94-1393 a«,�u Fu� � A�} -13Gi3 O � � ^ � � � � Green Shset � v RESOLUTION OF IN PAUL, MINNESOTA � PreseMed By Roforrad To Committee: Date ACC PTING THE OFFER OF THE MINNESOTA PUBLI FACILITIES AUTHORITY TO PURCHASE A $600,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION SEWER NUE NOTE OF 1994, PROVIDING FOR T3 ISSUANCE, AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION O A PROJECT LOAN AGREEMENT A. WHEREAS, the Cit Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "City"), h s heretofore applied for a loan from the Minnesota Public Faci ities Authority (the "PFA") to provide financing pursuant to Min esota Statutes, Chapter 475 and Sections 116.19 and 115.4 , for the construction of improvements to the City's wastewater reatment facilities (the "Pro�ect"); and B. WHEREAS, the PFA is authorized pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 446A, a amended, to issue its bonds (the "PFA Bonds") and to use the pr ceeds thereof, together with certain other funde, to provide 1 ans to municipalities to fund eligible costs of construction of ublicly owned wastewater treatment facilities in accordance ith Title VI of the federal Clean Water Act; and C. WHEREAS, the Cit has applied for a loan from the PFA pursuant to such program, and the PFA has committed to make a loan to the City in the p incipal amount of $600,000, to be disbursed and repaid in a cordance with the terms of a Project Loan Agreement (the "Proj ct Loan Agreement") executed by the PFA and City, a copy of which is before this meetinq and on file with the Clerk; and the Projec Loan Agreement, as executed, is incorporated by reference• and 272719.2 J � , yyy` a .:� "'q " -' S q���3�►3 D. WHEREAS, the $60 ,000 General Obliqation Sewer Revenue Note of 1994 (the "Note") of the City is not tax-exempt, but the City will need to assure he tax-exemption of the PFA Bonds; and E. WHEREAS, in acco dance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.60, Subdivision 2(4), the City is authorized to issue obliqations to a board, d partment or agency of the State of Minnesota by negotiation nd without advertisement for bide and the PFA is, and has repre ented that it is, a board, department or aqency of the State of Minnesota; and F. WHEREAS, gross r venues (the "Revenues" as defined in the City's Re�olution No. 88-835, adopted May 24, 1988, beinq referred to herein a� the "General Resolution") of the City's storm and sanitary sewer ystems, including all pipinq, pumps, valvee, maintenance equip ent arid buildings, improvements and real and personal propert used in connection therewith, and all funds, accounts, contract rights, permits, authorization, approach and intangibles elated thereto (the "Sewer System"), have been pledged to the ayment of the City�s Sewer Revenue Bonds, Series 1988A, and ewer Revenue Refundinq Bonds, Series 1993 (the "Bonds"), and u der the General Resolution the pledge of Revenues to the paymen of the Note is required to be junior and subordinat�d to the p edge to the Bonds; and G. WHEREAS, the Ci y has heretofore is�ued to the PFA its General Obligation Sewer evenue Note of 1993 (the p1993 Note"), and und�r the resolution uthorizinq the issuance of the 1993 Note the pledge of Revenu s to the payment of the Note may be on a parity of lien with the pledge to the 1993 Note; and H. WFIEREAS, a contr ct or contracts for the Pro�ect have been made by the City wit the approval of the PFA and all other state and federal agencie of which approval is required: NOW, THE�tEFORE, BE I RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County Minnesota, as follows: 1. The offer of the PFA to purch�se a$600,000 Ge eral Obligation Sewer Revenue Note of 1994 of the City (the "No e"), at the rates of interest herein- after set forth, and to p y therefor the sum of $600,000 as provided below, is hereby aecepted, and the sale of the Note is hereby awarded to the PFA Payment for the Note shall be disbursed in installments as eligible costs of the Project are reimbursed or paid, all a provided in the Project Loan Agreement. 2. enom'nat' s• �iaturities. The Note sha 1 be a fully registered negotiable obligation, shall be titl d the "General Obligation Sewer Revenue Note of 1994", shall be d ted as of the date of delivery and shall be issued forthwith The Note shall be in the principal zrn�9.2 2 � a� -�3q3 amount of $600,000, or so much thereof as ahall be disbursed pursuant to the Proiect an Agreement, shall bear no interest until Auqust 20, 1995, an from and after August 20, 1995, shall bear interest on so much f the principal amount of the Note as (i) may be disbursed from time to time as provided in the Project Loan Agreement and (ii) r mains unpaid, from August 20, 1995, for disbursements made on or rior to that date or from the date of each later disbursement u til the principal amount of the Note has b�en paid or has been provided for, at the rate of three and sixty hundredths percent 3.60�) per annum (calculated on the basis of a 360-day year o twelve 30-day months), payable semiannually on each Feb ary 20 and August 20, commencing February 20, 1996, and sh 11 mature on the dates and in the installments as follows: � Date u Date Amount February 20, 1996 $10, 71.45 February 20, 2006 $14,818.19 August 20, 1996 10, 58.14 August 20, 2006 15,084.91 February 20, 1997 10, 48.18 February 20, 2007 15,356.44 Auqust 20, 1997 10, 41.65 August 20, 2007 15,632.86 February 20, 1998 11, 38.60 February 20, 2008 15,914.25 August 20, 1998 11, 39.09 August 20, 2008 16,200.71 February 20, 1999 il, 43.20 February 20, 2009 16,492.32 August 20, 1999 11, 50.98 August 20, 2009 16,789.18 February 20, 2000 11, 62.49 February 20, 2010 17,091.39 August 20, 2000 12, 77.82 Auqust 20, 2010 17,399.03 February 20, 2001 12, 97.02 February 20, 2011 17,712.21 August 20, 2001 12, 20.17 August 20, 2011 18,031.03 February 20, 2002 12, 47.33 February 20, 2012 18,355.59 August 20, 2002 13, 78.58 August 20, aoia 18,685.99 February 20, 2003 13, 13.99 February 20, 2013 19,022.34 August 20, 2003 13, 53.65 August 20, 2013 19,364.74 February 20, 2004 13, 97.61 February 20, 2014 19,713.31 August 20, 2004 14, 45.97 August 20, 2014 20,068.15 February 20, 2005 14, 98.80 February 20, 2015 20,429.37 August 20, 2005 14, 56.17 August 20, 2015 20,797.10 In the absence f a prepayment or reamortization, if the full principal amount of the Note is disbursed before August 20, 1995, payments based on the above schedule will be $21,171.45 each six (6) m nths, all as set forth on Exhibit �, to the Project Loan Agreemen . Interest shall ccrue only on the agqregate amount of the Note which has been d sbursed and is unpaid under the Project Loan Aqreement. The prin ipal installments shall be paid in the amounts scheduled above e en if at the time of payment the full principal amount of the N te has not been disbursed; provided that if the full principa amount of the Note is never disbursed, the amount of the princip 1 not disbursed shall be applied to reduce each unpaid princi al installment in the proportion that such installment bears to the total of all unpaid principal 2n��9.z 3 q� � l 3°►3 installments (i.e., the r maininq principal payment schedule shall be reamortized to p ovide similarly level semiannual installments of total deb service payments). Principal, interest and any premium ue under the Note will be paid on each payment date by wire paym nt, or by check or draft mailed the last business day prior t the payment date to the person in whose name the Note is re istered, in any coin or currency of the United States which at th time of payment is legal tender for public and private debts., Interest on the includes amounts treated by the PFA as service fees. ' 3. • . The proceeds of the Note ehall provide funds to finance onstruction of the Project. The Note is issued to aid in finan ing a sewage disposal system or part thereof pursuant to Minne ota Statutes, Section 115.46. The total cost of the constru tion of the Project, including legal and other professional ch rges, publication and printing costs, interest accruing on mone borrowed for the Project before the collection of Revenues pl dged and appropriated therefor, and all other costs necessarily i curred and to be incurred from the inception to the completi n of the Project, is estimated to be at least equal to the amount of the Note. The City covenants that it shall do all things an perform all acts required of it to assure that work on the P oject proceeds with due diligence to completion and that any a d all permits and studies required under law for the Project are obtained. 4. �edem�tion. The Note shall be subject to redemption and prepayment in whole or in part at the option of the City or mandatorily a provided in the Project Loan Agreement. If redemption is in part, installments of principal payable last under the No e shall be prepaid first, unless (1) the prepayment is made wi h receipts of a grant under the state independent grants progra , in which case the installmenta of principal shall be propor ionately prepaid, or (2) the City and the hold�r of the Note ag ee to a different result. 5. ' t ot . At the time of issuance and delivery of the Note, the Treasurer of the City shall reqister the Note in the name of t e payee in a note register which she and her successors in off ce shall maintain for the purpose of registering the ownership of the Note. The Note shall be prepared for execution wi h an appropriate text and spaces for notation of registration. The force and effect of such regis- tration shall be as state in the form of Note hereinafter set forth. Payment of princi al installments and interest, whether upon redemption or oth�rw se, made with respect to the Note, may be made to the registered holder thereof or to his, her or its leqal representative, wit out presentation or surrender of the Note. 272719.2 , 4 a� ���3 6. . The Note, together with the Certificate of Registrati n thereon, shall be in substantially the followinq form: 272719.2 5 a��13°�3 UNIT D STATES OF AMERICA S ATE OF MINNESOTA RAMSEY COUNTY C TY OF SAINT PAUL $600,0 0 GENERAL OBLIGATION SEWER REVENUE NOTE OF 1994 IQdOW ALL PERSO BY THESE PRESENTS that the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey Count Minnesota (the "City"), certifies that it is indebted and for va ue received promises to pay to the Minnesota Public Faciliti s Authority or the registered assign, the principal sum of SIX NDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, or so much thereof as may have be�n isbursed, on the dates and in the installments as follows: Date Date Amount February 20, 1996 $10, 71.45 February 20, 2006 $14,818.19 August 20, 1996 10, 58.14 August 20, 2006 15,084.91 February 20, 1997 10, 48.18 February 20, 2007 15,356.44 August 20, 1997 10, 41.65 August 20, 2007 15,632.86 February 20, 1998 11, 38.60 February 20, 2008 15,914.25 August 20, 1998 11, 39.09 August 20, 2008 16,200.71 February 20, 1999 11, 43.20 February 20, 2009 16,492.32 August 20, 1999 11, 50.98 August 20, 2009 16,789.18 February 20, 2000 11, 62.49 February 20, 2010 17,091.39 August 20, 2000 12, 77.82 August 20, 2010 17,399.03 February 20, 2001 12, 97.02 February 20, 2011 17,712.21 August 20, 2001 12, 20.17 August 20, 2011 18,031.03 February 20, 2002 12, 47.33 February 20, 2012 18,355.59 August 20, 2002 13, 78.58 August 20, 2012 18,685.99 February 20, 2003 13, 13.99 February 20, 2013 19,022.34 Auqust 20, 2003 13, 53.65 August 20, 2013 19,364.74 February 20, 2004 13, 97.61 February 20, 2014 19,713.31 August 20, 2004 14, 45.97 August 20, 2014 20,068.15 February 20, 2005 14, 98.80 February 20, 2015 20,429.37 August 20, 2005 14, 56.17 August 20, 2015 20,797.10 and to pay interest on so much of the principal amount of the debt as (i) may be disbur ed from time to time as provided in the Pro�ect Loan Agreement (a defined below) and (ii) remains unpaid, from August 20, 1 95, for disbursements made on or prior to that date or from the ate of each later disbursement until the principal amount here f is paid or has been provided for, at the rate of zero percent 0.0�) per annum from the date hereof until Auqust 20, 1995, an from and after August 20, 1995, at the rate of three and sixty h ndredths percent (3.60�) per annum (calculated on the basis f a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months), payable semiannu lly on each February 20 and Auqust 20, commencing February 20, 1 96. 272719.2 6 q�4-�3A3 ci a te es a ents. Interest shall accrue only on the aggregate amo nt of this Note which has been disbursed under the Proje t Loan Agreement dated as of Auqust 26, 1994, by and between the ity and the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority (the "Project an Agreement"). The principal installments shall be pai in the amounts scheduled above even if at the time of payment th full principal amount of the Note has not been disbursed; provi ed that if the full principal a�ount of this Note is never disbur ed, the amount of the principal not disbursed shall be applie to reduce each unpaid principal installment in the propor ion that such installment bears to the total of all unpaid princ pal installments (i.e., the remaininq principal payment schedul shall be reamortized to provide similarly level semiannua installments of total debt service payments). Interest on t ig Note includes amounts treated by the Minnesota Public Faciliti s Authority as service feee. Principal, interest and a y premium due under this Note will be paid on each payment date by wire payment, or by check or draft mailed the last business ay prior to the payment date to the person in whose name this Note is registered, in any coin or currency of the United St tes of America which at the time of payment is legal tender f r public and private debts. Redemption. Th s Note is subject to redemption and prepay�►ent in whole or in part at the option of the City or mandatorily as provided i the Project Loan Aqreement. If redemption is in part, in tallments of principal payable laat under this Note shall be repaid first, unless (1) the prepayment is made with receipta of qrant under the state independent qrants program, in which ase the installments of principal shall be proportionately prepai , or (2) the City and the holder of this Note agree to a diff rent result. • G t'o . This Note has been issued pursuant to and in full c nformity with the Constitution and laws of th� �tate of Minnesota for the purpose of providing money to finance the construction f improvements to the City's �aa�tewater treatm�nt facilities in t e City, and is payable out of the PFA Debt Service Account of t e Sewer Service Enterprise Fund of the City, to which account ha e been pledged qross revenues of the City's sewer system. Thi Note has been issued to aid in financinq a sewage dispos 1 system or part thereof pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Secti n 115.46. This Note constitute's a general obligation of the City, and to provide moneys for the prompt and full payment o said principal installments and interest when the same be ome due, the full faith, credit and taxing powers of the City have been and are hereby irrevocably pledqed. ' '• s . This Note shall be regiatered in the name of the payee n the books of the City by presentinq this Note for registratio to the City's Treasurer, who will endorse his or her name a d note the date of reqistration 272719.2 7 ���t� opposite the name of the ayee in the certificate of reqistration on the reverse side hereo . Thereafter this Note may be transferred to a bona fi purchaser only by delivery with an assiqnment duly executed y the registered owner or his, her or its legal representative, and the City may treat the registered owner as the person exclu ively entitled to exercise all the rights and powers of an o ner until this Note is presented with such assignment for regis ration of transfer, accompanied by assurance of the nature p ovided by law that the assignment is genuine and effective, an until such transfer is registered on said books and noted here n by the City�s Treasurer. s ss. The Treasurer may require payment of a sum sufficie t to cover any tax or other governmental charge payab e in connection with the transfer of this Note and any legal o unusual costs regarding transfers and lost notes. a e m . The terms and conditions of the Project Loan Agreemen are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. he Project Loan Agreement may be attached to this Note, an shall be attached to this Note if the holder of this Note is an person other than the Minnesota Public Facilities Authority. ab O' a The City intends that none of the interest on this Note wil be excluded from gross income for United States income tax urposes or from both gross income and taxable net income for St te of Minnesota income tax purposes. IT IS HEREBY CE TIFIED AND RECITED that all acts, conditions and things re ired by the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota an the charter of the City to be done, to happen and to be performe , precedent to and in the issuance of this Note, have been done have happened and have been performed, in reqular and due form, ime and manner as required by law; that the City has covenanted a d agreed with the holder of this Note that it will impose and c llect charges for the service, use and availability of and conne tion to its municipal sewer system at the times and in amounts ecessary to produce gross revenues adequate to pay all princ pal and interest when due on this Note; that the City will levy a direct, annual, irrepealable ad valorem tax upon all of the taxab e property in the City, without limitation as to rate or mount, for the years and in amounts sufficient to pay the ins allments of principal and interest on this Note as they respect vely become due, if the qross revenue� from said municipal sewer system and any other revenues irrevocably appropriated o said PFA Debt Service Account are insufficient therefor; an that this Note, together with all other debts of the City o tstanding on the date hereof, being the date of its actual issuan e and delivery, does not exceed any constitutional or statuto y or charter limitation of indebtedness. 272719.2 8 q����13 IN WITNESS WHE OF, the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, by its City Council has caused this Note to be executed on its behalf b the signature of its Mayor, attested by the signature of its Cle , and countersigned by the signature of its Director, Department f Finance and Management Services, and the corporate seal of the City to be affixed hereto, all �s of October _, 1994. CITY OF SAINT PAUL, RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA X X X Mayor Attest: X X X Clerk Countersigned: X X X Director, Department of Finance and Management Services ( SEAL) General Obligation Sewer evenue Note of 1994. 2rn�9.z 9 � ��3q3 The transfer o ownership of the principal amount of the attached Note may be ade only by the registered owner or his, her or its legal re esentative last noted below. DATE OF SIGNATURE OF 13EGISTRATION CITY TREASURER Minn ota Public Fa ilities Authority Sain Paul, Minnesota Fede 1 Employer ldenti- October , 1994 'o X X X 2m�9.z io qc�..l3a.3 7. Execution. The Note shall be �xecuted on behalf of the City by the signatur of its Mayor, Clerk, and Director Department of Finance an Management Services, each with the effect noted on the form f the Note, and be sealed with the seal of the City. In the eve of disability or resignation or other absence of any such offi r, the Note may be signed by the manual signature of that office who may act on behalf of such absent or disabled officer. In ca any such officer whose signature shall appear on the Note shall ease to be such officer before the delivery of the Note, su signature shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all p poses, the same as if he or she had remained in office until elivery. 8. • . The Note when so prepared and executed hall be delivered by the Director, Department of Finance an Management Services, to the purchaser thereof prior to disburs ents pursuant to the Project Loan Aqreement, and the purch er shall not be obliged to see to the proper application there . 9. . There has heretofore been created (as provided in e General Resolution) a separate fund of the City designated t "Sewer Service Enterprise Fund" (the "Fund"). The Fund shall e maintained in the manner specified in the General Resolution a herein until the Bonds, and interest thereon, have been fully aid, and as specified herein until the Note and interest thereo have been fully paid. There shall be maintained in the Fund, i addition to the Construction Account, Operation and Maintenance Account, Revenue Bond Debt Service Account, Reserve Account, Excess Investment Earnings Account and 1993 Refunding Escrow Acc unt heretofore established with re�pect to the Bonds, the followi g two (2) separate accounts which have heretofore been establish d by the resolution authorizinq the issuance of the 1993 Note to which shall be credited and debited all income and disburseme ts of the Fund relating to the 1993 Note and the Note as here'nafter set forth. The Treasurer and all municipal officials a d employees concerned therewith shall establish and maintain fi ancial records of the receipts and disbursements of the Sewe System in accordance with this resolution. In such reco ds there shall be maintained accounts of the Fund for the purpo es and in the amounts as follows: a. A" A ", to which shall be credited all proceed received from the sale of the 1993 Note and the Note. he 1993 Note and the Note shall be the only sources of mone s credited to the PFA Construction Account. It is reco nized that the sale proceeds of the 1993 Note and the No e are received in reimbursement for costs expended'on th Project and the project funded by the 1993 Note or in dire t payment of such costs, and that accordingly the mone s need not be placed in the PFA Construction Account upon receipt but may be appli�d immediately to reimb rse the source from which the 272719.2 1 1 q�4- �'�q's expenditure was mad . The moneys in the PFA Construction Account shall be us solely for the purpose of paying for the cost of constru ing the Project and the project funded by the 1993 Note, i luding all costs enumerated in Minnesota Statutes, ection 475.65, provided that such moneys shall only b expended for costs and expenses which are permitted under he Project Loan Agreement. The PFA prohibits the use o proceeds of the 1993 Note and the Note to reimburse costs itially paid from proceeds of other obliqations of the 'ty, such as the Bonds. Upon completion of the Project and e payment of the costs thereof, any surplus shall be tr sferred to the PFA Debt Service Account. b. A" e cou ", to which shall be irrevocably appropr' ted, pledged and credited: (1) Revenues (as define in the General Resolution, and as provided in Section .03(A) Sixth thereof) in an amount sufficient, with ot r moneys, to pay the principal of, and interest on, the 199 Note and the Note when due; (2) all collections of taxes which may hereafter be levied for the payiaent of the princ'pal of, and interest on, the 1993 ATote or the Note; (3) the proceeds of any grant which by the terms of the Project Loan Agreement is required to be applied to reduction or repayment of the 1993 Note or the Note; (4) all invest ent earnings on moneys held in the PFA Debt Service Account (5) any amounts transferred from the PFA Construction Acc unt; and (6) any other moneys which are properly available a d are appropriated by the City Council to the PFA Debt Servi ce Account. The moneys in said account shall be used only t pay or prepay the principal of, and interest on, the 199 Note and the Note and any other qeneral obliqation b nds hereafter issued and made payable from said account, a d to pay any rebate due to the United States with respect o the PFA Bonds in connection with the Not�. c. Excess Reve ues may be used for any proper purpose to the extent provid d in the General Resolution. The City shall observe th covenants of paragraphs 16 and 17 of this resolution and of pa agraph 21 of the Project Loan Agreement with reqard to the Fund. 10. v a T s• ed e e • s �tevenues. It is hereby f und, determined and declared that the Revenues of the Sewer Sys em are sufficient in amount, when u�ed in the order provided in he General Resolution, to pay when due one hundred five percent 105$) of the principal of and interest on the Note, and the Reve ues of the Sewer System are hereby pledqed for the payment o the Note, but solely to the extent required to meet, with ot er pledged sources, one hundred five percent (105�) of the pri cipal and interest requirements of the 2727t9.2 1 2 q� _�3a� Note as the same become e. Excess Revenues may be used for any proper purpose as provid in the General Resolution. Nothing contai d herein shall be deemed to preclude the City from making fur er pledges and appropriations of the Revenues of the Sewer Sy em for the payment of other or additional obliqations o the City, provided that it has first been determined by the C y Council that estimated Revenues of the Sewer System will be ufficient, in addition to all other sources, for the payment f the Note and such additional obligations, and any suc pledge and appropriation of the Revenues may be made sup ior or subordinate to, or on a parity with, the pledge and app priation herein. The Note is issued pursuant to Minnesota St utes, Section 115.46, and nothing herein shall preclude th City from levyinq taxes for the payment of the Note. Revenues are h eby pledged to the payment of the Note. The lien on Revenues sec ing the Note is hereby expressly made a lien on Revenues junior d subsequent to the lien of the General Resolution as it applies o the Bonds (as therein defined), all as provided in Section 6. 1(A) of the General Resolution. The Note shall be paid from e Operation and Maintenance Account of the Sewer Service Enterp 'se Fund as provided in Section 4.03(A) Sixth of the General Res ution, and for this purpose it is hereby found, determined nd declared that the Note finances Improvements (as defined 'n the General Resolution). As provided in aragraph 10 of the resolution authorizing issuance of e 1993 Note, it is hereby found, determined and declared at estimated revenues of the Sewer System will be sufficient in addition to all other sources, for the payment of the 1993 te and the Note. The pledqe and appropriation of the Reve ues to the payment of the Note shall be on a parity with the pled e and appropriation to the payment of the 1993 Note. 11. e e. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Secti n 116.19, the City hereby covenants and aqrees with the holder of the Note that it will impose and collect charges for the s rvice, use and availability of and connection to the Sewer S stem at the times and in the amounts required to produce Reven es adequate to pay all principal and interest when due on the ote. Nothing herein shall preclude the City from levying taxes f r the payment of the Note as permitted by Minnesota Statutes, Se tion 115.46. 12. . The full faith, credit and taxinq powers of the ity shall be, and are hereby, irrevocably pledged for t e prompt and full payment of the principal and interest on the Note as the same respectively become due. If the Reven es of the Sewer System appropriated and pledged to the payment of principal and interest on the Note, 272T19.2 1 3 a�. -13q3 together with other fund irrevocably appropriated to the PFA Debt Service Account ref red to in paragraph 9 of this � resolution, shall at any ime be insufficient to pay such principal and interest w n due, the City covenants and agrees to levy, without limitation s to rate or amount, an ad valorem tax upon all taxable propert in the City sufficient to pay such principal and interest a they become due. If the balance in the PFA Debt Service Account 's ever insufficient to pay all principal and interest t n due on the Note and any other obligatione payable ther rom, the deficiency shall be promptly paid out of any other fu s of the City which are available for such purpose, and such o er funds may be reimbursed, with or without interest, from t PFA Debt Service Account when a sufficient balance is av 'lable therein. 13. f . The Director, Department of Finance an Management Services, is hereby directed to file a certified copy f this resolution with the County Aud- itor of Ramsey County, M' nesota, toqether with such other infor- mation as the County Aud' or shall require, and to obtain the County Auditor's certifi te that the Note has been entered in the County Auditor's Bon Register. 14. reem The Project Loan Agreement is hereby appr ed in substantially the form heretofore presented to the City Co cil, and in the form executed is hereby incorporated by referenc and made a part of this resolution. Each and all of the prov' ions of this resolution relatinq to the Note are intended to be nsistent with the provisions of the Project Loan Agreement, d to the extent that any provision in the Project Loan Agreeme is in conflict with thi� resolution as it relates to the Note, at provision shall control and this resolution shall be deem accordingly modified. The Mayor and Director, Department of 'nance and Manaqement Services, are hereby authorized and di cted to execute the Project Loan Agreement. The executio of the Project Loan Agreement by the appropriate officers shal be conclusive evidence of the approval of the Project Loan Agre ent in accordance with the terms hereof. The Project Loa Agreement may be attached to the Note, and shall be attached to he Note if the holder of the Note is any person other than the PFA. 15. Ce t'f'ca s. The officers of the City are hereby authoriz and directed to prepare and furnish to the PFA, and to the atto eys approving the legality of the issuance of the Not�, ce ified copies of all proceedinqs and records of the City relat ng to the Note and to the financial condition and affairs of he City, and such other affidavits, certificates and informat'on as are required to show the facts relatinq to the legality nd marketability of the Note as the same appear from the boo and records under their custody and control or as otherwise own to them, and all such certified copies, certificates and ffidavits, including any heretofore 272719.2 1 4 �� furnished, ehall be deem representations of the City as to the facts recited therein. 16. Ne t venants as t Use Project. The City hereb covenants not to use the proceeds of __ the Note or to use the P ject, or to cause or permit them to be used, or to enter into a deferred payment arrangement for the cost of the Project, in ch a manner as to cause the PFA Bonds to be "private activity nds" within the meaning of Sections 103 and 141 through 150 of t federal Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"). 17. - • . The City with respect to the ote shall comply with requirementa necessary under the Code o establish and maintain the exclusion from gross income under ction 103 of the Code of the interest on the PFA Bonds, includ g without limitation (1) requirements relating to temporary pe 'ods for investments, (2) limitations on amounts invested at a yi d greater than the yield on the PFA Bonds, and (3) the rebat of excess investment earnings to the United States. The City ovenants and agrees with the PFA and holders of the Note that he investments of proceeds of the Note, including the investment f any revenues pledged to the Note which are considered gro proceeds of the PFA Bonds under the applicable regulations, d accumulated sinking funds, if any, shall be limited as to a unt and yield in such mann�r that the PFA Bonds shall not be a itrage bonds within the meanir�q of Section 148 of the Code d any regulations thereunder. On the basis of the existing fa s, estimates and circumstances, including the foregoinq 'ndings and covenants, the City hereby certifies that it is not xpected that the proceeds of the Note will be used in such man r as to cause the PFA Bonds to be arbitraqe bonds under Se ion 148 of the Code and any requlations thereunder. The Mayor, erk, Director, Department of Finance and Management Services, nd Treasurer shall furnish a certificate to the PFA e racing or based on the foregoinq certification at the time of delivery of the Note to the PFA. The proceeds of the Note ill likewise be used in such manner that the Note is not a p'vate activity bond under Section 103(b) of the Code. 18. s a 'o 'e e . The Note, as a taxable ob igation, may not be qualified as a "qualified tax-exempt obl'gation" within the meaning of Section 265(b)(3) of the Code, a hence is not designated for such purpose. 2n��9.2 15 q��13�� 19. The General Resolution and the resolution author'zinq the issuance of the 1993 Note are hereby supplemented to th extent necessary to give effect to the provisions of paragraph 9 of this resolution. 20. . If any section, paragraph or provision of this resolut'on shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any rea on, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragra or provision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions f this resolution. 21. HPadincrs. Headings in this resolution are included for convenience f reference only and are not a part hereof, and shall not li t or define the meaninq of any provisfon �ereof. � 272719 Y N a q �� �� a: Blak Grimm Financ nd Manaqement Services Guerin Harris M ard Rettman BY� Thune Adopted by CouncN: D�a Form AP � bY �Y �«�Y Adop�ion Cwti�ed by Cotxx�l Secr�ery By: By: Approvad by Mayor: � � Appr May for S to p By: �2 gy; : ;:. ; .�.. ..: -._ 0�-�3�3✓ ,, . . � Fiaance and Manag�meat S�rvices 0 12/94 N� 2 3 7 i 2 '� `� � � ��� GRfEN�SHEE � .. SON Q E. � F1EPA�ENT DIRECTOR ITIALIDATE � CITY COUNCIL IN TE Mo,rtha Kantorotvicz _;�6�i -8$36 . ' N nCITYATTORN�Y C111'CLERK, N BER FOW �y BUOCiET DIRECTOR FIN. & ME�T. SERVICES DIF1: ', U NCIL RO ( W IN3 U Septe�ber 2j, 1994 . �� Q►YuvoA (oa nssisr,wr� - ' TOtAI. #E OF 8KiNATURE.PAC�ES � (CLI ALL LOCATIONS FOR StGNATURE) � REOUESTED: � Resolt�tion accepts the offer of the Minnesota lic Facilities Authority (PFA) to purchase a$600,000 General � I � Obliqation Selrer Revernie i�ote of 1994. . � . � I RECOMMENOATId�"�pprow �l�} °r R�a� �R� . R80NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUS'T ANSWER THE FOILOWINQ GUE8TION8: j _ PLANNINO C06iM18810N � ._. CIVIL SERVICE COMAAISSIpN 1 Has tMs pafson/fl�m ever worked under e COMrect tor thia d�arpn�nt? � ' _ CIB COMMI7TEE � YES NO ; Has tlde person/flrm ever besn a cHy smpkryeeT _ BTAFF — YES NO �, _ DISTRIC'T COURT �_ � DOes thi8 perSOn/Fimt p086l88 fl skfll 110t nOrinally pos6sas9d by efly CuR9f1t City ertlpi0y96? F SUPPqiTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVET YES NO � E plaln all ya en�w�rs on ssparat� sM�t and �tt�ch to On�n ihNt � ��� � �s, INITIATINO PROBLEM, 139UE. OPPORTUNITY (Who. YVhat.lNhsn. Wher�. Why a . , A loan application for $600,000 to the PFA has en approved by the State. The procedure to follow is for the � ' City to issue a qeneral obliqation note to the ate for that amount. The loan is interest free until August 20�, 1995, and after that date bears interest at the ate of 3.60$ per annua�. The installments �e for 20 years, 19 , through 2015. � � � � ���� � � � S EP 16 1994 �� � k ', ADVANTAOEB IF APPROVED: i The Citp recetves a losn from the State vrhich is interest free for one year and then bears a rate of 3.60$ rhich s I rrell belox market rates. The loan carrles a G. pledqe but will be repaid bp the Sewer Service Fund. ; RECEIVED' DISADVANTAfiE81F APPHWIED: F ' RECEIYED C i TY ATTO R I� ��` None S E P 14 1994 � � OFFICE QF THE DIRECTOR i DEPARTMENT OF F6NqNCE � IriND MANAGEMEIVT S i 018ADYANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: � ' The Citp loses the opportunity to borrow funds f r the State at a lor� rate to support Public Works construction � i projects and the inflor�'aad infiltration proqram nw,. �� ^ � t VYiirl VO11 SEP 2 2 1994 j 600,000 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TAANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDtiETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE State of Minnesota, Public F ilities Au� �ER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) % i. � , � �. �: � � • �� �� NOTE: CQMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE QREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL �� MANUAL AVAILABIE IN THE PURCHASINfd OFFICE (PHONE NO. 298-4225). s ROt1TINC3 ORDER: ; ,� Belaw are correct routlngs for the five most frequent rypee of documents: �� CONTRACTS (assumes authoHzed budget exiab) COUNCfL RESOLUTION (Amend Budgets/Accept. Cirents) �� 1. Outside Agency 1. Depsrtmsnt Director ` '� 2. Department Director 2. City Attorney � 3. City Attorney 3. Budget Director 4. Mayor (for contracts over $15,000) 4. Mayor/Assistant 5. Human Rights (for contracts over �50,000) 5. Ciry Council 6. Finance and Management Servicea Director 8. Chief Axountant, Finance and Mane�ment 8ervicss 7. Finar�ce Accounting � ADMINI3TRATIVE ORDERS (Budget Revision) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (ell othero, end Ordinances) �� 1. Activity Manager 1. Department Director �� 2. Department Accountant 2. Giry Attorney � 3. Department Director 3. Mayor Assistant � 4. Budget Director 4. Cfty Council . 5. Ciry Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and ManagemsM Services � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) � 1. Department Director � � 2. Ciry Attorney 3. Finance and ManagemeM Servic�s Director 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SICiNATURE PAGES Indicate the �of peges on which signatures are required and pap•rclip or fle� � � �sch of thsse papes. °� � ACTION RE�UESTED Describe what the project/request seeks to a�omplish in either chronologi- � cal order or order of importance, whichever is moat appropriate for the � issue. Do not write �mplete senter�es. Begin each ftem in your list with � � a verb. � RECOMMENDATIONS Complete ii the issue in question has been presented before any body, public � � or private. � � � � SUPPORT3 WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? � Indfcate which Council objecUve(s) you� projecUrequest supports by Iisting ths key word(s) (HOUSINR, RECFiEATION, NEIOH80RHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDCiET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) .� , PERSONAL SEAVICE CONTRACTS: This information wiil be uaed to determine the city�s Ifability for workers c�mpensation claims, taxes and pr�sr civfl ssrvk:e Mrin� rules. INITIATINCi PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Expleun the situation or �nditions that croated a need for your project or request :, � ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by Iaw/ � charter or whether there are specipc waya in which the Ciy of Saint Paul -� and Its citizens will benefit from this project/action. :� # DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing w past processes might � this projectirequest produce if R is passed (e.g., traffic delays, noise, �� tax increases or aasessmentsj? To Whom? When? For how Iong7 � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED � What will be the negative consequencss if the promised action is not f approved? Inability to dsliver service? Continued high traffic, noise, i acddent rate? Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must taibr the information you provide here to the issue you are,addressing, in yene�sl you must answer two questlons: How much is it �, z going to cost7 Who is going to pey? �; ¢; �� c�