95-887Council File # /� 7 Green Sheet # 33 �85 RESOLUTfON SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Re£erred to Committee: Date WHEREAS, the Como Zoological Society raises funds to support the Como Zoo; WHEREAS, the Como Zoological Society has an annual golf tournament as one of their fundraising events; WHEREAS, it is in the public interest for the City to support the fundraising efforts of the Como Zoological Society as an important source of private funds for the support of a major Saint Paul tourist and recreational attraction; and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest for City officials to participate in the golf tournament and to be visible in support of that event, be it RESOLVED, that the Director of Parks and Recreation be authorized to accept from the Como Zoological Society on behalf of the City of Saint Paul the gift of free participation in the golf tournament for up to 10 City officials, and be further authorized in his discretion to invite a representative group of City officials to participate in such tournament. Adopted by Council: Date � \1 � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By App By: Requested by: ` Div� of Pa � s�and R eation i - � ��CZUti't g�': ,�° � ,° � `__ Form Ap�r�ved by Cit orney � c By: Approved by Mayor £ Submiss' n to Cou By: 95-�P7 DEPAFTMENT/OFFICE/WUNCIL DATEINITIATED �REEN SHEE �O 33205 parks and Recreation $-2-95 INITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE C�NTACT PERS�N 8 PHONE � DEPARTMENT DIRECiOR � dTY COUNdL Robert P. Piram 266-6404 N M�BEflFOR �CITYATTOPNEY �CiTYCLEflK MUST BE ON CAUNCN. AGENDA BY (OATE) pOUTING � BUDGET DIRECTOR O FlN. 8 MGS SERVICE$ Difl. ��� �MAYOR(OFASSi5iAI3n � Da�4c TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE] ACT�ON REOUESTED: Council Resolution RECOMMENOqTioNS: Approve (n} or Rejeet (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEP THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISS�ON _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ti� Has this personttrtm ever worketl under a contract for this depa�meM? _ CIB COMMfTTEE _ �ES NO � S7AFF 2. Has this personlfirm eve� 6een a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTRIC7 CAUaT _ 3. Does this perSOnRirm possess a sKiil not normally possessetl by any c�rrent city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete aheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOFiTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why) This is an opportunity to support the fundraising efforts of the Como Zoological Society's Golf Tournament. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: City officials will show their support of the Como Zoological Society's fundraising efforts. DISA�YANTACaES IFAPPROVED: � 0112 DISAOVANTAGES IF N07 APPNOVED'. The opporunity for City officials to show their support towards the Como Zoological Society's fundraising efforts will be lost. TOTAL MA�UNT OF TRANSACTION S � COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURC@ ACTtVITY NUlABER FINANCIAL INPORMATION: (EXPLAIN)