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9 Gv Council File # n ORIGINAL RESOLUTION Green Sheet # 24806 (F) CITY OF ' AINT PAUL, MIN ESOTA 617- 41 i Presented By A ' r t Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, The City Council, pursuant to Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code, did hold a Public Hearing on November 16, 1994, in the C ty Council Chambers for the purpose of establishing the level of services of street and alley laintenance to be performed in the City of Saint Paul in 1995, and the amount of service charge to be levied against benefitted property; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby determine that the program of Street Maintenance Services to be perf.rmed within the City of Saint Paul in 1995 shall be in the manner as set forth and described n the attached report of the Department of Public Works, and the Department of Public Works is .ereby authorized to perform the necessary work as set forth in said report and shall, in accordance with said Chapter 62 the Administrative Code, keep an accurate record of all costs a tributable to the program and report such information to the Department of Finance and Manageme Service. evR Yeas N sent Requested by Department of: Blakey G r imm _ , < e i Public Works G Harris _ u/ Megard Rettman r _ Thune f B o y AD Z kcQ g et D ►►�ec ✓ Adopted by Council: Date \ r . ( \q 9 y Form A ti+roved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secret =ry By: - Or By: . Approv:• b, Mayor for ubmi ion to Council Approved by May.r: Dat- � U ` y: By: -.1.41..4. . F 42 �d DEPART W ork FICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET N O , 24806 Public W orks Aug. 18,1994 CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAL/DATE INITIALOATE Allen J. Shetka 266 -6176 ASSIGN 4 DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR Se.-1S 8 CITY COUNCIL NUMBER FOR 6 CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUTING R I© ©j V BUDGET DIRECTOR i� 9 FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. August 31, 1994 (City Clerk by August 23, 1994) MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT) � 3 C. _ • � TOTAL *OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ® V� ASSOCIATE ►i !! +;�3rR3d$•1�J +� arrfia�rs.� ,ir � ACTION REQUESTED '� • ir Resolution authorizing street maintenance for 1995 basically the same level as 1994. (Assessment rates are the same rate as 1994 rates) Attachments: (F) Council Resolution RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIO4 1. Has this YEperson/firm NO ever worked under a contract for this department? S _ CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this personitirm ever been a city employee? YES NO _ STAFF 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? _ DISTRICT COUNCIL YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WH RE, WHY): This will allow for collection of monies for fundin l the1995 Program. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: See Above DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: f ! DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: { TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ '94 =$15,009,366; )5 =$15,130,240 COST /REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) NO FUNDING SOURCE Assessments, General Fund, Fund Balance, Aids ACITVITY NUMBER 42310 through 42340 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) AJS/tme O E t 94 -IUD (D) • NO i ICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a P .lic Hearing will be held on the 16th day of November 1994 at 4:30 P.M. in he Saint Paul City Council Chambers, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minno.ota. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to consider the level of service of s reet maintenance to be performed in the City of Saint Paul in 1994 and to consider the cost of such service to be charged against benefitted property in accordan e with Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code. The particular service to be per firmed and the estimated costs as proposed by the Department of Public Works ar:'. as follows: CLASS I - DOWNTOWN OR L • OP STREETS Description: Class I service will be performel on all downtown streets within the following boundaries: Kellogg Boulevard .n the south and west, Eleventh Street on the north, and Broadway on the east. Proposed 1995 Level of Services The downtown streets will be s , ept three times per week and flushed five times per week. All routine maintenance, ncluding patching and repairing of street surfaces, will be performed on an as -nee. -d basis. Proposed Assessment: All Class I service will be assess: d at a rate of $3.53 per assessable foot for all. CLASS II - OUTLYING COMM RCIAL AND ARTERIAL STREETS Description: Class II service will be performe on all outlying commercial and arterial streets in the City. These are the major art; ries in the City and have both heavy volumes of vehicular and pedestrian traffic .'nd have frequent business or commercial properties fronting on them. Typical exam' les would be as follows: University Avenue, Snelling Avenue, West Seventh 'treet, East Seventh Street, Rice Street, Payne Avenue, Arcade Street, Summit venue, Grand Avenue and others. All of these Class II streets are accurately def ned on a map available for viewing in the Department of Public Works, 901 City Hall Annex. Proposed 1995 Level of Service: The Class II streets would be cle.4 ed approximately 13 times per season. All routine maintenance, including patching and repairing of street surfaces, will be done on an "as- needed" basis. Page 1 of 4 Proposed Assessment: (D contd.) gy_1 Under Class II service there will be two assessment rates, one commercial and one residential. The commercial property rate will be $2.43 per assessable foot and the residential property rate will b* $1.10 per assessable foot. CLASS III - ALL RESIDENTIAL, STREETS Description: Class III service would be performed on all residential streets including oiled streets, paved streets and intermediate :ype streets. Proposed 1995 Level of Service: Residential streets, including oiled, paved and intermediate streets, would receive thorough cleaning each spring hick would include sweeping and flushing. Patching and repair work would be done on an "as- needed" basis. A roximatel 80 miles of oiled streets would receive a sand sealcoat and approimatey 30 miles of paved streets will receive a chip sealcoat. In the fall (weather permitting) leaves would be picked up from these streets. Proposed Assessment: Under Class III service to residential streets, we have two assessment categories. The commercial property rate would be $1.76 per assessable foot and the residential property rate would be $1.10 pefl assessable foot. CLASS IV - ALL OILED AND PAVED ALLEYS Description: Class IV service would be performed on all oiled, paved and intermediate type alleys within the City. Proposed 1995 Level of Service: All oiled, paved and intermediate alleys would receive a thorough cleaning each spring. Efforts would be made ta! complete the cleaning by June 15th. All routine maintenance, including patching l and repair of the alley surface, would be performed on an "as- needed" basis. Proposed Assessment: The proposed assessment rate is .86 per assessable foot for commercial property and $.57 per assessable foot for reside Thal property. Page2of4 (D contd.) CLASS V AND VI - UNIMPR •'VED STREETS AND ALLEYS 4 _ 1'a.i'd Description: Class V and VI service will be p:rformed on unimproved streets and alleys. By unimproved, we mean those str:ets and alleys that have not been developed for one reason or another. They are pia . ed City rights -of -way; however, the abutting residents have never petitioned or their improvement nor have there been any assessments levied. Because the are City rights -of -way, the City has the responsibility to perform minim 1 repairs and maintenance work to reduce hazards. Proposed 1995 Level of Services: The maintenance and repair of t , ese streets and alleys will consist of patching, minor blading, placing of crushe . rock and other stabilized material in order to make them passable and reduce hazani s. Proposed Assessment: The proposed assessment rate o unimproved streets is $.66 per assessable foot for commercial property and $.44 p: assessable foot for residential property. The proposed assessment rate on uni proved alleys is $.34 per assessable foot for commercial property and $.23 p- assessable foot for residential property. Page 3 of 4 (D contd.) 1995 PROPOSED EX 1 ENDITURES FOR STREET MAINTENANCE Spending Financing Assessme ts(1) Aids(2) General Fund Fund Balance Summer $10,388,815(3) $8,756,110 $1,376,784 0 $256,031 Bridge 1,209,395 0 1,171,395 38,000 0 Winter 3,532,030 0 174,462 3,357,568 0 TOTAL $15,130,240 $8,756,110 $2,722,641 $3,395,568 $256,031 (1) $1.10 per asses .able foot for residential . roperty paid with 1995 Pro .'erty Tax (2) Municipal Stat • Aid - $1,474,613 Trunk Highw. Aid - 355,461 County Aid - 402,567 Miscellaneous eceipts - 490,000 (3) Includes Repa ment of General Fu . Cash Advance - 149,564 Page4of4 9 .)3.4id Cape al Management, Inc.' Property Man, ement — Residential /Commercial October 20, 1994 RECEIVED City Clerk of Saint Paul OCT 2 6 1994 170 City Hall Saint Paul, Minn. 5510.4 1613 CITY CLERK (flfGii Research 1rallil NOV 7 - 1994 This is a letter of appeal garding the assessed street /alley maintenance service charges for the p Iiperty located at 1089 -1099 Burnquist Street. P1D# 282922110103 an$ 282922110102 We presently are being .'. sessed 6% of Taxes on both above properties which includes Street`M tenance which totals $24,057.36. That represents 21% of axes only before expenses from income. Because of low mar•.et v. lues of commercial and residential properties in Saint Paul and this p. cular area our rents also have decreased because the City and County are raining the local taxpayers on nonsense charges of such street improveme its and absorbent Taxes! You need to re- evalute the mill-rate and lower th percentage of such charges and services or eventually you will succeed in pushing us all into bankruptsy! ! ! ! Disgusted Saint Paul Property Owners. s & Schmidt, P_artnership ,,, Capital Property Mahagernent, /• P.O. Box 47393 Plymouth, Minn. 55447 612 -550 -9836 I I \ VI I I n n O.... .470(V) !7L ....al. !1 An! CCAA•" C { rJ ccr. (IOOC • - - qy -II Fo p - /t -- 9 T 2(z RECOMMENDED 1994 STREET ND /OR ALLEY MAINTENANCE SERVICE CHARGES Frontage as , as PropertylD# 282922110103 a, a Property address 1099 BURNQUIST ST Class Recommended amount $ 11 3.00 4 /y4 . t ... COST OF Your street and/or alley mainte ance service charge provides funding for only a portion of the maintenance of SERVICES approximately 900 miles of street ight -of -way and 2300 individual alleys. The remainder comes from Municipal State Aid, Trunk Highway Aid, County Aid, I iscellaneous receipts, and General Fund contributions. The estimated summer street maintenance program costs are a proximately $10 million annually. Of this amount, 83% will be recovered through service charges, 17% through aids and f nd balance. APPEAL You may appeal this service charge to the District Court. You must first file a notice stating the grounds for your appeal ' with the City Clerk within 20 days if the order adopting the service charge. You must also file the same notice with the lerk of District Court within 10 days of ling with the City Clerk. NOTE: Failure to file the notices within the specified times forever prohibits an appeal from the se ice charge. Please note that Section 64.06 0 ,the Saint Paul Administrative Code requires that regular payments be made, even if the charge is under appeal. If the as seal is successful, the payments will be refunded. QUESTIONS? If your street or alley needs mai tenance or repair, please call this number: 292 -6600 I If you have questions about yo 1 street or alley service charge or frontage, call 266 -8857. City staff will be available to an wer last- minute questions on your street maintenance in City Council Chambers from 3:00 -3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 12, the same day as the hearing. RECEIVED OCT 2 61994 000860 w ..y nuyust 1*. It box is checked, you owe delinquent taxes and ar = rot eligible. CITY CLERK .00 II 2. Use this amount for the special property tax refund on schedule 1 of F. m M -1 PR. . 0 0 Your Property Tax And How tt is fiedtmed By a Seat® 3. Your property tax before reduction by state -paid aids and credits i ># 4. Aid paid by the state of Minnesota to reduce our property 9,875.02 10 , 8 2 3.12 Y 5. Credits paid by the state of Minnesota to reduce your property pert tax 4,554.30 5,101.16 A Homestead and Agricultural Credit .00 . 0 0 6. Your property tax ahEr reduction by state -paid aids and credits 5 , 3 2 0 . 0 2 5,721.96 0 0 1 ;; ...... yylloo y Prop u 7#1;i4 Ears C' :: imi :: :: :: »:: <::.> :: >: ;:::: >? > : >;::: :::: »: >:<:: >: .............:...:.:.... 8. County 1 5 3 2. 3 4 8. City or town 1,419.28 1,581.86 9. School district 1,479.32 A Excess levy referenda tax B. Remaining school tax . 0 0 . 0 0 0. Special taxing districts 2,083.48 2,367.21 A Metropolitan special taxing districts B. Other special taxing districts 167.78 177.26 c. 117.84 D. 116.31 i . Non - school voter approved referenda levies 2. Total property tax before special assessments 5,320.72 5 , 7 21.9 6 509.88 7 2 1 . 9 6 3. Special assessments added to this property tax bill STR MAINT 0032 113.00 ST SWR CHG 0080 63.00 WASTE MGT 007 59.04 1 GRADE /PAVE 0517 116.82 ST SEWER 2220 70.7$ CITY RECY 9996 78.00 t. YOUR TOTAL PROPERTY TAX AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 5,830.60 6 , 2 2 2 . 6 0 You may be eligible la one or even two relu . s to reduce yt', property tax. Read the back of this statement to find art how to apply. 1I.P0 Firstar Home Mortgage Corpora on 3..,4A c\_,/ FIRSr"R RECEIVED C17, uncii l liior TO: : CITY CLERK OC T 13 1994 CITY CLERK OCT 18 1994 FROM: KATHLEEN POR ELL DATE: OCTOBER 12, 19 RE: 1994 STREET &/I R ALLEY MAINTENANCE SERVICE CHARGES I AM APPEALING THE SERVI I E CHARGE FOR MY STREET AND ALLEY MAINTENANCE. I HAVE CAL ED ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS TO HAVE MY ALLEY REPAIRED, AND YOU COME AND MAKE A FEW PATCH REPAIRS. OUR ALLEY IS TOTALLY CRUMBLED, D t TO A RE- ROUTING OF THE EAST SIDE WATER SYSTEM, TO LEAD TO THE I SSISSIPPI, WHICH FLOODED OUR ALLEYS AND STREETS, AND CAUSE PE' NT DAMAGE. THE ALLEY ABOVE OUR ALLEY (ON THE EAST) WAS COMPL TELY DUG UP AND RE -DONE, BECAUSE OF THE HOME OWNERS PERSISTENC TO HAVE IT DONE, AS I AM REQUESTING TO HAVE YOU DO OURS. I WILL NOT PAY FOR ANY MIRE MAINTENANCE UNTIL OUR ALLEY IS COMPLETELY DUG UP AND ' -DONE AS A NEW ALLEY, NOT JUST PATCHED! THE CITY WASTES MORE MO' Y BY PATCHING EACH YEAR, THEN IF YOU WOULD GET IT DONE RIGHT HE FIRST TIME! THE ALLEY IS BETWEEN JEF RSON(NORTH) AND JULIET(SOUTH) AND CRETIN(WEST) AND FINN(EA ( T). THE STREET OF JEFFERSON BETWEEN CRETIN AND FINN NEEDS MAJOR WO ' ALSO. PLEASE GET IT DONE RIGHT THIS TIME! KATHLEEN A. PORTELL ,II NOV 7 - 1994 X900 _;\ , FIRST CLASS - PRESORTED MAIL • PERMIT N0. 1015 140 City Hall �', U.S. POSTAGE Saint Paul, MN 55102 / <13 CITY OF ST. PAUL CITY of �m ortant Notice! SA INT ' C p ''" `' ` SAINT PAUL Street Maintenance Service Charge DEPARTMENT Or AMA PUBLIC WORKS O _ e. 1,1,1 „1,1,,,,1111,,,,1,1 „ „ti „11,11 11„1„11,,I..1,1,1 '(y * ** ****1cx CAR —RT SORT �c* C044 �, 4 `� e �,°' KATHLEEN A PORTELL _ y . V e -�' 4 2148 JEFFERSON AVE ii ST PAUL MN 55105 - 130 3 A ti ■ C‘ \ fleA . • ck , Acc. li 9 fIr ST ' EET AND /OR ALLEY MAINTENANCE SERVICE CHARGES RECOMMENDED 1994 S Frontage 40,40 PropertylD# 08282314 I Class a, a Property address 2148 JEFFERSON AVE Recommended amount $67.00 COST OF Your street and/or alle maintenance service charge provides funding for only a ponionfrom the n c pal State Al r dividual es SERVICES approximately 900 miles 1. 1 street right-of General alleys. Fund coatnb GonseThe estimated summer sire Trunk Highway Aid, Cou iiy Aid, miscellaneous maintenance program co l i sts are approximately $10 million annually. Of this amount, 83% will be recovered through servit charges, 17% through . i ds and fund balance. the grounds for your appr APPEAL You may appeal this se; ice charge to the District Court. You c must first f Y ou must also file stating same notice with the CI( with the City Clerk withi 20 days of the order adopting the sere charge. of District Court within 11 days of filing with the City Clerk. NOTE: Failure to file the notices within the specified times fore prohibits an appeal fro the service charge. Please note that Secti. 64.06 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code r e qui that regular payments be made, even if charge is under appe. . If tyre appeal is successful, the payments will I QUESTIONS? If your street or alley -eds maintenance or repair, please call this number: 292 -6600 If you have questions i bout answer last-minute questions on your street maintenance 5 in City Council Chambers' City staff will be avail. ble to an 3:00 -3:30 p.m. on W: dnesday, October 12, the same day as the hearing. A:14.-1 P STATE OF MINNESOTA OA' 4 ' ' ' Department of Administration j nlifiai R A eVaWle , October 19, 1994 - VILE DDn, =�— -ff: Council Research earch Center . _ "�t ~� RECEIVED 2 .\- - - Molly O OCT 1994 � '' , t ;:1 + . OCT 21 1994 •-.,I... City Clerk City of St. Paul MN CITY CLERK Our mission: 170 City Hall To improve the quality St. Paul MN 55 102 and productivity of Minnesota gOVCrninent. Dear Ms. O'Rourke: This is a formal appea of certain service charges to the following State of pp g g Minnesota properties n the City of St. Paul. RICE AND I'. VINES ADDITION BLKS 1 THRU 25, 42 THRU 45 AND BLKS 54 T 11 56 LOT 8 BLK 55, and RICE AND I' VINES ADDITION BLKS 1 THRU 25, 42 THRU 45 AND BLKS 54 T 1' 56 LOTS 6 AND LOT 7 BLK 55 I Due to the vacant stat s of the properties described above, no benefit is derived from Town Square P., k, therefore we request the charges be rescinded and discontinued in the fu t; re. If you have any questi'Ins, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, 4 Lenora Madigan U Director c: Dennis Spalla II Plant Management Di Vision, 625 North Robert St., St. Paul, MN 55101 Voice: 612 296 -9898 DD: 612 297 -4407 I, �' ', Council File # .......9----47 ORIGINAL RESOLUTION Green Sheet # 24RO CITY OF S ' INT PAU MINNESOTA °I 4*- Presented B �..J " D r 7 4 ;L Y ( /1 _ I Referred To _` Committee: Date RESOLVED, That in accordance with Chapt:r 62 of the Administrative Code and Minnesota Statute Chapter 429, the Council of the City of1Saint Paul does hereby fix the 16th day of November 1994 at 4:30 P.M., as the date on which the Council will hold a Public Hearing in the City Council Chambers, Saint Paul, Minnesota, to consider the level of street and alley maintenance to be performed in the City lof Saint Paul in 1995 and the costs to be charged against the benefitted property, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to publish notice of this Hearing pursuant to Minnesota Statute Chapter 429 and the Department of Finance is hereby directed to mail notices to affected pr.perties in accordance with said Chapter 429. Yeas `. Nays Ab ent Requested by Department of: Blakey �/ Grimm Public Works Guerin Harris t Megard V n•,/. Rettman � C-�wl Thune By: S o ,-r` G -Q, -U 1)1► -ee o v Adopted by Council: Date _ 3\ t 1 Form A.•roved by Cit At orney `J / Adoption Certified by Council Secret.Iry By: •& - By: a , k--„_. • Appr.vo% . Mayor for Sub iss'.n to Council •Apps ueti•by Mayor: Date / � %-,'"�- / 4--#------ By: G Y. (D) OTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 1 4 _,tea Notice is hereby given that a 'ublic Hearing will be held on the 16th day of November 1994 at 4:30 P.M. • the Saint Paul City Council Chambers, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Min'lesota. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to consider the level of service o street maintenance to be performed in the City of Saint Paul in 1994 and to con der the cost of such service to be charged against benefitted property in accord nce with Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code. The particular service to be p: rformed and the estimated costs as proposed by the Department of Public Works re as follows: CLASS I - DOWNTOWN 0 LOOP STREETS Description: Class I service will be perfor ed on all downtown streets within the following boundaries: Kellogg Bouleva d on the south and west, Eleventh Street on the north, and Broadway on the east. Proposed 1995 Level of Servi -s: The downtown streets will be swept three times per week and flushed five times per week. All routine maintenan - , including patching and repairing of street surfaces, will be performed on an as -n- -ded basis. Proposed Assessment: All Class I service will be asse sed at a rate of $3.53 per assessable foot for all. CLASS II - OUTLYING CO II ERCIAL AND ARTERIAL STREETS Description: Class II service will be perfori ed on all outlying commercial and arterial streets in the City. These are the major , rteries in the City and have both heavy volumes of vehicular and pedestrian traff and have frequent business or commercial properties fronting on them. Typical exa pies would be as follows: University Avenue, Snelling Avenue, West Sevent Street, East Seventh Street, Rice Street, Payne Avenue, Arcade Street, Summ t Avenue, Grand Avenue and others. All of these Class II streets are accurately . efined on a map available for viewing in the Department of Public Works, ' 00 City Hall Annex. Proposed 1995 Level of Servic:.: The Class II streets would be c eaned approximately 13 times per season. All routine maintenance, including patchi g and repairing of street surfaces, will be done on an "as-needed" basis. Page 1 of 4 qv- i- (D contd.) Proposed Assessment: 4 14 -I a.r Under Class II service there w 11 be two assessment rates, one commercial and one residential. The commercial p operty rate will be $2.43 per assessable foot and the residential property rate will • - $1.10 per assessable foot. CLASS III - ALL RESIDENTI L STREETS Description: Class III service would be per • rmed on all residential streets including oiled streets, paved streets and intermediat: type streets. Proposed 1995 Level of Servic:: Residential streets, including sled, paved and intermediate streets, would receive thorough cleaning each spring which would include sweeping and flushing. Patching and repair work wo d be done on an "as- needed" basis. Approximately 80 miles of oiled streets would re. eive a sand sealcoat and approximately 30 miles of paved streets will receive a chi • sealcoat. In the fall (weather permitting) leaves would be picked up from thes streets. Proposed Assessment: Under Class III service to resi -ntial streets, we have two assessment categories. The commercial property rate wou d be $1.76 per assessable foot and the residential property rate would be $1.10 • -r assessable foot. • CLASS IV - ALL OILED AND PAVED ALLEYS Description: Class IV service would be perf armed on all oiled, paved and intermediate type alleys within the City. Proposed 1995 Level of Servic : All oiled, paved and intermedi to alleys would receive a thorough cleaning each spring. Efforts would be mad_jto complete the cleaning by June 15th. All routine maintenance, including patchi g and repair of the alley surface, would be performed on an "as- needed" basis. Proposed Assessment: The proposed assessment rate . $.86 per assessable foot for commercial property and $.57 per assessable foot for resi �i ential property. Page 2 of 4 (D contd.) CLASS V AND VI - UNIMPR fit VED STREETS AND ALLEYS �' -1319° Description: Class V and VI service will be • erformed on unimproved streets and alleys. By unimproved, we mean those st eets and alleys that have not been developed for one reason or another. They are pl.'tted City rights -of -way; however, the abutting residents have never petitione. for their improvement nor have there been any assessments levied. Because th • y are City rights -of -way, the City has the responsibility to perform mini al repairs and maintenance work to reduce hazards. Proposed 1995 Level of Service The maintenance and repair of hese streets and alleys will consist of patching, minor blading, placing of crus -d rock and other stabilized material in order to make them passable and reduce haz. ds. Proposed Assessment: The proposed assessment rate I n unimproved streets is $.66 per assessable foot for commercial property and $.44 ver assessable foot for residential property. The proposed assessment rate on u ,' improved alleys is $.34 per assessable foot for commercial property and $.23 i er assessable foot for residential property. Page 3 of 4 . • 9y 7,2 7 (D contd.) 1995 PROPOSED E , ' PENDITURES FOR STREET MAINTENANCE 1 y �J Spending Financing Assessm. nts(1) Aids(2l General Fund Fund Balance Summer $10,388,815(3) $8,756 100 $1,376,784 0 $256,031 Bridge 1,209,395 0 1,171,395 38,000 0 Winter 3,532,030 0 174,462 3,357,568 0 TOTAL $15,130,240 $8,756 100 $2,722,641 $3,395,568 $256,031 (1) $1.10 per asse sable foot for residentia property paid with 1995 Pro •erty Tax (2) Municipal Sta e Aid - $1,474,613 Trunk Highw y Aid - 355,461 County Aid - 402,567 Miscellaneou -I Receipts - 490,000 (3) Includes Repa, ment of General Fuld Cash Advance - 149,564 Page 4 of 4