94-1308 ORIGINAL Council File Green Sheet # 27723 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 30 Presented By , Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS: The Payne- Arcade Business Association has submitted a request to waive the 60% consent requirement or a block party permit (Payne Avenue from Lawson to Case Streets) for Payne /Arcade Harvest Festival, and WHEREAS: the Payne- Arcade Business Association has argued that it would not be practicable to obtain ne'_ghborhood consent and WHEREAS: Payne Avenue will not be closed to normal traffic for this event (the 1/2 block of Jenks west off Payne Avenue is the only block that will be barricaded), therefore be it RESOLVED: that the Saint Paul City Council hereby waives the 60% consent requirement for a block party /specia) event permit for the 1994 Payne /Arcade Harvest Festival to be held SeptEmber 17 between the hours of 8:00 AM and 9:00 PM. Yea= Naves Absant Requested by Department of: Blakey Grimm Office of License, Inspections and Guerin Environmental Protection Harris Megard Reitman n Thune / fi b ' 0 By: Adopted by Council: Date ),,.. 9 � CI y Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney 2 By a-, By: 4`ty`95 Approved by D A 9L -�! Y By : ov$ ` l Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: k . -% c q .. o DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DA'E INITIATED N_ 2 7 7 r 3 As I LISP /Li GREEN SHEET CONTACT PERSON &PHONE INIT1AL/DATE INITI TE p DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR El CITY COUNCIL i � El CLERIC 11.11 Christine Rozek /266 -9114 A +N CITY ATTORNEY N - tI BER FOR i MUST BE ON COUNCIL A BY (DATE) [/6 RWTING 0 BUDGET DIRECTOR El FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. `z 1 AGET last �_ 4. D n-�r/i e { 0 -DER 0 MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT) i TOTAL # OF SIJ TURE PAGES (CL P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) t ACTION REQUESTED: O(K✓ $ Waive 60% Consent Requirement for ?lock Party Permit. i t , i t RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) - IERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: I PLANNING COMMISSION — CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION - Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB COMMITTEE YES NO STAFF . Has this person/firm ever been a city emp)oyee? YES NO :� — DISTRICT COURT — t Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by arty current city employee? I SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO € bxplain sa yes answers on separate attest and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, WIn : J,, ' The Payne - Arcade Area Business Association has submitted a request to waive the L 60% consent requirement for a block party /special event permit for the Payne /Arcade Harvest Festival to be held September 17 between the hours of 8 :00 AM and 9 :00 PM, ti The Payne- Arcade Area Business Asso :iation's block party location'is Payne Avenue between Lawson and Case Streets. 1,1 ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: ¢ k ,, The Payne.-Arcade Area Business Association will obtain a block art and be held as planned. P Y /specia3 event'pe 1 • t DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: (bold Research Center € AUG 2 6 1994 i1 i DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The Payne - Arcade Area Business Association will be unable to hold the Harvest Festival. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COSTFREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO 1. FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) -13 $ DEPARTMENT OF POLICE Permit# 253 Stint Paul, Minnesota CLASS B BLOCK PARTY PERMIT The applicants have agreed abide by .11 rules set forth below, together with all ordinances and other rules and regulations which ma be imposed governing such activities: A. Barricades provided by the Cit or private vendor will be dropped off on one corner of the block. The applicants will then be responsible for placement, maintenance and removal of the barricades. Barricades sho ld be placed at either end of the street during the event. B. The total roadway portion of the right-of-way shall not be blocked; at least a ten -foot aisle shall be kept open at all times t • permit passage of vehicles of residents of the block and emergency or other authorized or necessary vehicles to enter and exit. C. No materials of any type (such', as powder, sawdust, etc.) shall be placed on the public right -of -way which will create azards. D. Applicants shall maintain adult .upervision at all times during this activity. E. Applicants shall provide tras receptacles to prevent as much littering as possible. Applicants shall be responsible or the pick -up or disposal of trash and garbage following the event. Such clean -up sh u1 be completed within 24 hours after termination of the activity, but in no event later t an midnight following the day of the public gathering. If the City is required to clean u • , the permit holder will be billed for all costs. F. Streets may not be barricaded • rior to 8 a.m. , nor later than 12 midnight in any event. G. No loud speaker system shall p • duce sounds audible outside the areas designated for the public gathering. H. The event organizers are requ red to make reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities at this event, for e ample, in the areas of parking, rest room facilities, curb ramps and access to food and e tertainment. AUTHORIZATION IS GRANTED TO H 'LD THE BELOW- DESCRIBED EVENT: ORGANIZATION /NAME OF EVENT: P yne- Arcade Harvest Festival CHAIRPERSON: Mark Miesen PHON # (DAY) 771 -5505 (EVE) 459 -5947 ADDRESS OF CHAIRPERSON: 751 1 :1 • e Avenue; Saint Paul, MN 55101 DAY AND DATE OF EVENT: Saturda , September 17, 1994 START TIME: 8:00 a.m. FINIS TIME: 9:00 p.m. # EXPECTED: 2,000 -4,000 AREA TO BE UTILIZED: Payne Ave. e, from Lawson to Case (The 1/2 block of Jenks west off Payne Avenue is the only block that • be barricaded - -to be used for some kiddie rides and activities. RESTRICTIONS: Standard city or• • : • ces BARRICADES REQUESTED FROM CI 1Y: 4 from other source (SEE BARRICADE LIST) Event holder is legally responsible un it the area is released back to the City. The area must be closed and cleaned no later than 1 -1/ hours after the finish time noted above. This • ermit is sub'ect to the condi • • ns contained in the a • • lication for Block Par and all ordinances of the City of Saint Paul. APPROVED BY: Chief of Po e or designee PM 228B -R94 t i6 S 5 5 3u CL. IrPE MIT APPLIC TION (STATIONARY PUBLIC GATHERINGS) ) DEPARTMENT IF POLICE - Saint Paul, Minnesota NOTE: NO PERMIT APPLICATION ILL BE ACCEPTED. WITHOUT PROPER FEES ATTACHED Sponsor and name of event: � ��,� s�c4, p � / f'sn c -. Day /date of event: � q - j-, -947 Time: From f'n's to 9 P Location of event: On (name of street o I park) 11?-17 A l 7- f Between (streets or avenues) ,�, ,, r,,� , ('.45 Evening: ys 9 4'7 Name & phone # of contact person: if - v/C 17,p&,) Day: 7?i - 3 - c - 'i9s - Mailing address.: - 7,S'/ "�. R -C s .+> ZIP: - S Estimated number of participants: pia _ c(, Will beer or liquor be sold at this event? YES ) NO Will food be sold at this event? x YE NO * * * ** If beer, liquor or food will be sold proper licenses must be obtained. Will one or more streets or alleys be clos d for this event? X YES NO * * * ** If closures are requested, enclos: a map /sketch indicating the areas /streets to be closed and proposed placement of barricades. Include barricade list. Barricades needed? x' Yes (ATTACH BARRICADE_ LIST) (No * * * ** If yes, will they be ordered throu;.h: City of Saint Paul Other * * * ** NOTE: The City reserves the righ a', to require additional barricades and/or signage as a condition of approval of this. permit. Saw hi rses or home -made barricades are not acceptable. Will banners of any type be displayed? Yes X No * * *. ** If yes, written permission must b . obtained from the Department of Public Works. This application must be submitted to the Saint Paul_ Police Department no later than 60 calendar days before the event. You must contact the. (office of License, Inspection and Environmental Protection at 266 -9100 to discuss the procedure for iti erant food and peddler licensing for your event. AGRE D ENT AND CERTIFICATION IT IS HEREBY AGREFIi I. Agreement of Applicants: The app 'cant(s) agree to abide by all rules set forth below, together with all ordinances and other rig -s and regulations which may be imposed governing such. activities. II. Regulations of Use: By signing an' presentation_of this application., the signer(s) certify to the City of Saint. Paul that the followin : statements are true and correct and signers agree to and will abide by the following: A. Barricades Barricades pro 'ded by the City or private vendor will be dropped off on one corner of the block. The ap • licant (s) will be responsible for placement, maintenance and removal of the barricades. arricades should be placed at either end of the street during the public gathering. ,B . - - Traffic: The total roadway s .rtion of the right -of -way shall not be blocked; at least a ten -_, foot aisle `shalt be kept open at all times to permit passage of . vehicles of residents of the block and emergency or oth: r authorized or necessary vehicles to enter and exit. C.. Surface. of Street: No mate of any type (such as powder, sawdust, etc.) shall be placed on the public right -o -way which will create hazards. D . Supervision: Applicant (s) s all maintain adult supervision at all times during this activity. PETITION 1308 We, the undersigned, have no objection o (Name of event or organization) holding a public gathering on between the hours of (Day/date) AM AM PM and PM at (L of street, avenue, alley or park) between and (Street/avenue) (Street/avenue) This street/alley Will be closed for this public gathering. OR This street/alley will not be closed for this public gathering. NAME ADDRESS APT# PHONE# DATE Zile / el & eir /9 2 v e Co/n r Ief e ,;- Ye,e eY: > "9 J///o/.e .4 eG ..t P >Z 'ce-P 1),0 4- 74 ,4 44:r 7"xv...., % /71.42.4.-e MARYLAND AVE Our 0 n Hrdwr. Rose Ave. Rose Park iJ 11 SA as Geranium LJ Jessimine Magnolias Magnolia Antique Mall Rohl rans. Cook Ave. Drs. Office Lawson • / /� VFW ale 1 4. b cfC a i- -ren es AAA V�icuurr 1st Balk / A ` /� X� Jenks YL �e O°1 /c ? v /dcK On The Ave. Borgstnm's b J t,- ,Gr l 77 be eseI Donald' ✓ S Oen e i cicre' /7/2e , r/ [/i Anderson Shoes Case Ave. Schweilz Bar Elec. U lion Sims Ave. Auto 5 ales ESNDC Andersen Cleanr York Ave. Payne Reliever cit ,,f S•:,int Paul c'q - -1.0 O g - 1lc men!. of Police 10() East. 11th Street Saint. Pant, Mir 5510.1 Uniform Cei Oriente of Insurance INSURANCE FOR. HARVEST FESTIVAL BLOCK A TY __'ro 13E ITEM) Sept 15,16,17th, 94 " (Name of event) (dale) This certifies that Tra.ve ers 1 surance Company, a licensed Minnesota company, has issued the following police to: INSURED: Payne Arcade Eusiness A.SSD iation A ca tJCcKn an N Dying Business As ADDRESS: rrl • g ; o n 22_ P ayne Ave. '•st Office, St. 1 - aul, t' N. 55101 yam (Sex la).of veld cies covered): -- _ _ - - -- - -- – (You have the option of filing CONT11?UOi)' insurance. If iced, place. CONTJPUOUS in the box marked Policy Exp. Date.") NOTE: A 30 day notice of Cancellation is required unless oth. - rri specified in the `taint Paul Legi slati.ve Code. — — TYPE OF POLICY T POLICY POLICY LI.A ILITY LJmrs (in thousands) INSURANCE NUMBER EFF. DATE EXP. DATE Workers' 031300 -1 10/23; 10/23 Compensation 19103 93 • 94 • — Each Occurrence P660252 8/16/94. 8/16/95 urrc:nce Aggrega!e General G1709C0 Ay Injury $ $ Liability F94 =sty Damage $ fined BI and PD $ 1,000,000 $1,000,00 I810539 8/16/94 8/16/95 1y Inj. (per person) _ $ $ K5440- Automobile IND94 , .Iy Inj. (per accident) $ $ Liability x>rty Damage $ $ ined BI and FD $1,000,000 $1,000,0C Excess Col 1ned BI and PD $ $ Liability Umbrella Please take notice that signature by a licen: ed I•tinnesota agent means that the City of. Saint Paul, its officers, agents and employees are an .dditional insured as and to the extend required by, and coverage is provided to the limits sp - ci.fied in, the applicable chapter of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the issuance of the above mentioned license /permit. This certificate of insurance neither affirm lively nor negatively amends, niters, or extends the coverage afforded by Policy Number: 1%s ■ d above ___ issued by: Travelers Insurance Company Insurance Company. ailb Signed: �!/ Oita / ' �� _Z FJ ' Signature of/ .ns -d Minnes' to Agent Date • Insurance Company Name: Travelers IN Company Street Address: 6465 Wayzata Blvd FORM APPROVED BY_: City, State, Zip: I`Ipls TIN 55440- • - Filly Attorney's Office Phone: 612 776 -2706 _ •