94-1289 1- ... ORIGINAL , , 41P CITY OF ST. PAUL CODNC4 FILE NO./ I Y - '10 . 9 FINAL ORDER ' t - BY 1 rf "4-18------ ., . FILE NO. VOTING WARD 6 In the Matter of Construction of a surface parking lot for approximately 12 to 13 parking spaces on a lot with a vacant house to be acquired and demolished (811 Case Avenue, near Arcade Street, legally described as Lot 17, Block 20, Arlington Hills Addit:on). The parking lot is to be publicly owned and will serve commercial businesses in the immediate area. This project is under the Places to Park Program. under Preliminary Order C I "t 1, .J ( approved ,, 6 I q The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted upon the above improvement, cue notice thereof having been hearing prescribed by the City Charter; and g given as WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improvement and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above— described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Counci.1 in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILPERSONS Adopted by Council: Date Yeas Nays 1Se — 1999 09..akey Certified Passed by Council Secretary Timm Guerin 1:rris 6 In F€ vor By , 4 gard /lar , ttman (�Agairst / t " / / Vlhune 1� 1 �1cse. r 1 Mayor SAINT Interdepartmental Me orandum PAU L CITY OF SAINT PAUL AAAA To: Peter White From: James Zdon Subject: Assessments /Places ti Park Program Date: June 21, 1994 I am requesting Valuation Division's assistance to begin the process to establish capital and operating assessment districts for the following two parking projects under the Places to Park Program. 1. 811 Case Legal Description: Lot 17 :lock 20 Arlington Hills Addition This parking project consists if the acquisition and demolition of a vacant house at 811 Case and the construction of : surface parking lot of approximately 12 to 13 spaces. l 3 7 9 3 This publicly owned parking l will serve commercial businesses in the immediate area. Project capital costs are est' ated at $96,076.00 with 90% of the costs funded by the Places to Park Program and e remaining 10% assessed to five benefiting commercial property owners. The annual .pital assessment is estimated to be $699.00 (4% interest, 20 year term). Annual operating expenses a estimated at $2475.00 per year and will include utilities, insurance, snow rem li val, general maintenance and repairs. The five benefiting commercial prope owners will be responsible for the operating expense �y assessments and managing th i facility. The surface parking facility should be completed 0 7 L /y by November 1, 1994. Estim • ted operating assessments are for the time periods of November 1, 1994 to Decem . 31, 1994 and January 1, 1995 to December 31, 1995. Operating assessments for su ■sequent years would be developed and reviewed on an annual basis. 2. Grand and Snelling Legal Description: Lots 1 18 and 19, Block 2, Summit View Addition PIN Lot 17 3- 28- 23 -32- 0078 -6 Lot 18 3- 28- 23 -32- 0079 -9 Lot 19 3- 28- 23 -32- 0080 -9 ,III • This project consists of HRA easehold improvements to an existing parking lot owned by the Immaculate Heart of Mary parish. Upon completion of the improvements approximately 54 parking spaces would be available for commercial use. In addition, pedestrian improvements in al alley across the street would also be constructed to /8"7/ S facilitate pedestrian movemerit between the parking lot and commercial businesses. Project capital costs are estimated to be $100,640.00 with 80% of the costs funded through the Places to Park Pr )gram and 20% assessed to six adjacent commercial property owners. The annual capital assessment is estimated to be $1787 (4% interest and 15 year term). Annual operating expenses are estimated at $7,700.00 per year and would include utilities, insurance, rental payments, snow plowing, general maintenance and repair. The six commercial property owners would be responsible for the operating assessments / 8r2L/6 and managing the facility. Th project is projected to be completed by November 1, 1994. Operating assessments E`re for time periods November 1, 1994 to December 31, 1994 and January 1, 1995 to P ecember 31, 1995. Operating assessments for subsequent years would be developed and reviewed on an annual basis. Our schedule for both projects is to secure assessment waivers from commercial property owners within the next two weeks. 0 ice the waivers are in hand we will be going to the HRA Board in July to secure program fund .ng and authorization to proceed. Please call me at 266 -6559 if you hav � any questions. Thanks. cc. Larry Buegler Gloria Bostrom • , ! i j( ii, J I 1 >�3 .. 11. ; (( 1 nyE j� 1 - 77i r. . - - , -- 4 i i c % • ;10 i 8 7 6 5 4 .3 2 1 19 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I (n) 1 (x) (1s) (t4) 03) (n)1 (in) (4 , (G 1l4 (3.6) ('7)1 lac), (55) ( I (2) ('''z 1 i ( ") - (73) (e4 (a0 (b (es) (a+1 : 2) (es) (8c1 (a.)) Oa) (i) Cm) ( (�) (Ic+) (03) OA p I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 I8 '9 2 1 . 0 1J i2 13 • 14 15 16 ) IE5 y yy —. 17,T' , Z c� � 7113 007 61 4 (�s) ass I (wc) 00) 1 `� t /VE• • 1 - • - - :: . . 7 - n 1 3 ;10 9 8 T 6 5 4 3 2 1 ; :9 8 Z 6 5 4 '', (r - / ! ll 6, l o o 4 "t 4.47... 40 ( ( 115) H u ' Is, -so° (111) J C 1. ✓,. A i.-1 >.e i!1 it ` .� ' G7�ZJ5't 7I1 - ' 1 `` t rir . 1. s'o (n/ ✓ Q oee •+oo I' / 1 i to' I S !! 4 , LEVE > 1 1 • (in) f tz H r2 t3 14 = 15 .f6 a 18 19 20: �� ;10 11 1 1 3 1 1. 1 1 5 {6 17( i JR.' • /GH Cilooc i i 013) - '' a I ow ( — 4 _ . t 1 ! 1 _ i , i _ (r1+) iii. ,,. -* .. T 17 E. T • ;)O 9- 8 7 G 54 3 2 1 - 6 2 I t i (u+) (�1 on) No (:so) 6+,) 0+.5) (147) (144.) (ice) � (kc) ( 155) ` (ISO ¶( i 57 ) ( i sal + (d) ( • (GI) _(C 2) ' Oci) (lc +) • (ns) A, (!n) ( i )' i t` ,6 , 7 I 11 12 - 1.3 14- 15 1(, , I7 18 19 'O, • 13 15 16 i �r . N I_ I 1--- — 9.. 0._ 1 - I - IV/ • s lie es es 1 r _ . 1 . _ _ 1_ Plat Map_ . ORIGIN A L CITY OF ST. PAUL C UNCIL FILE 0. 6 PRELIMINARY ORDER Blift SO. 18743 VOTING WARD 6 In the Matter of Construction .f a surface parking lot for approximately 12 to 13 parking spaces on a lo with a vacant house to be acquired and demolished (811 Case Avenue, neap Arcade Street, legally described as Lot 17, Block 20, Arlington Hills Additi The parking lot is to be publicly owned and will serve commercial businesses in the immediate area. This project is under the Places to Park Progra.. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvemen , and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and tha the estimated cost thereof is $96,652 financed by assessmen s $10,184 and Places To Park Program $86,468. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 31st day of August, 1994 , at 3:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City all and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said p blic hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided b the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature o the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILPERSONS Adopted by Council: Date j Yeas Nays J }akey Certified Passed by Counci Sec etary ✓Gimm ✓Guerin 1 ;rris In avor By kk ,__ C �, .• 1 ____ �gard ettman 0 Against ✓Fhune Mayor 1 Saint uX City Council SAINT PAUL Public Hearing • Notice D Public Imp ovement Construction AAAA Imp 1 OWNER OR TAXPAYER COUNCIL DISTRICT #6 PLANNING COUNCIL #05 FILE # : 18743 PROPERTY ADDRESS 959:.ARCA' ©E. ST PARCEL ID 29 PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION ARLINGTON HILLS ADDITION TO ST. PAU 40/45 THRU 49 N 85 FT OF LOTS 1 AND LOT 2 BLK 21 i THE TIME: WEDNES1 AY, AUGUST 31, 1994 AT 3:30 P.M. PUBLIC PLACE: City C • ncil Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall -Court House HEARING Written or oral . by any owner will be considered by the Council at t is hearing. PURPOSE To consider ap• oval of the proposed project as follows: Places to Park Progra on Case Avenue near Arcade Street. (See enclosure for project description nd financial information.) Also, File No. 18744 as shown on the enclosur: ESTIMATED If the City Coun � it approves the project, all or part of the ASSESSMENT cost will be ass: ssed against the benefitted properties. The INFORMATION ESTIMATED ass ssment for the above property is $3,592.00. THIS AMOUNT ILL NOT NEED TO BE PAID ALL AT ONE TIME! Please see PAY i ENT INFORMATION on the reverse side of this notice and also he enclosure for additional project information. P ARKING LOT = ESTIMATED 1.00 X $3,592.0000 $3,592.00 ASSESSMENT CALCULATION CONTINUED ON REVERSE SID NOTIFICATION DATE: 08/15/94 1 File No. 18743 ( )I - 12Sq Construction of a surface parking I t for approximately 12 to 13 parking spaces on a lot with a vacant house to be acquire and demolished (811 Case Avenue, near Arcade Street, legally described as. Lot 17, Block 20, Arlington Hills Addition). The parking lot is to be publicly owned and will se a commercial businesses in the immediate area. This project is under the Places to ark Program. Total Estimated Capital Costs - $107,795 Funded by: Assessments - $ 10,780 Places to Park Program - $ 97,015 File No. 18744 Operating Costs for the publicly o ned parking lot at 811 Case Avenue for utilities, insurance, snow removal, general Maintenance and repairs from November 1, 1994 to December 31, 1995. Total Estimated Operating Costs fo the first year - $2,700 Funded by assessments only according to the following: Property ID No. Address First Year Amount 29- 29 -22 -14 -180 - 971 Arcade St. $450 29- 29 -22 -14 -181 - 969 Arcade St. $450 29- 29 -22 -14 -182 - 965 Arcade St. $450 29- 29 -22 -14 -183 - 961 Arcade St. $450 _ 29- 29 -22 -14 -188 - 959 Arcade St. $900 MAP 41. '.5 c 1 :� /o , o � ' ). -L5)r Lii 1 (, ) (1-.) (1,7) ` 17z 171? X70 (,c3; . (Ic.) CO o 0 9 1 ON (v) (.B) (: (11* i^ x '72 07+) (175) (17c) 'i77) (n :::5", ('S`. W • :•» 6; 17 16 19 20N N 10 III 12 13 14 15 16 :moo• 187 - I . .•. , .. a .. 14, GO .I. n . t : . : . : : . (' Y CP sE. AVE. . _ • ,„ co 4c - - . - - .. .. v r rr (22.) 70 CO (�� 722 I 1 1.t o' , ' 0 ` ) fiedl + 3 2 1 t , M 9 B : 7 1 6 5 4 3 2 94, I 1 I - '`1.(3) o a 1 ' PROPERTY DESIGNATED FOR PAR ING LOT - ii;:?i;§:;ii