94-1224 , ,. C ORtGINAL L ILFILE `NO. �/ / 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL PRELIMINARY ORDER BY FILE NO. 8763 VOTING WARD 7 In the Matter of improvin the following streets with a new bituminous surfaced roadway, concrete curb and gutters, concrete driveway* aprons and concrete outwalks; boulevards will be sodded and lantern style street lighting will be installed: Bates Avenue - Pacific Street to Clermont Street (30') Cherry Street - Mounds Boulevard to Bates Avenue (32') Clermont Street - 4ounds Boulevard to Burns Avenue (32') Elliott Place - Bates Avenue to Mound Street (20') Maria Avenue - Plum Street to Bates Avenue (32') McLean Avenue - Mounds Boulevard to Mound Street (32') Mound Street - Pacific Street to McLean Avenue (36') McLean Avenue to 300' South of Clermont (32') Mounds Boulevard - Plum Street to Earl Street (30') Plum Street - Mounds Boulevard to Maria Avenue (32') Short Street - Mounds Boulevard to Bates Avenue (32') Urban Place - Mounds Boulevard to Bates Avenue (32') Wilshire Place - Nounds Boulevard to Bates Avenue (32') All to be known as the Bates /Mclean Area Street Paving and Lighting Project. The Council of the (ity of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $2,909,275 financed by 1995 Capital Improvement Bonds $1,924,909; Sewer Revenue Bonds $461,297 and Assessments $523,069. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th day of November, 1994, at 3:30 o'clock P.M., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons' and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. pIRli4aCl1 COUNCILPERSONS Adopted by Council: Date AUG 24 1,994 Yea, Nays SEP 1.71994 ./ Blakey Cert ed Pas - d, Council Secretary ✓ Grimm , Abir...,--• V Guerin � ✓ Harris piiaiieucn In Favor B _ _ e p/ Megard / , r ,- i! / - _ v Rett1P 10 1994. (1 Against r y Ma or [/ Thune L F 4 " 9# 494 RE 8 -11 -94 I • %' F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 8 - 10 - 94 Green Sheet Number: _ DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR 1 MT COUNCIL Coated Person and Phone Number: rMFrra CITY ,ATTORNEY 2 CITY QUIRK mwm PETER WHITE 266 -8850 m BUDGET DIRECTOR FhN. & Mar. svc. • IR. MAYOR. (OR ASSISTANT) Must be on Counal baby 8 -24 -94 Must be in Council Research Office no later than noon Monda 8 -12- TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (Q.l' AIL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Setting date of Public Hearing for 1995 CSSP Project ; Approve construction of street paving and new lighting in connection with the Bates/McLean Area Street Paving and Lighting Project. Finance File: 18763 R13OOmmENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (In PERSONAL SERVICE (7O14111/AGTS >ttusr AN swBR THB FOLLO ` s t PIAN NIN G COMMISSION STAFF 1. Has the person/Bun ever worked under a contract for this dam? :• CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 2. Has this person/firm ever been a City ? NO 3. Does this person /firm poems a skUl not normally pomesssed by any all COMMITTEE Current City employee? , :+. .� Eaten all YES answers on a separate sheet and attach. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Sewer Separation COUNCIL WARD(S) ' DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL 4 INrrIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, orpozn NQY (Wb , what, When, Where, Why?): Since there will be storm sewer constri ction in-the area, it would be feasible to reconstruct some treets where sewer construction is taking place, plus streets that are in dire need of work. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: COWS New paving and lighting on some streets. Research AUG 11 1994 DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Temporary construction disruptions and assessments to affected properties. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The unimproved streets will deterioraft further and construction costs will increase if put off to a later date. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (QRGLE ONE) YES FUNDING SOURCE.: ACIWI Y NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATIONk (EXIIAIN) COSTS: $2,909,275 FINANCING: ASSESSMENTS $523,039 OTHER $2,386,234.00 • DRAFT SUMMARY 0 ENGINEERING Sewer and Pav ECOMENDTIONS Bates /Md. Storm ity Project No. 95 -S -8100 (Includes P -8084, V -8084) 7 -8 -94 PROJECT sewer service This project is to construct a - orm sewer system with wheae n ecessary, street connections and_reconnectio s, sanitary sewer repairs improvements, and a lantern .tyle lighting system area (See Attachment bounded by Hudson Road, ound Street, and Mounds Boulevard 1). EXISTING CONDITIONS The majority of the project a -a is presently served by a combined sewer system. During periods of moderate heavy rainfall, s throu h the and a diversion sewage e flow together through the combin •d sewer system, 9 structures, and outlet direct) to the Mississippi River. The following streets within he project area are paved with a full depth bituminous pavement, or a concrete ba• e with asphalt surfacing, and have concrete curb. EARL STREET-.-WAKE FIE D AVENUE TO HUDSON ROAD HUDSON ROAD -- -EARL S REET TO BATES AVENUE MOUNDS BOULEVARD • PLUM STREET---MOUND BOULEVARD VARD O MARIA AVENUE PLUM The following are oiled sire: is with intermittent sections of bituminous or concrete curb. BATES AVENUE-- �PACIFI• STREET R D TO BATES A CHERRY STREET MOU DS BOULEVARD CLERMONT STREET - - M • UNDS BOULEVARD TO BURNS AVENUE ELLIOTT PLACE -- -BATES 'VENUE TO MOUND STREET MARIA AVENUE -- -PLUM REET TO BATES AVENUE -- has granite curb for the entire length McLEAN AVENUE - - -MOU IDS BOULEVARD TO MOUND STREET MOUND STREET-- -PACIFI STREET TO MOUNDS BOULEVARD SHORT STREET - -NOUN IS BOULEVARD TO BATES AVENUE URBAN PLACE - -- MOUND- BOULEVARD TO BATES AVENUE WILSHIRE PLACE- - -MiOU DS BOULEVARD TO BATES AVENUE The majority of the existin• street lighting within the project area is on NSP's has old style wo d poles. Mounds Boulevard •etween Plum Street and Bates Avenue lantern lighting. 1 Street Restoration Trench restoration in areas of .corm sewer construction, and restoration on ill I not verlay treatment is proposed for the f •Ilowing streets. This street assessed to the abutting prop •rty owners. EARL STREET -- WAKEFIEL AVENUE TO HUDSON ROAD HUDSON ROAD TO STREET T STREET Ts BATES AVENUE FOREST Landscaping As part of this project, Moun•- Boulevard will special s ; al This will include the addition ,f separated bicy cle and p edestrian paths; , and signing for the Mounds Park . rea; special plantings, r rlook area prairie grass seedings; stop: walls and railing improvements to the over so near Plum Street; and site f rnishings, such a ahe k Mississippi drinking fountains, River on. This landscaping treatm:, nt will also impro ve views of by selectively clearing over -• rown vegetation. DESIGN ISSUES During the design of this pro -ct, Public Works staff will meet with the adjacent Augu t to address the landscaping property owners. The first eeting will be held and amenities plan for Mou •s Boulevard. Also at V will present Public Works' plan for the intersecti•n of Bates Avenue, Clermont Street, and Boulevard, including a chance in the alignment StrefeMbetwee Clermont St re t and possible vacation of one hal block of Mound (granite curb and granite Mounds Boulevard. Two hi- oric features of the area (g manhole cover slabs) will al .o also be discussed at the meeting. In September there will be general information assessments that will be levied for the tn for the project. At this meeting, property owners w II hear about th project, and about the cons ruction schedule. In addition to these meeting -, Parks Division staff will make a presentation s Boo the d arks Commission regarding the provements planned for Mounds Park Public Works and the Park• Division will be working with the State Archaeol gist to prevent any conflicts with ttl Clermont, and Boulevard, especially in th: area of the new alignment at Bates, Mounds Boulevard. In the 's of a conflict nttaike the to insure w follow the archaeologis s directions the dignity of any remains ncovered. Intersection of Bates 'venue,. Clermont Street, and Mounds B d in ouleva Public Works is proposing ° See Attachment 2t) Curger tly Mounds makes the area of this intersectio a sharp reverse curve whe e it passes by Bates an Mounds Boulevard. T do the t will smoothed out to make a s. fer path for vehicles on 3 same area as they now exist if t at is the wish of the majority of the property owners at the first public meeting,to discu.. the project. These cover slabs would be decorative only, not functional. Lighting Proposed lighting changes hav: been noted earlier in this report. Existing lantern lights on Mounds Boulevard fro Plum to Bates will be refurbished. All other streets being fully reconstructed will be lit with a new lantern lighting system in accordance with the City's lighting policy. I ALTERNATES This project is part of a 10 -yea program to separate all the combined sewers in Saint Paul by the end of 1995. To de ete this project would put the City in violation of its National Pollutant Discharge E mination System (NPDES) permit. Violation of this permit's requirements could re•ult in the state of Wisconsin renewing their lawsuit against the City. Even without his legal incentive, to do nothing would be inconsistent with the city's commitment to i prove the quality of existing streets, and to improve water quality and reduce pollu on. POSITIVE BENEFITS With the completion of this pro ect, the area will have completely separated storm and sanitary sewers. This will pre -nt the diversion of sanitary sewage from the area's sewers into the Mississippi Ri ter. In general, surface flooding wi I be reduced. The City design standard calls for the use of a "5 year design storm" to determine storm sewer capacities. This standard designs for no street flooding from a r- nfall event which has a 20% chance of occurring in any given year. Storms of larger agnitude are also considered in the design to check for emergency access issues an. to determine if any major property damage or life threatening situations would occur. If it is determined that any of these situations would occur, the design capa ities are adjusted accordingly. General improvement of the •ublic right -of -way in conjunction with the sewer construction will enhance an• , add quality to the neighborhood. Improving the roadways at the same time a- the sewer construction saves time, money and inconvenience later. Street • ling will be eliminated. Lantern style lighting will enhance neighborhood safet and aesthetics. ADVERSE EFFECTS Normal problems associated with construction such as noise, dust, and general disruption will be present. 5 COST ESTIMATES S -8100 BATES /McLEAN STORM SEWER Construction I $ 3,905,000.00 Engineering $ 722,000.00 Miscellaneous $ 391.000.00 $ 5,018,000.00 P- 8084 BATES /McLEANJ STREET PAVING Construction $1,555,000.00 Engineering $ 318,775.00 g Landscaping $ 488,000.00 � $ 115.500.00 Miscellaneous $ 2,477,275.00 V -8084 BATES /McLEA STREET LIGHTING Construction $ 365,000.00 Engineering $ 67.000.00 $ 432,000.00 PROJECT TOTAL $ 7,927,275.00 ESTIMATED FINANCING S -8100 BATES /McLEA STORM SEWER Sewer Revenue :onds $ 2,509,000.00 Stale Grants $ 2.509.000.00 $ 5,018,000.00 P -8084 BATES /McLEA STREET PAVING CIB 1995 $ 1,580,909.00 Sewer Revenue Bonds $ 461,297.00 Assessments $ 435.069.00 $ 2,477,275.00 V -8084 B ATES/McLE •'N STREET LIGHTING CIB 1995 $ 344,000.00 Assessments 1 $ 88.000.00. $ 432,000.00 PROJECT TOTAL $ 7,927,275.00 7 I I t•s' t I F 1--4 7-••- k:-• - ,, , .r.i i%iff..- %...,:•••0; .;.„ \_-.1 —_.)• cr ' • 1. , ---..„._ ,..-t-4...,,_.--;-_,.....: \-, . g i *osc7 ` FREMONT AVE. . ,--:..:•:-s:..kt...,"e„k-VF.-7:7-4-.:-.,. :::•• j : 4:-',..- . s 'c • 'et' I .ct t c z J•1_...--- - ..r.f.,-'` 47", s.... ‘t . . 1 A , cd,1 I-• t .'-t• ‘1„, .s..V.e.:.•FIC.-S1-x....fA--.. ok 0 .. -. 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