94-1414 0 R I G I Nq Council File # " L Green Sheet # 29387 RESOLUTIO � S INT P , MINNESOTA � J ? Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application for t renewal of various Class III and Supporting Licenses (I.D. #01363-67945) by he following persons at the addresses stated per the attachment be and the e are hereby renewed. Requested by Department of: Yeas Navs sent a e Office of License, Inspections and rimm uerin Environmental Protection arris e ar e man � un e �- e�� BY= Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secre ary .. --- � By: � . � -i�-9rC By: r Approved by or. t Approved by Mayor for Submission to ,j � Council �l' By: v By: q�� i �� � .� ' DEA4 N IC IL E INITIATED N� �'� � � � nistr t�on GRE�N SHEE CONT a a DEPARTMENT WAE mAUDATE ❑ CITY COUNCIL INITIA TE � 1 N � ClTY ATTOpNEY � CfTY GLERK MUST tt. AQ 8Y ( ) ER POR ❑ BUOQET DiPECTDR � FIN. & M(�T. SERVICEB DIN. � MAYOR (�i AS�STMI'n � � � TOTAL At OF SIt3NATURE PAOES (C ALL LOCATIONS FOR SKiNATURE) ACTION tiEQUESTED: ' .� Renewal of various Class III and Supp rtin:g LfcenBes(see attached list)(I.D. #01363-67945 RECOtiAMENDATi0P18: Approw (A) a I�sct (R) ERSONAL sERVICE CONTRAC'fS �AUST A►�SWER TNE FOLLOWINO OUEST10NS: + _ PLANNINO f�MMISSION _ CIVIL 8ERVICE CORAMISSION . H86 thie plr80Mir[11 9Vlr wOfkad Yflder a OOMfACt tOP MIE dlpt►tmeM? . YES NO _ CIB COMMiTTEE — . Ha8 thi8 psrSONflrm eve� bsen a Cily 6mployee4 z — gTi�F — YES NO � o�srRicr coutar _ . Doee this psrsoNNrm possesr a skul not nortna�h Pceseseed bY any cunent city anployee4' SUPPORTS wHICH COUPK:fI OBJECTIVET YES NO zplaln aH yu answ�n on �raN �M�t �nd �oh to gn�n ahwt INITIATMN� PROBLEM. 188UE. OPPORTUNtTY (1Mhu. WM�t� When� WhN�� ; > , Request for Council approval of the r newal of various Class III Licenss� (see attached list). All applications and fees hav been submitted. All required departmenta have ' reviewed and approved the application . � � ADVANTAf3E81F APPRG/ED: � � � SEP 19 i9.94 _ f., § .."" . . .: s. � DISADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: � f � � x �. c� � � �. . � . . .� .2� ' DISADVANTAOEB IF NOrf APPROVED: " �} c �. � � Any applicant not given Council appro 1 will be scheduled for a review befare a _ hearing officer. � � � � • � � � � � � TOTAL AMOIiNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REVENUE BUOQETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ;; FUNDIFI6 80URCE ACTIVITY NUMOER � ,a ! FtNANC1AL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) , t � NOTE: COMPIETE OIAECTtONS ARE INCLWEO IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAI AWI�LABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE (PHONE NO. 298-4225). " • ROUTING OHDER: �� Below are e�ect routlngs for tM Hve rtwtt traqusnt iypes of documents: CONTRAGTS (assumes authorized budp�t exists) COUNCIL RE$O�UTION (Amsnd Budpsb/Auc�pt. annts) t. Outside Agw�cy 1. Department Diredor 2. Depa�tmMi Qiroator 2. Budpet Drcec6or 3. City Attorney 3. City Attomey . �. Msyor (fa oor�ects over �1�.�00) 4. MayorlAssistant 5. Human RipMs (tor contracts over �i50,000) ' S. City Council 8. Finence and Manegement Servk:ss Director 6. Chlet Acxountant, Fina�ce and Manapement Servioes 7. Financs AccountMg ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (Budpet Revialon) COUNCiI RESOLUTION (ali othsrs, and OrdlnanCes) 1. Activity Manager 1. Depertment Director 2. Department AccountaM 2. Cfty Attotney 3. Dspertment Dkector 3. Mayor Aasiatent 4. Budget DireCtor 4. Cily CounCil 5. City Clerk 6. Chiei Accountant, Ffnar�e and Management Setvices ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (aU others) i. Department Directw 2. City Attomey 3. Ffaance and Manayement Ssrvices Directo� 4. City Clertt TOTAL NUMBER OF SICiNATUHE PAGES Indicate the #�of peges on whNch s�natures are requlred and pep�rclip or fl�y sach of these paiges. ACTION REOUESTED psscxibe what the projecthequest seeks W axomptlsh in eiMer chronologi- cai order or order ot importa�ce, whkhevec �S mast appropriate tor the issue. Do not write c:omplete sentences. Beqin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been pressnted betore any body, public or prlvate. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCiI.OBJECTIVE7 Indicate which Council objsctive(s) your proJecVrequest suppons by Ifsting the key word(s) (HOUSM(i, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDCiET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE GOMPIETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAI MANUAL.) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This intormation wiN bs used io determine the city's liability Ior woHcers compensation daims, taxas and propsr c•fvN servks hirtnp n,des. INITIATING PROBLEM, IS3UE, OPPORTUNITY Explafn the situation or conditbns that crealed a need fo� your project or request. : 1 ADVANTACaES IF APPROVED Indicate wheMer thia is simpiy ar► annuai budget procedure requfred by law/ charter or whether thera are specitic ways in whk� the City oi Saint Paul and its citizens wilF bene�it irom this p►ojecVaction. DISADVANTA(3ES IF APPROVED What negative effects or majo� changes to existing or past prxesses mighi this projecUrequest produce if it is passed (e.g., traHic delays, noise, � tax I�creases o� assessments)? To Whom? When? For how bng? OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What wili be the negative consequences if the prt�mised action is not appnoved? Inability to deNver service? Continued high traB�, noise, eccident rate? Loas ot revenue? FlNANCIAL IMPACT - Although you must tailor the informatbn you provide he►e to the issue you are, addressing, in general you must an6wer two que�tions: How much is it going to costT Who is pa� to payT � a� v 1 �I� 09-06-94 PAGE 1 GENERAL CLASS III RENEWS BUSINESS DBA/NAME .................. BUSINESS ADD ESS..... CLASS.III.LICENSE....................... LIC ID STAT CRAIG'S COUNTRY BOY 922 TMOMAS A E (01) OFF SALE MALT 01363 AC LEPAINTER BODY SHOP 744 3RD ST E (01) AUTO BODY REPAIR GARAGE 14772 AC ANDERSON-NELSON VF1J POST #1635 648 LAWSON A E E (01) GAMBLIN6 MANAGER 1810T AClC�� �I�'��'� QUALITY METALS ING 2575 DOSNELL VE (01) RECYCLING PROCESSING CENTER 19036 AC MIKE'S EAST SIDE AUTO CLINIC 510 WHITE B AVE N (01) GENERAL REPAIR GARAGE 19111 AC GREAT WESTERN RECYCLING INDUSTRIES, 521 BARGE CH NEL ROA (01) RECYCLING PROCESSING CENTER 19122 AC INC. p MARCH MOTORS 632 PRIOR AV N (O1) SECOND HD DLR-MTR VEH 67945 AC 7 records listed. 7 values listed. 09-06-94 LIST OF CLASS-I SUPPORTING GENERA LICENSES 1 BUSINESS DBA/NAME .................. BUSINESS ADDR SS..... GENERAL.LICENSE.................... LIC ID STAT CRAIG'S COUNTRY BOY 922 THOMAS AV I (01) GROCERY (C) 01363 AC (O1) CIGARETTE GREAT NESTERN RECYCLING INDUSTRIES, 521 BARGE CHA EL ROA (01) PRIVATE FUEL PUMP 19122 AC INC. D 2 records listed. 3 values listed.