94-1411 . ` Council File # _9�y��`l'I� ORIGINAL Green Sheet # 29386 OLUTION C .._ N AUL NNESOTA �� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That the On Sale Wine, d On Sale Malt (Strong Beer) License (I.D. #57570) currently held by Minne ta Historical Society dba History Center at 345 Kellogg Blvd. W. be and he same is hereby renewed. Requested by Department of: Yea Nays Ab ent a e Office of License, Inspections and rimm uerzn Environmental Protection arris e ar � e man . � � n une (/�� By: Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secret ry — B �-�� -9 By: � Approved by ay r. D te �/ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: By: ;� `7�''� � - � y DEPARTMENT IC N IL OA INITIATED � N� ���" '� ' LIEP/License Administration GRE�N S�"�EE CONTACT P i PHONE � pERARTMENT DIRE RI � A � � CITY COUNCII IhIT1A � Christine Rozek/266-9114 � CIT1'ATTOFWEY � C�l'YCLERK ;< MU T BE O COUNCIL ENDA BV (OATE) � � BUDOET DIRECiOR � RIN. 8'MtiT. SERYICES DtR. � ; CONSENT AGENDA � p � tiu►voa toR �ssisr�rm � U x TOTAL #t OF SKiNA'ftJRE PA�ES (CLI ALL LOCATIONS FOR SKiNATURE) t: ACI'ION RE�UESTEO: � � �� Renewal of an On Sale Wine, and On Sa Malt{Strong Beer) License (I.D. �57570) � RECOMMENDAT10N3: Approw (A) a Ry�ct (R) RSONAL SERVICE CONTIIACT'S MU=T ANSWER TME FOLLOWINIi f�UEST16il�: � _ PLANNINO COMMI3810N _ CIVIL 8ERV�E t�MMi8310N Has enis pe►soninrm evef work.d �nds� a ca,crec� �« mis aspe►nn.M� ' _ CIB CW�AMITTEE _ YES NO ^. Has this psreonlflrm ever besn a dly employeeT i — �� — YES NO �. � oisra�cr couRr _ ooes a,h psrsoNffrm poanss a sku� rwt norms+ly vosseseed bv arq+ c�rreM city ertwlayee� _ SUPPORT8 WHICH COUNCI� �.IECT1vE? YES NO plafn all ya answ�rs on Npa�t� sM�t �nd attaoh to �ro�n �Mst `'� f �, INRIATH�O PR08lEM. IS6UE. O�NITY (YNa. WMt. WR�sn. Whsre.. � 4 ' Minnesota Historical Society dba Hist ry Center requests Council app�oval of the rene�al f the On Sal.e Wine, and On Sale Malt (S rong Beer) License at 345 Rellogg Blvd West. Phil � Byrne and Robert Kessler have reviewe the applicati�n and have agreed that the LIEP Offic £ may now forward it to the Sai�nt Paul ity Council. The LIEP Office recommends approval. � ,� ADVANTiROEB IF APPROVED: � � � d i � : SEP 18 1994 : .. ---- -�---- ; DISADVANTAOES IF APPR01lED: b DISAQVANTAOE3 IF NOT APPqOVED: '' If Council approval is not received, pplicant will he scheduled for a review before a hearing of f icer . S . � . . � : .9. . � �. . . . . . . . . . � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = C08Tfl�BVENUE �UDQETEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER ' FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ,;* ; « MOTE: COMPlE7E OIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN TH� (3R�EN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAI ,; MANUAL AVMlA6LE IN TkE PURCHASING OFFICE (PHONE NO. 298«t225). " ROUTING ORDER: ' '' ?;� Bebw are oorrect routinya for ths flve moat fraquent typsa ot documenta: � • '' CONTiiACTS (assunves authodzad budgst sxists) COUNGik. R�SOLUTION (Amsnd Budpsb/Accept. (irmb) �� 1. Outaids Agency 1. Department Direcbr 2. Depertment Director 2. Budget Director 3. City Attorney 3. Ciy Attomey 4. Mayor (tor contracta over 515,000) 4. MayoNAs�isf�t _ 5. Human R�hts (to� contrada over 550,000j 5. Ciry Ccur►cil 6. Finance and Management Services Dlrector 6. Chief Account�t, F�oe�and Manapement Servioes 7. Finarxe Acc:oundng ADMINiS7RATIVE OADERS (Budpet Reviaion) COUNCIL RESOI.UTION (aN others, and On�nences) 1. Activity Manager 1: �epartment Director 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Mayor Assistant a. eudget Director 4. Ciy Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chisi Accountant, FMance and Management Servkes �! ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (ali others) 1. Depertme�t DireCtO► ' a 2. City Attorney 3. Fina�e and Management Servi�es Direcbr * 1 4. City Clerk ;. : TOTAI NUMBER C3F SIGNATURE PAGES �; Indicate the #ot pages on whk� aignatures are required and p�psrclip or fiag ' �ech of thASe psyes. � a. ACTION REOUESTED Describe what the pro�ecVrequest seeks to acxomplish in either chronobgi- �{' - ca� o►der or order of importance, whichever is most appropriate iw the issue. Do not w�ite complete seMe�ces. 8egin each ftem i� qour list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been preseMed betore any body, public or private. > < SUPPORTS WMICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? `} Indicate which Council objective(s) your projecUrequest supports by Nsting the key word(s) (HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPAAENT, �; BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPIETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) . PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This intormetion wNl be used to determine the city's IiaWllty for workera compensation clsims, taxea and propsr dvil servk� hirfnp rulea. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Explatn the aituatior► or condiUona that created a need for your project ;�' or request ADVANTAGES IF IkPPROVED tndicate whether this fa simply an annual butlget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are specific ways in which tt►e Clty of Safnt Paul and its dtizens will benefit from this p�ojecl/actlon. DISADYANtAGES IF APPROVED ' Whai negative eHects w major chengqs to existing or past processes might tnls projecurequest produce if it ia passsd (e.g., traHic de�ays, nase, tax increases or assessments)? To Whom� When? For how bng? � : DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROYEO ' t What wlli be the negative consequences it the promised actbn is not approved? Inebiliry to delNrer service? Continued high tratik, rwlse, . axident rata? Loss of revenue? FINANCIAI IMPACT Although you must tallor the informadon you provide here fo the tssue you are, addressing, in generaF you muat ar�+ner two questions: Ho�nr much ia it going to coat4 Who is going to pay9 a _t