94-1341 Council File # 94— r 3 V. ORIGINAL Green Sheet # 29470 a ESOLUTION CITY OF S INT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 41 Presented By AllUI 2 ! IF Referred To Committee: Date 1 1 RESOLVED: That application (I.D. #3.007) for a Liquor On Sale (A), Liquor On Sale - Sunday, Gambling Location (A), Restaurant (B), Entertainment -Class 3, and Dance Hall License applies for by EMREM Inc. DBA Club Metro (Kathryn E. Gaffney, President) at 73; Pierce Butler Route be and the same is hereby approved. II 1 i I I I I Requested by Department of: Yea- Nays Ab-ent Blakey Grimm Office of License, Inspections and Guerin Environmental Protection Harris Megard Rettman ✓ Thune L■ j� / . _ _ i � By: L 4L�•1 %11,.:.x, �l Adopted by Council: Date V 1-.1 ; V 1 9 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secret.ry _ 4 BY: cv n—Y• - Approved by yor: Date ` L 4 I f A PP roved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Otak By: * *NEED COPY IMMEDIATELY ** 94 — 13 '-i 3 Q DEPARTMENT /OFFICE /COUNCIL DAT ; INITIATED I A' V° 2 9 4 O GREENSHEET LISP Licensing t INALlDATE INlri E --- ITI CONTACT PERSON & PHONE Ej DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR ED CITY COUNCIL DER FOR ❑ CITY AT TOR NEY ❑ CITY CLER a Christine Rozek /26$ -9114 " MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) Ro'71NG 0 BUDGET DIRECTOR ❑ FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. • For Hearing: q ` / / t� 9 oNAR ©MAYOR(ORABSISTAr TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLII ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) i ACTION REQUESTED: € '. Application (I.D. #36007) for a Liquor On Sale (A), Liquor On Sale- Sunday, Gambling Locat on (A), Restaurant (B), Entertainment -Cltss 3, and Dance Hall License ,z, RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) FRRSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER. THE FQLLOWtNti QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1 Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? - i 1 ' CIB COMMITTEE YES NO _ STAFF 2 Has this person/firm ever been a cfty employee? YES NO _ DISTRICT COURT 3 Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? i SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO racplatn alt yes answers on separate chat and *Mich to preen sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why ..; EMREM Inc. DBA Club Metro (Kathryn E. Gaffney, President) requests Council approval of it ; application for a Liquor On Sale (A), Liquor On Sale- Sunday, Gambling Location (A), Restaurant (B) , Entertainment -Class 3, and Dance Hall License at 733 Pierce Butler Route, All applications and fees have been stbmitted. All required departments have reviewed an. ; approved this application. i ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Council Research Center JUL 2 8 1994 t DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: " ,' &. 1 k . DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: t. i i a TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST /REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ; 4 - FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) i x_ i3 1 Greensheet # 29470 L.I.E.P, REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: 6/6/94 / 6/22/94 In Tracker? App'n Received / App'n Processed License ID # 36007 Company Name: EMREM Inc. DBA Club Metro Business Addresss: 733 Pierce Butler Rout : Business Phone: 489 -0002 Contact Name /Address: Duane Brasel Home Phone: 822 -3531 4115 Park Ave S MP ".S Date to Council Research: j < 1 ) 9 Public Hearing Date: C I I I 1 c1'4 Labels Ordered: 7/7/94 Notice Sent to Applicant: District Council #: 07 Notice Sent to Public: Ward #: 01 Department/ Date Inspections Comments App'd Date VP.rifiPri City Attorney Environmental Health Fire License ') /1,1-7 Site Plan Received' 1( 17 _1 614 Li Site Lease Received: c----- Lqc_ 4 O L c „L:j -- } ,,j- �"� ✓.C� "t-i /.Q/J.� ✓,3�^ rJV ) ,C/�i.^.e/ Police ! ,� Zoning q — (3y\ • CITY 0' SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA OFFICE OF LICENSE, IN >PECT ONS AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION APPLICATION FOR 0 SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE SUNDAY ON SATE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE INTOXIC.IIING CLUB LIQUOR LICENSE OFF SALE 11 - 1 . 0 :ICATING LIQUOR LICENSE ON SAL MATT BEVERAGE LICENSE 0. SALE WINE LICENSE Directions: THIS FORM MUST 3E FILLE) OUT `.'ITH TYPEWRITER OR BY PRINTING IN INK BY THE SOLE OWN7R, 3Y EACH ? RI 'ER, 3Y EACH PERSON WHO HAS INTEREST IN EXCESS OF 5% IN THE CORPORATION AND /8I ASSOCIATION IN WHICH THE NAME OF THE LICENSE WILL BE ISSUED. THIS APPLICATION S SU --JECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC • 1) Application for (type of license) ON —SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE WITH SUNDAY SALES • 2) Located at (business address) 733 PIERCE BUTLER ROUTE STREET: Nu-oer Name Type Direction 3) Business Name CLUB METRO - Cor orazic , Partnership, or Sole Proprietorship If business is incorporated, g_ve date of incorporation _� 7.7, 1994 , 14 ' M�,Y 5) Doing - 'Business As - ..: .- - Business Phone b) _.. Sall -•.to Address_ (if different tha 1. business address) 713 PTFRCF, RTITT,FR R')TTTE STREET: ... Number - Name 1 Type_ - Direction . . ST.. PAUL MN _. - 55104 -City State Zip Code . 7) Your Name and Title KATHRYN FT,TZARFTW C,AFFNFY PRFSTDENT F� `fiddle Maiden t (— Las - ___ . __.._ _._ _ SASS.. _.( _-- rs_t)__ __.�.._._ �• .. )� �- -:: ( ) ) (Title) ) 8). - Home Address 5151 17TH =AvE - - S ` - • Phone R 724 - 6290 - STREET: Number' Nane • Type Direction MPLS MN 55417 City. State Zip Code 9) Date of Birth 09/15/61 Place of Birch MPLS, MN • Month, Day, & Yet,r 10) Are you a citizen of the United States ?* XXX Native Naturalized If naturalized, please submit procf of naturalization or valid documentation of resident alien status. *(In accoreance with Minnesota Statute 340.402A, No On Sale or Off Sale Liquor License may be issue to anyone who is not a United States citizen or resident alien.) 11) ,Married? NO If ans:cer i ^is "yes ", list name and address of spouse. 12) Have you ever been convicted of''iany felony, crime, or violation of any city ordinance - other than traffic? YES NO XXX Date of arrest , 1: V;ere Charge Conviction • Sentence • Date of arrest , 1 Vhere Charge Conviction Sentence 13) List the names and residences of th:ee persons within the Metro Area of zood moral character, not related to the a p1icant or financially interested in the premises or business, who may be referred t•, as =o the applicant's character. ::-ME ADDRESS PAUL ELOFSON . 6608 CAHILL RD. EDINA MN 55435 PHEBE HAUGEN 4408 W. 44TH ST. EDINA, MN 55435 JERRY FARRELL -4-8$ k 14) -- List -- licenses which `.you - current y hold, or formerly held, or may have an interest in. ON SALE ::,IQUOR SUNDAY O' SALE LIIUOR ENTERTAI M :: ► CIGARETTE,' ANT VENDING_ 15) 4i'Ve a o_ t h e lice,s_ ns es by you in o. 14 ever been revoked? .Yes No x lisped xx If ans er -is "yes list_the_da es.a-'d reasons • 16) Are you going to personally? operate this b sirens personally? YES who will operate it? p If not, Ho., a Address Phone )_. y , g in g 17 Are os o_n �o have_- a_mana er_.I or assistant in this business? YFS • II answer is "yes, give name, h..T.e address, and date oI birth. Name DUANE BRASEL Address 4115 PARK AVE_ S_ MPT,S, MN 55407 Phone 822 - 3531 Daze of Birth 04/15/65 18) Including your' present business employment, what business /employment have you followed for the past five years'I? Business /EmDlovment Address CHI —CHI "S RESTAURANTS ST. PAUL AIN 07/93 — 06/94 PERKINS FAMILY RESTAURA T BLOOMINGTON, MN 01/89 — 05/93 • gtl-(3y\ 19) List all other officers of the •orperation. NAME TITLE (Office Held) -X E ADDRESS HOME PHONE BUSINESS PHONE JACQUELIN SUE MARLOW 924'Idesoto str.• 778- 0364= 489 -0002 SECRETARY__ St. Paul Mn 55101 20) If business is partnership list partner(s), address, home and business phone number. Name NOT APPLTf.ABT,E Address Home Phone Business Phone Name ....dress Home Phone Business Phone 21) Liquor will be served in the fo lowing areas (rooms) ALL 22) Between -hat cross streets is bi siness located? PIERCE BUTLER RTE ! BLOCK W. OF 1 . - hich side of street? NORTH DALE ST. 23) Are premises now occupied? yrs,' type of business? RESTAURANT & aAR How long? 71 YEARS 24) Closes: Place C :_rc ST. AGNES 7BLKS School ST. AGNES 7LLKS 2 -) C_osest 3.2 P_�c.. UNKNOWN 25) Closest intoxicating liquor pla.e. Cn Sale 3 - BLKS Off Sale 3 - BLKS 26) You will be required to obtain - Retail Liquor Dealers Tax Stamp. (Sea Attached) ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR HATERIAL SUBMITTED WILL RE.ULT IN DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION I hereby state under oath that I hav a answered all of the above questions, and that the information contained herein is true !and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state further under oath th I have received no ,money or other consideration, by way of loan, gift, contribution, or ..her wise, other than already disclosed in'the application which I herewith submittz•. State of Minnesota) ) County of Ramsey ) Subscribed and sworn to before me th' , Signature of Applicant / Date day of , 19 Notary Public County, N Rev. 5/92 • 1 • CITY CF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA OFFICE OF LICENSE, IN =Otis AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION APPLICATION FOR C1N SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE SUNDAY ON SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE INTCXIC;TING CLUB LIQUOR LICENSE ' OFF S -LE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE ON SALE ;'=LT BEVERAGE LICENSE O SALE WINE LICENSE Directions: THIS FORM MUST tEt OUT TYPEWRITER N 3� r____L OUT �1�H 1.__���i_�R OR 3Y PRINTING IN INK BY THE SOLE OV-ER, 3Y EACH .: RiNER, 3Y EACH PERSON WHO FAS INTEREST IN EXCESS OF 5% IN THE CORPORATION AND /CR .._SOCIATION IN RICH THE NAME OF THE LICENSE WILL BE ISSUED. THIS APPLICATION :s SUBJECT TO REVIE'.] 3Y THE PU3LIC- -- 1) Application for (type of license)' nn —Sale Tntoxi ^ati no- Li dnnr License with Sunday Sales 2) Located at ( business address) 733 Pierce Butler Route STREET: NL -._er Name Type Direction • 3) Business Name Nub nh MPtrn Corporation, Partnership, or Sole Proprietorship 4)__ If -bus ness_is incorporated, give date of incorporation MAy 1994 5)" D As ' - Business Phone 6) ail�to ddress_.(if_ different that business address) 713 Pierre Butler Route STREET: Number Name' .:; Type Direction _ St. Paul -- MN 55104 city State Zip Code 7) Your Na,e.and Title Jacquelin Sue Marlow gECRETARY _(First) (Middle) (Maiden) (Last) (Title) 8)--- Horre_Address_ __9 D esoto St. ?hone r (612) 778 - 0364 STREET: Number Nar.'e• Type Direction St. Paul MN 55101 City.. State Zip Code • 9) Date of Birth 09/18/52 Place of Birch Mattoon, IL • Month, Day, & Year 10) Are you a citizen of the United States ?* XXX Native Naturalized If naturalized, please submit proof of naturalization or valid documentation of resident alien status. *(In accordance with Minnesota Statute 340.402A, No On Sale or Off Sale Liquor License may be issue3 to anyone who is not a united States citizen or resident alien.) 11) Married? NO If answer is "yes ", list name and address of spouse. ( 1 12) Have you ever been convicted oflany felony, crime, or violation of any city ordinance - other than traffic? YES NO XXX Date of arrest , 19 Where Charge Conviction Sentence Date of arrest , 19 Where Charge Conviction Sentence 13) List the names and residences o. three persons within the Metro Area of good moral character, not related to the a plic_nt or financially interested In the premises or business, who may be referred c.,as to the applicant's character. N'ME ADDRESS Andrea P. Pickett 12509 Fag1P Ridge Dr_ Rvil1P, MN 55337 Renee T. Radecki 3404 Silver Lane St. Anthony, MN 55421 Lee A:- Biersdorf 2510 Victory Memorial Dr_ Mpls, MN 55412 . 14)7 " -current , . hold or formerly held, or may have an interest in • ON SALE_ LIQUOR;- - ST1NDAV _ - . CIGARETTE,'VENDING. 15) Pave a o the` licenses listed ■y you in No. 14 ever been revoked? : •Yes No _MX • If ans eris "yes ",--- 1ist_the_.dat s - and. reasons 16) ,`ire :you going, to operate this b. ir.ess personally? YES If not, who will operate it? h N �� e �. Ho,.- Accress Phone • _ 17) Are —you golfg'to have_. a_manager_.'r__as " istent in this business? YES If. answer is "yes, give'neMe, ho',.e address, and date or birth. Name Duane Brasel. _ _ Address 4115 Park Ave. S. Mpls, MN 55407 Phone (612) 822 -3531 Daze of Birth 04/15/65 18) Including your.'present business / mployment, what business /employment have you followed for the past five years Business/Employment Address • " "SEE ATTACHMENT A • 94`( L 19) List all other officers of the lcorpo:ation. NAME TITLE (Office Held) -GME ADDRESS HOME PHONE BUSINESS PHONE KATHRYN t ► •r i_ • e • •. .r • $j MPLS, MN. 55417 20) If business is partnership list, partner(s), address, home and business phone number. Name NOT APPLTCART,P Address Home Phone - Business Phone Name Home Phone Business ?hone • 21) Liquor will be served in the following areas (rooms) ALT. 22) Between what cross streets is basir.ess located? Pierce Butl ar PtP 1 h1 nnk DI_ of Vhich side of street? North Dale Street 23) Are premises now occupied? y ghat type of business? Restaurant R Rar How long? 23 years 24) Closest 3.2 ?lace UNKNOWN Church ST_ A(;NS 7 RT.00i$ ST. AGNES 7BLOCKS P 25) Closest intoxicating liquor pla:e. Cn Sale 3 -4 Blocks Off Sale 3 -4 Blocks 26) You will be required to obtain 3 Re :ail Liquor Dealers Tax Stamp. (See Attached) ANY FALSIFICAT [ON OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMITTED :.'ILL RESULT IN DENIAL OF THIS A ? ?LICATION I hereby state under oath that I haw. ans-e'red all of the above questions, and that the information contained herein is true,and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Thereby state further under oath that I have received no money or other consideration, by • way of loan, gift, contribution, or otherwise, other than already disclosed in•the application which I herewith submitted. State of Minnesota) County of Ramsey ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this. Signature of Applicant / Date day of , 19 Notary Public County, 'MN Rev. 5/92 •