D94-048\ J • C CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION �: y-Ou p� � zt2314y GS#: 1 5715 ADi�INiSTRATIVE ORDER Consistent with the authority granted to the rtayor in Section 10.0�.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of PuWiC WOfks to amend the 19 ,�4 budget of the P�IiC Wo�kS Enainee�na Fund fund, the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: 205 - 12180 - 0132 205 - 12180 - 0439 205 - 12180 - 0518 205 - 121� - 0132 205 - 12190 - 0439 205 - 12190 - 0518 Not Certified-Temp�Seasonal Frirge Benefits Mayor's Corntirgency Not Cert'rf'ied-Temp�Seasonal Frirx�e Beneiits Mayor's Cont'r�genc,y �F1'� Cu[rent Budget Change �:J Amended Budgez �:� $164,120.00 $ 8,035.71 $172,155.71 $ 75�000.00 ($75�000.00j $ 0.00 $4��178.57 $132,490.00 $ 4,821.43 $ 45,000.00 ($�15,000.00) E. -�r,..�� $137,311.43 $ 0.00 $416,610.00 $ 0.00 $416,610.00 Transfer salary dollars for temporary employees to supplement inspection and Survey staff during the constructbn season. The workbad this sumrr�r wili include three large federai aid projects, Lexington Pkwy., Warner Road and Shepard Road East of Rar�doiph. /� � � / �� �.:�, � � ,. , �� N"�Y Approved By: Mayor Dau d��• � `�w� ��a GREEN SHEET �y � a y8 15715 RiITUUDATE -INRULLIDA CONT�CTPEHSON8PIi0ME AHTMINfqi CffYCIXAiCL rany x. Lued, z66-60ss a�- "� �rn n,�oxr�, «rv«�+c Nu� wn g pOMNfi qpECTOR �j FN 8 YRT. 8E DIR � MAYORIOFiABSp �1 LartY ALfOFSIC,�IATUREPAG6S � lcuv�tit.orwiaxsFOrtmatun�� �wssocu� �oEaurtuaiiNCC�r 2'1 acraN �� Approve aaached A�ninistradve Or� uansf�ing speading fin� Mayols Contingency W Salaries f� �tivities 12180 & 12190. r�cOMMEnon7pra%�Pwae lN a Hyxs lN1 PERSONAI SENVICE CONTRACTS YUS7 ANSWER THE FOLLOWING WFSiWNS: auruawccaAYlSSaN�crvcsERVICECOUYISSax �. tlasnespeworufirmeverwarkeavdera�tormisde�funent? CIB CONMrtiEE YES NO A SiAFF 2. Has tlus peraoNfirm evar been a ay' eoWbYee? � — YES NO � 057AICTC019JCIL � S. Does tltis penon?mm PD8ae85 a Skil rot MfineAY P� bl' �f' curtent dry empiuye9? SUPPOHiSWHICFICWNCILOBJEC7NE4 YES NO Sewer Separation �� W yu amwrs m.p.nu s�w�.na a�nd� to yraa� rrr INRIA7WG PHOBLEY. ISSUE.OPPOP7WiRY fWHD. WHRT. WHEN. WHERE. WM1�: 'Ihese salary dollars were included in the Deparlments 1994 B�lget Request for ihe �se of temporary employees to supplement Inspecdon and Survey Staff d�aing the conshuction season In recent yeazs, temporaries have been used routinely in this capacity. lhese dollars wecc placed in d�e Mayor's Contingency az the time the 1994 Budge[ was recommended to the City Council. The workload this summes will include threc lazge fe,deral aid projects, L.exington Pkwy., Wamer Road and Shepard Road Eas[ of Randolph. 'Ihese �aojects in addition [o the normal CSSP projects, resuk in an exceptiwially ]azge work load. ADVANTAGES IF APPflOVED: 7$C 1� WOIIC plOg['dlll C8D bC C2LIIPA OUL WEIl1R 3]ij1IOVCd �N](�gCLS. DISADVANTAC�3 IF AiTROVED: None RECEIVED FEB 241994 CI�fY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOT MPROVED: The Deparunent of Public Works would have dit�cuity insuring that the 1994 constmction projects meet standards and requirements. !�� � � � ; R y��� ���t�ti OFFICE L AMqINf OFTRANSAG710N S Net �1 VENU UDGETED (qHCLE ONE) ES NO q�p�� gp(�p� PW Enameerine Fimd ACTVITY NUYBER 205-12180 & 205-12190 FINANCIALINFOWAATION:(EXPWN) ��