94-1352 � / C 5 m� Council File # {1 - /3 • Green Sheet # , 1 70 . 1 ESOL TION 1 10 IN UL, MINNESOTA Presented B rili '� y Referred To AI Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has endorsed and encouraged participation in Total 7 Quality Improvement (TQI) events and training in order to provide better customer 8 service to the citizens of Saint Paul and 9 10 WHEREAS, the central body of t TQI guiding structure is the Quality Steering Team 11 comprised of representatives from he Mayor's office, department and office directors, 12 the Manager Corps Advisory Co 'ttee, and employee bargaining units; and 13 14 WHEREAS, many City employees have received training such as the course known as 15 "Road Mapping" through TQI; and 16 17 WHEREAS, employees throughou the City are involved in TQI team projects to 18 improve delivery of services from 1 e work area to City customers and that sharing 19 information concerning team proj - is will help other City employees in their efforts to 20 improve service delivery; and 21 22 WHEREAS, the TQI Communica l' ons Team insures that information concerning the 23 TQI process and progress is provi I ed to City employees through news articles, 24 information sessions and an TQI • ual Fair; and 25 26 WHEREAS, the TQI Annual Fai is open to all City employees as an opportunity to 27 recognize and celebrate achievem nts and inform employees concerning opportunities 28 available through TQI; and 29 30 WHEREAS, it is traditional for 1, al businesses and unions to contribute funds, goods or 31 services to be awarded to employ. es who attend the Fair and make their names 32 available to be selected through r ndom drawings in order to encourage employees to 33 attend the Fair; and 34 -. 6 14- )35 2 .. 3 4 5 6 WHEREAS, it is in the public interest to encourage employees to attend the TQI Fair 7 so that the employees may provide :. mproved customer service; therefore be it 8 9 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul C,ty Council requests and accepts donations from area 10 merchants, unions and others to have available for random drawings at the Total Quality 11 Improvement Employee Fair to be field on October 28, 1994 and that such donations 12 shall be deemed to be gifts to the c .ty of Saint Paul; and be it 13 14 FURTHER RESOLVED, that such donations shall be deemed to be donations to the 15 City within the meaning of section 41.03 of the Administrative Code, and in compliance 16 with all the requirements of chaptet 41 of the Administrative Code. Y ea Nays Absent Requested by Department of: Blakey Harris Grimm Guerin and Me / (� ✓ `-C Reutman Thum ty» Form Ap by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date „ Adoption Certified by Council Secret dry By: / • - k`304 By: , , - c1... N , &.:-..A... . Approve. b Mayor fo Sub ' � 14--Z � Counc fission to .� � Approved by .•t r; Date I� �/� / i h t� tJ�Gt By: iz • • DEPARTMENT / /COUNCIL DATE TIATED GREEN SHEET N° 17049 Human Resources INITIAUDATE INITIAUDATE — CONTACT PERSON & PHONE 1'DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR *CITY COUNCIL Mike Foley 266 -6484 ASSI*N ,` CITY ATTORNEY n CITY CLERK NUM/ ER FOR BUDGET DIRECTOR n FIN. &MGT. SERVICES DIR. MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUING ORDPR [MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Adoption of the resolution to accept funds, goods and services on behalf of the City to , provide prizes for employees attendinc the TRI Annual Fair, RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO CIS COMMITTEE 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? STAFF YES NO DISTRICT COURT 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO E (plain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why; It IS desirable to provide prizes for City employees at the Total Quality Improvement Annual Fair in order to reinforce nariicioatican at the TOI event. TOI emphasizes quality services to all customers of Gity services, ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Employees will be encouraged to attend the Mayor and City Council approved TOI Fair and may win a prize through random drawings held during the Fair, DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Employees will have less encourapemen- to attend the TfI Annual Fair and may not have the opportunity to learn about TfI events, processes and successes that improve service to City customers TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ Q COST /REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Tile Annual Quality Fair and Donations The City's TQI process is an effec'ive effort to solidify the concepts of customer focused services, employee participation, aid data -driven decisions into the routine operations of the City workforce. Last year the TQI Communications Team held a Fair and it was well received by employees and it did arouse interest in the quality process. The TQI efforts have been succestul in many places, possibly the most notable results have been in Public Works, the Water Utility, and the Library system. We wish to repeat the event and we believe that we will reach additional people this year. Last year we did solicit donations r•m unions and businesses and these donations were used as door prizes and were used to support the operations of the Fair. We ask permission to solicit these donations again this year, but we need formal approval due to the new legislation. This resolution has been developed in cooperation with Phil Byrne of the Office of th ,; City Attorney. We plan to have the Fair on October 28 in the City Hall Annex. It will begin at 10:00 a.m. and will last until 2:00 p.m. 7 hroughout the event some of the quality teams who have had notable successes will be available to share their "stories ". There will also be a booth for the City Quality Steering, Team (QST) and for the Roadmap training program. The Fair has a light atmosphere w encourages learning without the formality associated with formal training anc familiarization programs. Last year the Fair was attended b? Jim Buckman and Bob Killeen, both of whom have been with the Minnesota Council for Quality. They both agreed that the Fair was an important event and appeared to attract interest in quality processes on the part of employees. 1 � • QUALITY STEERING TEAM 9 1`1 --ms g.. • • , Tom Eggum and John DeNoma, Co- Chairs 266 -6099 292 -3740 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Mark Robertson Telephone: 612- 266 -6471 1 \ , 1 Quality Coordinator TDD /TTY: 612 -266 -6501 Norm Coleman, Mayor 230 City Hall Annex Facsimile: 612 - 292 -7656 25 West Fourth Street AAAA Saint Paul, MN 55102 -1631 libillaill TO: Councilpresident D. 'd Thune Councilmember Jer Blakey Councilmember D • • 'e Guerin Councilmember Ma 'e Grimm Councilmember Mi • ael Harris ..: „ „ „ „,Counc lmembex. ..! erta. .gard :.::.::.>:::. > >>> i uncilrpe r-J. a i : ett an FROM '' Michael Ri / , Quality Cvumca o Team Staff TE• Se temb�`� >�� u, 1994 . ........ RE: Resolutio: f F the Annual TQI a ir::::::::::::::::::::0:, r olutia a* u • permit the TQI Commun � Team to solicit Attached is a es � ::: : . p ............. donations which would t<; s. "door P rizes” for the Seconlatil Saint Paul li F Quality a a ir. ty >:'u� P The Fair last year wasi `�mM`';: >� 'ffective in publicizing t : h �.: .� „,;;:., rocess throughout throu g the City and we believt eve better results can be ex from this year's Fair. ............. . . R '.:. .:::iyy{;:;;` iii:: +'?:.:::::::.: }v; ?: }:i: :;i � ...:::i;::i'r::i:t:::i::i:.. .:: i::i::'r::.:: }:`:.. Since the Fair wd li n b 28 we y6 on. rtndorsement'�as soof:� as possible. This resolution is required by the 'new legisl tl€ gifts and was developed in close collaboration with Phil Byrne of t e City Att Office. On behalf of the TQI Communic , tions Team I would ' lik W :bank you for your consideration in this matter. If y. u have questions you can contact me at 266 -6484, Roger Grupp at 266 -6146, or M. II Robertson at 266 -6471. atch Resolution L , , , i