94-1309 RIgINA Council File # 94 -- Lac Green Sheet # Q.9 H 55 ► RESOLUTION 1 ITY 0 ' NT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By iiii- _ Referred To \ � Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the City Council alloc - ed $100,000 for the 1994 Child Care Partnership 2 Program to fund efforts to make hild care more affordable, more accessible and of 3 higher quality in the community; and 4 5 WHEREAS, up to 25 percent of th money was designated as being available for 6 equipment or staff training cos - for existing child care programs, which serve 7 primarily low and moderate inco families, and the remainder of the funds were 8 designated for the start up and -xpansion of new efforts; and 9 10 WHEREAS, an additional $10,000 .s unexpended from projects in previous rounds; and 11 12 WHEREAS, the 1994 Child Care Sel -ction Team reviewed the proposals and has forwarded 13 the recommendations to the Mayo and the City Council; and 14 15 WHEREAS, Mayor Coleman has acce• ed and concurs with those recommendations; 16 17 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, t =t the Council approves awarding the following Child 18 Care Partnership Program grants .s outlined in the accompanying report to Council: 19 20 Hallie Q. Brown Child Care Cente $5,952 21 22 Model Cities Family Development enter $4,626 23 24 Midway Family YAA Child Care Center $9,922 25 With the contingency that the Midway YMCA update and clarify its written 26 agreement with the City of Saint', Paul regarding the use of the City park land on 27 which the child care center's pl :yground equipment is located; 28 29 Project Improve -- the Centre fo Asians and Pacific Islanders $4,500 30 31 Unity Project of the George Chile Care Center $25,000 32 33 English Education Program: Child Care Component $7,240 34 35 Project Spirit After - School Tuto ial Program $13,000 36 37 HeadStart /Transitional Housing Wap Around Child Care $22,575 38 39 Dayton's Bluff Creative Exchange $19,185 40 ek. 1 9 X309, 2 3 ORIGINAL 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Ye. Nays A.sent Blakey Requested by Department of: Grimm Guerin Harris 6 'miter 4,11 Me•ard G Re tman Thune e• 2/t Adopted by Council: Date �y, lA9 Form Ap roved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secre.ary By: �'Z 9c By: A \0___ � Approved b ayor: ate - �� '/ Approved 4y ayor for Submission to Council,/ 7 By: ll,,ll f // / DEPARTMENT/OFFK ElCOUNCIL DAP: INITIATED No 2 7 4 5 • CONTACT P RSON ,; DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR 144 CT® CITY COUNCIL C /� �� ] -wS J ! 1J ❑ ASSIGN r, CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK 1 � Lin: 3 F " I.. � ����^A�+'� AGENDA BY (DATE) ) RO n:3 FOR a BUDGET DIRECTOR El FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. I ' 911 7/19, QPIBER ® MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT) W -_ MM z TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES / (CLI• ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIONAt . f , L 1 / P e)�,1 . .a(� k ii, A. ACTION REQUESTED: < :i t RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION C ) S / E � R a � V , � I . C , E � CO . M ,- M _1 IS . SION Has this �son/firmev worked under a contract for this department? RECEIVED _ CIS COMMITTEE � .S _____ Qiic N'N STAFF A MAID" s Has this personRtrm ever been a city employee? Maly' YES NO . AUG 29 1994 DISTRICT COURT Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally posses by any current city employee? ' SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO _ QCplaln all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to preen OR S OFFICE INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who. What. When, Where, Why': , IN j -r 6,1 Catina. atoCoItie Arle l A . fik 441.- kW' eiakL C44i1 lei,Int : I Prrtpy( in &k ‘1414001,1" Gt'm = ce ucv'' rs ` �righ t 11 aLit 1 t o rw. acces b& of V e � C 144 P+' ©a '2u '" d`''": ADVANTAGES IP APPROVED: s I f&i LL o �'t " - a vQQ T ��c- J " ,-Y Q Yana J '.j e'Cns'm i DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: s ,4/0 W1 hole 1 tuiwiij 1 ) U r.riter i S . 1 1994 4 1 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: , t �� Iu-nt . ate` ',I Ibmniti -AL ' ' /-_ / J � � Wit (00fr , d a R ei k i t T O T A L AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S i / 0 ) 0 0 0 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) dr NO FUNDING SOURCE %--.I. r. 1 . L tL , .44 a � 1 1 0 ACTIVITY NUMBER _P - WV' ' 1 ow5 — 1 — L 1 'S 1 . ' ` FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) COPP 44_ b6 lI top -o 7' 5 I, S A I N T - 1301 Interdepartmental Memo dum PAUL CITY OF SAINT PAUL AAAA TO: City Council P sident David Thune Council Memb r Jerry Blakey Council Memb r Marie Grimm Council Memb r Dino Guerin Council Memb r Michael Harris Council Memb: r Roberta Megard Council Memb r Janice Rettman FROM: Deborah Schlic , Child Care Coordinator DATE: August 24, 199' RE: Child Care Par' ership Program Recommendations The Child Care Selec ion Team met Tuesday, July 19, and makes the following recommendations f r funding under the 1994 Child Care Partnership Program: According to the guidelines, p to $25,000 is to be allocated for equipment and staff training for existing chi d care providers predominantly low and moderate income families: Hallie Q. Brown Child Care hild Care Center $5,952 -- for new outdoor eq ipment and staff training Model Cities Family Develo , ent Center $4,626 -- for new playground quipment (Model Cities had req I ested $5,826, but was not able to match that with other funds.) Midway Family YMCA $9,922 -- for new playground • quipment -- The Selection Team, makes this recommendation with the contingency that the child care program b able to document that at least 51 percent of the families in the child care cent r are low and moderate income. (The Midway YMCA Child Care Center st. i f say this can be done easily.) -- The equipment will • e on City -owned park land. Parks and Recreation q Li— 130i recommends that the grant 1'e contingent on a clear written agreement between the City and the YMCA on he use of that land. (The current agreement addresses only using the land for parki :ig.) Parks and Recreation also recommends that the equipment meet the guidelines of the Consumer Products Safety Commission and the American for Disabilities Act, which all City equipment is required to meet. (The child care center staff say that their budget and specifications assume meeting those standards.) Project Improve $4,500 -- to continue and enhance training with Southeast Asian individuals who want to become licensed to be family child care providers. This program is run by the Centre for Asians and PLcific Islanders. TOTAL $25,000 According to the guidelines, the remainder of the money is to be allocated to the start up or expansion of community initiatives which, in some way, help to make child care more affordable, :sore accessible or of higher quality in Saint Paul: UNITY PROJECT OF THE GEORGE CHILD CARE CENTER $25,000 -- to help with the start up of the first child care center in the Twin Cities area that would be specific tc the culture of Southeast Asian families. The Hmong United Methodist Church on the West Side would house the center. ENGLISH EDUCATION PI OGRAM $ 7,240 -- to help start up a new child care program component to the English as Second Language program at Mount Airy. (This program was put in hiatus for a year, when renovations made space unavailable.) Lao Family, the applicant, asked for $10,000, but other costs were continued operating support for current programs. PROJECT SPIRIT $13,000 -- to help start up a nEw site for this after - school tutorial program based in African- American culture anc run in cooperation with the sponsorship of various congregations. Project Spirit is a collaborative project of a number of African - American congregations and operates out of the Saint Paul Council of Churches. This applicant had requested $25,000, but many of the costs were associated with on -going operational expense, of existing sites. HEADSTART /TRANSITIONAL HOUSING WRAP- AROUND CHILD CARE $22,575 -- to allow a collaborative effort between the YWCA and HeadStart to serve the children of women in transitional housing. The current program will expand from 17 to 34 children and will be restructured from a full -day Head Start program to a standard half -dad program supplemented by child care for the rest of the day. DAYTON'S BLUFF CREAl' NE EXCHANGE $19,185 -- to develop a family ch d care network to increase the quality of child care, Li -1309 enhance the marketing effo s of the child care providers and to increase the pool of neighborhood volunteers. This applicant had originally asked for $25,000, but available funds did not allo for recommending the full amount requested. APPLICANTS NOT RECO MENDED FOR FUNDING SALVATION ARMY TOT' PRESCHOOL /CHILD CARE PROGRAM $25,000 -- to buy equipment . d supplies to furnish the preschool /child care classrooms in a new expansi n. The Selection Team would recommend that if there are any additional fun s identified or left over from previous years, that the Salvation Army be the next , roject to be funded. It did not rank as highly as other projects because the dominant use is for a pre - school program. SAVE OUR CITIES KIDS $13,900 -- to create a drop -in center for children 6 -14 in the after - school hours in the Frogtown and Summit- 'versity neighborhoods. The Selection Team determined that this propos." appears to be a recreation and youth programming proposal rather than a scho . -age child care proposal. The distinction they made in considering proposals inte ded to serve school -age program was that whether the program assumed accou tability for the children's whereabouts and well -being during regular, specified hou s. The Child Care Coordinator will give this applicant information about he City's Youth Service grant funds. SKYLINE TOWERS CHILI CARE AND ABUSE PREVENTI • $25,000 -- to develop a drop-ii child care center and parental counseling program for the families living in the igh rise at 1247 Saint Anthony. The Selection Team felt the proposal was not full developed. TOTAL $87,000 (These allocations represent , 110,000 -- $10,000 more than allocated for 1994. But there were outstanding i t lances on previous contracts that were forwarded to this year, as the guidelines c. 11 for.) I can make any or all copies o f the proposal available to City Council members at your request. Please call me at 266 -8534.