95-877OR4G1{�AL Presented By Referred To Council Fi1e # � v � 7 Green Sheet # 29346 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3z Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application, ID �B-00562, for a new State Class B Gambling Premise Permit by Multiple Sclerosis Society at Reaney's Bar, 870 Payne Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved. �:-��-- Requested by Department of: By: Appr By: Office of License, InsAections and Environmental Protection $Y : �� � ��,l..i Form Approved by City Attorney s � ?j. 7-�3��is Approved by Mayor for Submission to council By: Adopted by Council: Date �,� �, \���'j -�_—�— AdopCion Certi£ied by Council Secretary ** NEED COPY IMMEDIATELY ** �� �� � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNQL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEE �O 29346 LIEP INITIAUDATE INITIAVDATE CONTACT PERSON & PHONE O DEPARTMENT DIRECTOFi O CI7Y COUNCIL Christine Rozek - 266-9108 ^u��" � qTV ATTOflNEV � QTV CLERK NUMBEPFOR MUST BE ON C�JUNCIL AGENDp BY DATE) p011TING � BUDGET DIflECTOF O FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES DIR Hearin : �/ L�S Op O MAVOR (OR ASSISTANn O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL IOCATiONS FOFi SIGNATURE) ACTION PE�UESTED Willard M. Munger, Jr. on behalf of Multiple Sclerosis Society requests Gouncil approval of their application for a new State Class B Gambling Premise Pexmit at Reaney's Bar, 870 Payne Avenue. (ID lFB-00562) RECAMMENDPTIONS Approve (A) or Re�ect (R) pEflSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this personttirm ever worketl under a contrect for this department? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ S7AFF Z. Has this personHirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISrniCT COUar _ 3. Does ihis persontlirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee� SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attech to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, Wnat, When, Where, Why�: ADVANTAGES IF APPROVEO� ��f � _ �f�1 JUL 2 � 1995 .�"�.-----------__ __ DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVEO� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED TOTAL AMOUNTOFTpANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION. (EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 935'�6 In Tracker? License ID # � — OQSb�- Company Business Contact a L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST 9s-�'7 7 MP'n Received / APP'n Processed � �fe Sa�� � � o �,1 I� ,hl� ��.I� � �0�; tS' 77.f ��L'P1 2 s Business Phone:_ b'�7P %�?�f7 ll �f` � Home Phone: 8�7D—%�b0 aa�.Nlco/��P�'v�• .�� dYl/�lS. .� a ��f Date to Council Research:_ Public Hearing Date: � Z � Notice SeM to Notice Sent to Public: Labels Ordered: District Cauncil #: t/ � Ward #: B,� Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney 7 f i�a-) �JS ('�� Environmental Health l.y1Pr Fire ��M license � Site Plan Received: l i�' �'�'� Q jG Lease Received: t Police ��/ �1��� �s Zoning /l.l ( P� ' 1 LG214 P��) hiinnesota I.au�ful Gambiing Premises Permit Application - Part 1 of 2 � �"� 00562 Organizalion base 1'�cense number Fremises pemit number B-00562— OO h� FOR SOARD USE ONLY BASE K rP � �CF cr:ECK INITIALS CATE Cfass of premises pernit {check one) � A{SeQ�j Pulf-tabs, tiQbo-�x.+s, c=oC�ewheels, rhzs, bingo � B(5250) PuII-�6s, 5pboards, pa6Clewheeis, r'Ies � C (5200) 6ingo only ❑ � (5150) RaHIeS only Name of Organizz�on Multiple Sclerosis Society Business Address of Orcaniza5on - Street or P. O Box (Do not use the address of your gambling manager) 2344 Nicollet Avenue, Suite 280 Minneapolis, Minnesota Nzme ef chief ezec:;tive oYcer (rannot be yo�r g Willard i�i. ?:unger, Jr. 55404 Executive Director 612) 870-1500 )ayCme phone nomber 612�870-1500 If applying for a class A or C peimit, fill in days and beginning & ending houis of bi.-�go occasiors: No more than seven bingo occasions may be conducted by your or�anization per week Day BeC,�.^�Sng/Endfng Houcs Day Be�nning/Endfng Houn Day Bep,Guiing rEndi�g How-s to .,_ If biago �ill notbe conducted, checY here � use 1� ifie premises fycatec City and Ca�nr� wfiere � -�['. v� Name and address of I within d,y Gmits? �es O No If no, is toQrnship � organized d unwganized p uninqrpwa;ed garn¢ling premises is Iocated OR Township and Counry where gambling premises is bqted if outside of city fimiu 77 % /3.� Does you� oryaniza�on own me bu�IWOg wnere me gamaing wy� �e w�K,�x;w�: �y ��� �n ���- 1t no, a;ath the (oibwi�g: • a copy o( the lease (form LG202) wich tems for at teazi one year. • a wpy of a sketch of the floor pian witfi ddmensions, showfng wfiat porton is 6eing teased. A Iease and sketch are noi required for Ctass D appLcaSo�s. �rtnesota I.m�fuI Garnbting _ - Premise Permit Application - Part 2 of 2 LesZie Ogg 2344 Nicollet Avenue, Suite 280 Board o£ Directors Ele�nor Novak 2344 Nicollet Avenue, Suite 280 Controller 1 hareby qnsent that bcal taw e�forcement o�cers, the board or agerts of tfie board, or tfia commissioner of revenue or pubf'�c safsty, or agents of ihe qmmissioners, may enier She piemises.to enforce the law. Bank Records Znfozmatioa l7ie board is authorized to insped the bank records of the ganbting ac�unt wfienever necessary to fu�ll reGuiremenis of current gambting rules and taw. Oath 1 dedzre thst: " •I have raad this �pt'�fwn snd dl informatwn s�bmi;ac-d fo the board is uue, a�utate and rampfete; •zii other requi; ed infwjn«ion has been fully dsdosed: i. The city'mvst sign ihis appliczt+on i! lhe gambling pren- ises is loc�ed within dty limits. 2 The purdy "AND township" must sign ihis appGcztion if 1fie gambling premises is bcated wrhin a township. 3. The bca! unR govemment (city or county) must pass z resolutan speci(aatiy approving or denying this appl'�:ion. Date Received l0 7he instrvctions fa req��ired aiuchmenis. . Flail t�: Gambling Conirol Board Rosewood Plau South, 3rd F7oor 177t W. Couniy Aoad B Rosevllle� MN 55113 _._ .__.__ -1 am the chief executive oYcer of the organ¢afwn; •1 assume full responsibility for the fair and f2vful opera- tion of alf zc;ivfies to be c�nduded; •1 wll famil'wrize nyself with the taws ot Minnesota governing lawful gambling and rules of the board and agree,'rf liransed, to abida by those laws and rules, including amsndmenu to ifiem; •any chanoes in zpp('�rzlwn information will be submi:ted to the board and bcal unit of govemment w't�hin 10 d�ys of ihe ch�rge; and •1 understand 2hat faifure to provide tequired informztion or providing fslse or misteading inform�ion may result in tfie denial or revo�tion oi the license. Data �Iaalq 4_ -- -�.�_ :_ _�. ..s,. =rnmeM's resolution ao- pryvi�a this a�i'wation musf be aYached to thro 2ooGcot�oa. 5. H this a�Gcation is den'�ed by tha bcat untt of govarnment, it should noi bs submitted to the GambGng Control Board. Tovmship: By signature bebw, the towrehip admowledges that the organizafwa is zpplying for a premises permit wRhin township limits. Tamship hame Sigcuture of person receiving appfieation Titie ( Date Rec�ved t LG2i4(Part 2j (Rw]t299t) ,7ames Renckens 2344 Nicollet Avenue, Suite �av Dvaau �� „��_��..��