95-886Council File # 9S _ $c�'(A Green Sheet # a 7 `j $3 Presented by ,�� / Refe�rre3 To Committee Date WHEREAS, the City of SY. Paul would like to recognize the uauels of two gentiemen, who represented the United States in a good will tour of Martial Arts to the West Bank of Israel. Anthony Nobello, 26 years old, and Cazl Delosreyes, 36 years old, are both third degree black belts in the art of Chinese Kempo Kazate; and WHEREAS, Chinese Kempo Karate is a head to head conuolled contact sport where three judges aze present at all times. Chinese Kempa Kazate, which focuses on self defense, requires a ts.emendous amount of discipline, speed, and accuracy. Anthony has been active in the sport for 14 years and Cari 20 years; and WHEREAS, Anthony and Cari spent nine days touring the West Bank of Israel visiting places such as Ramallah and Palestine, demonstrating the art and skills of Chinese Kempo Ka: ute to people where tius sgort was very new #o thetin; and WHEREAS, the two men had to deal with ]anguage barriers and culrival differences, but at the same time came to appreciate the way in which the people of Israei are, and returned from the trip with a really positive mind set. 1'HEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, Yhat the St. Paul City Council does hereby acknowledge and appreciate the efforts that Antl�ony Nobello and Cazl Delosreyes have put forth during their good wiil tour of Martial Arts to the West Bank af Israel. Requested by Depattment of. Adoption Cerkitied by Council Secretary � Form Approved by Ciry Attomey � Appmved by Mayor for Submission to Council � - ..sl �� - - •.� • -. . �� - '� . �.� � <i► � � I i RESO�UTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Adopted by Council: Date Q����"�S / � ; DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNG�L �ATE INITIATED N� 2 7 9 8 3 c��co�n 8-2-95 GREEN SHEE CANTACT PERSON & PMONE INITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE � DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR � CIIYCAUNdL D1II0 GUC17II A551GN O CISY A7TOFiNEY � GSY CIEflK MUST BE ON CqUNqL AGENDA BY (DATE) OUTING � BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. OR9Efl O MAVOR (OR ASSISTANn O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP AL4 LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: A City Coimcil resolution recognizing good will tws. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) o� Reject (R) pEqSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION __ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION t Has this person/firm ever worketl under a con[ract for this department? _ CIB GOMMITTEE _ YES NO _ SiAFF 2. Has this perSONfirm ever been a ciry employe¢? — YES NO _ DiS7RiCT CoURT _ 3. Does ihis person/firm possess a sKill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTNE'+ YES NO Ezplein all yes answers on separate sheet and attaGh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOflTUNITY (Who. What. When, Where, Why) Anthony Nobello and Carl Delosreyes iraveled to the West Bank of IsTael demonstrating the art of Chinese Kempo Karate AOVPNTAGES IF APPROYED Recognition of a City residetA's good will tour of Martiat ArLs � DISAOVANTAGES IF APPROVED� None DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVE�� TO7AL AMOUNT OF 7RANSACTION $ COST/HEVENUE BUDGETEO (CIHCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDI(dG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANpAL INFOPMATION� (EXPL4IN)