94-1394 , . • Council File # � � 0 R I G I N A L Green Sheet # I RESOLUTION CITY OF AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1� Presented By Referred to Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Pau has been awarded federal Americorps and state 2 Youth Works grant funds, and 3 WHEREAS, these funds are targe ed for the developunent of a 76 meaiber youth 4 service corp, and 5 WHEREAS, the Council of the Ci y of Saint Paul hae approved the acceptance of 6 and the proper execution of ap ropriate contracts for this grant per Council 7 File 94-1103, and 8 WHEREAS, it has since been det rmined that the qrant would be better 9 adminiatered by the Division o Parks and Recreation rather than the original 10 idea of being contracted to an outside agency, and 11 WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant t Section 10.07.01 of the City Charter does 12 certify that there are availab e for operation revenues in excess of those 13 estimated in the 1994 budget, nd 14 WHEREAS, Council File 277520, dopted October 1, 1981 did establish certain 1 5 special fund policies, and 1 6 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends he followinq changes to the 1994 budget: 17 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECO OMIC DEVELOPMENT ZS GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT AND TRAI ING PROGRAM 1 9 CURRENT AMENDED ZO FINANCING PLAN BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 2 1 345-36581-3199 Fed Direct Gra ts-State 1,060,763 (1,060,763) 0 22 SPENDING PLAN 2 3 345-36581-0547 Payment to Sub Grantee 963,263 (963,263) 0 2 4 345-36581-0558 Trans to Speci 1 Rev Fund 97.500 (97,500Z 0 2 5 1,060,763 (1,060,763) 0 2 C DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATI N 27 PARKS GRANTS AND AIDS 2 8 CURRENT AMENDED 2 9 FINANCING PLAN BUDG�T CHANGES BUDGET 30 860-33192-3199 Fed Direct Gra ts-State 0 1,251,901 1,251,901 31 860-33192-4301 Normal Activit Services 0 50.000 50,000 32 0 1,301,901 1,301,901 33 SPENDING PLAN 34 860-33192-011l Full Time Perm nent 0 253,500 253,500 35 860-33192-0132 Not Cert Temp/ easonal 0 580,640 580,640 3 6 860-33192-0219 Fees Other Pro Servicee 0 8,000 8,000 37 860-33192-0221 Postage 0 840 840 38 860-33192-0222 Telephone 0 400 400 39 860-33192-0237 Parkinq Expens 0 2,400 2,400 4 0 860-33192-0241 Printing-Outsi e 0 600 600 41 860-33192-0251 Transportation 0 3,200 3,200 42 860-33192-0282 Building Renta 0 6,000 6,000 43 860-33192-0299 Other Misc Ser ices 0 30,000 30,000 44 860-33192-0368 Office Supplie 0 2,000 2,000 4 5 860-33192-0389 Other Misc Sup lies 0 20,000 20,000 .� � 4 f } ✓,� � ` 1 �� • � . 1��� � > � . �� ' ' w � � ��i I ��`� 4 6 860-33192-0439 Fringe Benefi e 0 120,321 120,321 47 860-33192-0815 Desk, Chairs, Tables 0 500 500 48 860-33192-0857 Data Proceasi g Hardware 0 3.500 3.500 4 9 0 1,301,901 1,301,901 50 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, hat the City Council authorizes the proper City 51 officials to enter into the n cessary agreemente to expend thie qrant and 52 approves theae changea to the 1994 budqet and intende to authorize unspent 53 grant monies to be sutomatica ly re-appropriated in 1995 to avoid a lapse in 54 service delivery, the two yea total not to exceed the above budget. Yeas Nays Absen Blakey Requested by: Grimm � Guerin Div' 'on of arks and ecreation Harris Megard gy, Rettman Thune A,pproval Recommended by Budget Dir ctor: ,, By: I � i ` Adopted by Council: Date q� Form oved b 't A torney Adoption Certified by Council Sec etary ay: = �-L o � y� By Approved by Mayor for Su mission to Approved May D � Counc 1 �22 �/� �' ' C� By: By; ,. � �� ` � � � .. �C� p t DEPARTM T/OFFtC �. INIT1 TED V N� � O� V - ommunit Services - Pa�ks GREEN SNEET �_ ACT PEFi80N d NE DEPl�R7MENT DIRE CTOR� A �� CITY COUNCII � 11 n BLack Kath Saliman " c Arn��Y �GTMC� = MU8T 8E �UNCM. AQE ( TE) � F T DIREGloDR � FIN. 8 MOT. SERVK�B WR. � MAYOR (OR A881STANT) � -��-�--�4C � TOTAL #� OF 8KiNATURE PAOES (C ALL LOCATIONS FOR SKiNKfURE) Pdl" S ;� . i ACTION REQUES'TED: } �' Approval of Council Resolution au orizing the of budget authority from PED 7 �,. ta Parks and Recreation and autho zing the implementation of the FWture Force Progra . �: � �:� • r ' RE�MENDATIONB:'�x°�° !Af °r Ry� (R) ERSONAL 8ERVICE CONTRACTS MUBT AT�fWER TFIE ROLL0ININO �UESTiON�: ` _ PLANNINCi t�M�IS310N , CrvIL SERVICE WMMISSION Has this peteon/firm sver woiked under e oorAract tOr Mis depUrtment9 � _ CIe COMMI7TEE ,_ YE5 NO > � ' . Has this pe►sa►/if�m swr been a city empi0yse? � .� STAFF — YES NO � _ ��sTRicr couaT — . Does tt�is persoNfirtn pos�ess a�dp not norma9Y Pwseesed bY �Y �� �Y �WoY�e� sUPPORT8 wWICH C�UNCIL OBJECTIVE4 YES NO � pleln �tl ya �nswas on sap�r� st�t ald �ttach to ptwn sM�t ' � ., � :' iNm�►nrx3 rHOe�eM. issue. oPPOaruNirr lwiw, wn.�. w�,. wn.�., :� The City of Saint Paul has been awa ed federal Americorps and State YOuth Warks � �, grant and funds to develop and im ement a 76 member Youth Service Corp called = FUTURE FORC�. Participants in thi program will focus on areas of need that will ��: � impact the future of our corr�nuni t s chi ldren, nei gfiborhoeds �nd el derly. ��; , � :� � I ADVANTAt3ES IF APPROVED: ' � The Saint Paul co�nunity will great y benefit from the comnunity service wflrk �o be �� ; performed by the participants of t is program that addresses :commr�urrity needs in the � areas of learning readin,ess, schoo success, neighborhood revitalization and public � ' safety. - � y ,� 4 � , DISADVANTIK�@8 IF APPROVED: �' ti Re,e�t t� � � None. . � � � SEP 21 1994 . � ;� � � -- �� DIBADVANTAGES IF NO? APPROVED: s Comnunity needs wi11 not be met. '; � � :� :� � � ;: � , TOTAL AMpUNT OF TRANSACTION = � � 3�� , 901 . COgT/REV1lNUE BUDOETEp (CIRCLE ONE) r�s ( No� f �-� ��, Fuao�NO sounce Federal and State Grants Acr,v,rr r�,,d�R 33192 �� ' FINANCIAL lNFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � � % i � �� ; � � � � v c � • Y NOTE: COMPLETE DIREGTIONS ARE INi3l.,t�lED {N THE QFi�EN SHEET IN$TRUCTIONAL '� MANUAI AVMLABtE IN THE PUR�F.IASING OFFICE (PHONE NO. 298-4225). _; � ; RtSUTING ORDER: Bebw are correct routinys (or the tive moat frequenl �ypes of documenb: �� '� COhi7'FiACTS (essumes suthorized IxidgN exfsts) COUNCltsAESQL6iT10N (Amend BudpsttlAccept. (irants) A t. Outa�e Ag�r►cy . i. DepaAment Direc�or 2. Department Director 2. Bndpet Direc� • 3. City Attomey 3. City At�mey ' 4. Mayor (for contract� rnror 515,000) - 4. Meyor/Assislant S. Human Rlghts ((or conUacts over �50,t�) 5. Cily Counc� 8. Finance and Menagement Services CNrecta' 6. Ch�f AccouM�t, Finanoe�and M�agement 3ervioas 7. . Finarace /�cc�uc�dag _ ADMINISTRATIVE OROEAS (Budgst Revision) COUNCfL RESOLUTION (all othsre, and Ordinences) 1. ACtivity Met�ager 1: D�artms�f Director 2. Department Accauntant 2. City Attorney :; - 3. DepartmeM Dlroctor 3. Mayw AssisteM 9. Budgef Director 4. City CounCil 5. City Gierk 6. Chief Accountant, Finsr�e end Managsm�nt Servk�s IIQMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all othe►s) 1. Department 4�ector ' ; 2. City Atto�ney 3. finance and ManagemeM Services Dire�tar 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBEA Of StYiNATURf PAGES I�dicate the #�ot pages on which signaturos aro required and p�psrcllp or flw �ach at thes� paq�s. ACTION RE�UESTE� ` Descxibe what the projed/request aeeks to accompiish in either chronologi- cal order or order o( irt►portance, whichsve� is mc�t appropriate for th� issue. Do not write cmnplete seMences: Begin sach Item in your list with a verb. ve R�OMMENDATIONS Complete ii the issue in qusstion has been prosented betore any body, pubik or privete. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE� � � indicate which CouncN objective(s) your projecthequest aw�orts byr iiatlng .;, � k the key word(s) (HQUSINt3, REC�iEAT10N, NEIGMBORH�JODS, ECONOMIG DEVEL�PMENT, BUD(3ET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAI MAPIUAt.) f'�� PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS: This intormation vrNi be used to d�t�mine the city'a Iie�bNity for workers canpensatlon claims, tanes end propsr civil servk�s hkirp rWes. INITIATtN(3 PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPP�RTUNITY Explain the sltuation or ao�ditbns that created a rreed for your project w request ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether thia ia simply an annuel budget proce�re requirod by Iaw/ charter or whether there afe specif[c ways irt which the Gy oi Sai�t Paul and �s dtizens �viN benelif irom this proJecUacNori. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or m�o� changes to existing or past processes might thia project/request produc� it ft is passed (e.g., t�a�ic detays, noise, ; tax increases or a9sassmsnts)? To Whom? Whsn4 For h�► bng7 °� DISAOVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What wili be t� nsgative conssquences if ths promfsed actbn is not epproved9 Inability to deNver service? Conii�ued high traific, rwiae, accide�t rate� loss of revenue? t� FINANCIAI IMPACT ' Although you must tailo� the informatbn you provide here to the issue you are,addressing, in general you must anawer two qu8stions: How much fa it going to coat? Who is going to pay'T