94-1234 OP Council File# y` 42,3 V Green Sheet# ? 0768 RESOLUTION 53 C TY OF,SAIN PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By ��? �'— Cy- s.4 �sS , ._ .J Referred To Committee: Date 1 An Administrative Resolution establishin g the 2 rate of pay for Public Education Officer - Fire 3 Department, in the Salary Plan and Rates of 4 Compensation Resolution. 5 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of Public Education 6 Officer - Fire Department be that as set forth in Grade 15, Section D3, of the 7 Professional Employees Non- SupeTvisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates 8 of Compensation; and be it 9 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on 10 the first pay period after the passage, approval, and publication of this resolution. Yeas Nays Absent Blakey Grimm Requested by Department of: Guerin v Harris v ! ffice of H . Resources Megard Rettman B !lam 1_ Thune l/ Fo ppr ve by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date q(((; 2 Q (14 By ` Adop ' n Certified y ` our 1 Secretary, `1 By / Appr • y M yor f r b • ion to Council Approved Mayor: Date B t, •I ` ice -' •' :i1 l , ( 7y - /23y 6s T DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL CE S DATEIMNITIATED SHEET No L A O 7 ' 8 OFFICE OF HUMA)I RESOUR PERSON SS. 02104/94 �"� ��.' "' INITIAL/DATE INITIAvurye — CONTACT & +++: i" v1 ED DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR [I CITY COUNCIL John Shockey (aren Sanchez x66483 ANiUIR CITY ATTORNEY En CITY CLERK NUR MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) Rammo r BUDGET DIRECTOR ED FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. OR R MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT) 0l1Finance - Accountin TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of the Resolution 'establishing the rate of pay for the new classification of Public Education Oflicer Fire Department in Grade 15 of the Professional Employees Non - Supervisor] Ranges. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Re$ct (R) P .RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this person/firm everworked a contract for this department? _ CIB COMMITTEE YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? _ STAFF YES NO DISTRICT BURT 3, Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current City employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO E�ialn all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why) The creation of the new classification is being proposed because the studied position in the Fire Department is inappropriatel2 allocated to the Health Educator II class. Ey RECEIV p FEB 4 4 ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: E The new classification will accuratel, describe the duties and responsibilities; knowledge, skills and abilities required; and the minimum qualifications of the BUDGET RECE ED studied position. M AR 03 19 4 CITY ATTO DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: An increase in the annual salary from Grade 13 to Grade 15 of $2071.82 - $2656RECMD 1 MAR p 4 1994 MAYOR'S OFFICE DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: 3 The position will continue to be inapiropriately classified. bad ' AUG 0 5 1994 TOTAL. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST /REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) CITY OF SAINT PAUL Office of Human Resources Classification and Compensation Division 230 City Ha_l Annex, Saint Paul, MN 55102 -1631 612- 266 -6483 January 28, 1994 Martha Kantorowicz, President Professional Employees Inc. Finance & Management Services 160 City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Martha: It has been determined that the title and class specification of Public Education Officer - Fire Department should be created. I have attached a copy o= the class specification for your review. Please notify me withia twenty days of receipt of this notice, if you wish to discuss th:_s action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be process_ng a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Public Education Officer - Fire Department in Grade 15, Section D3, of the Professional Employees Non - Supervisory Standar. Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. lit �. Karen anche Classification and Compensation I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the y g y purpose of creating th_s title and class specification. Name 'Date CLASSIFIC STUDY REPORT Class Studied: Heal h Educator II (Fire Department) Incumbent: Paul Peterson Studied By: Rare Sanchez Date Studied: Octo.er 13, 1993 APPROVAL OF CLASSIFICATIoN AND COMPENSATION MANAGER: DATE: 1 /14 ,‘,/';‘ �^ . Background The study was conducted to de ermine the appropriate classification and compensation of the Health Ed cator II position in the Fire Prevention Division. The position is responsible fir directing the following department's fire safety education programs for schools, health care facilities, business and industry, private residences,', juvenile firesetters, and the community as a whole: 1. Fire Play Intervention Program 2. Fire Fighter Frank Progr 3. Follow the Footsteps to F re Safety Program 4. Two For One Fire Safety P 5. Junior Fire Marshal 6. Fire Safety On The Rise 7. Preschool Fire Safety Project 8. Juvenile Crime Prevention Curriculum 9. Fire Safety For All Proje 10. Fire Extinguisher Trainin_ 11. High -rise Evacuation Prog 12. Senior Fire Safety Projec 13. City -wide Home Fire Safet', Survey Program 14. City -wide Take 5 Apartmen Project Stud Components • Review of the job profile subuitted by the incumbent. Interview with the incumbent ':nd immediate supervisor. Comparison with related class specifications and related positions. QES evaluation and analysis. Job , escri•tion The duties and responsibiliti -s of the position are as follows: 1. Develops, implements, and supervises the department's community fire safety education programs The responsibility involves conducting subject matter research ad analysis; developing and establishing program goals, objectives policies and procedures; designing program content, methods, materia s and /or activities; evaluating programs and instituting changes or mosifications; providing training and supervision of department personnel a d volunteers involved in delivering and implementing programs. 2. Manages the Fire Play Int-rvention Program. The responsibility involves establishing procedures f conducting and /or supervising initial assessment, counseling, e.ucational sessions, and providing referral and follow -up of children and families enrolled in the program. 3. Performs duties as assignyd by the Fire Chief such as writing for publication, marketing, v deo production, city -wide communications, press releases, civilian recogn tion, and related feasibility studies. 4. Represents and acts on be alf of the department in dealing with other public, private, and volu tary organizations as well as statewide committees and coalitions' on fire safety community education. 5. Represents the department during media coverage of public education programs, acts as public i nformation officer at fire scenes when needed, and appears on TV and rad o broadcast programs to discuss fire prevention issues or promote departm-ntal programs that address these issues. 6. Establishes and maintains effective relationships with public and human resources agencies for pu poses of research and consultation, referral, and special project coord nation. 7. Performs administrative d ties such as ordering materials, scheduling programs, preparing corre- pendence, acting on requests from the community, and developing educationa materials and literature. Class S.ecification Com•arisons There are no existing class s that fully describe the specific duties and responsibilities o the position in question. Fire- related Classificat ons - The duties and responsibilities of the position in question are not l omparable to those of the Fire Captain, Fire District Chief, or Fire Train ng Officer classification. The Fire District Chief, for example, is respon'.ible for responding to and commanding fire, V— /z emergency, and rescue operations and supervising fire fighting operations within an assigned district. The Fire Training Officer, on one hand, is responsible for providing specialized practical training of fire suppression personnel which requires cons derable knowledge of and experience in fire suppression. Training and Development Manager - This classification has greater administrative and supervisor responsibility than the position in question which include the responsibil for supervising an independent unit, managing the budget, and supervising various levels of employees directly and through lower level supervisors, not o mention management consultation on training and development issues. Program Administrator /Co , rdinator - The Program Administrator class is responsible for economic, bud:etary and fiscal matters and policy research and analysis of departmental or c tywide issues. While the Program Coordinator class is responsible for prov ding staff assistance to an administrator in the review, analysis, and coordination of departmental programs and projects dealing with infrastructure. Administrative Assistant - Fire Department - This classification is responsible for providing sta f assistance to a department head dealing with administrative research and a alysis, reviewing systems and operating procedures, preparing reports and recommendations, and providing assistance in budget preparation, long rang- plannning, and coordinating departmental administrative activities or - pecial projects. Public Information Speci list /Health Educator - These classifications do not describe the fire safe education responsibility of the position in question. The main responsib lity of the Public Information Specialist class is public information and pro.otion of departmental policies, programs, and activities, while the duties .f the Health Educator II class are specific to the Department of Public Heal h. The Health Educator II class does not also describe the supervisory responsibility of the position. Posi ion Com•arisons The position was also compare. with previously submitted job profiles and the results are consistent with t e class specification comparisons. Fire Training Officer - e position in question is not comparable to this position. Some of the i -depth knowledge required of a Fire Training Officer involves fire fightin: tactics, emergency medical procedures, fire chemistry, chemical reactions hazardous materials, water distribution, electrical principles, architictural plans, building construction, and local and national fire protection odes and standards. This position has additional responsibilities r lating to budget administration, maintaining training facilities and equip lent, administering/ participating in background investigations and examinatio s of recruit fire fighters, administering fire fighter apprenticeship progr=i, testifying before a commission or court, and assisting in conducting fire ighter testing. Fire Training Assistant ' This position provides specialized practical training which directly affects the standard and safety of fire fighting operations and the competency level of fire suppression personnel. It involves specialized training related to fire fighting operations, emergency medical procedures, and hazardous materials. The duties involve evaluating written and practical examinations for apprentice and journeyman fire fighters, developing specialty and /or remedial training programs, and providing some input into fir fighter probation. The work involves greater physical demands and exposure to hazards in responding to and monitoring fires and hazardous material incidents in order to identify training needs. The Training and Development Specialist, Public Information Specialist, and Health E lucator positions do not describe the specific duties and responsibilities of the position in question. Both the Training and Development Specialist art the Public Information Specialist positions have no community education r while the duties of the Health Educator are specific to community health education. Hence, the required knowledge, skills, and abilities of these positions would not be applicable to the position in question. OES $valuation and Analysis The results of the QES evaluation and analysis support compensating the position in Grade 15 of the Professional Standard Ranges. Recommendation Based upon the results of the class specification and position comparisons and the QES evaluation and analysis, I recommend that the classification of Public Education Specialist - Fire Department be created in Grade 15 of the Professional Standard Ranges. CODE: 530A BU: 06 EFFECTIVE: PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: PUBLIC 'UCATION OFFICER - FIRE DEPT. DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled profession.' work in planning, developing, and conducting public fire and life safety education programs and activities; and performs other related • ties as required. Supervision Received: Works under general supervis on of a unit, division, or department head. Supervision Exercised: May exercise within a unit close or moderate and technical supervision over lower level profession :i, technical, clerical, or assigned staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not inc de all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Plans and implements fire a • life safety education programs and activities for the schools, •ay care centers, health care facilities, businesses, private residen -s, and the community as a whole. Manages a comprehensive juv =ile firesetting and intervention program including initial assessmen•', counseling, referral, and follow -up activities. Conducts research and analy -is of fire and life safety issues and needs to evaluate, develop, or re 'se educational programs, materials, and activities. Evaluates and develops educ ional goals, objectives, policies and procedures including progr :. content, methods, and instructional materials and techniques. Provides training and supe •sion of fire department personnel and volunteers involved in prog implementation and delivery. Organizes and conducts trai ing workshops and individual training sessions for fire and life - :fety education programs. Provides public information •romotion materials and activities including publicity materials, press •-leases, audio - visual production, marketing, media relations, and relate• art work. Maintains working relations ips with outside agencies and community resources for purposes of r =' earch, referral, consultation, or joint efforts in fire and life sal -ty education. (c. i tinued on reverse side) PUBLIC :"UCATION OFFICER - FIRE DEPT.