cnsvx� t�t eo�seittee repreaeatation r.Qflects the makeup o£ our co�a►mity. please check the ].S.ne applf able to you. �'t�is iafozmation is stri.ct].y voluntary_ i X 17h3se (CsucasSan) " Hisp3�tic Hlac�c (dfricaa Amexican� As3,an or Pacific Islandex t.mezican Indian or 1�►I.askan �skim X 2fale M'ay 10, 1932 . Female D of Sizt�s Oisabled: Yes 10o x • If spec�aZ aecommodatYons arc �scedcd, lemso specify. N/A __ ' Eov did yoa l�ear abouz this ope�nisg? FXOm publication Of the riOtiCe of openincts and conversatiOns wit Ma or Coleman, Ken Johnson and Howard Guthmann. SEP-09-94.FR1 12� 15 S"I". AN�fHUNY t'A �RNK hH1S NU e4rut�� r. u4�uo . , ��-1�414' August 1994 . ANDREW BOSS 2?� HENDON A'VENUfi S?. Y L, MTN�IESOTA 55108 PERSONAL MARRTFTJ - i_inda L. Boss CH'lLDREN - Elavan 23I�tTTTDATE -1�'Iay !0, 1932 MILITAR'Y SERVICE - U.S. Army, lst ieutenant, 1954-1956 EDUCATION - Groveland Park rade School, St. Paul Centzal Hibb ool, St. Paul University of M esota, B.A. - 1954 NortbWe..ctern U ivercity, Graduate School of Business. 1956-1955 Graduatc Scboo of Ban1.'ing; Madison, Wisconsin 1965-1967 MEMBERSHIYS - TZOtary Club of �. Paul House of Hope resbyterian Church, S[. Paul Town and Coun Club, St. Paul Calhouu Beaeh lub, Minneapolis EMPLOYMENT ITISTORY 1970 to Present ST'��►J3T ON PARK STATE BANK, St. Paul �;na��a�tiy wned coaununity b.ank) President, CEO I De�eloped staff recognized fe,r �u�cranding service and professionalism Supervised acq sition and dcvelopmant of property to provide new hu�lcins faciliti : Driv�In (1974) and Main Bank (1956) Built bank's ass ts from $8 million to $46 million 1969 to 1970 NORWEST B K S7. PAUL (affiliate of No est Corporation) Vice Presideat, usiacss Development; Mansgemene Comm.ittee Created a new ivision for purpose of establishing �horuuoh, syst�n�atic appro h to the development of new commercial loan and deposit business 1967 to 1969 GAMBLES C I TiNENTAL BANK, St. Pxul (then affiliate o Gamble-Skogmo, Inc.) Chairman. Pr � dent Built assets fro $4 million to $12 millioa through sggressive markcting and busi s development campaigns . �rY rKl lL�1� �I. HNIhUNY rH �HN� rHn NU. b41U1�� r.U�/U� � � q��i�t4 I . AND�tEW BOSS EMP'LOYMENT HISTORY: (Continued) 1964 to 1967 NATTON ANK OF MINNE P�1 OLIS (nawly charterec downtown bank) Vice President; ecutive Committe�; Secretary to Board Responsible far tablishing the Cammercial Banking and Credit Departments Particip�tcd in d valopi�g bsnk's loaa aad deposit relatioaships with re.cult that assets grew to S 2 million in the firsc chree years 195G to 1964 CONTINENTA YLI-INOIS NATIONAL BANK. Chicagn Elected Assis Cashier following two years as Management Trainee and cwo years in Cre t Departrneat R�spcu�iblc for onrowing account relstionships ia Matropolitan smsll business loan gr up Respnncihle f�r tensive coaching �vith all n�u management trainees in ths crcdit a a Bi1$IlV�SS AFF�T.TATION�; Park Finaneial of St. Paul, Inc. - Preside , Direetor, Owner (�wns Sc. ,�nchony Pa�k Scaee Bank) Spacialty Manuf3cturin� Co., St. Paul, M esots - Director Piue (�tty Banwrpoi�tion, Pina City, Mi csota - Director, Owner Park Development Associates, St. Paul, innesoca - Partncr (Offica Suild'u�gs) St. Anth�ny Associates. St. Patil, Minnes ta - Partner (Commercial Buildings) '7300 Associates, Edins, Miunesota - P (Office Buildinp�s) COMMCJNITY 1NV'OLVEMENT: HUMAN SERVICES 1992 - Preseat St. Anthony P �Iome (Nursin$ Home) - Ethics C:ommittee 1991 - Pr�cscnt University Chil rea's Foundation - Director 2986 - 1988 Sc. Anchony P Block Nur�o Program - Din�ccor 1985 - 1988 Mother Cabrini aus, halfway house for mentally ill - Direccor 19S1 - 1939 CHART, Car /Life (:�unseling for Women - Director, Vice President 1950 - 1955 Muwcsota Co cil on Cbemical Deper►dency - Direetor, Founding Precident 1975 -].983 Enablers, supp far youth serving or�anir�uinns - Di��.tor, Presidcnc 1975 - 1978 Merriam Park ommunity Center - Director 19�3 - 1980 Wilson Ceater! sychistric Hospitsl for A.dolesceats - Director Tressurer 19�2 - 1978 Working Oppo ities for Women - Fuunilin� Inco�orator, Dircctor, Vice Fresid�nt 1969 - ] 971 Planned Paren od of St. Paul - Director 1967 - 1970 St. Paul Urbaa oslition - Director, Trea.eurez a�r rRi ic� io ai. niYin�iY� rn n DI'71Yn rnn iy�, v�tiuio� r, uu�w , ������ . AND1tEW BOSS COMIVII7�IITY IlWOY,VFMEL�T: (Contvaued) � CTVIC AND GOVERNMENTAL 1993 - Fresent Midwsy Chazn of Commerce - C.t�ir/75th Aunivcr�ary Ccicbration 1993 - Presen.t Sc. Anthony P Community Council (District 12) - Director 1990 - Prwcut St nnekony Pa Businass Association - Director, PrecidPnt 1955 - Present Public Housing gency of St. Paul - D;rxtor, Chairn3an 1478 - 1979 Midway Civic d Commerce Association - Director 1977 - 19S2 Citizens Le.s�u - Director, Vice Pr2sident, Study Comnlittee Chair 1963 - I9b4 'U.S. Jaycee 4 Gub (I.sr�e City Ghapttrs) - Dircctor, Presideat 1958 - 1964 Chicafio Jayc - Director, Vice Presiden[, Presidenc EDUCATIONAL 1994 - Preseat rriends of the . Paul Public Library - Diraccor 1987 - Preseat Metropolihen S te Univetsity Founclation - Trustee, Vice Chairn�an 1984 - 1986 'Voyageur ou Bount3 Schonl - Director 1981 - 1992 Minnesota Ncui ofits Assi�tanca Fund - Aclvisory Director 1980 - 1985 Adler Institute f Minnesota - Director. Presidenc 1977 - 1982 Minneesota S 1 c,f Ranking - Inswctor, Bank Management 19T1 - 1981 Minncsota Zoo gicsl Fouudation - Trustee 19�4 - I979 Park Press, �►c (Publisher, Park Bugle) - Foun�u�3 P��csidcnt, llirector 196b - 1976 Univercity of ianesota YMCA - Director, President CULTURAL 1989 - Present Music ia the P - Director 1933 - Prasent Northans C1ay enter - Founding President, Director 1975 - 2981 COMPAS/C ity Programs in Arts - Diraetar 1969 - 1975 St. Yaui Council of Arts and Sci�nccs - Dircctor, Presid�nt 1969 - 1972 St_ paul Cham er Orchestra - Director 19G8 - 19'71 Muusesob M um of Arc - Director 1962 - 1964 Society fnr Ch' •• �o Scrings - Dirtctor, Tressurer PHILANTHROPIC 1993 - Ptesent Hxrlan Bo� F dation for Thc Arts - Trustee, President 1990 - Present William $oss oundation - llirector, Presidenc 1985 - PYesent St. Paul Foun ian - Managemeni Tmprovement Advisor wewtuc,uPSw.+x.•� a���g�� . Interdepartmerrtal Me orandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� TO: Council Presi ent Dave Thune Councilmember aniae Rettman Counailmember erry Blakey Councilmember oberta Meqard Councilmember ichael Harris Councilmember rie arimm Councilmember iao 6uerin ��� �5m���� ��°���� FROM: Tom Marver\ ��� � � ��J�:t Jean Karpe DATE: September , 94 RE: SAINT PAUL PO AOT80RITY I Mayor Norm Coleman h recommended the reappointment and appointment of the f lowing people to the Saint Paul Port Authority: REAPPOINTMENT Howard Guthma APPOINTMENT Andrew Boss ' Attached is a copy of Mr. Boss' application. Their terms will expire on July 3, 2000. If you have any questions, please call me at 266 8508. Thank you. TM/jrk Attachments �