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Council File # 9 139 ORIGIN,AL Green Sheet # RESOLUTION ITY • " b '. NT PAUL, / 1 NNESOTA i; Presented By ? - 1 4 Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and 3 4 approves of the reappointment ind appointments, made by the Mayor, 5 6 of the following people to the BICYCLE ADVISORY BOARD: 7 8 9 REAPPOINTMENT TERM EXPIRES 10 11 Richard Arey, Ward 1 6/30/96 12 13 APPOINTMENTS ii 14 15 Rafael Manrique, Ward 2 6/30/96 16 Allyson Hartle, Ward 4 6/30/96 17 Lou Michaels - Feldman, Ward S 6/30/95 18 Carol Osip -Parks and Recreaticn 6/30/96 19 20 Lou Michaels - Feldman will fill the unexpired term of 21 Gregory Chandler, who resigned. 22 Yea Nays At Re este - Department of: Blakey y p Grimm ✓ Guerin Harris %, Meq t Ae/ Rettman h.,.., - 0 n Thune B Form Approved by City 'ttorn ey Adopted by Council: Date , ` �°�°� V 1 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY:�JL`.a�/ `r - J 2`ff BY: ilk. .--* ;-, it Approv- -d,•y Mayor for Submiss on to Approved by — oo • Dat / Counc By: �Ud�4 %� / By G(/Cae��f .-- L -- y iktizze9--(-- • q4 "" V55 DEFARTMENT/OFFICEICOUNCIL DATr INITIATED Mayor's Office E/18/94 SHEET ° - 225 8 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE • DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR NCIL INITIA — Tom Ma rve r ASSIGN CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK RUINER MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) RD FE I . BUDGET DIRECTOR E FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. ORM El MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT) TOTAL # OF SK,INATURE PAGES (CUF ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Reappointment and appointment cf the following people listed below to the BICYCLE ADVISORY BOARD. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) 6r Ralect (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING commiSSION ° _ CIVw SERVICE coMMissioN 1. Has NS person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? B COMMITTEE YES NO CAB 2 Has Nds person/firm ever been a city employee? _ STAFF YES NO _ DISTRICT COURT 3 Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Etplaln all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to preen sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What. When, Where, Why) None. ADVANTAGES iFAPPROVED. BICYCLE ADVISORY BOARD REAPPOINTMENT TERMS EXPIRE Richard Arey, Ward 1 6/30/96 APPOINTMENTS 6/30/96 Rafael Manrique, Ward 2 6/30196 Allyson Hartle, Ward 4 6/30/95 Lou Michaels - Feldman, Ward 5 Carol Osin- Parks and Recreation 6/30/96 DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Cound Research Coder SEP 15 1994 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: I 7. 1 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST /REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO 4 FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) 1 i ! 1 f_i ue ti rLL 1 f A U I. Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1 1441 AAAA TO: Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Janice Rettman Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Michael Harris Councilmember Marie Grimm Councilmember Dino Guerin FROM: Tom Marver vl. Jean Kar V P ; DATE: August 25, RE: BICYCLE ADVISGRY BOARD Mayor Norm Coleman ha►s recommended the reappointment and reappointment of the following people to the Bicycle Advisory Board: REAPPOINTMENT TERM EXPIRES Richard Arey, Ward 1 6/30/96 APPOINTMENTS I Rafael Manrique, Wart 2 6/30/96 Allyson Hartle, Ward 4 6/30/96 Lou Michaels - Feldman, Ward 5 6/30/95 Carol Osip -Parks and Recreation 6/30/96 Mr. Michaels - Feldman will fill the unexpired term of Gregory Chandler, who resigned. Attached are copies of the applications for the new members. If you have any questions, please gibe me a call at 266 -8508. Thank you. TM /jrk itAp 0 14-16t.0 / 5 OFFI 4 E OF THE MAYOR RECEIVED t / 39 CITY HALL { SAINT PAIIa MINNESOTA 55102 266 - 8526 �EC 13 199 Name: (. /f/ OL . os <f MAYOR'S OFFICE Home Address: 4 e a SEA L ST S j'- p A- L Street City / Zip Telephone Number: (Home) 4 YS gig' (Work) dg3 °S' sf Planning District Council: 4 N7tf N t, 1 i City Council Ward: I" Preferred Mailing Address: / 130 V C What is your occupation? SC H L / L(Cff oL©61S T - Place of Employment: ' T° PAO( 1//t6 /c Se moot S Committee(s) Applied For: Pliers 4 n10 .1E62E.4-77 d 4 Cd /`- thiSS/o, j What skills /training or experience do y.0 possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? The information included in this applic tion is considered private data according to the Minnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. (OVER) Rev.4 /21/93 PERSONAL REFERENCES 6 14 �� Y. Name: 306/ MEbAQi7 Address: 1 431 Ht1rHe S7. Phone: (Home) (Work) Name: r7 Lice- H/9 U 1`1 AN Address: 1v 4 ) C1- 16z-hS F ' (- Phone : (Home) f/j 6 - b 210 (Work) Name: IV- h a ,2 2 i S S H2 r4 6 0 w p. P S c c (-/, r I Address: Phone: (Home) 3 7 4 20 f (Work) 2 - - 3' 3 0 Reasons for your interest in this part'cular committee: L f /ii e Cy-Peel E•A :I ✓it.,r n! c, 1A/ T171 7`7/ p/fYzlc /SS (-1 E f ET)2 (j 4 (cS ct 0 P 42,E C d, (` i r S Si o •'v 1, ry ✓ c S , . ( G >9 0 7 Ai fig-ic s — . Have you had previous contact with the ommittee for which you are making application. If so, when, and circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee epresentation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo', Male X Female Da e of Birth: ///l-'--// • Disabled: Yes No If special accommodations are needed, p specify. How did ou hear about opening? W S , y bout this opening. /v P,ApC� G,, �, ,21D 6 i= li G u 1 - 11 - 94- 135. I believe that I have some relevant skills and a great deal of experience that would make m'F, an asset on the Parks and Recreation Commission. • From 1983 -1991 I re jresented Saint Paul on the Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission, the advisory board to the Metropolitan Council which oversees develd'pment and funding for regional parks. I am familiar with regional needs a4d priorities, mechanisms for funding and how implementing agencies such as Saint Paul can best access those funds. I have also had to deal with the tricky balance one must maintain when sitting on these types of boards, that is, retaining a overall perspective yet promoting and being an advocate for one's own neighborhood concerns and individual avocations. • I spent four years on thr St. Anthony ark Community y Council, (1988- 1992.), two years as Co- Chair. I'm familiar with my neighborhood concerns about parks and our rec centers and about how the City committees and departments oplerate. • I am Lead Psychologist for the Saint Paul schools and am used to concensus building, teamwork and practical problem solving. • I've been active on many other Boards in the City including the League of Women Voters and Big Brothers/Big Sisters. Though I believe I have leadership skills, I'm also i� good team player. I'm energetic, practical, and have the ability td see through to the heart of an issue yet look ahead with some degree of vision. `� ' p• OFF ICE OF T HE i� 'f �r'mi� "� „ (3 • nn n� � J b SAINT P HALL l� �p jp_A 4a AIL, MINNESOTA 55102 MAY � 0 1994 O 2 66 -8526 Name: g L. C MAYOR'S O"'3 OF ; A: Home Address: .Z o n I , r �� S ' f ill , r-GJ Z Street City Zi Telephone Number: Home 2 Z y —1 F 'work p �' Planning District Council: City Council 'Ward: oS Preferred Mailing Address: Z What is your occupation? i i vt n L i • Place of Employment: �� 1 — Committee(s) Applied For: _ c �L�� ' L. at skills /training or experience do y. possess for the e comittee s • ii ( ) for �rhich you seek / /7 �� ;kt. • • ' ` ••v �• 6 1S L . - •-I- 1 • i �1 / • nn i Che information included in this applicat on is considered private data according to the fi a Goverment Data Practices Act. i :he general public. S a result, this information is not released to OVER) Rev.4./21/93 ?RSONAL REFERENCES c14-1351,0 me: / /t p , r; Acil • 3dress: I L ID C. kIr 1 . 1 p M )1. hone: (Home) 72 y— 2 S Li 5 (Work) ame: 12 6 Li 57 4 VE. �� P-) Po. -- s /05 ddress : co (1 e. I�( 1 I ie I Et.'l -I i.6 )11: hone- (Home) ,g q-) — 5 n 7 7 (Work) fame: - 9 {).14 / e 4 'arson � • .ddress :_ ` / n i i--- ( 'hone: (Home) 2 —Z7 9 i0 (Work) seasons for your interest in this particu committee ‘ yy - I / C.G.Y1 kL C.r i Tc A1 --'F c-1 c-1 Tf!, n5 0or4 i_.�fto., 6.i%Cvi I.!.- -1i. 0 ��� ts }} I 1. �� �F'�I� ,, L roc -, � j bG k e in, J . lave you had previous contact with the co» ittee for which you are making application. :f so, when, and circumstances? 11 G :n an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our .ommunity, please check the line applicabl- to you. This information is strictly •oluntary. White (Caucasian) V Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo / Male Female Date 'f Birth: 3 ' I �� • isabled: Yes N f special accommodations are needed, plea .e specify. ow did you hear about this opening? _ I Mn71)01 Mailroom ILL: b12'2 ( - S1bU Hpr 5,Y2 11 :UU No.U1U F' . MAR-31-1992 iSt35 FROM SAINT MAYOR'S OFFICE TO 92973160 P.02/02 Ay" OTT + V OF THE MAYOR �•, 7 �'ITY L CM -13a0 l / SATNT no , XINN:60TA 55102 'G 298 -973e limo; m . r1 , i/ ' Sao Home Address: , L M . • , Street City Telephone l7umbtax: :. a�J�! . _ ( AI- ,'>zp Planning District Council: , 1"7 _ .. City Council Ward: Chtt Preferrediliag Ac:draas: , 6 001. What is your ocattpat:ianT i ,4$ .. . `� Place of Employment: MA A Committee (s) ,Applied For: ; i el G1 - A Boar-GL . f Whet skills /training at- experience � zence do cu possess for / the committee(s) for 'which you seek • appointment? - oil.. Qc4► v.e c f `tv- 46,-c e fiw it 1.14 K- /0 bbrc►S flct fir- r3 , • k - r cwt i _ - a rt4 a i!l • it tt c: I few- 4fre J . ytwJ ra,1+-wC � Scie C1 Tho.t.e , A ts~, /'it-f fq lye serv1aG j4AZ am �, , d • _ obl 604.6 - 'uhdt s yet -ice - .1 h40.1. a. M i h rte-. S�; _ ` ` • (T1 JO 4444.) 4 OV 144 .441, A Sq., (43-ds • . ..),tr J • Pi 641 - Mc f„ `lV ,rk) n 5h.4 ; iw th„ - Jy - 0,4.4. h 1.04147y 417 4 Ge4.4.4.4 -1 , 7 01/2_ .. - .t........ if ....: -- -4' '. t4,3 t! 471 . a.lo 4 c14) 41e -e- m1t Oka ii . A ., 4.0.44-4-- - ' (it d. d+(.4--, 1 a1 am- , 11 --- jtiel - 1 41"... tiers -e4. ..a-! M. ea The inf n int j ( this' p li' i. co sidered rivvate dat a oo d to tha Hinnesota Goverment. Data Practices Act 'Az s revolt, this information is not .released t the general public, (OVER) . Rev. 8 -15 -40 :1t FROM SAINT "ft MYOR'S OFFICE TO 929?3160 P.02/06 C 14 -131, i ,-A.:,=:`,:-./77:7:.'...iril-i.,fii:2:;;-'.;=::-3.:-.:?.?:•:::.y,:...::::::?E--',..:;Y:f . • : ,,,il .1.? .., -, .::- -;.,...,„. ,:•;..., .-- ...t. • ..u. ..,...?.....:1-z-? y-.7txiztlti,rt.....:- - ..v. , i , ”... lili 3 ; i ;":'.; .`:;,5 r4 ..- :. P !,..r f y •f.-.--. ... t .... • '...4 • . ...4:-) :- .4,;::.3.y.Ali,...i.7 ,.::,:3;.) ;,.;;.•;>1 t: ..:;.• • ,- -• . .4 • • • #.* ' • '.'.'s . -%* A".-'::' t':.: • s" ': ' : , • ' 4 4 r%- ?•':' %.::. • ...••••••••11..4!..tsv,Vt.-!•;:..t.,;.....fr..it.-1: • .....:1•' • ...•:•' • . ' ./.- .": ....•: lic.' :h. . Lt.. b . • ...N ; • ••: • ;.: r......, • ..... . . .. '0;;.:, ' ',, ''.:),•::*•'• • ' :;'5 •:,;,•1•;:jr:. *: . ' riz!..,..; fr'.. 4 :• ' ■ t.i.. ' '•I'! ......""•`; • . . :,••••" .-Vt"./...:•:.. - ::"' ' ..`: . • -:. . • • • . - • " ' • •• r '''&•:'''''''' • • *•'''•••• '• •'' '' ....r.::••■ • •-(:,'•`..:',i,. • • •••• '• ' : - ...` .7 : ' :•.:''..*•'-' ' "•—• • •,*;, ?..:.., ez•rd',...`.,'.F t !'•;,. ■ -:..: * .40' ' • , * • • •• - . .re .... • i ,* ''':- ... /CY .' '' • ...:'. 3 •. : .:*:::`.':1:•'?.i .::::-‘'.4:. .i'..'t:cs %%Alt • ..• .9 : .,.;.$!.,;1;'....'.4.•.:, . X .,..:• '- , 4: li' ,:--;...-.. 4.. • ,. , •.,b,,, . ... , . . 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"•••"?t''';'.., •i, " .i3--",24. 1 7 f 3 • , f! -- :: •;:,• ;.; .: • . : . ' '. . - • . • • . . • , •• ; • : .• • • . .. . • • ; ... f _,,.._ •1:...- .”..... ,. . -::, .. .. ' •.• • • . ' 1 •• • ' • -. • .... .- •.. • • • , • • • • • - Phone: ....o.. • •= • i d' • •'••••••• • . . • 'ork • : - 4i — 0 • • . • . . . . , _ • • . . .• . .. . . . . - . Reasons for your intorekt 'in tbii pert ula,r• committee: • ' • '• •'• •••• • ••• ' • .• .. . ...... 4,• / tr •IP '' ••• ..0 . . .' ' • . A. a g ••./.. r 41 itt . • - 1. .. 4P, ' • • • .• . • . • 4 • ,i , • . • • • . . . . . A a A - .. ...Is at' • ' 'Le ••••• • ••• ' 'lama * • . .. . I . • • • • . • ... • % 4 • . ., • .., • „ • ar • ' • • .. . ...a. • • • ; . . . . . . . •I . • . A a A , • ilE, . , • , f • I • • Oa '• • I a ' a ,• . / ip ...._,.. • . 11.. 'a. • ' ■ ' • • . • . • - %.,...%._.:10—...4171,1;ftWilkie.04"... "....- RaTe you bad preTious contact with the .otraittee gor whi.eb.. you. are making' a.pplication.ftroVPMS. . Xf , so, . when, *nd 'pircii3;stemces, • • • 1.' ' ' • . • . ... • • • • .., ... . . •.... • .• _.„ • ' .- 1 . ., .' ,' . ,. .... . . •. . • , . . . .. • ' .a .., A, 14 ' a A ..• .. . 4 ig • .... • . it /L. • e # • • . . . • • . .• • . • . - • • . .• • • . . .. . , N . . . , • . . ' • .% ' • . • • .... . . In ark attOapt to enture that committee r:preseutttion refleots the makeup Of - , COOnuniry, please cheek Vie line' applica.le to you. This inE0xmtion is s r Voluntary. ' . ' . . , -. ___11,Thita (Caucaiian) 1 - ______ 1. Rispauic • . ( African American) ' . . . ____• &Ilan or Pacifie Xaland er • - American Indiln or Alaskan Esktt . o . • • . . • ..- • • . . , . . , /tale • . • Female ' Dat- o Bizth: ________ . . . . . . • Disabled:. Ye; No _____ " ' --- • • • • .......---- • . . , Xf special accommod4tious ott. laTded, ple:se specif . . • _ • , . . • . . I . . , . . . . 1 . - ....., . . . . . .. 7 . .... .. '. • • e e A . II • • Row :did •?ou out this openiug? A. ' • Ai I ili• -...... ' • • • . • ; • • • .. . • • ••• .- . • • • • + __ -- _ice ✓_� Allyson J. Hartle - _ -` 1189 WEst Minnehaha — St. Paul, MN 55104 Education (612) 646 -6020 M,B,A,, 1991, University of St. Ti •mas, St. Paul B.A., 1977, I iamline University, S . Paul. Eine arts major, Outstanding Junior Award - 1976 Current Professional Activities University of St. Thomas, Graduate S I hool of Business (GSB), Minneapolis Marketing and Alumni program manager, July 1993 - present Develop and manage innovative arketing strategies for the G5B and respond to the educational, career development and netwo king needs of the 4500 GSB alumni. Activities: Event planning, med a relations, advertising, marketing communications, volunteer manage ment, training and orga. i zational development, database management and participation in community and busines• outreach activities. Metropolitan Transit Commission (M IC), Minneapolis Commissioner, August 1992 - pr:.ent Currently in second year of three I , ear term on the five - member governing board of largest public transit provider in the region. E ' octal tceaourer, and appointed the chair of the standing eanzn.ieeee time deals•with marketing, c Istomer service and transit initiatives Chair of the transit security and s ety committee that develops policies to improve the internal security (revenue and physical ass, ts) and the safety of MTC employees and customers Represent the MTC on the LRT J int Powers Board and meet with numerous business, community and . legislative leaders on transit issues. Previous Professional Experience Minnesota Department of Transportati n (Mn /DOT), St. Paul Legislative and policy analyst, Offi c of the Commissioner, March 1991 - April 1992 Conducted state -wider audit of Mn b OT's public and media relations activities Analyzed and tracked bills and co 'municated Mn/DOT's position to legislators and staff Developed and coauthored 1991 lc study on rail - highway grade crossing safety which resulted in the adoption of innovative education programs and cost - effective approaches to long - standing funding controversies. Organized coalition - building activ ries for Mn /DOT, community and business leaders, the legislature and other public agencies. Represented. Mn /DOT on several i reragency committees, Minnesota Department of Administrate (Admin), St. Paul Communications manager, Office oil the Commissioner, Nov. 1988 - March 1991 Edited bi- weekly employee newsier er (distribution: 900 employees) and a public affairs quarterly Wrote and distributed news release , opinion - editorial articles and public service announcements and assisted in creating and im lementing department - wide graphic standards Managed internal communications ietwork consisting of a representative from each of the 23 divisions Negotiated and administered toner: ts with designers and printers RPTIrflenrprl Arlmin nn sPver•al inrpi genii/ rnmmirr&r's inrinrling rho rtnvFrnnr's r,irirnl for n Thor planning team. II 06/29/94 15:05 . NO. 871 PO4 cA- 1354 Publications and Writings Related to Public Relations and Mar eting Graduate School of Business Master's Update brochures, 1 s 3 -94 Wrote and developed creative concept for two brochures that marketed new program to alumni Recognition Program promo ,'on materials, Wrote and contribute. to the creative concepts for three pieces that promoted participa tion in the program a d attendance at the recognition dinner. Masterpieces, bimonthly news' - tier for Graduate School of Business Alumni, 1994 - Developed concept fo new publication, contributed to creative concepts, wrote and coedited newsletter Minneapolis Institute of Arts Program brochures, invitatio , sale catalogs, posters and advertisements, 1985 -89 Wrote and edited and gave in gut on creative concepts • Minnesota Museum of Art 13iannual art school catalog, posters, flyers and newsletters, 1977-1983 Wrote copy, managed contras.. and distribution of finished products Related to Public Affairs: Minnesota Department of Transportat on Report to the Legislature: Rail -,H ',hway Grade Crossing Safety Improvement Study, 1992. Coauthor and editor Minnesota Department of Administra on Innovate, public affairs quarterl 1990 -91 Editor Adminfor'mation, bi- weekly em.loyee newsletter, 1988 -91 Editor Graphic Standards Manual, 1991 Coeditor Strategic Communications Plannit in State Agencies, position paper Author News releases, media advisorie' and public service announcements 1988 -91 conontic Considerations of State -r . l Lotteries, position paper, 1988 author III • q4 - 1 35 • Other professional experience (c. .) • University of Minnesota Art M useu _- Contract lecturer for travelling - xhibitions, March 1988 . - Dec. 1989 • Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Depar ment of Prints and Drawings Department secretary /curatorit assistant, Nov. 1985 - Sept. 1987 Managed administrative operati ns of the department. Contributed to the production • brochures, catalogs, new releases and other promotional material. Served as liaison to the museum s public relations and communications department. Coordinated interns and volunt = es. Conducted classes on works fron the print and drawing collection. Introduced department to comj rerized record keeping and database management. Tours and Public Programs Tour Coordinator, Nov. 1983 - v. 1985 Coordinated the schedules of ap cnximately 90 museum docents in scheduling hundreds of youth and adult tours each month. Minnesota Museum of Art, Education ivision, Feb, 1977 - Nov. 1983 Held several positions including sch of programs manager, director of the Museum School and director of the AfterSchool Art program. Developed, marketed and imple r ented innovative museum programs for local schools Hired, trained and supervised tea' hing staff and community volunteers Produced news releases and prom brochures and coordinated media events Minnesota State Department of Educat �. n Grant project are specialist, Feb. 1, 78 - Sept. 1979 (part -time contract) Served as an art specialist for an E ergency Special Aid to Education grant. The purpose of the grant was to integrate arts into the ' trriculum in core city schools and to promote intercultural awareness. BASF, Limbergerhof, Germany Product development research ass scant, May - August 1976 Community Involvement Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Print and I1 rawing Council. Board member, 1985 - present, Cur I 'ntly public relations cochair Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Capitol C. ipaign Fund - raiser, 1991, 1992 Minnesota Private College Fund Drive Fund - raiser, 1992 University of St. Thomas, Graduate Sch. 1 of Business Alumni Committee Cochair, 1992 - 1993 Hamline- Midway Community Council, S of St. Paul District 11, Board Member, elected 1994 Metropolitan Mountain Biking Resource 'roup Founder and officer 1993 - present St. Paul Bicycle Racing Club Member, 1992 - present III `� KEEP a OFFI � E OF HE MAYOR E:4 �� 39 � CIT HAL RECEIVED Q � _ IS6s. SAINT PAII ,.MINNESOTA 55 - - A; 265 -8526 Name: -L ara - - I ' 1-:al APR 15 1994 Home Address: ( 133 4 L. Q- m- • c Lc Street • City 4)2-'327 ',L 4(1 - Zip Telephone Number: (Home) , C¢ (Work) gqq - r ` aZ-Z Planning District Council: ' � City Council Ward: -....5 Preferred Hailing Address: J 07V // m What is your occupation? ' C c J 1 � (z.0 6- 4 1 . V T-orgeore4f� Place 'of Employment: •`I( -b �i -h- / 6 1 a - l"CE-C.LCC -L <ivA) e$Ci 5 k t / J ! // Gommittee((s) Applied For: L C _ ( 47(Z- Q / /! / �C t-I A r 1 Q r- Pn.✓`tG,S' °( 1: Ce-I l 1/G11 p I .,d -- or` -11-..e. )3 i c {J a 0 , 6 • - sr A.1"ty What skills /training or experience do y, possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? /1 7) 6i- 1 I ' 61 ;1 _&e' a , k __j&- Aa,(/ '9e '-2 /;(■/'ti / - 6.-K 1 6-ee_ /--,-- , i/ /- 44 .__v__,, . ,I-L(-4.c . ._— & , L.6.--- e c -i,eac,_ L2v.z.6 1 (t__,<__. c6ac-&_____ ,-_J-1>A:(1--Lu--- .._� C� yl2(_,;2, C CZJ c S- Z i'4, (_,e,r_ ) a - &I-1 , t_f__;i.) .,,__, d7,4A-uve., 3. ( 1- 2 ,___ / t-2 - -‘(----[ /LI 1° ,- ..---e-- zerLfeL...itz.„ & . ._______-keucx_ ., 4 e_e___--J__. .• sc-c---C- et . , ---) ,,,, . i , ,e _0- --c cx,G C� C C. l Z <L/ i ' �c�- Gel-c J The information included in this applic -tion is considered private data according to the Minnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. (OVER) Rev.4_/21/93 PERSONAL ERENCES b Name: b �I (71 6 /4 J` .. Address: ✓ 316 ,1 ccAi-e leiv_Zry , // 25 .5 4 Phone: (Home) ' • T ,• 77 (Work 6 3-6 --\5 / 0 v Nam^ J L /7i 571,--A-(</k2 , p Address: C2 /a^7ii- (4 L L Phone: (Home) ( /3 L/ 8 1( 1� Work) Name: 7 •e, .L/ Address: GC/ ��� "C /C(����J,SSIC? C ����� i Phone • Home l Work 7 ; --- J V- / 1 Reasons for your interest in this particular committee �j i 7 ,,____ / . 1 �� , -- p,/-L32._ 62e 4 ___ e- --€4-4- 4-6 , Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are makin a If so, when, and circumstances? g pplication. 7/ - In an attempt ensure that committeej t to ens p representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the line appliable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. I.., (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Asian or Pacific Islander Male 4-64"� (/9 Female Dte of Eirth: 'Z�Z .i '.... 7 (/ Disabled: Yes No \ �/ 1 If special accommodations are needed, please specify. ! How did you hear about this opening? `- C/ / ��� 1 - C i 7 / (._.4 cz.i/L___ '72----74tt--e, . /