95-89Referred To ORIGINAL RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNES07A Presented By 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Council File # � 5 — 11� Green Sheet # 30951 Committee: Date WI�REAS, the Saint Paul Department of Huxnan Rights is a Fair Employment Practices Agency authorized, by Chapter 183 of the Saint Paui Legislative Code, to enforce Title VII, of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; and, WHEREAS, the U.S. Equal Employment Opporhxnity Commission is authorized by statute to utilize the services of state and locai Fair Employment Practices agencies to assist it in meeting its mandate to enforce Title VII, of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended and has expressed a commihnent to developing and enhancing a system of "partnership" with Fair Employment Practices agencies; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Department of Humau Rights is hereby authorized to enter into a contractual agreement with the U.S. Equal Employment Opporhxnity Commission to investigate dually filed employment discrimination complaints. Yeas Adopted by Council: Date Adop�on Certified by Council :� �°�� � � � Requested � �M � � �_ � � S � S'� r/ DEPApTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED '' a, � v� 3 0 9 51 x,� x� br� lilli9s GREEN EET _ _ T INITIAVDATE CONTACT PERSON & PHONE � DEPARiMENT DIPE / CfiY CAUNCIL RSSIGN qryEy O CIiY CLEFK NUYBER MU , � T A �� O BUDGEf DIPECTOF O FlN.B MGT. SERVICES Dlfl. A SLi� OBDEfl r O ��� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUE5fED: Authorize Saint Paul Human Rights Department to enter into a contractual agreement with the U.S. Equat Employment Opportunity Commission to investigate dually filed employment discrimination complaints. RECOMMENDA710NS: Approve (A) or Reject (R� pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUS7 ANSWEFi 7HE FOLLOWINC� �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Has Nis perwn/firm ever worketl untler a contract for this department? _ CIB COMMfTTEE VES NO — 2. Has Mis person/firm ever been a city employee? _ STAFF — YES NO — DISTFIC7 CAUn7 _ 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normally possessed by arry current ciry employee? SUPPOpiS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE7 YES NO Ezplain all yes enswers on separate sheet and attaeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OP,PORTUNITY (WM, What. Whan, Where, Why): The EEOC is authorized by statue to utilize the services of state and local Fair Employment Practices (FEP) Agencies to assist it in meeting its mandate to enforce Title VII, of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. The EEOC has expressed a commitment to developing and enhancing a system of "partnership" with FEP agencies. The Saint Paul Department of Human Rights is a FEP agency. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. Human Rights Department would receive $500.00 for every employment discrimination case that we investigate, when the case is filed with EEOC. We will receive annual training, legal updates, and on-line computer hook-up with a national data base on Human and Civil Rights cases. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: Human Rights Department would incur administrative responsibility for reporting emp��meut�.;�",,::. .:.� �-��4'�� f discrimination cases to the U.S. EEOC in a format established by the EEOC. J�?� z �} �995 DISADVANTAGES If NOTAPPflOVED: Human Rights Department would continue to investigate employment discrimination cases, but would not receive the funds or other benefits indicated above. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S' c+� I, I b�• � � COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIF]G SOUHCE AC7IVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOFMATION: (EXPLAIN) ; s -�� CTTY OF SAINT PAUL 1�►M '7� 5173\'�71L��1�►M�`Il���(�J7�►L�I/Jrl DATE: TO: fy.t�)�i January 20, 1995 Mayor Coleman City Councilmembers 7osephier Brown, Director 1 ' • ' I�I 1 . �, . .� SUBJECT: U.S. Equa1 Employment Opportunity Commission Conlract The Saint Paul Department of Human Rights (HRD) is requesting authorization to enter into a contractual agreement with the U.S. Equal Employment Oppoctunity Comxnission (EEOC). This memo will provide, in suinmary form, information about the EEOC contract and tl�e benefit(s) the agreement would bring to the City of Saint Paul. Background: There is an acknowledged need to ensure the employment rights of individuals granted by Chapter 183 of the Saint Paul Legislarive Code (Human Rights Ordinance). Under the provisions of the Human Rights Ordinance the HRD receives and investigates employment discrimination complaints that are filed by citizens of Saint Paul in accordance with the theories developed tmder Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended. The EEOC is authorized by statute to utilize the services of State and Local Fair Employment Practices (FEP) Agencies to assist it in meeting its mandate to enforce Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. The EEOC has expressed a commitment to developing and enhancing a system of "partnership" with FEP Agencies. The EEOC has already established contract agreements with the Sta#e of Miunesota, Department of Human Rights, and the City of Minneapolis, Civil Rights Deparhnent. The EEOC has expressed a desire to establish a contract with the Saint Paul Depaztment of Human Rights. Contract Issues: The contract agreement we are seeking to enter is for the 1994-1995 fiscal year. The contract is renewable every fiscal year thereafter. The agreement provides that the EEOC will pay the HRD �[ s -$� $500.00 for each employment discrimination complaint that is investigated by the HRD and is also processed and filed with the EEOC. The contract amount is based oa the investigation of 100 employment discrimination complaints per fiscal yeat. At $500 per case the annual contract amount wili be $50,000.00. The EEOC will atso provide computer hardwaze and soflwaze that would altow electronic transfer of data between FIItD in Saint Paul and the EEOC in Washington D.C.. The contract contains the federal government's standard indemnification clause. This clause requires the City to indemnify the EEOC, its officers, agents, employees and assignees, for a11 claims of any nature arising out of the CiTy's performance of this contract, including costs and expenses resulting from such claims." Impact: The HRD currentiy receives and investigates empioyment discrimination compiaints. Approximately 60% of the complaints filed with the I3RD allege discrimination in employment. Under this contract the complaints that we investigate wiil be "dually filed" with the EEOC using reporting procedures that reflect EEOC requirements. The EEOC contract amount is based ixpon processing 100 cases annually. We do not anricipate a significant increase in the volume of complaints received. Benefit to the City: By filing the empioyment discrimination cases that we investigate with EEOC, the Human Rights Department would receive $500 for each case thus filed. In addition to the actual dollars received, the department would benefit greatly from the professional training that is mandated and paid for by the EEOC. Another benefit is the computer system that provides on-line access to a nation-wide data base of case law and human rights issues. Please let me know if you require more information or further clarification. Justice, peace, equality c:�lesiequal\eoo(fr