94-1398 •- � r'� Council File #` 9 1- { — � 3 9 c� � �,�--i� ' ��57 I �F — ����`�tgt{ "(`� -__ Green sheet ,� � r ] � 3 O �� ��°\�� ORDINANCE � CITY OF 1 T PAUL MINNESOTA � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 An ordinance ending Chapter 33 of the Saint 3 Paul Adminis ative Code establishing the milage 4 reimburseme rate. 5 6 THE COUNCIL OF THE CTTY F SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 7 8 Section 1 9 10 Chapter 33.01 of the Saint Paul islative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 11 12 Chapter 33. eimbursement for Car Expense* 13 14 Sec. 33.01. Auto reimbursement au horized. 15 16 . City officers and employees ay be reimbursed for the use of their own 17 automobiles for official city busine s. To be eligible for such reimbursement, all of�cers 18 and employees must receive writte authorization from his or her department, division or . . .. ,.: ....... :.: : .,.., .:: :.::: .:::.... :... ,....,.. � ::.... ..... ,....,...... >:,.:.....;� � ;:.� :.� ::: . . :,..:.: ::::::.... ;�::.ri.....,:.:: � ::., :.::. :.: : : ::....:.:::......�.. � : , .: ....::. � :: .:: . v ..., : ...,.,.:: ...::: ; :. ; :::.;..::::..,..:.�:.::i.::::.. �:» :..::.:.:::::::. :>:.;::::.:::.:...:. ..... : .,. .:...:..: i..:. •.:.: ; .,..:..::f::::.�::.. ; ::: 19 office d�rector. �.'�� ,� :c���u��: ��ts �'�� �� ��:t��::::��:;;a�.o�:�:t�:::: .:c���bed �:��1��. { ::.:::::::.� ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::: :.:::::::::::::: :.:::::::::::::.�:::::::::::::::::::::::::................... .,..... .....................................:...� ... �.::::< .::...::::::::::::::::::::::::....:�:::.:::. �.::.::.::.::.,:.:::.:::.::.:.:.:: ::;.::.:::.:::;:<.:�.::.;�.;::::<: .:; ::::::..:::::::.�. . .:..� :::. .::: ::;.:.:.::: :::.:::.::.;::...... .. ....................... .... ... ::<:>:;.:..:::.:.:.... ;.;;:.::.:::.::.::.<:>::: :::> ::.,<:.::::.::.;:>�>:.>:::.:.;:.:::::: .: � : . . .:: �.�.::. . ::: :. ,:..:..::..: : : ..:::..: .:. . .:..:::: .... .:..:.....:...:.::. . ::.....:.......:::..�:: :: ....:: :.. 20 �: ::::��:�::::���.�::;�����:t�.�>::���€�e:::: : : u��::::�a:>:����c�:::��:#::::��::<�:�::: : . . .: .; . : :.;.: �.;:�::.::.:::.::.::.:.:�:.;:.::.::.::.>:.:�>:.;:.::.;:.::.::.::;.::�:<.>:.::::: _.>:.>:.::.:.::.::::::.. . . . � : � .. � : : � . � � : �� :x� e :: ; � � t� � .,::.:�.::�.. . ..............................:...:....:...:�.:>:.:::::::.>:�>::::.::.::.::.;:.::.:.�.:,,.::::: ::::.,...::..�.::.>.::..<.,.:: . .:::�.:.........:...:..... ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . . . . ,. . . :.. : :.. . . . :.. : . . . . . . >. :.>: :.>::.::.::..:::::.:::: :: : :::.. ::: : : <:: : . .: .: .: . ... . ...... :::.......:...........................................; .......,,...:.: ::::::,:.....: :::.. 21 ��::::�:'�����:��''<��d�� , ... ......... .;:.. : . ...:�: ::. .. :.... 22 . 23 24 . 25 , 26 . 27 , . 28 29 �e�€ . 30 31 , 32 33 34 , 35 ' , 36 . 37 38 . 39 , 40 . 41 , . 42 � �y—�3��( 1 , 2 3 4 , 5 , 6 . . 7 8 . 9 „ �r 10 11 . 12 13 . 9}� . 14 15 . 16 17 , 18 19 20 , , 21 , . 22 , 23 , 24 . 25 26 , 27 28 , , 29 30 , . 31 32 l i Section 2 33 34 Sec. 33.02. Rules and regulations. I I 35 36 (a) The mayor shall adopt rul and regulations governing the procedures for 37 automobile reimbursement, which egulations and rules shall contain the requirement 38 that recipients shall file daily repo indicating miles driven and shall �ile monthly 39 affidavits stating the number of d s worked and the number of miles driven; and further ..., . .... ,. . . . . . . , . .. : : : : :.: . .: : : .: . . . . . :.: . . . „v . . n . ., N . . ., • ...:.M1...v::::::nn .......::...:. .1 jii;;: iv:•i}.n.. .H.;:C;:C 40 re uire that � .:::::.::::.:..�:�i:::��t :�:>:�t��::::C�t14��t �::::�`:��!:�:►�i��:��:�:::��?€.� maintain 9 � ....:�.::.x,�..�„x,... . c�G ,g.;::::..>:.><:>:>::::::.:.::>:.::.::.::>:..::.:.��:.::,.��::.:.:::::.r.. 'rii:�;:: � : Yw :::::::::::.:�••:::.::: • x.F,•, . ., +f.hi::•:jy' ,• '4iYhii 41 automobile liabili f insurance ����"��:::�`� :': �LB::::�`ti�:�#�;��'����::::�:�'��'� €�.:. :��R��:':� �Y �:::::: � :.;:.3�:::.;:.;:.;:.;;:.>:.;;:.:>:.;:;!�::.;:.>:;;:.;:;:<:.>::::�»;:.:�;:.::<.::::�::::::::.�..����..::.;:::.::.::.;:.::::::::::� ..... .: ..............., .... ........ .. ...... ....... . ..:.,.,......::::.:.:.:.:.. ,::.:::.: .....:.:.:.::.:::.>::.:::<:;:<: ::. .:.:..�::::..:. ::::.....::;.:;::::::::::::::.;.::...........,......:..... ....:...:....,..::.::.:��.::.:��: �;�: ..: :..:. ..n.... r.i}}:4:i.:::.}::{.'f.niii}i•.}:: •::i:?{nii::i::: •::ii:::i::{.:•'i.• { .:...... ......:....:.:.. .. ..:} i: .:.i:.}.}. i: .f:: :.::.::.::.: ::..:: i:::ri: Si:: •:i:viiiX: :.i:r,.i::{f:::::.:T: . . . i:} . iia .. . .... .l...1�f :1f. ..< 42 : :....: .:::::..:��;:;>:���:� ::: � .��. .;:;:: . . �:::::: : �:::>< :. .. : :::: :::::: � .� �:.:: ::::. : :.. : .� �::::::.. . �..; :. ::::: :�:..�:..: ::`::�: : :.: � : : .c�.�.��€:�t�.: �:Q:�..�.....�..�..�.�.:�i�:�t.:����.>�:�.. ... �.. .:�.:...: :.��a��S�.�:.:..�"�.:�:��:��;.:..�'..�.....�:t1.�±?�:::..C�.�.. :�r..�',� :�..:..:�.d..��E. � : ..::::: :..... •..f ..::�.,•. ..,..,o�:fa.a:..•::..•:..t.c::::..•::.�.�::.+.•:f•:::::: .•::::::....:::::::::..:...f:.::.,•::::...:•:::wn+c:tt•�:•::::...fo:::::.:fnfff•.::r.o 43 ��»��.��:��::::'�:�>?':<�:�::::":�::''� , . . . . �: : .. . :.. :.:..�.�.�: :.: �.:. .. . . :.:., :.: : <�.;. : �� �,::. .:.:�,. ::.:.::..:::::::. .:.::. 44 , . , 45 , . , 46 , . , with the City of Saint 47 Paul named as an additional insur d. These rules and regulations, together with the 48 amendments thereto, shall be mai tained on file with the city clerk. 49 50 (b) The amounts of automobil liability insurance required by this section shall not 51 become applicable to any employ who is represented by a recognized bargaining unit 52 until such time as the amounts ar negotiated and included in a collective bargaining �'� - i �`� $ 1 contract with that unit. 2 3 (c) Recipients shall �ile certi� te of insurance for the coverage required above and 4 the certificate shall provide that t insurance shall not be terminated unless the city 5 shall first have received the notice of intent to cancel as required by Minnesota Statutes, 6 Section 65B.16 or Section 65B.17. 7 8 Sec. 33.03. Volunteers; insurance. 9 10 Nothing in tlus chapter shall b� construed as requiring volunteers, who use their 11 personal automobiles in the servic of the city and who are approved by the city for 12 volunteer service, to comply with t e specific requirements of this chapter as regards 13 insurance. Such volunteers shall fil such insurance as may be required by and 14 satisfactory to the mayor, and the ayor is authorized to approve the payment to 15 such volunteers of an appropriate 'leage reimbursement. 16 17 Section 3 18 19 This ordinance shall take effect an be in force thirty days from and after its passage, 20 approval and publication. B1� �� �� Requeated by Department of: Grimm �uerin a� R �f e man u � �� By: Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secreta y gY: By� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date Council By: By� Council File # ��.�1 ORIGiNAL � Green Sheet # 2 � O 3a ORDINANCE CITY OF AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred Ta � Committee: Date 1 2 An ordinance mending Chapter 33 of the Saint 3 Paul Administ ative Code establishing the milage 4 reimburseme rate. 5 6 THE COUNCII, OF THE CITY F SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 7 8 Section 1 9 10 Chapter 33.01 of the Saint Paul Le islative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 11 12 Chapter 33. eimbursement for Car Expense* 13 14 Sec. 33.01. Auto reimbursement au horized. 15 16 City of�cers and employees ay be reimbursed for the use of their own 17 automobiles for official city busine . To be eligible for such reimbursement, all officers 18 and employees must receive writte authorization from his or her department, division or , •,r:.. ..:::..•..•:::::.....•'r:2�i::."::•`.?•`.�ii:�:;r:rri.y :.s :.: :..::.:::.;;:...: ::....,.:..:':".`: iSi`:�f: : �:�i::�: �:::�:::j: •.> 1 ffi irector. : .; ,.�.:::....,.:.:.;.:,:.:.� : .: . : . .: : ., . � : . : ..�. ,..::...: :.:::. �.>_ : `��� ;:>.. : : :: . � : ::::: :..,.::.,.::,:>:..:,:,.,:,::.: :::: ; : .: .: : �� � � :> : :. .: . .:.':.:.>.::.::::.>.;;::::::: :��,�::: 9 o ce d � ��� ��:�?���:.:: >:;:.;;ts �� �� ���::;:�� ���.fi.� ���;�'��� ����1�� .::::::::.::::::: :;;:::::.;.:.::.;:.::: :.:.. �.;:.::.>:.:<.;;;:.::.;:.;:.;:.;� �.::.:::::.>:...;:.>::>::>::>::»:::::::::::::;:>:.::.;::<.:::::.;:.>:: :.;;:.;;�:.>;:.>:::;:::>::.::.:�.:;�.<.;:<:.: :::.::.;:.;:<:. :;:<::.;;;:.;::.;;::.::.:::...::.:.�.;:.;;;:.;:;::.;:;;.;::...:.;::.:�.:.;: 2 >��::`»>::::�.:::.;:...::.:� ��.>::::�....�. ��.�::>�:�..�:..:�.�.:::::: o h....��.�..���.�::��:�� : : ���>::��:>:�����::::��:�:>�:��::�:��i�:<:��:��<::���� .:::�::.;:.;:.::.::.: �:.::.>:.>:<.>;:.:;::;:.;:.:::.:::.::.::.:::.:::::.:::.:::.:::::.::.:::.::::::::.::.:::.:::.:::�.::. .;:.;:.:::.::.: �::::.::.::.:::.::.:;:.::.::.:::.::.::.>:.>:.::.::.: :.::.::.::.:::.::.::.::.:::.:::.::.::.::.:::.::.;:.::.>:;:.::.::.::.::.:::.::.::::::.::.::.:::>::.::.:;:.:;:.;::.::.>::.;:.;;::.; ,. .........................................;........ ._............ ....... ... 21 ��>:<�'�$�:::�::::�?:���:: , .. ........ ....:.. ..... . ::.�::. .. .::. 22 . 23 24 . 25 , 26 . 27 , . 28 29 . 30 31 , 32 33 34 , 35 ' , 36 . . 37 38 . 39 , 40 . 41 , . 42 eae � 1 , qy-�3a$ 2 3 4 , 5 , 6 . . 7 8 . 9 � 10 11 . 12 13 . . 14 15 . 16 17 , 18 19 20 , , 21 , . 22 , 23 , 24 . 25 26 27 28 , , 29 30 , . 31 32 Section 2 33 34 This ordinance shall take effect an be in force thirty days from and after its passage, 35 approval and publlication. 36 Yeas Na s Ab I nt B1 � �'— Requested by Department of: �rimrn Z�uerin a� R �t e man u� BY� For Appro ed by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secret y gy: . By� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date By: By� ' � �� DEPARTME IL INtTIA D N O � 7 O O ` ' cit cou��i� ��3�94 GREEN SHE�E ; corr a P►+oNe �mwon� n�m e � o��e� rn� � cm couNCx. �. Counc i Imember H ar r i s 6 9 6 3 0 � 0 cm nrtor+aEr � cmr c��ac '' Musr ee oN i� a� er a► �� suoo�'r aaECror � fln. a►aor. s�tv�c�s ar�. � p � MAYOA (OR AS313TI4PIn � TOTAL #�.OF �NATUA� PAQES (CL ALL LOCATIONS FpR 8tQNATURE) '� ACTION RE�UE3TED: . ,: ; An ordinance amending Chapte 33 of the Saint Pau1 Administrative�Code � .� establishing the mileage rei ursement rate. � �s �F i . RECOWMAENDATION8: Approw f1►? ar Rs)act (R) ER$ONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUET A!(SWER THE POLLOMflNQ QUESTIOM3: � � � PLANMN�O WMMI3810N _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Plas dt16 piri0nffi►m BYer YlroPksd W1di► s COntf�t 40► thi5 d�fb116nCt �� _ CIB COMt�ArtTEE _ YES NO � . Hea this peroon/flrtn evet been a CHy empl0yee? b _, sTA� — YES NO - I ____ D18TRICT COUR7 _ . Does ihio person/firm pos�sss a ekill not normaqY Po�s�d bY ury arreM cUY empbY�s? SuPPORT8 WHICH COUNqI OBJECTiVE9 YES NO � zplain all y�� an�wsn on s�r�ts sM�t and �h to �MNn N�t ; I: >,� �rom�nru� P�eM. iss�, o�atuNmr nww. vw,a. wn.�. wnere, � _ � F ' Various bargaining units hav different reimbursement rates for miieage. F � � k �: � - . . . . .. �1 � I � ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: i h. � The._�same mileage policy woul be applied to all city emgloyees, accordi to IRS standards. _ r � � �;� DI&1DVANTAOEB IF APPRONED: , � � � � � � � �`. None. . � � �, � �. �� ` �: ' DIBADYANTAOEH IF NOT APPROVED: . � � '� "; � � r� € '.G � f' 'f � TOTAL AMLIUNT Of fRAt�ACTiON = COST/PIEY6NUH �UD�iETED (CHiCLE ONE) YES NO ,� � i I FUNDIGKi SOURCE ACTIVITY NUM9ER FINANCIAL INFORMATION; {EXPIAIN) '€ � � ��{ � . . . . . . . i � f � NOTEi COMPIETE DIRECTtONS ARE IMC��D IN tHE:CiR6EN SHEE7'"'INSTRUCTIONAt MANUAL AVAILABLE tN THE PURCNJISIN(3 dFF10E (PFIONE 1�10. 298-�225). � j ROUTiNd ORDER: ' Below are co�ect routlngs for the five mosE haqusnt types.bt documents: GONTRACTS (assum6s authorized budqet exists) COUNCII RESOLU'f�N (Amend 8udpets/Accept. aru►ts) t. Outside Age�cy t. Depard»ent Director 2. DepartmerN Diroctor 2. Budpet Daector � 3. City Attorney 8. Gity Attomey 4. Mayor (for contracts ower s15,000) 4. MayodAssistant 5. Humen Rights (tor cont�acts over 350.OQ0) 5. Cily Coundl 8. Finance and Man�em�nt Servicss Director 6. Chief aocouMant, Finanaeand Management S�ervioes 7. FMance AcxounN�g . � r �. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (Btu�et Revisbn) COUNCI� RESOLUTION (!t� otMri, and OrdNunoss) � 1. Activiry Menager i; Depertmsnt�Dlroctor 2. Department Accountant 2. City Atta'nay 3. Depa�tment Director 3. Mayor AasfataM 4. Budget Diroctor 4. City Council ' 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Finar�ce and Manegement Services AOMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (ali othera) " 1. Departmemt Director 2. City AttornByr � 3. Finance and Manegement Servkes Direcfor ? s 4. City Cterk TOTAI NUMBER OF SIC�INATURE PAGES Indicate the �of pagea on whfch s�atures are required and pepercllp or flw �ach of tl»ss p�pN. ACTION RE�UESTED Describe what the projecUrequeat seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cei o►der or order oi importance, wMchever is most eppropriate for the issus. Do not wrfle complete sentences. 8egin each item in your list with `s fl V6(b. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete il the issue In queetion has been prosented betore any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII 08JECTIVE? Indicate which Councfl objective(s) your projecUrequest supports by listi�g the key vvord(s) (HQF1StNG, RECREATION, NEIQHBOfiHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATtON). (SEE COMPIETE UST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) PERSONAI SERVICE CONTRACTS: This informatlon witi be uaed to determi� the cityls IiabHiry tor workers compenaation claims, taxss ��d prop�r dvil s�rvkkx hiNnp rules. INITIATING PR08LEM, IS3U�, OPPORTUNITY Explain the situMion or uonditions that created a rwed (or your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budgst procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are apecific waya in which the Clty of Saint Paul and ita cidzens wiii bene�i (rom tMs projecUaction. DISADVANTAf�ES IF APPROVED What negative eHecta or ma�or changes to existing w past processes might this pro�ecUrequeat produce � it is passed (e.g., traftic dslays, noise, tax increases or assessmenb)7 To Whom? 1Nhsn? For how long7 DISADVANTA(3ES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative conaequences it the promised action is not approved? InabiNty to deliver service? ConNnued high traHic. noise. �cident rate? Loss of revenue? FINANCiq� IMPACT Although you must taNw the information you provide here to the issue you are, addressinq, in general you must answer two questbns: How much is k gang to coat? Who is gang to pay? �� " q y -�3 _� �=,�, �':. CITY OF SAINT PAUL i =�--� � OFFI OF THE CITY COUNCIL �" _ - MICHAEL. J. HARR[S Councilmember / M rs: chael J. Harris, C6air Jerry Blakey Dino Guerin Janice Rettman Dave Thune Date: September 14, 1994 COMMITTEE REPORT , CITY OPERATIONS COMMI EE 1. Discussion regarding Payrol '(Chair Harris) DISCUSSION ONLY - NO CTION NEEDED 2. Ordinance 94-859 - an ordi ance to require notice to the Chief of Police of the presence of firearms in on-s e liquor premises, and to require training of bartenders on firearms and the use of d adly force (Laid Over in Committee 8-10-94; readings continue in Council) (Staff: Bob Kessler, LIEP) - REFERRED TO COUNCIL TH NO RECOMMENDATION, 3-0 3. Policy Discussion on Street I 'ghting. (Staff: Don Sobania, Public Works) DISCUSSION ONLY - NO CTION NEEDED ��, �4./� Ordinance - amending Chapt r 33 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code establishing J the mileage reimbursement ate (Laid Over in Committee 6-8-94 for discussions to ° occur at the Executive Labo Management Committee). (Chair Hams) REFERRED TU COUNCIL 2-1 (RETTMAl� 5. Ordinance 94-1310 - an or inance amending the Legislative Code by adding a provision which would decla e graffiti a blighting influence on the community and that the presence of graffiti constitutes a public nuisance subject to the summary abatement procedures in Ch ter 45 (Referred from Counci19-7-94). (Staff: Chuck Votel, Public Health; Counc members Blakey and Grimm) LAID OVER IN COMMI E TO OCTOBER 12, 1994 CITY HALL THIRD FLOOR � SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/266-8630 s.� ae Printed oa Recycled Paper